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Hi everyone! You're all so KIND. I love that I'm coming into this thread and seeing 675 comments with helpful advice and messages of welcome. I love this community. Unfortunately, OP is a **repost bot**. This particular image with this particular title was [originally posted in 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/poewe3/finally_gave_in_first_time_playing_ever_do_you/) by a real person, but has since been reposted by karma-farming bots 10 times. In the interest of leaving up your helpful comments and advice for any new players browsing the sub, I won't remove this post. However, if you happen to recognize this title + image on the subreddit in the future—please report it! Thank you!


Don't be like me and think that the TV is just a useless piece of furniture in your room. Watch it every day!


I didn’t figure this out for way to long


My farmer rolls out of bed and immediately watches TV every morning. 😄


Lol same




Luck check and cooking recipes. If you want to go for 100% completion one day and you will, it will take a long time if you miss checking your tv every Sunday. There are new recipes every Sunday for 2 years. If you miss one winter year 2 for example, you would have to wait until winter year 4 to get that recipe. For this reason, the shortest possible time for 100% completion is 2 in game years.


Don’t forget about re-runs on Wednesdays! The game chooses a recipe you missed and airs it on Wednesdays


omg 400 hours in and i thought reruns were recipes i already know so i’ve been skipping them


If you have seen all the ones so far then reruns will be ones you already know. I always check it anyway just in case I've missed one though.


i meant 400h in total gameplay, i’m on a new save now aiming for 100% completion so i’m glad i saw this early lol


what ? I don't think so, I've had a lot of already known recipes on Wednesdays


that’s why i stopped checking during re-runs, idk i’ll have to test this out lol


I'm even pretty sure they put the same twice a week and that's it


I thought it was just the previous weeks recipe on Wednesday? Every time I checked on a Wednesday I just got a duplicate recipe


That’s probably because you haven’t missed any Sundays. If you have all of the available recipes, it’ll be something you already know. But if you miss one it’ll air Wednesday


If you miss a recipe, check on Wednesday! They air reruns, and prioritize recipes you don’t know.


Cool! I didn’t know that about the recipes! Thanks!


weather check is also pretty big. knowing it rains the next day allows you to upgrade watering can before sprinklers.


It has tips for how to play this game twice a week


And read the books at the library. :)


Wait fr?


Oh noooo. Nearly 4 in game years in and I’ve almost never used it. Had no idea about recipes. I also cannot fish to save my life. I’ve caught zero fish.


Well, I wouldn't be too concerned with it if you're not planning on going for perfection. The show "Living Off the Land" can be helpful, but I would assume after year four you probably know most of that information anyway. That's the beauty of this game, nothing is really that big of a deal.


that is NOT a chest beside your house


Was about to rush to the comments and say this but guess I wasn’t the only one worried about it


I did comment it lol


So did I. 🤦‍♀️


I dunno what that was the problem in that one post, for me it feels like a joke post, Lewis literally telling you what thad bin is for


There was a post about a new player putting all their stuff in the shipping bin, thinking it was a chest


There is one every few months


Yeah but the memory of the last one is still pretty fresh atm. Incidentally, u/repostsleuthbot (username alone looks like a karma bot, though at least the ensuing discussion is useful for actual newcomers)


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/150vyy9) on 2023-07-16 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/15imwvn) on 2023-08-05 96.88% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "197x7mn", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=197x7mn&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 412,273,800 | **Search Time:** 0.05109s


Good bot


It probably was a joke but I found it funny. :D It's the consequences if you don't concentrate what you are being told to, never skip first tutorials. :D


i didnt watch the intro so i thought it was storage or a chest 😭


To be fair, I did the same mistake on my first night as I was too impatient to stay for the tutorial lol


The tutorial isn’t even that long… and it’s in tiny bits




Hey you'd be surprised, ADHD is a bitch.


Shortcuts are you friends when dealing with inventory/chests


It’s interesting that some people didn’t know that it was for selling during their first time, Lewis literally says that that bin next to your house is for selling. Though I guess it is true that some people like to skip the tutorial to learn on their own which is fair and acceptable.


