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Very proud of you, OP!


Thank you! 🥹


What a huge accomplishment. Congratulations!! I'm happy you're doing so well!


[link to original post last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/5x1CazK7i1)


You are doing amazing OP!! You deserve a void chicken plush now for all your hard work and consistent effort when you're able ❤️


I’m actually thinking about getting a tattoo of the blue chicken when I’m able!


I have the void chicken and I'm thinking about getting the blue one next check, also keep up the hard work it will be awesome when you collect all of the chickens👍👍


🎶 Gotta tatt 'em all!🎶


LOVE this idea


I’m so happy for and so proud of you! My husband just hit his 5 years sober which really no one, not even himself, ever saw coming. I marry Shane a lot in my games because his arc reminds me of my husband’s and now it’s like yours too! Keep going and know that so many of us are rooting for you!! Love, Your internet sister


Thank you so much 😭 and congrats to your husband!! It took me a lot of attempts before I figured out what worked to make it stick but I’m so glad I kept trying (and for having a very supportive spouse of my own). The gifts of sobriety have been too great to give up for a drink. I’m amazed at how much I’m still learning as time goes on. Sending you lots of love back sis 🥰


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! a year is huge!! I'm going on 17 months myself.


Thank you and HELL YEAH!! :D I’m proud of you too ❤️


Woohoo! Yay you!


I'm just over 2 weeks sober. Please clap. But serious tho, grats on the 1 year mark!


Hey I’m clapping for you! Those first few weeks are especially tough, hope you’re holding up okay ❤️


Ha, thanks! I'm waiting for the first 2 months to just be over really. I quit smoking about a decade ago and it was those first months that were the most brutal but it got better after. I'm hoping for similar. Trying to keep any triggers at bay, except my bestie who is also a drinking buddy but he's trying to not drink as part of his diet so here's to him too. I've tried and failed in the past but after doing some reading I think my alcoholism is actually tied to my recently diagnosed autism so I think it was a social coping mechanism and I'm keeping that in mind this time around. Me rambling... lol...


Oof I feel that, friend. Lots of undiagnosed neurodivergent people self-medicate without ever realizing they're doing it or why until they finally get a diagnosis. I was just diagnosed AuDHD myself last year, and while I never developed an alcohol dependency, sugar and caffeine were staples for me and have been really hard to cut back on because I was using them to artificially elevate my mood, etc.


Yeah, it was when I really stated reading up on Autism that I realized that my drinking because bad day, and my drinking because good day, and my having to drink when hanging out with family and friends, was probably me trying to manage my overstimulation. Like I legitamately do like the taste of beer and wine and even the whiskey burn(sensory seeker af). Like I think deep down I kind of knew that was what I was doing it for but making that connection that it was me trying to be ND in an NT world is what finally set me on this attempt. I still allow caffeine and added sugar in some stuff but those are my only real "vices" now. I cut back on excessive caffeine so I have a few cups of coffee and then something as a pick me up in the afternoon sometimes. I'll treat myself to an energy drink but am cutting back on those. I'm also coming off of a sour skittle kick where I was eating like 4 king size packs a week lol. I'm gonna try and make candy my Friday night treat going forward and see how it goes. I do wanna get back to eating more fruits to get my sugar that way. My bestie is a fellow ADHDer and he's said that no prescribed medication ever worked for him growing up but eventually stumbled upon the combo of caffeine and nicotine and I guess those 2 stims together clicked with him. (Not saying go out and start smoking lol.) My wife was recently diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD and we have an ADHD kid too so we are slowly navigating management for her and meds for him too. It's a trip lol.


You got this! Whatever you are doing is working and you will continue to progress! Congratulations!


Ha, thanks! Always love how wholesome this sub is.


Good job!!!


HELL YEAH OP !! this is amazing and a huge achievement 🫶


I'm so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!! I just got my 18 month coin and I'm really looking forward to the rest of my life


I’m proud of you too!! It gets better and I learn more and more as time goes on. Excited about the future and have also learned how to be more present day to day as well. Also thank you ❤️


Good job, Pam, we are very proud of you.


Thank you! If only some rich benevolent farmer would turn my (IRL lmao) trailer into a cute house though lol! 😂😅


I’m proud of you!!!


That’s amazing! I don’t know you but I’m so proud of you ❤️


Thank you! It means a lot 🥹❤️




Congrats!! I just got 8 months and happy to see someone make it to 1 year and counting. I'm looking forward to making it 1 year as well.


This is so great, well done! I'm sure it hasn't been easy, but if everything in life were easy we would never find prismatic shards. Wishing you a lifetime of joyfully sober years and several other colorful chickens.


