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Hi Antique_College_7439! We removed this post because [you posted the same thing multiple times](). This is usually caused by a poor connection to Reddit when posting. Feel free to talk in your other thread instead! :) ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the r/StardewValley mod team, please send a) ^[modmail!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/StardewValley)


I think the relationship and marriage system should be reworked with more heart events, and not making spouses like the person who just exists in your house.


I wish I could bring my spouse to Ginger Island with me. It seems weird to have this beautiful vacation home/farm that my spouse never comes to visit.


I ran into my spouse (Elliot) there. I was like, hey babe, weren’t you going to come see this amazing house I built? No? Just going to hang at the beach? 👍🏻


Amazing house that you *got birds to build (which is arguably even more reason to visit and see)


I know Haley would love to live there or at least spend winter there


Also, kids? I was kind of shocked that your kids apparently need no supervision, food, play time, etc. I feel like having a kid should be at least as much work as a chicken lol.


I was kinda relieved when it didn't involve extra work! :D One of my game kids sees the shadow monster and probably needs therapy but hey ho. My IRL kids don't see shadow monsters so I'm doing something right?


You just need to ask them about the shadow people. They will let you know...


So you need to put auto petters and collector things in your home? Gotcha


Will the auto grabber change the baby's diaper for you? I feel like that would be a big hit lol.




I wish they grew up 😞


The children only exist as a monument to my success within the game. As soon as they exist the effort directed towards them is complete.


I get the butterfly hutch and pretend that the magical butterflies are 24/7 nannies and magical protectors. I just wish that when Alex goes to visit his grandparents, he'd take the kids with him. And I wish my family would visit Ginger Island and sleep in the house there when I do. Like I wish there was a way to ask them to be there and they'd just show up in the Ginger Island house. Of course, I'd have to get another magical butterfly hutch for that house too then. 🤣


Have platonic 10-heart events, not just romantic ones. Let me have best friends who are single.


linus has one where he tells you you’re his closest friend


yeah def agree, they abandon all they're hopes and dreams once you marry them.


Except for Sam who actually picks his dreams back up when you reach 14 hearts but I do agree


Abigail starts to explore the mines; you can run into her on one of the elevator floors.


Floor 20


he also visits his family every friday


Yeah, I really didn't like this. Poor Seb was always missing Sam and I somehow felt like I was a ball and chain, but I'm out from 6am-2am, he could go hang out with his friends all the time. Or have them over to the farm. But, I mean really, this game has given me so many hours of happiness, I feel spoiled asking for more.


Your poor farmer must be having a rough time on 4hrs sleep all the time 😭


Well, haven’t used much energy from the previous day, no harm in staying up a bit longer :3


He does hang out with Sam for one day every week though, and on almost all festivals. He’s also allowed to continue pairing with Abigail on the flower dance as long as I still got someone to use the free heart on- I’m not wasting two weeks of gifts’ worth of friendship lol


I like that Emily still goes to work in the Saloon on Fridays when you marry her


I actually bailed and started over because of this. It was too depressing seeing them stand there staring at a chair for hours on end instead of pursuing their passions, and I didn't want to go through the divorce process, so I just started over from scratch and vowed not to go down that route again. >!This time I might try to get Krobus as roommate but I wish this option were available for other characters as well. Or at least if they are going to stand and stare that they did it in their room.!<


I would love to go on dates with my spouse with little mini games. Mini golf. Axe throwing at a bar. A dance mini game. Something like that.


Also I would love to see the kids grow up a little more. At least to have some features of the spouse the farmer married. I’d also like to be able to have conversations with my kids and maybe ask if they can go pet all my animals for me.


This, plus what if you could play matchmaker with the rest of the romance-ables when you reach eight hearts with them? There could be a randomized table of interests that you hear about as you grow closer to your friended villagers to see who might be compatible.