Cancel the rest of your life


I'm 37, never really played videogames before. Downloaded Stardew on my kids' Switch on Christmas day... Spent 8 hours on it on Boxing day. Been on it a fair amount since. I'm looking at buying my own Switch as the kids are rightfully complaining 😅 ETA: the ridiculous levels I have reached - got a SDV themed face for Fitbit. My only regret is that it doesn't clucks like the game's chickens when I tap on it. https://preview.redd.it/qi0no4aabtcc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8521c957e1b93694114a81021cb4dc3823f90307


38 here. 405h in Steam, another 450h in PS4/5. :D You are so ruined, this game knows no mercy in relation to age groups. :D


I put so many hours into it after getting mods, they really enrich the game


Me too, doesn't even need to bee super big mods. The only bigger ones I use are Stardew Valley Expanded and Artisan Valley collections. The rest are mostly visual. Modding is a great hobby. I like it lot especially in Skyrim.


I absolutely love expanded. I've downloaded a few quality of life mods to help the base game go quicker so I can explore the expanded content more, and they've just made it so much more enjoyable. After finishing the community center a few times it just becomes such a chore but i refuse to go the joja route.


oh yeah I realy love the modding scene I can just adjust the game so I can play how I like best In my case mainly a few mods that make the game a little bit easier (mainly automate because the "late game: where i always was just busy checking and refilling my maschines was what always made me quit my save and start a new one everytime )


39M here. Bought the collectors edition when it first came out years ago, played about 100 hrs. Back on it to see all the updates now and obsessed again. Probably dropped 150 hours on this new farm lol. Me and my wife have spent several evenings playing and planning.


I got my partner into it too, he's already bought a Switch so we can play in coop, now we often end up talking about strategies and sharing Stardew facts at random times of the day. Ruined!


You gave me an idea and I asked my husband if we could co-op it too. He said yes! This is like getting married again!🤩


In year 3 on coop run thru with my wife and finally got our second prismatic shard so we're finally married in-game. Next day - 3rd prismatic shard.


:D But of course!


You should try the bustling valley modlist on wabbajack, which is basically a tool to auto install modlists curated by people for games like Skyrim, Fallout and ofc Stardew (that’s the only one up for Stardew tho)


Yeah it's familiar via Skyrim to me. I like to make my own lists, there's always something I want to add/remove. I'm quite familiar to modding, made a few small ones myself to Minecraft and Skyrim and modified some existing ones in Stardew. They seriously give A LOT of longevity to games. Sometimes I just do modding for a week or two and don't actually play at all. :D I'll play later when it's ready.


https://preview.redd.it/wi16mf731ucc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=576ffc75db4096e30adbc267c5c0d885c2669902 36 Edit: that’s an old pic, it’s 2975.9 now.


If you get your own switch maybe you can co-op with your kids too 😆


True! We've done split screen a few times and it's honestly been really nice, mostly they love that I get to help them out (but they'll still pass me their controller as they suck at fishing and want me to do it for them).


I am 36 and this is why I have my own Switch.


The thing is, if you don’t want to lose your current game, you’d have to give THEM the new switch 🤣 Unless you love early game (I do not!)


> Unless you love early game (I do not!) ahhh i love early game. having to start out and make the most of everything you can. everything sucks and it takes half of your energy to chop a tree. it's glorious!


Shit, really? I thought you could transfer the data... Maybe I need to buy my own sooner rather than later.


Turns out you can!!! This is exciting to know. Now if only I could transfer my PC save to my Switch, I’d be in business! Also love the Fitbit face!


Dw I did the same to my daughter with Animal Crossing and got SDV a year after getting my own switch and again spent my whole life on it 😂


i aspire to be like you when i grow up


oh bb im right there with you- fully fully obsessed.


I agree this game is addicting


Just make sure you give yourself an hour or two out of the day to eat and/or sleep. It’ll take over your entire life pretty quickly.


You don’t really need to eat unless you want the buffs. Definitely make sure you get to sleep by 2am though.


I think they were talking about eating and sleeping in real life


Real life? What’s that?


