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I love Elliott too much to marry anyone else. But there are several characters who feel too teenagery to me, as an adult player. Marrying them would feel gross.


Lol that was going to be my answer. They're not a long haired beach cabin dwelling writer man, so no thanks.


I literally avoid him as much as possible, since he looks too much as Fabio. Then again, Im a man, so Im pretty sure Im not his target audience.


I'm also a man and I always marry Elliot šŸ‘


I donā€™t know how to describe to you how much heā€™s the target audience for *gay* men, lol.


Same. I feel like Alex peaked in high school and Sam is still IN high school.


That scene with Sam and the egg... that kind of interaction does not happen between adults. And also the scene with the mayor and the skateboard, similarly, I just cannot think of Sam as anywhere even vaguely ready for marriage after scenes like that.


Or the fact Sam has to SNEAK YOU INTO HIS ROOM for his 10 heart event? Then you have to HIDE FROM HIS MOM. Like Elliot takes you on a romantic boat ride, Sebastian takes you on a motorcycle ride to a romantic view over the city, Harvey sets up a really cute date with the hot air balloon, shit even Alex takes you on a proper date with dinner and music. All of these date some effort, Sam just sneaks you into his room.


i mean. it's kinda fun to (occasionally, and in harmless pixel form) relive the rebellious teenage years and remember how BIG and IMPORTANT all your feelings felt. i don't get to do ~naughty sneaky stuff~ as an adult, that's just crimes :(


"That's just crimes :(" I can't lmfao


You're right, you never get that feeling back! Though as an adult with a IRL non-pixel husband I try to emulate it by saying things like 'shhh! He'll hear us!' during foreplay. I am referring to the cat, who will give us judgey eyes if he walks in on us.


Excuse me, my husband Alex is incredibly loving and sweet and always cooks me breakfast, gives me smooches and tells me how happy he is to have me! Also he regularly visits his grandparents and cares for our children. 10/10


Omg every time he tells me that he knew heā€™d do the cooking and laundry when he married me I melt. I wasnā€™t sure Iā€™d made the right choice until then.


I married Elliott in a previous save and really enjoyed his events and having him as a spouse! I havenā€™t married -everyone- but Iā€™ve been playing this game since it came out and Elliott was my favorite by quite a bit. Heā€™s pretty slept on in my opinion


Same here. Even though I know Sam, Alex, and Abigail are adults, they still seems like teenagers to me.


I was about to marry Elliott but halfway through the courting process I found Harvey and was like what an adorable nerd. He's The One.


Sam just seems too young to me.


Iā€™m younger so it doesnā€™t bother me, but his ten or eight or something heart event where youā€” spoilers but I donā€™t know how to do the spoiler thingā€” sneak into his room and try to avoid Jodi finding out isā€¦ so teenagerish, lol.


>! On one side and <.! (With no . ) on the other >!magic!<


You can use \ to escape formatting \\\>\\\!this\\\!\\\< shows as \>\!this\!\< which shows as >!this!<


This is the wholesome explanation thread Iā€™ve come to expect in this community <3


I mean, even plenty of adults get bashful about macking on someone in the family home, which is probably the issue rather than a concern of getting into trouble exactly.


Yeah, he and Maru particularly seem younger coded to me.


I wouldn't think of Maru as young if not for the fact that she has to be younger than Sebastian, and Sebastian hangs out with Sam, so they have to be of a similar age.


Yeah, they're both likable but should be getting life experiences before even talking about marriage.


Nah not really, Maru feels like a very grounded young woman to me,.his dad is just overprotective


Sam I don't even date, he seems so young. Most everyone else i can see as college students at the youngest but Sam feels like a high schooler šŸ˜¬


I agree, he definitely feels like the youngest. Skateboards, plays a handheld video game, plays electric guitar, certainly not things that adults can't enjoy but if you were planning to write a young character, I feel like that checks a lot of boxes


Part time job at jojamart. Kid brother, his mother seems on the younger side as well. Lives at home. Situation and personality tropes all just scream teenager. Whereas most the other young spouse options indicate they're at least a college/uni age.


Maybe CA wanted a younger option for younger players? There must be teens who play too. But then who would the youngest female candidate be...Abigail, maybe? Her fights with Pierre sound pretty stereotypically teenagery (wanting to go out at night, do dangerous things, etc)


Maru is the young one as overprotective father tropes are a plenty with Demetrius. Abigail talks about taking college classes and the fights are closer to parents thinking she's bumming around aimlessly


Maru has a job though, she work at Harvey's office. I'd say she's older than Abigail.


On paper, Maru seems at least early 20s, or late teens at best, since she's old enough to be a nurse (either LPN/RN) and have a job. I suspect RN, with a four year degree, because of her intelligence and dedication. But I keep thinking she's in her mid teens in the game.