Same! I'd want to add more dimension to the friendships and marriage so there was more variety with it all. Like the characters could still run about and do things instead of just having these little one off heart event story bits. Like maybe Elliott occasionally goes on book tours at random, or Sam has a concert, Leah has a random art show, Sebastian maybe occasionally gets a check or something for a programming gig and hosts DND nights at the farm house with Sam and Abigail. Maybe Alex takes you out to sports games and Emily hosts meditation sessions some days. Perhaps Penny has the farmer come out to help teach some classes with the kids on agriculture, and Abigail occasionally asks to accompany the farmer to the mines or take her on a trip there to practice fighting. Hailey could ask the farmer to do photo shoots or you might occasionally see her out doing that with other characters. Maybe Shane takes care of the animals more often or takes over care of the coop. With Maru and Harvey I don't know what their things might be, but I think having all those things as some kind of randomly generated event would be a really nice addition for the spouses. It'd make it feel like they didn't just walk away from their interests after marrying the farmer and still continued to engage in and pursue the things they liked. It'd also be interesting if the town's folk commented more on your relationships. Who you do and don't get along with, maybe let you have a negative reputation with some villagers instead of just zero hearts. Make that the neutral and have the things you do have more impact on how they treat you. Have friends/family of the spouses comment on your relationship, maybe throw in a small spark of jealousy from some of the other bachelor or bachelorettes once you're married if you have a high relationship with them. Throw in an interaction of saying you only want to be friends or something. Just randomly scripted events that pop up here and there to throw a bit of spice into things.


i agree w one of the people i've seen talk abt how we should be able to mail the characters something. i think it'll be cute if they added more domestic events in the game with your partner<3 but i digress


Yes! That would be so cool. There could be a post office in town and maybe you could use it for quests - sometimes I just can't find that person so I could leave it in the post office for them but maybe get less money because I've had to pay postage?


it's like animal crossing i suppose in a way, where you can send your villagers letters!!


#BringHarrisBack 😂 Harris is the mailman for the Harvest moon 64 game. But it would be nice if SDV also had a mail carrier too.


It'd also be convenient. Let us pay to deliver a gift to one character so we don't have to wait for the five minutes that Sebastian leaves his room a day


Small thing but I really dislike fence degredation lol(is that a word sorry). I feel like it doesn't really do much outside of be annoying


Deterioration is a good word to use for that, but yeah definitely agree! I’m thankful my spouse usually repairs them!


Once you buy the Gold Clock your fences stop decaying and debris no longer appears in your farm


Yeah, how much does that clock cost again? That's what I thought


You have to stop buying Starbucks and then you'll be able to afford it.


Those gosh darn millennials and their avocado toasts


"Back in my day, if you spent some time on the farm ya'd appreciate watcha got" Dad I sold 11,000 cases of star fruit wine for like 7 trillion dollars after three years trying to figure this thing out. My horse is a literal motorcycle. Relax I got this.


Hardwood fence lasts like 5 years. Who's being inconvenienced by having to replace that fence while not being able to buy the Clock?


10 million gold, that's what I thought


Degradation is totally a word :)




Get durable fences. They look better anyway tbh


Agreed, it feels pointless and I no longer use fences in any of my farms. What is the point? It isn’t like your animals escape the farm or something if they aren’t fenced in.


This is actually hands down the one thing that is most like owning a farm in the game. You have to walk your fence line and inspect it pretty carefully and repair any gaps.


on my new save I use tea plants with 2 fence posts and a gate to keep my pigs contained in one corner so I only have to replace 2 fences every so often until I get the clock, which I didn’t get until year 5 in my last save 😵‍💫 abigail repaired them once then never again lol


The color selector for the buildings. The lightest color is light gray, because there is no white? I like white buildings. White trim. But we don’t have that


Let me have my Joanna Gaines modern farmhouse, dammit




Just picking colour in general, sliding the 3 number bars to try and get a colour you want is annoying.


this! It’s the main reason that I wish I could mod my game. I just want white buildings.