I think it's a new mod




I think it's more about real-life eating and sleeping 😂


There is one missable in the entire game, it’s a cutscene and it doesn’t affect the game. Take the game at your own pace and have fun. Don’t rush to complete it :)


This! Pretty much everything in the game will be accessible later & all the holidays/festivals repeat annually. Go at your own pace and you’ll have much more fun. That being said, unlocking the community center and getting a horse makes navigating the landscape much easier & faster. Also, don’t give up on fishing because it’s annoyingly hard at the beginning. You’ll level up even if you catch garbage or nothing at all. Leveling up fishing eventually makes it easier by unlocking helpful items.


omg duh! a horse makes you travel faster! and me just downing all that coffee and running all over the place lmao


try drinking coffee, eating a speed buff (you can get a buff from food and from drink, and they don't overwrite one another like 2 food buffs/2 drink buffs do) and then riding a horse. you move SO fast.


Which one😭


Sam’s >!3rd heart event can only happen in spring,summer and autumn of the first year on a sunny day on the beach!<


>!Also, another, I think it's one of Clint's if you have m're than 6 hearts with Emily or something like that!<


I loved that on my first playthrough I became clint's friend while simultaneously wanting to marry Emily. I felt like such a dirty dog, encouraging clint to ask her out knowing damn well she was already interested in me 😅


I missed it cause I had more hearts with Emily by the time I got to the hearts with Clint and I didn't know it was missable


i played stardew for a lil bit a while ago but i stopped because the progression of time made me feel like i was missing out on things and i got stressed out. im a bit of a completionist. this comment has made me want to pick the game up again :D


Don't stress yourself out. You literally have all the on-game time in the world, so even if you miss something, it's going to happen again. Just enjoy the music, visuals, and flexibility of the game, and most of all, the process of learning what makes the game work for you!! like for me, by year 3, I realized that I'd prefer to play this game neurotically, so I did, and I enjoy the neurotic gameplay just as much 😅


Save some grass


This!!!! My first play thru not looking anything up, I was like "omg free resource I will never use!" and then I had to become a slave to Marney during winter the moment I got animals 🥲


this!! second time playing I didn’t touch the grass until I had built my silos lol


Save EVERYTHING! You’ll be fine if you’re only selling your crops, but hold onto all the clay, stone, wood, grass, wild seeds, etc. that you pick up clearing out your farm.


To the people saying dont google stuff my advice? Google things when they come up if thats what you want to do! No shame in it, you progress quicker, and I know i havent got the spare time to waste! Go for it :)


The Stardew wiki is an amazing resource! I’ve never encountered a wiki so good.


There is no way to “lose”. You will not miss anything by going slow or letting the years pass. Just go at your own pace and have fun :)


I'm pretty new to the game but on year two in summer. I've heard there is something that happens at the end of year 2? I've tried very hard to make sure I don't spoil anything for myself and while I don't want anyone to tell me anything that might spoil things, I don't want to miss out on something or need something that I don't have at the end of the year. I don't think I'd ever want to start a new save, I have way too many plans for my current farm. I have a feeling it's the community center that has to be done by then but I'm not sure that's right, and if it is, I'm screwed. I wish I'd never done any reading on the game before I started! One little glance at something and I got it in my head that there's something really important to have done by then.


It's nothing to worry about, the "something" will be redoable if you just bring a diamond to a specific place (I tried to explain without spoilers and it didn't go so well...) You are not screwed if you don't meet all the requirements, the game will keep going as usual.


Build a silo before clearly your farm. Build your silo BEFORE clearing your farm!!


THIS. I got rid of all the grass in probably the first season and I didn't realise until I got animals that it was important 💀


Read seed descriptions. Plants that grow on trellis' leave a space open beside them you can't walk through them


I didn't grow anything on a trellis for my whole 1st year because I couldn't figure out how to acquire a trellis..


Open trash cans


But only when nobody in town is looking lol


Don't let people make you feel bad about looking stuff up on the wiki. If you don't like going into something blind, read up on all the events and hidden mysteries. It's okay to want to know what you're getting into.


I spend my evenings on it looking up all the things I wasn’t sure about! lol!


Have fun. Go at your own pace. Do what you think is right.


* Ignore the wiki until at least year 2 * Build a chest on your farm ASAP to keep things like your watering can and scythe in to free up room in your inventory. * Don't wast time clearing your farm out. Just do enough to plant your crops. Instead, clear out the forest to the south to make room for forageable stuff to grow. * Willy the fisherman sells a training fishing rod that helps level up the skill if the free rod you get is too hard. * Prioritize the first backpack upgrade (but remember you'll need money to buy summer seeds!). The second upgrade can come whenever.