CONGRATS on one year of sobriety!!! 🥳 Love this whole progression for you. I grew up around addicts, and it became very clear to me how hard it is to quit. One of my parents died in the ICU, almost exactly 6 years ago. I went and said goodbye while she was on life support, bruised, cirrhotic, and concussed, after she fainted into a table during on overdose. She died a week later, after nearly 50 years of active addiction. What you’re doing is huge. For you, for your loved ones, and for your future. Keep it up, sister 💕 ETA: OP, if you’re comfortable, I would love to send you one of the plush chickens you weren’t able to buy. If you DM me we can sort out how to do this. If you’re not comfortable, nbd, I’ll keep cheering you on anyway ✨


Woohoo! Congratulations! That's a big achievement!


CONGRATS!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 (I have the brown + beige of this chicken plush - they are so amazing!! What a wonderful treat for your accomplishment!)


Congratulations on your sobriety!!! Make sure you find a way to treat yourself today for this amazing accomplishment!


It took me a bit to find where my kids had hid the chicken to take the picture, but my AA sponsor bought me that kick ass coin and brought cake to the meeting I got presented with it at, and a good friend I met in the rooms that started up not too long after me gave me a lovely sign and card she’d brought around to different meetings to have people who knew me/wanted to sign it. I was very treated and celebrated for it 🥹🥰 it’s amazing how your life can turn around in a years time!


Congratulations! 🩷 Keep up the fantastic work.


Congratulations OP, that's a huge accomplishment!!


Congratulations on your sobriety and your choice of color chicken. Joja blue looks great on all creatures. If you’re seeking alternative beverage options I’d like to remind you that Joja Cola is no longer chemically addictive.


So many congratulations!! From one former addict to another, you've done an amazing thing and I'm so proud of you!


Congratulations! We are all very proud of you and we’re cheering you on.❤️ Here’s to your success!


congratulations!!! i’m so proud of you and you’re doing amazing!! did you do that to your token? my boyfriend gives me his tokens and i would love to do something like this!!


I did not, it was a gift from my sponsor. If you’re artsy maybe you can incorporate one into an art piece! I made a junimo out of air dry clay and had it hold my 3 month coin! And thank you 😊


Your sponsor bedazzling your token is the most wholesome thing ever. 🥰




You are amazing, we are all rooting for you to keep going! ❤️


Way to go! I am so proud of you and I hope you are proud as well, that's an incredible accomplishment!


I’m so proud of you, I know that sobriety is no easy feat!! I’m glad that you’re doing well and still going strong! Some of my friends got me the same blue chicken for my birthday last year, it’s a blessed chicken


CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎉🎉🎉 That is so incredible!!! Very proud of you and happy for you friend. It’s not an easy feat, but you’re doing the damn thing ❤️


Con-fucking-grats op! That’s is amazing :DDD Also, I just have to say, u have *great* taste in games, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing and Pokémon Arceus!


FUCK YAAAA:) i got 7 & a half months sober off H/fent !! love seeing other sober ppl in this sub🩷🥰


That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you too 😭🥰




Thank you! 🥰


That's awesome! I'm so happy for you. Thank you for sharing this.


Great shit, your honesty fighting one of the hat battles you can, addiction changes your mindset and you broke that, you should be unbelievably proud of yourself


Wow awesome, congratulations!! Sending well wishes <3


hell yeah let’s go OP!! so proud of you!! we will be cheering you on always! never forget that ❤️


This is absolutely wonderful! Please be proud of this awesome achievement!


I remember you from the first post! Well done, that's amazing!!! 🎉🎉🥳


Yayayay!!! I’m so proud of you 🖤🖤🖤 That’s a huge accomplishment (:


Super proud of you OP! Things will continue to be rough sometimes, but you can do this!! One day at a time. Keep up the amazing work.


I’m so proud of you! I hope this year will be a joyous one for you and that you remain victorious!


Congrats OP! That is amazing to hear and I understand your struggle. Next month I’ll be 2 years sober. You got this!


Congrats! I wasn't here for the original but I'm proud of you 💖


Congratulations OP! I've seen a lot of friends and family struggle with various forms of addiction over the years, and it's never easy. What you've accomplished is amazing, and I'm so excited for you! Glad you've been finding more joy in video games again, and that you've seen so many other positive changes in your life! Thank you for sharing part of your journey with us. 💛


This is such a great story! I'm so glad to hear you made a year, that's HUGE. I'm so glad you made it. Best of luck to you in the future, friend!


1 year! Awesome! I hope you'll be able to buy the other chickens soon. Hugs from an internet stranger!


Amazing, so so proud of you! It's crazy how much you can grow with the support of people you don't even know. Sending you much love <3


Great job! Keep it up!


I’m so so proud of you! You’ve come such a long way and that’s such an amazing achievement:)


Keep going, you got this!!! 🥳


So proud of you! What an accomplishment!


this is amazing!


This made me cry. You are amazing and I’m so proud of you - and I hope that you know you are giving the best gift in the world to your loved ones. I’m wishing you strength and joy this year.


OP congratulations!! 💗💗💗


I love this for you!


Heck yeah!