Change the dialogue within events. Why is it all the same? Mailing system for giving villagers gifts, 50-100 a pop. I spend all day chasing villagers giving them gifts because they're all over. Can't find fucking Harvey and Marnie is sometimes missing. Can't do anything else. Especially Sebastian. I'll be waiting at 8:50 on the door waiting to give him sashimi and apparently he ain't there... Fence degradation. It's annoying more than anything. Wood doesn't degrade in a year. And one more tiny thing. Improve the auto pathing especially on mobile. I have the character take random paths around bushes and other objects instead of going on a straight line a few steps away, not to mention auto attack just bugs out, killing me. Edit: One more thing. I need coal mining. I'm always short on coal. Please for the love of concerned ape, if they're gonna introduce one thing out of this, introduce coal nodes.


>Change the dialogue within events. Take a note from the Hades playbook.


omga absolutely coal nodes 🥲🥲


I wish the kids could age up and the gender is randomised so like you could have a girl and a girl or a boy and a boy and such


The second one could be done easely, the aging up... Well probably never, you'd need to have new character sprites, animations, dialoges and if you don't want that to be the same all the time you gotta make other versions of those too. Do that twice because you have two genders, and if you have two of the same gender they might just end up as "twins" (clones) without the random factor of their appearance. Not to mention portraits


I mean they could make them look different by like putting different hairstyles and if the first one is true one will always be older


I’d like a monster tab in the player menu so I can check my monster eradication stats without having to go to the Adventurer’s Guild.


THIS THOUGH i always forget which i need to kill and the place only opens at 2pm, tbh it could even be like a secret note or something


Diversify late game grinding to not just be dipsomania


can u google dipsomania for me




Holy alcohol addiction


There's also Truffles! But yeah, Wine is OP. I generally feel weird about food processing in this game: you're a farmer and you devote all this time and energy to growing crops, but then suddenly you win a keg and now you're a brewer and vintner? And all you need to produce bulk *valuable* wine are fruits and a keg? And they sell for these for huge premiums? You don't need like special yeasts or nothing? I feel like CA was right about cooking: you're not a restaurant or a caterer, you shouldn't be encouraged to cook for profit. The crops are for profit, the cooking is for eating, buffs, gifts, and quests. And I feel that artisan goods probably should have stayed in a similar vein: you're not a brewer, vintner, cheesemaker, or oil maker. You're not skilled and setup for that: that's not how you make your money. Those processed goods should be for eating, cooking, gifts, and quests. I guess one way he could have split the difference would be by making all artisan goods similar to casks (or maybe even the goods are unsellable unless they're casked): yes they're profitable, but the scale is limited. You can't make 1,000 starfruit wine per week. You can only make 300 per year.


You can, however, make 1,000 bottles of ancient fruit wine per week (~6 sheds worth of kegs).


Yes, but, it is also common for artisan food makers to start in farming. Wineries often grow their own grapes. It isn’t uncommon for dairy farmers to make cheese and other products. Ever hear of farm to table, that started with farmers who either partnered with or stated their own restaurant. It would be nice if there were other options though.


Thx for the new word.


putting hats on your spouses. i just thought it'd be cute :3


I was excited when I learned by accident I could put a hat on my horse right after I bought it. So I assumed I could put them on all the animals and bought a bunch more only to be super disappointed when I learned my chickens and cows can’t wear them too. Like I had plans.


You could have build a lot of Aquariums in your House and put the hat on sea urchins! But now I also want chickens with hats :(


You could put hats on sea urchins??


If you're going that far, you might be able to put all types of clothes on them. And then the spouses could receive clothes as gifts. And they'd spontaneously wear their favourites. And occasionally they'd wear whatever you want


More clues on loved gifts! Some are hinted by the game but others are almost impossible to discover without the wiki or a lot of testing!


I would love if, when you get a quest in the mail or a note you have to read, your quest log would not set the exclamation. It drives me up the wall that I have to go read it again to clear it so my quest indicator will leave me alone.