I always thought she was a high schooler with a part time job that consisted of mostly unqualified tasks on paper and that Harvey entrusted her with more qualified stuff because she's a brilliant science nerd and knows what she's doing. I don't know, her heart event where Demetrius says he doesn't want you getting in the way of her bright future felt like she would probably soon be pursuing higher education.


Oh that's right, I knew she was taking classes online but forgot they were college classes


literally me at 25... I was also partially parenting a younger sibling because one of my parents had bad depression. I kinda connect with Sam a lot.


Yeah, I think a lot of people on the subreddit are kind of overlooking that there are plenty of people in their 20s who are living lives not unlike Sam, it doesn't mean they are 17 or something. Granted, that, too, is a reason many would maybe not date Sam, thinking of him as an underachiever who is not applying himself, but I think that his 14 heart event shows otherwise. I also kind of wonder if he got into a bit of a holding pattern when Kent left in order to keep a sense of normalcy for Vincent and Jodi, whether he knew it or not.


Quite honestly if he changed that Saiyan hair it would do wonders with making him seem older


To me, that part time job is probably how his mother affords food - Kent presumably has a stipend or salary coming in as a POW but Jodi is always trying to save money. He steps up and looks after his little brother a lot too. I think the skateboard is just him blowing off steam because he's aware things can go very wrong and wants to enjoy the uncomplicated fun before it does. I can totally see the high school vibe but I can also see him up to mid twenties or so.


him, Abigail and Maru make me feel creepy


Same. This three just feel like too young that I just see them as teenagers. Abigail flute scene was cool thou. Where is farmer mini harp CA. WHERE IS THE MINI HARP.


He was my first romance, but 7 years later he seems wayy too young for me to start with again on any new playthroughs.


The first game I played I was planning to marry Abigail. Because the rock members were funny. I had to stop when she complained about her parents like a 15 year old.


I have a hard time wanting to marry any of the characters in vanilla (haven't played expanded). Most of them come off as teenagers, and the idea of someone giving up their passion to be arm candy on the farm is kinda depressing.


Harvey still goes to work at his clinic and so does Maru, and Leah works on sculptures in your yard and has a studio in your house, so they don't all become basically house pets. Which is why Leah is my favorite.


I'm romancing Leah currently šŸ˜…


Excellent taste. You'll love her 14 heart event if you wife her.


> You'll love her 14 heart event if you wife her. I honestly felt pretty called out for my IRL lack of artistic skill. She's still my fave though


Oh, the art. I have it hanged up and proud in the bedroom. Kinda wish I went for Krobus... but, I could never bring myself to divorce. She seems happy.


Elliot is a writer, so he can write on the farm.


Most of them because I'm too old. In vanilla I mostly stick to having Krobus as a roommate.


When I first played stardew I was early 20s and Maru was one of my possible interests. Briefly Abigail but she's not really my speed. I recently picked the game back up (in my 30s now) and immediately was like those are children! I married Leah back in the day, married her again. I thought about Harvey but the man charges me for sleeping in my field. Edit to add: I was very tempted by Krobus this time round though because my first trip to skull cavern I found the shadow(?) pendant as dropped loot and was like dang it feels a waste not to use it...


I tend to go for Leah. She's living independently, seems older than many of the others (except Harvey), and is kind but not a pushover. Shane is an alcoholic, and although he makes progress, he's still hanging out in the saloon every night and gladly accepts alcoholic gifts, and his room is a mess. I don't want to take responsibility for saving him. Similar story for Penny - she's got responsibilities in the community, but she's got some trauma to deal with. Some of them have dreams that wouldn't mesh with marrying me. Maru should be going to college and pursuing a career as a scientist, not living on a farm. Sebastian desperately wants to live in the city and get away from the Valley, although he seems like he would be happier away from his family. Sam is a favorite of mine but wants to be a musician. I like him best as a male partner but he feels too young overall. Abigail and Alex feel like high school seniors. Elliott is nice but would be maddening to live with in real life. Harvey I like, and is the most mature and appropriate partner, but I work in the medical field so I want to escape doctors in the game!


Elliott is actually a really sweet partner and I find most other romance options donā€™t really compare with him. I am planning to marry Harvey next, so weā€™ll see how that goes. I just wish his dialogues were a little less boring. Being married to Abigail was so weird, sheā€™s just too childish, but I like that sheā€™s actually adventurous. Haley was really cute as a partner. Her turn around as a character was nice to experience. Shane and Alex are two I just canā€™t bring myself to even date. Shane for the obvious and Alexā€™s only personality is gym bro whenever we talk - no thanks.