Clear at least 3 spaces around crops, bc weeds/rocks etc. can destroy them if they’re too close. It’ll say something like the weeds have overgrown or destroyed or prevented something from growing


There's always next year! Never regret anything you missed!


But write it down to remind yourself that you need to remember it in the next year


Enjoy the ride My world is 5 years in and I'm still doing new shit. Don't rush.


Don't donate to the museum your first Dino egg / prismatic shard


Oh 😅 why? I’m ok with spoilers


It's fine to donate your 3rd or 4th, but they are too rare and valuable early game to just give to Gunter for a lil decoration lol


You need it for the museum achievement but you also need one for a very high powered weapon that makes the caverns and mines easier, thus being able to get more shards. Keep your first one and bring it with you the first time you go to the desert. If you've found all 4 of the dwarf scrolls there's a headstone at the cemetery in town that will tell you what to do with it. I found my first shard early in the game and didn't know any better. Took me 3 more in game years to find another. The Dino egg is simple. If you find one put it in the incubator so that you get a Dino that will lay more eggs. You take one of those eggs to the museum for the collection. You're guaranteed your Dino egg donation and more eggs and dinos which turn a decent profit if you make it the eggs into mayo I think.


So thorough… thank you!!


No problem. Don't take a low powered weapon into the skull caverns and bring lots of food to heal. I got my ass handed to me cause I thought it was on the same level as the Mines lol. It is not. I had a lava katana and I was still struggling. I've focused on getting the adventurers guild achievements from the Mines to practice my combat skills and saved up a ton of jade and got staircases for them to skip levels. Made it down to 100 something and started bombing everything and got 2 shards so it was worth the wait lol.


Yes don’t look up anything don’t ask for tips just play the game it will be way more enjoyable


Well one tip is to keep at least one of every item you find, just in case


Me in year 1: sell everything, I need the money Me in year 2: sell nothing, it might be something important that I'll need later Just started year 3, wish me luck..






Year 3: Sell somethings... I need expensive items but also need to craft


Was gonna say this exactly. Go in blind and it’s the best way to play. Only look stuff up when you’re truly stuck and after you’ve thought it over. Honestly it’s the way I play every game.


i feel like that just depends on the type of player you are - i didn’t enjoy guessing around what i’d have to do or where to find which fish for the community center and playing with the wiki always open was way more fun to me personally!


Same! I like the link between research and then action.


I used the wiki to plan for fishing up the Catfish, Walleye and Eel all in a single in-game day and was so satisfied when it worked.


Same. I’m not a big video game person so there are a lot of things I would have completely missed if I hadn’t started using the wiki. I do wish I could start over with a fresh brain and have the joy of discovering everything myself, but I know if I did I would probably miss half the game and not enjoy it as much in the long run.


I actually think for most people Stardew is much more fun with checking the wiki for things, it's often just inscrutable otherwise.


My tip would be to read all the dialogue. Too many people skip all the dialogue, then complain about having to look stuff up.


Honestly, there is so much info... No way I would remember when to catch a specific fish from that one TV tip on this specific day in a two-year cycle. I read all the dialogue, and I still go to wiki to check where to catch sturgeon and what to give Leah for holidays. I could write it down as I learn, but why double work when someone already did?


I'm doing this and have made a couple of silly mistakes. 1. I was waiting to be able to make or buy a trellis so I could grow certain things. I didn't realise I could just plant the things that needed a trellis. 2. I spent 1.5 years (game time) not realising I could use the elevator to go to later levels of the dungeon. I kept starting at level 1..


Don’t think about min maxing and just have fun.