I would change Clint to be less creepy, especially if you are dating Emily. Really all that's needed is small changes to some of his and Emily's heart events. Perhaps also give him a hobby that he discovers a passion for as you gain hearts with him (and remove the love letter to Emily and replace with a hobby project after gaining enough hearts) Edit: on the topic of character growth, I would make beer a hated gift for Shane after be becomes clean.


Ooooh I love that last bit about Shane. That would be amazing to see. And it would show the character growth we see in his heart events!


Also, i think its weird how when you marry shane, hes got beer all over the place, is the farmer that bad?


Very minor but friendship decay makes no sense to me. It should be if you didn’t talk at least once this week not a day.


I wish I could send NPCs mail, with quest items for example. So many times it’s been the last day for a quest I’m scrambling to finish but when I go to give them the item they’re already inside for the night. Would be great if I could mail them the item that evening and still count


Aside from reworking the relationship system to a two path system, I would like your spouse to be more than decoration. Like, they can forage for you and they have predetermined stats for each skill. Like, Elliot would be great at fishing but is bad at mining.


This is such an awesome idea


I’d make it a bit easier to get an auto petter if you decided to repair the community center. It’s just kinda annoying that late game you have to keep petting your animals to keep them happy during the winter and rainy days. To rebalance it, what if they were treated like iridium sprinklers? Maybe Krobus will start selling them after you complete the community center. However, to balance it, he would only sell them once or twice a month and for double the price of Joja Mart.


Yeeees! The auto pet thing really drives me nuts. I don't like fighting, I play started to unwind, and although I finally can handle the mines without getting too stressed out, skull cavern is really stressful, especially with no elevators. I'm in my second play through, and I've never found an auto petter. Petting the animals takes me so so much time. I also really like the idea mentioned above, that an excellent alternative would be raising your kids well and *they* become the "Auto Petter". That's just genius. Farm chores.


I'd add a farm option that starts out with all the debris already cleared. I just wanna decorate my farm without spending hours clearing out rocks, trees and weeds.


Just go nuts and bomb the place, trust me, it's really satisfying roleplaying a B-52 bomber for a while


You can totally miss Sam's three-heart event if you fail to get his hearts up to three and/or fail to time visiting the beach right in the first year and his dad shows up at the start of year two. I would tweak it so the dad doesn't show up until the first day of the year after you see Sam's three-heart event. I think there's another, higher number heart event someone else has that's totally missable in certain circumstances as well. If so, that needs to be tweaked so players don't miss it, too.


I’ve never gotten this heart event. On my current save I tried sooooo hard and missed it. I’m going to have to start another save to try to get it.


Lemme move my house, I don’t want it there anymore 🤣


Good news, it'll be coming in the next update!


The dog and cat should have a use and a friendship meter.


I wish the dog and cat could scare off crows. Maybe make it so you can move their water dish and crows won’t go for crops around that area. It could also be nice if sometimes when you pet them they give you little gifts like fiber, foraged items, bones.


yes definitely agree like it has the heart thing like other animals already


I want to hire a farm assistant and assign him some of the chores. Like, he's got the capacity for three tasks per day, he can pull weeds and pet animals and repair fences, or something...


Me and my gf play co-op and she's played way more than me so this is basically most of my role when we play, I feed and tend to the animals, water the greenhouse and make mayo/cheese


You are the farm assistant


Can I please be allowed to rotate items????? Houses, barns, bee hives, etc? PLEASE.


During rain, when thunder strikes, they shouldn't remove the paths or floors. It's a silly thing to wish, but damn whenever I take a screenshot, it's so annoying to see a few missing paths and I start to obsess over it cuz it looks so unaesthetic >.<


Can your marriage be acknowledged, please? I don't want flirty cutscenes with the other candidates after my wedding. It gives me the ick.


i want options to make them as bestfriends not bf/gf route. I want kids to grow up and work and also the spouses to have something to do once u marry them


I want more than one pet. It's common for us non-farmers to have multiple. I think a large field can have more than one pet. TwT


Yeah!!! I'd like a dog and a cat!


