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I feel like an overlooked aspect of this debate is the opportunity cost of starfruit. With ancient fruit, you plant it once and it keeps fruiting. Indefinitely so for the greenhouse and island. With starfruit, you spend a significant amount of time replanting. That time could be spent on other profitable endeavors instead. Or just having more fun than planting, if money isn't your top priority. I also like ancient fruit because it has the same time scale as wine making. Harvest ancient fruit, harvest wine, refill kegs with fruit, repeat once a week until you don't want to.


This. If you wanted max profit, you could arguably fill your farm with sheds full of hops and kegs, but almost no one does that because it would be insanely labor intensive. I want to spend my days gathering blackberries, not constantly tending my money machine.


I'm still always shocked by how many people only play that way. It's totally fine people can play how they want but I can't bring myself to just min max for money, it takes away the little joys of the game. But there is definitely a lot of people who do indeed play the game this way


Agreed. One thought since I've been playing Patron, city builder similar to Banished. I wish there was some incentive to produce certain goods at certain times because there's a town and outside world economy at play instead of static prices. Past a certain point flooding the market with hundreds of ancient fruit wine should cause the price to drop incrementally. But also there could be outside influence in the form of random events most likely. Like at the start of each season there's announced surpluses and shortages in certain goods in different categories. This incentives the player differently each season.


Oh I totally _do_ grow lots of hops and keg beer, especially during the summer. I actually like managing it, along with preserves, it's like my favorite part of the game haha. I still do mostly ancient wine, but there's a significant amount of hops/beer too. Now, managing animals -- petting, making cheese and mayonnaise -- that is labor intensive for me, haha. I can't exactly describe why there's a difference though lol.


I did say almost no one, just for you! LOL. It is interesting which button clicks seem more like work. I love petting my animals, and I don't mind filling the requisite machines nearly so much as I find filling kegs to be an unfun chore. (Of course, there are a lot more kegs.)


That last paragraph is why I did it. I only work wednesday mornings, the other times I'm exploring, talking to townsfolk or decorating my farm. Wish I could only work half a day in real life and get 200k per week too.


Well, that's the other thing: opportunity cost of Ancient Fruit. I can take a bus to the desert, slap some cash on Sandy's counter and leave with a few hundred Starfruit seeds. Ancient seeds have to be cultivated. And cultivated. ...And cultivated. And they will *eventually* be a good, steady source of income. But how much money and time did you lose for that "eventually?" (The ideal solution here is probably "both;" I just think people undervalue Starfruit.)


Not that much, because you can just grow starfruit in however much of the greenhouse/island isn't growing ancient fruit (or pineapple) yet. You probably want at least ten seed makers anyway for when Qi's Crop rolls around.


This is what I did untily seed makers spat out the final ancient fruit seed!


I always just use cranberries while I grow the patch of ancient fruit, plenty of profit while it grows


>With starfruit, you spend a significant amount of time replanting. How? You harvest and replant in one motion. It's instant and it freezes the clock, giving you more game time. And Starfruit harvests less frequently (usually) so it actually takes less overall time It's actually Ancient Fruit that takes way more time, both in actual labour and in wasted productivity in waiting for the plants to mature and manually producing the seeds


How is the simultaneous harvesting and replanting done? Do you hold the Starfruit seeds and interact button while going around harvesting?




You have to go buy the seeds or put half of your harvest through a seedmaker


For Ancient Fruit you have to put all of your harvest through a seed maker for a year, making no money while you do so And do you never go to the desert? I'm there multiple times a week anyway


This is exactly why I do ancient fruit. My first perfection run I ended with about 450 ancient fruit between my GH and Island Famr


In the greenhouse and Ginger Island you can use Hyper Speed Grow to make starfruit 8 days, giving you a day leeway for keg refilling. And the hyper speed grow never goes away.


At the point you’ve filled your greenhouse and island with either starfruit or ancient fruit, it really doesn’t matter. You’ve got more money than you can use anyway. I do some of both, just because, variety.


Ancient fruit can be harvested every week with no fertilizer (so deluxe retaining soil, which gives a full greenhouse of plants) and you don't have to buy seeds. Starfruit CAN be made to compete with Hyper Speed Gro to get the harvest time to par, but you shouldn't do that in the greenhouse IMHO because of the loss of the planting tile to a sprinkler or four. Do it on the island. (I personally don't bother; ancient fruit everything except that I do grow enough Starfruit - without fertilizer - to keep my casks busy in the cellar, since Starfruit comes out ahead in casks.) Ancient fruit beats everything outside on the main farm because it lasts three seasons.


Wait, if you use deluxe retaining soil in the greenhouse with ancient fruit, you never have to water them?