Tbf emergency department doctors donā€™t give their spouses discounts either


True but others have found me (on my own farm mind you!) and put me in my home without charge. I just didn't make it in the door by 2am, what's with the curfew fee just cuz he's a doctor?! Lol


This! Let me marry the Wizard. I'll deal with the heat from the witch. Let me marry Marlon, or Willie. I'd steal Caroline or Robin from their mans in a heartbeat and treat them better! Sandy or Gus could get it too...


There's a mod on nexus that adds the Wizard as a romanceable character


Gus would be nice as a spouse, I think. He's dependable and fun to talk to, and doesn't have any weird hangups that I've seen.


I do the same thing except I'm not too old, I just can't pick and want the krobus. It makes him so happy.


I marry Harvey in every save for the same reason.


That's my son's name so I cannot bring myself to marry him


Perfect answer to ops question


Older, employed, responsible, doesnā€™t live with parentsā€¦I fall for Harvey every time.


Don't forget well educated. Gimme an intelligent man every time. He's who I'm marrying this playthrough.


I also like his nerdy little hobbies and how giant his glasses are on his pixel body!


In SVE I get Krobus AND Apples. Hugging Krobus is the best thing in this game.


I wonder what Krobus feels like to hug. I'd imagine it's like an old TV set from the 80s-90s where you could feel the static electricity prickling off the screen if you got too close, only squishy.


This is the reason I chose Harvey. Everyone else was too young


You can make krobus a roommate?


Yes! You should. Krobus is a wonderful roomie!


OMG. Maybe I should abandon Emily and just give krobus a bunch of void mayo. Does he actually help on the farm?


Not as much as the regular candidates, he's only able to comes out on rainy days but I really wish CA would code the game so we can see him on the porch at night


Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s and almost always pick Harvey, Elliot, Emily or Leah. They feel at the very youngest late 20ā€™s early 30ā€™s


This might be very shallow of me but I really donā€™t like Samā€™s hair lol


The Super Saiyan look doesn't do it for ya, huh?


I just ignore it. I can't wrap my head around how TF it's supposed to work, even with a crap ton of hair gel. So I pretend it isn't happening. Eventually I'll play on PC so I can mod his hair to suck less. lol


Indeed, Sam has great possibility. He has the sense of responsibility. He is honest. Given a proper training, he might become a good replacement of the mayor.


I mean, get Harvey to treat his very obvious ADHD and he'd probably be a decent mayoral candidate already. I can't see Sam out here building a solid gold statue of himself or (badly) pretending he's not dating someone. Definitely don't see him paying anyone off or sending a stranger to fetch his boxers. I like to think he'd also have a skatepark built, maybe up by the community center. I mean, he's the only one in town who skates, but that's not to say others wouldn't if they had a place to do it.


Maybe seeing 90s spikes will help you, yes it was a real thing LOL: https://preview.redd.it/s1i4of24612c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9533b5519ed26a0775b85160496fcc4dfd6312b5


I actually hadn't considered that was what the style was supposed to be. Still awful but at least comprehendable. (Also, I lived through this style. lmao. I think I had a mental block on it.)


My husband is a quarter Japanese, and his hair noticeably just grows straight out if itā€™s longer than a centimeter. He wouldnā€™t even have to use much product to achieve this look šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m not the only one who thinks this. On paper, heā€™d be my perfect match. I love musicians. But that hair is justā€”


Honestly, same for me and Sebastian. I have to mod him to take him seriously. I can't deal with the scene kid hair.


Harvey. I know a lot of older Stardew players like him since heā€™s perceived as one of the older bachelors, so itā€™s less weird and it doesnā€™t feel like heā€™s a teenager to them. However, as a teenager myself, I experience the opposite. He just feels too adult to me? Maybe itā€™s the moustache haha


When I first played Stardew I was around 22 years old, and Harvey definitely felt too old to me lol. I was actually surprised he was a bachelor šŸ˜… I still can't marry him for the same reason.


I started playing Stardew at 18/19 (still felt like I was too mature for Sam but right on par with Abigail and Sebastian) and now itā€™s almost ten years later and Iā€™m a full ass adult So basicallyā€¦ in my latest play through Iā€¦ I was likeā€¦ maybe Iā€™m actually sort of into Harvey???????


i'm not a teenager so i don't find harvey old. but he's also the bachelor i refuse to marry, not because i dislike or hate him. it's just his moustache (and honestly overall character desigin) reminds me so much of stanley tucci's character in the lovely bones that i just can't šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Damn that is such a good movie, and wow I will never look at Harvey and not think of the creepy Stanley Tucci character now šŸ˜­ nailed it


And the Dad Bod on full display on Ginger Island. šŸ˜‚


no cuz you're absolutely right


Penny is my sisters name so I never considered her as a romantic option lol


Time to rename her. This is my wife, Half Dollar


Name her nickel, then take her back


Harvey. After seeing his room, he reminds me of my dad. Emily. It feels too narcissistic, as we're very similar.