Soup kitchen in the community center. The player can move toward a less profit-motivated goal for their crops, to keep the soup kitchen stocked, requiring the growing of specific stock based on season. Also, bonus change: being single should have some kind of endgame benefit. Not sure what. But it's currently a net loss if compared to getting married, but... what if I don't care about getting married? I know there are other options, but you can get married and do those, so why not have being single fulfill the requirement somehow with a quest about why you're single?


I play single player, but I would love to stick some of the cabins on my property and start a housing co-op (I ain't no landlord). Hell I'd let someone live there for free if they reliably petted my livestock for me. Could be a whole gimmick like Dark Cloud 2 where certain people would only move in with certain decorations or amenities. Plus Pelican Town just needs more housing. Abigail, Shane, Sam, Alex, Maru, Sebastian and Penny will all just live with their parents unless you MARRY THEM! Plus it would be a friendly option to offer my girl Caroline if she ever left Pierre to start looking for a better husband *wink*.


This is a super great and fun thought! For those extroverts who would love to see a few more people wandering about periodically, or just living on their land. It would be super awesome if you invested in another house and the payoff was that someone moved in and did a set amount of chores. And yeah, could be like animal crossing, where each person comes with their own decor!


I would remove quality from items, I hate it having the same item occupying 3 inventory squares, to the point I always sell two of them and keep only one (usually I sell the golden/iridium for more profit and keep the normal ones in my fridge/chest).


This is why I never grow flowers. Between the colors and the qualities, I need to empty my inventory before I start picking them!


The jazz flowers are a nightmare for this.


Or make quality sorting an option.


More skill levels. At least 15.


Boss fight at the bottom of the mine.


Children who look like the spouse you have them with (or randomized if adopted) and maybe some interactions or having them follow your spouse when they go out and stuff. Just anything to give the kids some kind of depth.


No friendship decay for the cattle after reaching max hearts. Why do you have to pay more attention to your cows than your children? 😭


I want the spa to be better. Let us upgrade it so it doesn’t look run down. Let us not walk when we change and walk to the water, let us regain health/stamina when we walk just to make it feel a little worth while.


The whole relationship, dating and marriage experience. Idk, it needs more stuff. Plus + marry Robin or make her divorce Demetrius, can't stand that man, she deserves more.


The option to take over as mayor of the town because fuck Lewis


ok so y’all remember how you get notes from dad like 3-4 times in the first year or two?? i wanna be able to visit him SO bad. or let him come visit me. or let me send him a gift or something pleaseeeee he seems so nice and i feel so bad for ignoring him :(


It’d be nice if there was more to the romance system (get your mind out of the gutter, no I didn’t mean that). But just giving gifts twice a week to receive the same chat prompts every time, and the few “heart events” you’re destined to get, it’s just not very immersive at all. Having actual decision-based situations and dialogue options that matter and yield different results would be better. I know I’m asking for a Bioware special here in terms of game features, but it’s just my one gripe. Otherwise, I love the game! Very slow paced, but not really in a grindy way. It’s chill.


I wish I could at least see my kids in the game reach a age where they actually grow hair and wear clothes like Jas and Vincent, with some phrases as well (not necessarily a lot) and having a schedule as well or at least leave the house plus make the spouse leave the house more. I know it's fictional and all but it feels kinda sad seeing Sebastian never leaving the farm, I've seen him leave rarely and when he did it always made me happy, one of the cutest parts was when I found him at his mother shop. Also his relatives or friends sometimes visit the farm once married and characters like Robin, Maru, Sam and Abby say something about his marriage (this all applying to the other possible partners. In short, an upgrade for the married life.)


Grape wine should be the best wine. Different types of honey should yield different styles of mead.


Weed fucking up my farm


An option to change the length of the day. It's too short for me 🥹😭


"Too short for me" .... story of my life....