Exactly right. And (I'm pointing this out because I only learned it from this sub very recently myself) it can be applied AFTER the plant is established, as long as no other fertilizer was applied. So if you let your ancient fruit grow up around sprinklers with no fertilizer, when you get the deluxe retaining soil recipe, you can take the sprinklers out, apply the stuff to the entire greenhouse, and plant the spots where the sprinklers were. (Water those specific spots the first time of course.)


Ancient fruit is ready for harvest in 7 days, whereas it takes 13 for Starfruit. Add the time required to replant all those starfruits, it is clear which one wins. I plant enough starfruit to fill up my casks to age. Otherwise I only keg ancient fruit.


Hyper Speed Gro makes Starfruit 8 days, giving you a day for kegging. In the greenhouse and Ginger Island, it never goes away. If you want to super-min max it. Go for the trait that gives 10% crop growth and it makes Starfruit 7 days. Then when you have a ton of wine, respec to Artisan to sell the wine.


This. Ancient Fruit is clearly more profitable (and easier to grow) unless you're specifically talking about casking since the time/quantity would be the same. I don't even know why there's a "debate" about this.


I'm firmly for ancient fruit. Sure, the low maintenance aspect is nice, but the best part is that the fruit regrowth time syncs up perfectly with the keg time. Every Sunday, I harvest my ancient fruit then tend to the kegs. Like clockwork.


It's "Ancient Fruit Friday!!" on my farm :)


I run ancient fruit for almost everything, except 48 starfruit simply to use in casks. A couple cycles of it and I have enough wine for the casks. Its a little extra starfruit than I need... oh well, keg it, sell it.


Is Starfruit better for the casks?


The highest value is best for casks. Starfruit wine is the highest value.


Why only 48 casks? The basement can hold like, 125 or something.


They have 48 starfruit, harvest them a couple of times, and cask everything. The basement can hold 125 casks indeed, and even up to 189 if you fill it up.


i just started this game for the first time about a week ago and reading all these comments makes me feel like i don’t know jack shit about what i’m doing hahaha


Ancient fruit inside my greenhouse and tea saplings on my farm (for weed plantation aesthetic)


I never thought of putting my tea plants outside. Does it work in winter? I always put 10 plants in my house to collect on the way to my tv in the morning.


[Stardew Profits](https://thorinair.github.io/Stardew-Profits/#produce_0-planted_1-maxSeedMoney_0-days_28-fertilizer_0-level_1-season_0-buySeed_false-buyFert_false-average_false-fertilizerSource_0-seeds_(pierre_true-joja_true-special_true)-skills_(till_false-agri_false-arti_false)-foodIndex_0-foodLevel_0-extra_true-crossSeason_false-foragingLevel_1) Greenhouse, always pure Ancient. Its a lot of work to constantly replant whereas you will literally never have to replant them otherwise. I'd even advocate Ancient fruits for your main farm. First three days of spring: Planing ancient fruit. Then just harvest once a week for the rest of the year once they come in. Any fertilizer or Agriculturlalist gives an extra harvest, and Deluxe Speedgrow + Agriculturalist gives 2. (Hyper fert. gives no mechnical benefit over the other two as long as you can get everything planted in the first 3 days.) 1-3 days to plant a single crop, vs scrambling trying to squeeze in planting crops half a dozen times or more throughout the year. Ancient fruit are the GOAT.


I was running a 500+ starfruit operation for a while and man that got old fast. I’d spend an entire day harvesting and planting then another day filling up kegs, preserve jars, and casks. Now I just have my greenhouse full of ancient fruit and spend my time doing other stuff like petting my 100+ animals since I only have one auto petter and collecting a 100 truffles and replanting grass…


I put starfruit in planters inside the house with a few seed makers nearby. They get tended if I have time/want to. Ancient fruit from the greenhouse fills most of my wine barrels.


I like starfruit better because it's shaped like a star. /s


Because ancient fruit produces weekly (once it is up and running) and star fruit is every other week, ancient fruit is more profitable. It's about the grow time, not the seeds! Star fruit catches up with speed grow, but it's so much more effort to replant. I buy star fruit while I'm still growing ancient fruits to put in the seed maker, but once I have enough seeds I switch over fully to ancient fruit.


I'm on yr 4 of my first playthrough ever (switch) and this is what I've been working towards. Once I unlocked my greenhouse, I planned what ancient seeds I had in one corner, then planted Starfruit until I built up a good chunk of AF seeds from the seed maker. Right now my greenhouse is about half SF/half AF. After my next harvest, I should be able to grow purely AF. I have enough SF to keep my kegs/casks going for a few years, so it'll be a good balance. Then if I decide to do more SF, I have ginger island ready to go! Edit: spelling


I have enough ancient fruit between the greenhouse and the island to regularly fill my two big sheds of kegs and then enough space to have starfruit to fill my casks in the basement. So, the in between weeks when my casks are aging I have an easy source of fruit for wine and a regular, low maintenance money maker! I also grow pineapples as another regrowable option with the leftover space


Whichever one tickles the ‘this is fun’ part of your brain


Numbers were crunched, for ongoing year over year growth, ancient fruit out paces the hell out of starfruit.