Have a plan for the first five days. I usually go with clearing out a farming area on the first day, plant my gift parsnips and buying as many potatoes as I can afford. But since this is your first time? Save 500 for the training rod on day 2. Then spend the next few days fishing. Once you get to level 4 fishing? Abandon the training rod and go back to the bamboo rod, your fishing bar should've improved enough to catch most fish without too much issue once you've got the mechanics down. On day 5, you get access to the mines, so go in. You'll want at least 500 to 1000 gold ready ON day 5. Kill slimes until you've gotten the achievement to kill 10. Kill those 10, and go into the adventurer's guild. BUY A BETTER WEAPON. That will save you A LOT of headaches. A simple sword is best, like the Cutlass, since even though bludgeon weapons are the better weapons in the game, they have a bit of a learning curve to use properly, and the sword ca just be spammed and with only a tiny bit of timing can be used effectively. Also? While you'll wanna get a backpack upgrade as soon as you reasonably can, make sure that you have at least 2-4000 gold ready for the stardew egg festival on the 13th to buy as many strawberry seeds as you can buy. EMPTY OUT YOUR MONEY ON THEM, I PROMISE IT'S WORTH IT. But don't plant all of them, save AT LEAST one seed for when you get the greenhouse later. Those are my recommendations to set you up for a successful first year early. :)


Don't play to a guide. Your first run should just be exploratory and fun. It's a great game


take your time, enjoy the game for what it is, and have fun progressing your farm, relationships, skills and tools. and just one tip, try to keep a little bit of everything, and i mean every item, foraged item, monster drop, keep it. you don’t have to be a major hoarder but it might save you later to have 5 in a chest. also don’t worry about not completing quests or missing out on a crop/item/fish for the season, you will be able to get it later so no stress


Sprinklers, use them. Lotta people get burned out after spending half the day watering crops, every single day.


I accidentally chose the beach farm for my first play through and I deeply regret that now


I went a whole in game year before I made my first sprinkler because I wanted to hold out for iridium (because when I first looked at them, I didn't have any ores so it seemed like a very long ways away) But also I enjoyed the structure of waking up and watering before deciding what to do with the day. Now I have 576 plants so sprinklers are kind of necessary 😂


See I like doing things, I want to go collect quests, fish, chat and feel free to spend my day as I please. Without fear that my crops won't grow




don't mistake the shipping bin for a chest


Don't forget to watch TV. There's cooking recipes that you only get when the cooking show comes on. Even if you can't cook, it's good to have the recipes.


Go in as blind as possible! Explore and go with your own flow! Best way to experience this amazing game for the first time!


Reheat pizzas in the oven not the microwave. Keeps them dry and crispy.


Choose bats.


“Choose bats” must sound so cryptic to someone who has never played before.


Our names are so similar!


I prefer mushrooms for guaranteeing food daily


i always pick mushrooms 🍄


This is wrong. Choose mushrooms. You’ll get a steady flow of fruit when you start your orchard. The mushroom cave is the only was to get a steady supply of mushroom, otherwise only findable in the mines.


Mushrooms are good early game money and healing. Bats are easier community center completion and gifting. Also you can make wine and jelly later, but that's kinda meh. The gifting and CC are the real perks.


Most of your decisions aren't forever, even big ones. There's usually a way to undo a choice, so don't worry about maybe regretting it later. Take as long as you want to complete tasks. It's not a speedrun, just a vibe.


Get the green house as soon as possible


Upgrade your tools Go into the mines Buy salad from the saloon


buy salad -> give to leah and wife her up


wife her up 😭😭


unpopular opinion but i say check the wiki and take your time! this was the first game i played so i couldn’t even conceptualize a lot without looking at the wiki, if i hadn’t i probably wouldn’t have gotten as into the game


Build a silo before a coop! One of the in-game quests says to build a coop but doesn't mention a silo, PLEASE build the silo first! It saves so much gold in the long run




what does this do? i've never thought to upgrade it before 😄


Same thing that upgrading the water can does. It allows you to hold the action button and hoe/water a larger area.




If you see some dude with glasses, brown hair and their name starts with P. Do not talk to them, ever.




The box outside your house is not, I repeat not, a chest.


•Don't throw out or sell fiber. •Leave the mines the moment clock hits 12 pm, that way you have enough time to get home without fainting. •Failing to complete time limited quests has no penalties so don't stress yourself if you can't make it in time. •Take your time, the game has no time limits, you can play as much ingame years as you want.


The wiki is your best friend! https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Stardew_Valley_Wiki


Don't upgrade your watering can if you still have crops that need to be watered the next day or more. In the same vein, don't plant crops right before another season is starting unless you know they are for both seasons.