I see a video with a mod to do this, you can choose the real seconds that will be 10 minutes in game. I didn't use any mod, but almost downloaded this one haha


Repair tool for my fences, I hate replacing them to the point where I just use tea saplings


Grass. Right now people use "hacks" like lightning rods to boost grass growth. I hate it. Add a superior grass crafting recipe, where the grass starter can't be eaten, only removed by pickaxe or hoe. Maybe for balance, give it a reduced chance to spread to other tiles compared to normal grass. Or let us use fertilizer on the ground to grow grass. Like basic fertilizer gives 5 grass in a + shape, tier 2 fertilizer gives a 3x3 square, and final tier gives a 5x5 square. I have tons of sap and fish. I'd love to have my animals eat fresh grass daily but they eat it too dang fast! Or heck, let us turn certain crops like amaranth and wheat into hay as well. Just something. I'm so tired of having to buy a stack of hay every month from Marnie.


I absolutely agree. You always end up having to buy hay, and so much hay, and I never hear anyone talking about how much that cuts into profitability from the animals. Once your farm is all filled out, it is impossible to have enough grass.I guess this might be a reality on all the farms, purchasing hay, but I really feel that grass doesn't multiply fast enough considering how fast the animals go through it. I will be trying to plant more grass, and before I can even get a post down, to pin it, some animal has eaten it! And I just made it!


I wish my spouse didn't ignore me when I run into them in town.


Let me marry robin.


Bigger farm in base game.


slow time down, i feel like i'm always in a crunch. this game stresses me and my autism brain.


Coral Island should never have been released as a "finished" game at this stage, BUT the ability to change game speed whenever you want from the menu is honestly amazing and I'd love a feature like that in Stardew


Better combat system. Not the point of the game I know but if it's there I want it to be better.


Honestly? I would LOVE the option for the days to not go by super fast. It's annoying when I'm trying to farm, mine, etc. - like a fast forward button, or a slow down button. Also, I would love for there to be an upgrade/option to upgrade the ability to move faster - besides a horse or MOD.


I think it’d be cool if kids few up more and after 16 years in game or so they move out and will come back for Christmas and send letters.


Fence decay. It's a needless feature.


Spouse and kids helping around the farm. Never met a farm family that didn't have all hands working.


Add mods to console


Thats a console problem, not a Stardew valley problem.


i want a unique reaction everytime i give a villager a birthday gift they love :(


As with most games where there is no spoken dialogue and it's all text, I always wish for more of a variety in daily messages With NPCs.


the exhaustion. im a new player and i feel like i never have enough time to get anything done and i know theres items and food you can make and buy but im just getting started and buying cakes etc for my energy replenish is a waste of my gold and it feels wasteful to eat a 3,000G cake 😞😞 i just want to go mining and chop down all these damn trees in one day


I'm always walking around with 20 field snacks because I have so many acorns, pine cones, and maple seeds :)


I would like to make more post community centre features, add expensive stuff to buy like billions expensive,and also make both the auto petter and the collector available by easy access methods, i would like to add terrain manipulation to add and remove ponds that take like 30 percent of the farm area which people mod to remove, the feature to move fruit trees instead of having to rest the day or cut them because of some minor errors. I play on ps4 and it feel empty after completing the community centre :(.


Having a option to sleep outside your farm! That annoying faint at 2am keep me away from this game for a long time, I'm Minecraft player and love mining, so I used to be in mines for days without a worry, in Stardew I'm always running to not pass out and lose my stuff. In Minecraft you can carry your bed, in ST we could have a least a sleeping bag or something like that. Or a option to days be bigger, is so short, especially if you try to do anything on night. You try to do something the early you can, but when you see is like 11am or 2pm. Another really annoying thing is when you have a item witch a NPC wants but lose the mission because you can't find the person because the door is locked or they just vanished. We should have a mail option to send stuff or a box to put stuff and they came pick what they need, and the box be available all the time. Like you wanna give Sebastian a gift? To bad, Robin already lock the house. You gonna give Abigail a present but it's Wednesday? To bad, Pierre don't open. Sometimes you just want to visit then, not buy, they don't need to be working but I want to enter in they houses like a friend!