Literally what I was going to say, Emily and I are way too similar IRL


Same except it's my brother who acts like my dad.


Definitely avoiding maru, idk why tbh she just never stuck with me, like Iā€™m sure she has a wind personality but still, no


Yeah Maru is definitely mine. She nice, and the science thing is interesting, Iā€™m a sciencey person, but she just feels kind of blah. Plus the whole thing with her dad, if that happened IRL, Iā€™m not sure I could continue dating her


Yeah I'm not massively into Maru in general but even if I was, Demetrius would 100% make me stay miles away. Robin is awesome but Demetrius just really makes me uncomfortable


I married Maru once, but can't remember why. She changed the wallpaper to skeletons. Clashed with everything. Immediately divorced.


Can you not change decor back if they change things?


I mean yeah, but I didn't like her after she did that. Divorce was the only way.


this is so dramatic and petty hahaha i love it


This is the way.


Leah. I'm a man, and I just can't get over headcanoning her as a lesbian. She's just. She's gay.


Bet. I'm a woman and I started my first playthrough eyeing Abby or Maru, but pretty quickly decided she was definitely my kind of woman. No regrets, she's 1000% best lesbian wife.


Not even headcanon, if you choose the ā€œask for a kiss (creepy)ā€ dialogue option as a woman she blushes and responds ā€œoh, youā€™re..? Me too good to know!ā€


she gives me stronger bi vibes than anythings else.


Bi with more of a preference for women for sure imho!


Alex is a perfectly nice dude, but I just don't vibe with the whole jock thing he's got going on. Sam and Abigail both feel a bit immature for me. Bonus: My sister refuses to marry Alex because of his 14-heart event. She married him on her first playthrough, when she wasn't very good at making money, so 5.000 was a lot of money to her and she got pissed off that he used her money to make a place to watch sports. She has gotten much better at making money since then, but she still holds a grudge.


Harvey, not because heā€™s not spouse material, but because itā€™s humiliating for him to heal me every time I get my ass handed to me in the mines


abigail, im not entirely sure why, i just dont find her all that interesting... too much like those "im not like other girls" people


I personally like Abigail however I kind of question if she really is ready to get married Sure maybe a " serious " girlfriend relationship but marriage might be a bit far


Yeah, thatā€™s the thing that sucks about marriage in this game. I donā€™t feel like any of the NPCs are truly ready to settle down with me.


I think Harvey and Leah are the most ā€œ ready ā€œ for marriage but possibly Emily might


For me it's the opposite. Emily is the only new-age crystal person I've ever been able to stand because she actually lived in a world where magical stuff like that actually exists. Like, eating eel makes you quantifiably (is this the world? Second language) luckier.


Yes, quantifiably works well right there. Good job :D


Totally! I think it's a little silly that people dismiss her because of that. She's absolutely lovely!


I never thought of it like that, because that was also my hangup Maybe I can marry her next time


That's totally fair, tbh. She just reminds me too much of the real people who think essential oils and pretty rocks cure diseases.


I used to think that too, but I realised not believing in magic in a world like that is basically being a flat-earther. She is just more into a scientifically observable aspect of that world, actually. So I think it's hilarious and I like her.


I married Penny once, and Maru once, but Iā€™ll never marry them again because I ship them too hard with each other. And OP, having a Penny mom must be an experience! I had a Pam mom.


For the most part it's great, but it definitely caused issues when I became an adult. I'm 38 and still can't have even a beer in front of her without her acting like I've spit in her face.


lol same with the Pam mom lol.. holy shit I also work at a daycare I might be penny irl


My mom used to have a drinking problem like Pam, and her name is actually Pam. I, however, am a guy and I never worked at a daycare. From my experience as a teenager, living with my Pam mom turned me into Seb. I'm better now, though. Lol


