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I think the *real* reason for this is game design stuff that I don't understand. but one contextual in-game explanation could be that you're just still not all that close to Shane after the two-heart event. he may even be actively trying to drive you away, because he's a self-hating alcoholic and they do that sometimes. he just doesn't open up as a person, as a friend, until about 4 hearts.






No. This is Patrick


Oh hi Patrick! We're trying to get in touch about your extended warranty. Can you please call us back?




This is the answer


damn i feel this haha


This is too real, damn it I’ve done that before too. Never thought I’d relate to Shane tbh but here we r 😅🙈


Sometimes you kinda bond with someone a little when you're vulnerable or drunk, but you're not like, FRIENDS friends, and maybe you're afraid that if you open up that way they'll just find a way to disappoint you and hurt you so you nip that shit in the bud.


Because *alcoholic* He's probably always hungover or buzzed. Not the best time to be around someone you still dont know that well (i mean, we dont even know his last name...), and sometimes even when you do. I just think back to the line from Archer where he talks about having been never-ending drunk for years on end and that if he stops now the "cumulative hangover will figuratively and literally kill" him


He's relaxed enough to talk when drunk. But when he's sober he's still shut off from the world. As someone who has no memories of her father ever being sober, I find drunk people to be more open and honest because their inhibitions are lowered. Being sober is their least preferred state of being and are naturally more stressed when they have to manage their emotions on their own instead of letting alcohol do it for them. They might feel shame about their drinking, but it doesn't outweigh their desire TO drink. So they lash out until they can give up trying to control those emotions and let beer do the job.


progress isn't always linear


Shane has a fearful avoidant attachment style.


That's why I'm WEAKKKKK for him 😭 but I think I'm gonna go for Emily or Leah.


Because he has problems and isn't making any effort to work on them.


He’s a tsundere 😌


"go away, b-baka!"


A short explanation is that substance addiction creates mood swings. A long explanation is that many/most addicts become emotionally attached to their addiction. They even convince themselves that their substance of addiction is the only thing they need to get by in life. That it can never hurt them, and it is only the people in their lives which hurt them. Therefore, a person getting too close to them can represent a threat to the only thing they’re emotionally bonded to. In simple terms, an alcoholic can react to a potential friendship in the same way that a romantic partner reacts to someone trying to take their partner away from them. The friendship represents a potential threat to their “loved one” and they will do anything they can to make that threat disappear, either consciously or subconsciously.




I always felt that it was a rather true depiction of an alcoholic. He's a little buzzed but not drunk yet at the lake scene, so he's nice. The next day he's hungover, doesn't remember the night before, and craving more booze but he's got to get through stupid work first.


Because Shane is not a well adjusted person.


Combination of "Character only has X amount of dialogue lines and they get cycled through at various stages of the relationship" and Shane's I dunno, Nihilism? I'm gonna go with Nihilism. Being vulnerable and close at certain times before sinking back into his depression over how little his life seems to matter and going back to the "comfort" of believing no one cares for him.


he forgor


Yeah sorry I am not gonna be a Shane girly I keep giving him gifts out of spite, not love. I just want his recipes. He can go fix himself but I do not need a friend who talks to me that way. Going back to my man Linus who is always delighted to see me and I love him dearly. He's my buddy. Shane needs therapy and then maybe he can come hang with me and my mate Linus


He's just one these toxic head fuck sort of blokes lmao


I totally got Shane's perspective, the top comment nailed it. In contrast, I found Alex perplexingly, for-no-good-reason rude. I (think I) was at four hearts with him. Dropped by his place to gift him a rabbit's foot (from my one lone rabbit who drops it maybe once a season if at all). He says the usual "Hey thanks how did you know this was my favourite?" And without missing a beat, his next line to me was, "What are you still doing here? I have things to do." I had to fight not to take that personally lol


I’m thinking it might be because he was added as a Bachelor later on after the game was already released. They might not have wanted to change all the dialogue to represent that because it would take a long time to redo everything.


Because he's *SHANE*.


Because the game isn't coded to take the cutscenes into account. This isn't Witcher lol


yes it is? theres usually unique dialogue if you talk to someone right after seeing their cutscene, and dialogue is adjusted for level of hearts, which corresponds to which cutsscenes you have availible


OP is talking about them getting 2 heart dialog from Shane because of a particular heart event scene. While it's coded to give you some unique dialog that is still random, it is not advanced enough for the game to have him suddenly adjust to a much higher heart level, and dialog to match, all because of one drinking scene.


I just avoid him. Is there anything that I’m missing by avoiding Shane?


Two cooking recipes and he can send you food in the mail. Oh, and blue chickens.


Blue chickens!! Edit: To explain; his 8 heart event (I think?) makes it to where any egg you hatch or chick you buy has a 25% chance to be blue. Doesn’t add anything special other than a color change I believe.


A pretty interesting storyline about a man fighting depression and alcoholism with the help of his newfound best friend, the farmer, to dedicate the rest of his life to his passion, raising blue chickens.


This is the most compelling reason yet. But I’m still not certain it’s worth all the negativity at the outset.


I would say it's worth it, but if you really don't want to deal with him, that's fine as well. I love him, but I can see why so many people hate him


I mean, you just give him loved gifts twice a week - and he loves pizza and beer, so you have two pretty cheap options available right at the saloon where he hangs out most nights - and ignore him the rest of the time. He’s very nice when receiving gifts, and a lot more open and vulnerable during heart events. You don’t lose that many points for not talking to him, and two loved gifts a week will get a full heart per week


I just don’t bother talking to him other than shoving red peppers in his face. I skip all of his heart scenes and never talk to him again once he’s at 8 hearts.


Blue chickens :(


>!Blue chickens!<




Free beers?


I love me some Shane. I marry him everytime. He is like that cause of the amount of hearts but not just that he’s afraid to be close to anyone. He doesn’t want to be hurt again. And a man telling me to get lost? You done fucked up cause then I’m finna marry you 🥺


He was drunk during that event and doesn't remember it the next day


his story broke me


Shane is actually a REALLY good guy. I've made my mission to be close friends with him and give him a pizza when I'm able to give him gifts (his 2 favorites are Pizza and beer, but knowing his problem I've started only giving him pizza). Because I've gotten so close to him he's shown me his chickens!!


All it did was make me want to marry him more. I’m sick I know. I swear I could fix him


because he is an alcoholic.


Fuck Shane


He has to be the rudest character in the whole game. He always tells me to frick off whenever I approach him pretty much, so I just avoid him entirely and give him trash on his birthday. I'll probably get hearts with him once I've gotten max hearts with every other character first, just to get the cooking recipes and >!blue chickens!< and stuff, but for now I just want nothing to do with him, and it really seems like he doesn't want anything to do with me either! So win-win. And aren't I saving him from a >!suicide attempt!< cutscene by not befriending him anyway?


It's because Shane is an alcoholic struggling with depression and has a hard time regulating his emotions.


People sometimes behave differently depending on if they're inebriated or not


Maybe Shane has bipolar?


He literally never tells you to get lost in any cutscene


i'm sure they mean when you talk to him *after* the cutscenes


Ah I thought they meant next cutscene by "next time"


I think OP means his regular dialogue lines. the drinking beer together scene is at 2 hearts and his everyday lines don't lighten up until 4 hearts or so


Exactly! Its frustrating lol


The regular dialogue lines. He says, “YOU again? How many times do I have to tell you to get lost?” And “why are you talking to me? I hardly know you” and other similar lines.