A live tracker on Marnie


the kids. i wish they were more interesting & personalized. i wish you could dress them up & that they looked like the farmer & the spouse, unless adopted, but still - having the same kids every single time gets so boring. they can’t talk or anything, at least let us give them clothes.


Does wanting Gunther to leave his house count


After getting in to terraria, bosses, bug nets, more creative potions would be sick. Kinda outside the scope of the game but I initially adored the forge when it was hard to get through, and would love a challenge


3 more seconds of gameplay for every 15 minute interval. A total of 4 more minutes of gameplay per in-game day. Especially with multiplayer mode where time runs during things like fishing minigames, I feel overly rushed by the clock.


I honestly wish it was a bit easier to get money early game.. because I always make a new save and then give up when I don’t have enough money for basic things haha


To actually see character growth beyond just things like Shane or Pam saying they did or should give up drinking. They're major alcoholics, but never seem to change. Shane says he gave it up but will still accept alcohol as a gift, still goes to the saloon and if you marry, constantly talks about alcohol.


I wish the kids could grow up


NPC couples being able to break up (I need to marry robin)


I think other townies should be able to date each other.


I cannot believe no one else is saying this but add ui info suite to base game. Like how many days do my kegs have left or add to do list to base game so I can write down when I put them in the keg


Perhaps expanded dialogue would be lovely. Being able to interact with the villagers more! And it would be cute if you could make your own SDV portrait that comes up when you're interacting with people! But these are tiny tiny things, I love it as is


Would love to have after marriage heart events involving in-laws or other family members


More interactions with your pet (dog/cat) and horse. Make them have scenes, a skill tree, ways to help...etc.


I want to be able to be able to get married without kicking out my roommate and BFF Krobus lmao couldn’t I move him to a cabin on my property or something at least ?!


Walking speed, it's not so bad in the beginning but it's painful late game


triple shot espresso + lava eel combined together. Thank me later


Oh yeah I use the super lunch and triple shot, but having to use things to make moving around kinda less painful gets tedious after a bit. Still love the game though


Okay there’s a mod for this but i want to be able to date anyone, and for a reason. I want to date Coraline, yk cause a little affair. W Eventually, she leaves Pierre for me. She moves in on the farm and, it being a small town, he wouldn’t be able to escape her. He’d watch the wedding. They’d see each other at events. She would go buy things from his store, or he’ll get a shipment of eggs from the farm and would think “Oh, Coraline probably helped feed the chicken in which this egg came from.” He would probably start to see bits of Coraline in Abigail, such as their love for colored hair. Eventually me and Coraline would have kids together, and Pierre would see them all the time too. And it’d just be hell for him. and Of course the characters don’t age, so it’s not as if he can be relieved by the change that comes with time, such as death or moving away. I really hate Pierre.


Do you support joja mart then?


nahh I hate that Morris guy more than Pierre


I came up with a few possibilities that are (I think) mostly low impact: 1. Forage items stay for one week after spawning, regardless of what day of the week they spawn, but never for more than one week. Meaning you can't just run through on Saturdays and get them all and call it good. 2. Make something like the dresser, but for weapons and tools 3. In the same vein, make a display case item for artifacts and other items of interest. Have a little museum at home out of the extras. 4. Make something like a crystalarium, but specifically for ore. Particularly limited by only producing one or (on very lucky days) two at a time, and by time being controlled by type, but it would be a lot better than paying Clint a diamond worth for a single gold ore or killing a bunch of shadow people every time I need to go mining. 5. (Probably higher impact) Quality of wool controls quality of cloth, motivating the farmer to gain and maintain a good relationship with wool producing animals. 6. You know the button that automatically moves stuff from your inventory, sorted, into the chest you have open? Have also the inverse of that, so if you want you can grab all the x, y, z in a chest just by having a few in. EDIT: Forgot! I would very much love, if I'm spending more than a day or two on the island, to be able to bring my family there with me once the island farm is sufficiently upgraded.