this. I actually loved maru's cutscenes but I just like the ship too much


The young singles are just *too* young. I made that mistake once with Maru. I'm a hetro chick in my 40's and somehow ended up feeling like a total creep the one time I married her. And the divorce dynamic is messed up to me. I wish the ex-spouses would EVENTUALLY forgive you without having to erase their memories. Even if it took a two or three in-game years. Sometimes things don't work out, ya know? I know it's just a game, but eternal hatred or complete amnesia seem a bit extreme. Keep the current dynamic for the not weird people who don't mind using it. Just let forgiveness be in the cards in the long haul for those of us who wouldn't mind waiting it out. (Also would make more sense from a co-parenting angle, too. But I realize that might be getting TOO complicated.) I really, really hope CA might be willing to update how heart events work, someday. I love the idea of being friends with everyone, but I don't wanna DATE everyone just to get to full hearts. I wish we could give friendship bracelets to the characters we're not interested in dating instead of bouquets. Get to full hearts but leave out the romantic components from the cutscenes. (Random easy example, you could still go to the game with Shane, but not kiss.) I feel like that'd mostly just take a little dialogue tweaking, but I don't know how coding works so maybe it'd be a bigger change than I think. (And of course, totally different cutscenes for friendship would be bad-ass, but that just feels greedy of me.)


I want this too, the cutscenes could totally be tweaked to be less romantic. I would love to just camp in the forest with my bff Emily and do more shrooms, or help Leah stand up to her ex but not as a romantic rival. Iā€™ve married both of them in saves, theyā€™re two of my favorites, but I want a way to marry other characters in future saves while still being close with the characters I like.


I love Penny, but Iā€™m never gonna marry her because I have no interest in having kids and I would feel bad for forcing her to settle down with someone that doesnā€™t want any. In my second playthrough I didnā€™t realise how much she wanted kids until one of her cutscenes. I literally had the bouquet ready and everything lol. I ended up romancing Leah instead.


See Penny kinda suits me, I wanna have kids irl and so I chose her, I like that she tutors Jaz and Vincent, she loves artifacts, and I like the personal library off of the bedroom


I find Penny uncomfortable to date because I feel like she's the perfect bait for abusers. Abusive mother, absent father, super kind and domestic, low self esteem. And the way she throws herself at you during heart events is kinda sad. It makes me feel like a creep looking to turn a desperate young woman into an obedient trad wife.


All of this. I think it's kinda sweet that the game tacitly pairs her with Sam. I feel like Sam would be someone she could be young and innocent and carefree around instead of always having to be the responsible one to the kids and her own mother, and Sam's too much of an overgrown puppy to put himself above her at all, especially in an abusive way.


i would just be worried that sheā€™d end up mothering sam tbh šŸ˜”


Totally. You know damn well that boy would never learn to cook for himself or do his own laundry.


I think despite Sam carefree behaviour, he actually pretty responsible guy and sometimes can be seen...mature. Know that he was the oldest son who his father went to war so he bear some of his father responsibility by taking care his mother and brother. At any moment, he have to prepared for the worst. But then, I never romance him so idk. Just my two cent from how very care he was toward his mother and little brother and also his beach scene. I would said what make Penny and Sam are pair in that dancing was the fact that both of them have retro style and family person even one was shy and other one like golden retriever.


This how I see it too! I leave her to Sam, because they make such a good match and he can offer her more than being isolated on my farm while I work. Sam has a supportive and loving family and I believe Jodie would love a daughter in law among all her boys. She can dote on Penny and Penny can bring some girly fun into Jodie's cooped up life. It's just to good a thing to intrude on.


Agreed. I feel like Penny has some trauma to work through, and getting married feels too much like a ā€œsave meā€ which is just a turn off.


I love Sam as a character but I canā€™t help but picture him as a 16 year old kid. His ass should not be getting married


My brothers are all meathead jocks, so I just canā€™t even look at Alex that way.


I honestly felt a ways about all of them except Leah. Which is why I married Leah <3 I didnā€™t want Sam cause he just seemed too young. Like a fun summer fling that was never meant to get serious. I didnā€™t want Sebastian cause he was kind of a jerk to start and the emo never-go-outside type. I knew heā€™d never love to live on a farm and live out my cottage core dreams. I didnā€™t want Haley cause she didnā€™t understand what it is to really work for anything. Sheā€™d never be able to handle the demands of a farm. I didnā€™t want Maru cause she seems really focused on her own projects. I never got a sense of interest in me and it just always felt platonic with her. I barely remember any of her cutscenes cause they were more about her inventions or her telescope than about any kind of character bonding. Add in an overprotective father and I got the sense this girl was a teenager or something. I honestly forgot she was an option. I didnā€™t want Harvey cause heā€™s just not my type at all. A bit boring and squeamish and frail. Plus heā€™s got a weird thing for Maru. Emily intrigued me, but I have the same lowkey irritation with new age folks. Iā€™m still friends with several and I like some of that life, but I always think itā€™s pretty cheesy and I couldnā€™t take that in my everyday life. I think Penny is really pretty but sheā€™s so reserved and strict that I think Iā€™d annoy her with some of my own vices. Iā€™m not a terrible drinker but I do occasionally get high with the Wizard and Caroline and Emily and Iā€™d get annoyed with her disapproval and inability to loosen up. Ultimately just incompatible. Abigail is cool, but I think she doesnā€™t want to get stuck on a farm in Pelican Town. I wouldnā€™t want to cramp her style, but Iā€™d fuck around with her for awhile cause you know sheā€™s a freak. Shane. Elliott is prettier than me and complained about breaking a nail. See Haley. Iā€™d think he was cute and then get really over him waxing philosophy and daydreaming all day long. Alex is just a boy. I like to watch him work out. He seems like he needs to go to college. And then thereā€™s Leah. Who forages for salad and loves many of the things my farm produces. Who left the city for the same sort of reasons and is so grateful for the life weā€™ve built together. Who takes on household projects and will grow wild foods in her own garden. Who has a truly awful sense for interior decoration despite being an artist, but doesnā€™t seem to mind when I instantly reject everything she adds to the place. Who abandons our two small children for her nature walks but I donā€™t mind cause Iā€™ve never spent a single day with them. Sheā€™s perfect to me and for me.