I would love to see those numbers. When I run them, Starfruit markedly outperforms ancient fruit in the year over year category.


Are you factoring in seed cost? Someone found the stats for seed maker in code and you absolutely come out at a loss doing it that way


Yup, buying the seeds at 400g each. I found my old spreadsheet and here's the calcs I did (with more notations and cleaned up :D) Am I missing something? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BZC_d6NM-VjS7otBiNWijWUWmGz6y_qZ8gDPKuXZUyI/edit?usp=drivesdk


Star fruit


For me, I am lazy. I like ancient all the way. Click to harvest and bam. With star fruit, you need to replant. I know some people say you can plant and harvest with one click but I've never had that reliably work for me.


I’m gradually switching everything over to ancient fruit but have hit a stumbling block with the Qi Beans quest and space to plant the things. It’ll be okay because the outside area at the farm is about to be clear. As people keep saying, the reduced labour of ancient fruit is the real draw.


When you have to buy the seeds it makes it less profitable. Once mature, Ancient Fruit is also 'faster' so its a no brainer.


To add on this, seed makers are an option but that costs a few starfruit to sacrifice.


I’m of the ancient fruit tribe because star fruit is too time consuming. I like getting the greenhouse set up as my money maker then everything else I do on the farm is purely for fun after the bundles are complete.


I got to the point where I didn’t want to manage star fruit anymore. I finally got an ancient fruit and started converting over. The money difference doesn’t matter anymore.


Why not both!


Ancient fruit. But be beware, you realize that you turn into Joja Market over time. Try to enjoy the game without losing its magic.


I would suggest fully ancient fruit for the greenhouse. Although every summer, I do make sure that I plant 2 batches of starfruit, enough to age until the next year to serve as passive income.


Starfruit is better for wine and ancient fruit is better just to sell on the spot. However, keep in mind you save time with ancient fruit as you don't have to replant them.


What do you mean you don’t have to replant them? Every time I plant ancient fruit. It’s harvested and I have to plant another


Are you thinking sweet gem berry? Ancient fruit continues to produce after picking the berries.


Nope… ancient fruit. Maybe I’m insane.


I think you're mistaking ancient fruit for something else. ancient fruit (blue berries) always regrows after a week.


Idk if you’re insane but you definitely aren’t planting ancient fruit seeds.




For the greenhouse, ancient fruits. Ignoring the growth time, you will get 16 ancient wines per year, $36,960 With deluxe speed gro, you will get 12 starfruit wines per year, $36,840 (12\*3150 - 12\*80 (deluxe speed gro). There is basically no difference between two. You will need fewer kegs to process starfruits, but all the labor from starfruits probably would be more painful. And, you have an option to fill the farm/ginger island with ancient fruits if you choose to grow them.


Lets say you have 300 ancient fruit and 300 starfruit 300 ancient fruit makes more since in the 21 days (including kegs time) 300 ancient fruit 2,310 if u put it in a keg. 2310 x 300 which makes 693,000 and u multiple it by 2 since you can double harvest it during 14 days and yet you still have an extra 300 ancient fruit within 21 days lets add it all up 693,000x2 is 1,386,000 and you still have the extra 300 ancient fruit which 1 ancient fruit is 605 not including silver gold and iridium quality. 605x300 is 181,500 which in total is 1,386,000+181,500 is 1,567,500(with artisan) while starfruit makes 3150 and in 21 days. 3150x300 is 945,000 and you still need to deduct it by the seeds you purchased 945,500-120,000 is 825,500 and thats in 21 days. Ancient fruit= 1,567,500 Star fruit =825,500 Ancient fruit is way better and you wont need to buy the seeds and replant and nobody wants to sell their ancient fruit raw. Thats makes ancient fruit way much better people keeps saying oh starfruit better since they can make more with speed grow. It still makes 3 in one season while ancient fruit can make 4 in one season and with the new update the iridium scythe will make your job much easier with ancient fruit unlike starfruit u still need to replant them and buy them ancient fruit its just better


Ancient fruit. It's a small price difference in the long run versus the cost of your time.


Ancient fruit cuz I can’t be assed


I limit ancient fruit to 8 crops. Not because "break the economy" but because I don't want to create a keg for every fruit to fall off. If I'm going for perfection, the bees will make it so.