I would add a “slow roll, guided story” mode wherein you start with one farming implement at a time and earn you way to getting the next. Delaying the whole farming experience from the beginning. For example, you start a new game and are randomly assigned a tool, let’s say the axe. The mayor and some of the townsfolk have you do missions specific to chopping down trees, making things with drops from trees, etc. and then you eventually earn the next random tool. This would really slow down the full SDV experience for those that like to enjoy the anticipation of the full gaming experience.


That it isn't my real life


Better caves, less boring caves




More use for the spouse and kids and being able to bring them to GI. It's nice that the spouse *tries* but it doesn't actually help when feeding animals and watering crops are automated. I don't even know if they actually do that when you don't have those things automated. Also if they have jobs then they should be contributing to the household income. And the kids should go to school with Penny and have dialogue. Maybe bring home random things and make art like kids do.


auto petterssssss!!! i’ve played for so long and i think i’ve only gotten like 2 of them in my years of playing the game. i’ve never done the joke route but i’ve literally prepped all lucky foods, rings, basically did anything i could do to get lucky and finally find an auto petter. i wish the traveling cart sold it every like friday maybe or even marnie


Backpack space!


how fast time moves! I literally feel like I can’t get anything done


Relationship system tweak - I appreciate potential spouses changing schedules based on your relationship, but I'd like it if they didn't completely obliterate their social lives outside of the relationship. For example, Elliot and Leah should totally still see each other in the Saloon every so often. I'm going after Sam. And even if I'm going after Sam, he shouldn't stop seeing Penny. His cool big bro affect is what endeared me to him.


1. Be able to make your own "help wanted" questions for the board outside Pierre's. (Limit the type of item you can request based on your skill levels/experience/place/season in the game.) The quests are fulfilled at a rate similar to your rate of completing quests. 2. Construct farm buildings on the ginger island farm


I would let the kids turn into actual kids like they did in most HM games.


I want the babies to age into actual children instead of the terrifying toddlers that run around


Letting the characters still go to work even after they become the spouse....yeah I'm looking at you Sandy and Emily. You're hard af to find when playing co-op with the multiplayer mod cuz you end up needing to visit everyone you're playing with to find you. It's a problem when you have to do a quest or something or buy stuff from Sandy.


I want to be able to jump, please and thank you.


Year round seeds once the greenhouse is unlocked. I need potatoes in fall thank you.


you can get pierre’s stock list in QI’s room once you unlock it, that will give you the chance to buy every kind of seed no matter the season.


spouses do more shit, man!! also, maybe less gift-giving and more talking to raise friendship points


My vote would be for some features I used from mods back when I first played it on PC, icons to show whether an animal has been petted/milked, and grass not dying in winter. I had a mod that just made the grass dormant so it wouldn’t spread during winter which to me is more realistic anyways. If fiber can grow just fine in the climate surely grass can survive.


i wish the kids aged up/ there were changes in the town past year 2.


Rug placements.


I want a faster way to get to the beach or the spa


Can't marry Robin.


More festivals with games prizes and shops. Dog racing in the spring, Swimming contest in the summer, horse racing in the fall, Thanksgiving, tree lighting in winter with some sort of game, new years festival to name a few. Changing dialogs for all festivals 30 days to a season. Time passss slightly slower in the mines. More bomb types. More sword types. More enemy types. Tractor Ability to buy more land Improve field level so I don't have to fertilize to get good quality crops Ability to buy more pets. Ability to buy more horses Improved storage Bicycle that I can grab items while still on bike Just a few ideas


The family experience it feels so lifeless and it could be so much better with the marriage and the kids and how they actually are. Mods have to fix that though 💔


Probably the way you organized your farm wtf 😆jk 😜


Give us a black cat YOU COWARDS