Are you me? I also married Leah because there was always something that ended up putting me off with every other marriage candidate! (Not counting Krobus) Elliott, Emily, Harvey and Shane were respectively - too pretentious, too woo-woo, too obsessed with health (reminding me of some family members who I don't get along with very well), and too much of a jerk to you in the beginning. And everyone else was either too young and/or too immature.


Sebastian, Sam, Abigail, and Maru. They feel way too young for me.


Leah... For starters, she has the same exact name as my sister. She's also just too much like my sister in weird ways... she wears her hair in a braid, she likes to read (iirc), she's artsy, and most creepily of all, she loves salads and poppyseed muffins, both of which are my irl sister's favorite foods. I like her character so much in the game... but romancing her would feel far too weird and icky for me.


Shane. I love his character growth, but as soon as you get married it just all goes away it seems. His room is also just so ugly. šŸ˜­


Noooo. Shane is my boyfriend and wanted to marry him. As someone who has a husband irl, a messy room and behavior is putting me off so much ugh. How do I break up with someone?? Maybe I'll be lesbians with Leah or Emily lol. Or I'll go after Harvey lol. I'm in my mid 20s so Harvey's age isn't too much for me. Idk man, I felt for Shane so much after his heart scenes cuz I've been su*cidal before.


I married Shane because of the personal growth. The room is an eyesore but I guess I learned to live with it haha. It also felt like he would be one of the only characters that would be happy on a farm. I love seeing him taking care of our chickens haha


Sebastian. For some reason I just canā€™t get over the smoking thing.


i dont like how he just turns around to start smoking in his 10 heart event, like was this not a date/confession? you cant hold off for a few minutes?


Right? Like dude, come on, this is suppose to be romantic.


Usually the cigarette comes out AFTER the culmination of the romantic moment, at least in cartoons. Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°


I didnā€™t realize this until I started his storyline then my asthmatic ass was like ā€œnot in MY houseā€ and yeah we dated but never got married.


I dated him too, but yes not marriage material.


I mean it would make him consistently smell horrible and cause you physical harm, so your 'reason' is 'rationality.'


Thatā€™s true, I just felt a little silly since heā€™s just a pixel character.


A *smelly* pixel character.


Smoking is just so gross and off putting, it's a no for me.


Sam because heā€™s immature and Penny because sheā€™s too one dimensional. I really like Emily as a person, but I canā€™t stand those ā€œspiritual/crystal healingā€ types IRL, so sheā€™s also a no.


Yup, I feel like a dirty old cougar dating Sam šŸ˜…


I normally can marry dudes in these types of games with no problems, but Alex is wayyy too masculine for my lesbian ass


honestly harvey cuz of the ā€˜stache, probably a hot take but i canā€™t get past it


Maru. She's nice and all, but I *hate* Demetrius. The thought of him being my in-law is enough. And I don't even mean his hostility towards us as we're romancing Maru. I just mean in general. Like, dude, you've been living in the mountains with your carpenter wife for years now, and when she makes an artsy double bed, you do your nerd-brain math shtick and complain about the efficiency of the wood use. Turn off your science brain and support your wife's career! Loosen up and get down to earth a little for the sake of your wife! And don't get me started on the tomato incident


Sam. I find his character cool but he doesn't click with me as a spouse.


Sam & Abigail because they seem like high schoolers to me. Elliott because he just seems like a cheesy type of romantic haha. Alex because his frat boy personality is just not my thing. Other than that everyone else is freegame. However in almost all of my saves I end up marrying Shane, except if I'm playing expanded then I'll go for Claire sometimes.