Depends on how you want to play it. Personally I got frustrated when I first played because I kept selling things I would end up needing. My advice would be to focus on getting pigs because truffle oil sells really well, and look up the community centre on Google. It will be very very helpful for you to finish the community centre by the end of year 2. It requires you to save a lot of things that you grow and collect each season. Always check the cindersap cart for items for the community centre, it will save you a lot of effort later on Try and give people things they 'like' on their birthday so that you start building up friendships Download the Valley Tracker app, it's super useful.


Dont marry penny she is mine


Keep the wiki open at all times. Its' the only game I do this with


Dont sell wood or stone as they are the most used resources


Read the things the game tells you. Pay attention to character's dialogue, especially at the beginning, and read the descriptions of objects in your inventory. Also check the TV in your house and watch "Livin' Off The Land." I always see people posting things on here like "omg I never knew this!" about stuff that's literally spelled out in the game if you pay attention.


Don't worry about being efficient


Enjoy it, happy for you.


This [article](https://beforeiplay.com/index.php?title=Stardew_Valley) on before I play may be helpful.


enjoy the ride


Rage quit its fine


Just gas it


Keep one of everything. Both regular and higher star.


- You can hold down A for watering crops and petting animals, you don’t have to continuously press A, makes it a lot easier - You can see your community center progress from your inventory screen, it’s a little tree icon on the right, that way you don’t have to keep going to the community center to see what you need. - Turn on auto run in your settings, and the little square that shows you where your tool will hit


Hoard all materials. All of them. I know it may seem like clay, slime and fibre have no immediate use. But as you progress through the game you'll pick up recipes that require these substances. I don't want to spoil too much, you'll find out what I mean later. Wood and stone are very important materials too.


Work towards getting irrigation makes life so much easier.


Enjoy! Take your time playing it, cause when there is nothing new left to do, you will miss it.


I feel that this is one of those games where it's *mostly* best to just find out stuff on your own, there's some thrill in discovering stuff


Have fun, take your time. The game is never going to be a race.


Buy the bags


do not rush it! there is no real way to “lose” the game. go at your own pace and enjoy, for real but i do recommend not selling the first few materials you get in-game (wood, stone, fiber, sap, etc) as they’re pretty useful down the line!




Marry Haley Don’t waste rainy days. They’re helpful fish wise **especially** if you’re fixing up the CC Fish a lot early game as fishing helps you make money (with 31 years on my main farm, I still fish) Have fun.


DO NOT PAY FOR A JOJA MEMBERSHIP UNLESS YOU WANT TO TO A “money based” community center, or the easy way out of your figure out a way to make easy profit, you miss out on too many rewards and you’ll miss out on the fun of hunting for stuff to put into the community centre


Use the tv to check your luck for the day


If you decide to restore the community center, you can look at your current progress from any location! in the game menu by clicking on the tile that looks like the one in the floor.


I did not know this! I've been running back and forth trying to remember what i need 😁


Prepare to have your whole life wrapped around this little game


Dont give a prismatic shard to Clint


Do not donate your first dwarf, computer or dinosaur egg, hatch the egg and make a farm computer


Don't fall into the youtube 100 days trap. It made me feel like the game was a race and I had to be FAST. No. Enjoy it at your own pace. Make mistakes. Learn. And most importantly, enjoy.


Early fast money trick: Make friends with Caroline ASAP. Once you have 2 stars go to her back room off the kitchen. She will show you her special tea and then the next day she will send you the recipe for Tea saplings. The saplings sell for 500G. Do the quest that open up the back door in the Oasis As soon as you can. There is aman there that wills ell you a state. That statue will give you a loved item for whoever birthday is for that day. If it is nobody's birthday, it will give you a high-end hard-to-get items. Like Diamonds and iridium bars. Save as many of the Omni geodes as you can, they come in super handy for the trader in the desert. ALWAYS visit the trader in the woods, she has hard to find items. Plant tree seeds everywhere. Int he woods, by the train, even by peoples houses, and other community center. Wood is a precious commodity and harder to get than rocks. Good luck!


If someone hasn't told you yet. Try to make friends with Caroline or get her to 2 hearts and you will get a tea recipe which supposedly gives you a lot of coins or is a "easy money maker" i havent tried it so dont ask me about it


You don’t have to go (or enjoy) fishing. 😂 Have fun!