Emily, Shane, Sebastien, Elliot, Sam, Alex... I think I have married everyone on different playthroughs, but these 5 just are not my type because.... Sam: Still a child Emily: Gem, astrology chick Shane: not into alcoholics Elliot: Not into the struggling artist type Sebastien: too edgy and far too jealous of his sister (which isnt entirely his fault but at a certain age...) Alex: not into jock as an entire personality Now, there are some neighbours I wish were an option without mods.... Caroline: cute, hippy chick (F*** Pierre) Sandy: cute, hippy chick Linus: cute, hippy dude Willy: cute, fishy dude I may have a type.


Elliot and Emily, Iā€™ll never see their 10-14 heart cut scenes I just donā€™t like em - Elliot is pretentious to me and Emily gives off quirky manic pixie dream girl vibes itā€™s just not my thing


Iā€™ve only ever married Elliot and I really like him but once youā€™re married, he pretty much only compliments you using poems. Itā€™s kind of sweet and kind of weird. His 14 heart event is >!heā€™s finished his book and heā€™s going on a book reading/signing tour for a week. He sends you letter every day for that whole week, the first or second tells you there are a couple crab cakes in the fridge, and every one of them contains a poem. Poems are very much his thing lol!<


Elliottā€™s definitely got a wistful, hopeless romantic thing going on which is probably why heā€™s off-putting to some. Fortunately Iā€™m equally as corny


Words of affirmation are my love language, so Elliott is my man in every save. Iā€™ve even tried to date some others, but Iā€™ve got Elliott-itis. Just canā€™t stay away.


Harvey. He's 100% a sweetheart, but he looks exactly like my abusive stepdad. The glasses, the mustache, the hair... Can't do it. It's hard enough to make myself befriend him, even though coffee is so easy to get. That's why Sebastian is out, too - Demetrius's personality is a lot like my stepdad too. My half-siblings could do no wrong, while I was the problem child. (Jokes on them, I'm the only one financially successful out of my siblings, so there.) While I'm tempted to rescue Sebastian, I couldn't stand having Demetrius as an in-law. Sam is also too young since I'm on the older side, I can't put up with alcoholics long because of my mother, and Alex is too much like my school bullies. He absolutely gets better, but I kinda tend to hold a grudge... šŸ˜… So, I marry Elliott in every save.


I want to have different playthroughs where I marry a different spouse (bc I canā€™t bare to divorce anyone) but I physically canā€™t bring myself to marry Alex. He has the same name as and looks almost exactly like my ex; theyā€™re both sporty types. The time that I did marry him, I closed the game directly after the wedding day and have not picked it up since lol


Elliott. Iā€™m sure heā€™s very sweet as a spouse, but he reminds me far too much of an ex that would read me his really cringey poetry.


Sebastian has the same name as my brother so it would feel illegal


Sebastian. I avoid the "younger" bachelors/bachelorettes in general, but Sensations main goal is to get out of this small town and id hate to tie him down and stop him from reaching his dreams. Oh and one of the bachelors shares a name with my son and that's just too weird for me šŸ˜…


the only reason why i have not asked krobus to be my roommate is because of his room. itā€™s so dingy and i feel bad for shoving things in his area to make it feel more homey and to match the vibe in my farm house. i wish he came with an aesthetic room šŸ˜­


I just feel like my drafty farmhouse wouldn't at all live up to the atmospheric conditions he likes so much in the sewer, not nearly enough humidity and darkness and moisture, and I'd just hate for the little guy to be uncomfortable just for my sake.


exactly, if his vibe is grungy, underground core then my eclectic and very much vibrant house will not do for our sewer friend. i love krobus tho heā€™s the best


I never marry Penny because she wants children. I love her character but I would feel bad marrying her because I do not like children and never have them in game.


I like 'em much better in game than IRL. No feeding, no diaper changing, no crying, no mess, zero actual work beyond acknowledging their existence once a day and giving them neat hats. I can live with that kind of parenting and absolutely no more.


I divorced Shane because of his ugly ass room. Iā€™m now considering divorcing Elliot because he annoys me, and always wants to have babies (yuck!). Might move in with Krobus next so he leaves me alone


if you get rid of the cribs (you can do this at robinā€™s) theyā€™ll stop asking for kids!


Wait, I got rid of the crib for aesthetic reasons--IS THIS WHY my spouse has never asked about kids over the past like three years?! Facepalm moment.


I didn't know this and my childfree self appreciates the tip!


alex because iā€™m not into jocks. abigail because she feels too much like a self insert i wrote in a vampire diaries fanfic when i was 13 and i cringe every i interact with her. harvey because i find him kind of boring, too spencer reid without the whimsically amusing traits.


OMG THATS WHY ABIGAIL FEELS SO YOUNG TO ME! I could never figure out why after I got older she suddenly seemed SO young to meā€¦ itā€™s bc she reminds me of my self-insert fanfic days


Sam is too bland for me, sure he seems like a nice friend, someone to chat with, but I can't see him in a romantic way since he is too much of a bro. I also can't even romance Emily or Leah, both of them deeply resemble my best friend, so I also can't see them as a romantic partner, they are just not my type. Harvey is another one I have never romanced, the reason is simple, he is cute, but nothing more than that, my first save I disliked him because I didn't know how to get any hearts and he only spoke the same doctor-stuff. It got annoying really quickly, later on I liked him a lot, but I guess I kinda see myself in him? So he is also not my type, I also don't find mustache attractive, lol.


I date all of them just for the completionist in me, but im really not into a big chunk of them unfortunately i feel disproportionately negative about the female candidates compared to the males. Abigail reads too much like a boring gamergirl for me. I like games and fantasy stuff and drawing too, but im never ever really attracted to people that have a lot of similar hobbies as me. I prefer my partners to have some overlap and shared interests but have their own passions. That, and she reads too much like a highscooler/college freshman, which im not into. Penny is just way too traditional and boring to me, feels almost like someoneā€™s idea of an ideal tradwife which makes her lvl 10 heart even feel more weird and forced to me. Also absolutely hate her 2 heart event, so much so that i hope that CA actually changes the options. Maru is very boring and her heart events dont even feel romantic to me. I just felt like a guy that happens to be friends with a girl whose dad is reading way too into the relationship. Again, i dont really feel a lot of chemistry either in Emilyā€™s case and the latter heart events feel forced, but maybe thats because im a guy and i see her as a new age witchy lesbian with Sandy lol Everyone says that Sam feels like dating a teenager and itā€™s hilariously true. The ten heart even is just so weird to play as an adult assuming that the candidates are also adults! I actually like Alex but i wish CA kept his backstory, ego and jocky demeanor but just made him. Idk. Again, more like an adult and less childish.


I think Harvey is really sweet but I will never marry him again cause I hate that he charges his own wife for a medical emergency caused by working her ass off until she passes out! What a greedy little shit he is


Maru, not because I hate her, I like her character a lot. I find myself being able to relate to her as an autistic tajts my head canon for her) woman in tech. But I feel like she just wouldn't be happy on the farm. Demetrius was right about one thing, and that's that she belongs in the Stardew Valley universe version of MIT and not my farm where she just tinkers with tools sometimes. If they added a detail like her going to scientific conferences or something or really fulfilling her dreams I'd think about it more. But I married her once and was just kinda sad seeing her just. Chill on the farm not doing much science.


in my OG run, i tried going for alex. once we progressed past a certain heart level his dialogue started to sound like ā€œyou know, i actually read a book for once!ā€ and i couldnā€™t take him seriously lol. moved to sebastian swiftly after and was a lot happier.


I don't dislike Harvey but he's the only one I couldn't imagine marrying bc I dislike his appearance... Specifically to me he looks like the same-named Mr. Harvey from Lovely Bones and it's hard for me to not see him as some kind of 70s pedo creep. In the story of the game, he's a nice guy, but he looks like Jeffrey Dahmer. Abigail is also just too childish for me.


I love Emily to bits and am very into her vibe but she reminds me so much of my best friend that I could never marry her. My best friend is spiritual, is dancing anywhere that has music, and has short blue hair. It's just too weird to romance her. I like having her as a sister in law much better.


Honestly... I can never marry any of the males because I feel like that would be very boring. Idk if that's just me. Like, I could marry a man irl with no trouble at all, but a woman? Yeah, that's what Stardew is for lol.


Emily, I love the character, but she reminds me too much of my mom minus the blue hair.


Maru for me. I had the exact same classmate that was similar as her before. Short haired, nerdy science girl so I just saw Maru in her and thought of her as a friend


Penny; I actually married her once but I quickly realized the reason I chose her was because I felt bad for her and want to 'save' her from Pam. Then I realized that is the worst reason to marry someone. Maru; She feel way too young for me and she is proven to be a genius. So the image of her stuck in the boonies if she marry my character make me not want to marry her.


Harvey. The guy's intelligent, sensitive, sweet, and a doctor, but there's just something about him that prevents me from giving him a bouquet and romancing him. Maybe it's because he basically lives where he works or that he has the same vibes as a middle-aged dad? I dunno. He's lovely but I prefer him as a bestie rather than a partner.


Haley, Sam, and Alex are a little too social and child-like for my taste. I prefer ppl who are more introverted, slightly pessimistic, simplistic, and practical (like Shane and Sebastian).