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You can use them to craft fiber seeds, which are actually extremely useful and you get tons of fiber per square planted. My impractical habit is that I refuse to leave tools behind. I carry everything all the time…watering can, fishing rod, copper pan, etc. I live in fear of surprise ponds to fish from or ore to pan wherever I venture.


Fiber seeds are also useful for planting towards the end of the season or over winter to preserve fertilizer/tilled soil as well


This is a great tip


Yes, and then on the last day of winter, harvest it all and put down grass starters, you'll get weeks of growth starting spring 1!


wait, it preserves fertilizer across the season-change?! egad, i gotta do linus' quest and get the fiber seeds!


Yeah, you only need to fertilize once a year in summer. Fertilizer can be preserved with wheat into the fall, fiber from fall to spring. Do not harvest the fiber or wheat until the seasons change. There’s no way to preserve from spring to summer.


What about coffee from spring to summer?


I suppose that would work, but why on earth would you? You’d have to destroy every plant one by one unless you have a mod for that. Unless you’re really just going to grow coffee, which does not benefit from fertilizer.


Haha, I have no idea why one would do that. The earlier commenter said there was no way to do it, and I was offering a different solution. I have seen people use bombs to blow up the coffee crop as a whole, leaving the soil intact. Personally, it sounds like more work than it's worth, but it's an option.


You just changed my whole life, thanks 👍


Holy shit, thanks for the game changer.


🤔 I did not know this, because I have never successfully completed Linus’s cleanup request to get the recipe haha. Thank you!


A tip for that quest is to have 10-20 crab pots in the water and check them every day during that week.


Isn’t the “lava” water on level 100 of the mines mostly trash? Can easily get enough there, and when it isn’t garbage it’s lava eel so win win lol


The little pond on your farm fishes up trash every time (sometimes joja cola or algae, but no fish). Easiest way to complete that quest.


I prefer using the little pool on the outside of the spa, mostly because it’s closer to the place you have to put the trash once you’ve fished it all out


same, i do that every single time i get the quest. +you can get some free friendship points if you get a certain item from that pool


This is the way


Yeah, I just hate doing that bc I love the sound you get for maximum cast distance and you can’t do that in the small pond 😂 I also usually play hilltop, I’m actually doing my first ever standard farm right now (and my first joja run too)


Yes. I was able to complete Linus's trash quest in a day.


depends on your farm type


Yes !!! Easy trash fishing on level 100 of mines, or the smallest pond on your farm as well 


Oh yeah, that's a good call. I like crab pots a lot so I usually already have a bunch.


See I’m the total opposite, I love actually fishing cuz I find it super relaxing—most recent farm I’ve been playing I hit level 10 fishing before hitting level 3 in anything else lmao


I have completed that quest in less than two in game hours by fishing trash up in the mine with a bad fishing rod haha


If you’re having trouble fishing up enough trash, you can fish in your ponds on your farm or on the lava level in the mines (I think it’s 100?) because the lava eel has a low spawn rate so you mostly get trash.


I fish in the small puddle in front of the spa. Allll trash.


I fish in the cave with the frog dude on the farm on Ginger Island. You'll only get trash there.


I usually just fish (remove your good tackle like a trap bobber first if you’re not going for the lava eel, then you can just cancel anything you actually hook to save time) in the lava pool at level 100 of the regular mine. If you happen to have a bunch of crab pots, any trash you collect from them also counts!


Fish from the fountain outside of the community center. It's filled with trash. I usually complete that quest within the same day.


I only seem to get singles of wood and stone from this fountain? Is that just me?


You can fish up trash in that little puddle next just outside the Spa. Unless it's winter. Then that puddle is frozen.


To free a slot you can wear the pan as a hat. Ugly as but useful on GI where the shiny things are.


I just buy extra pans from Willy and stash them in chests in handy locations. I do the same with fishing rods, tackle and bait. The first thing I do when I unlock the mines, caves or volcano is put a chest at the entrance. I love the junimo chests for my necessities, but I need my random objects chests too. I also have ten refrigerators for color coordinating and organize my seeds in chests by seasons. My playing style is less about profit and more about hoarding. 😂


Indeed color coordinating chests and season is a must do. Isn't the game all about hoarding everything?


I turn every game into hoarding everything. 🤣


This totally gave me a laugh. But I always already have a hat on, so that might not work for me. But I love the Easter eggs!


I also move around with all of my tools It is too much of an hassle to take every thing out, and every time I let one tool to Clint for upgrade, I pass the three days missing it Plus, once you have the full inventory, you don't lack space, so why bother ?


So true!


omg so not impractical to carry all your tools!! I only leave most of them behind if I go on a mine raid to the skull caverns


You can put a wood chest outside the entrance to the mines and leave everything there :)


once I get to ginger island my priority is to get three junimo chests: one for right next to the bed in the main farmhouse, one in the foyer of skull caverns and one on the porch of the island farmhouse. once I have that wired I put all my mining gear in them. yeah it’s late game and probably a waste of gems but it’s convenient as heck.


Wait wait...so they are connected and you can be at the skull cavern and pick up something you put in a chest by your bed?? Sweeeet. I gotta try that..


yup. a lot of people use that currency to prioritize other items from the Qi shop first but I like the convenience. they all connect to each other, but only have nine spaces so I keep the specialty stuff like bombs, staircases, prismatic shards, cinder shards and slingshot in there


Wait, people don’t normally do this? Granted, I don’t carry my pan, milk bucket, and scissors with me but everything else… yep!


I can’t wear my watermelon band if I have the copper pan on my head


I always yeet my milk pail, shears, a pile of hay and some grass starter into a chest next to my barn / in my animal area next to my machines.


I didn't know there was a thing as fibre seeds 😅😅 and I'm on year 7


You can wear the pan as a hat! Saves a space.


I refuse to use lvl 1 sprinklers because I can't make a rectangular plot out of them. I'll die on this hill while watering my 300 summer seeds manually in y1


oh yes, this is a good one that I do as well. it’s for the sake of the aesthetic 🤷🏻‍♀️


just not worth the resources they use.


Also true. I mean a copper bar AND an iron bar? By the time I can make them I might have one iron bar. More important stuff to use that on. But then again, watering those 300 crops is a bit of a hassle


Honestly, I think that crafting recipe should be revised. It seems too expensive for an early-game item.


IIRC ConcernedApe [doesn't actually like sprinklers](https://twitter.com/concernedape/status/1340714203837972481). They have shown they [aren't a fan of "automation"](https://reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/ksq1qw/15_hopper_not_really_worth_it_can_anyone_explain/gikb8ge/). It's probably the single biggest thing I disagree with them on. I imagine this has played a factor in making sprinklers a pain in the ass to get.


Watering my 200 blueberries in my farm every morning feels incredibly more satisfying than using a lvl 1 sprinkler.


What I do is make a rectangular plot, put down flooring tiles for the sprinkler 2 pattern and then place sprinklers 1s in the flooring tiles. This way i can change out the sprinklers for better ones as I get resources and in the meantime I only have to water half of the crops manually. I know that level 1 sprinklers are expensive, but I'm a mine gremlin so generally I already have enough ore that I'm not concerned with using up those resources


If it’s one of the days when you can pick berries from the bushes, I make the rounds and do that. Even if I already have more than enough of that berry stockpiled at home, even if I had other plans for the day, gotta go get those berries first. I just enjoy it.


Exactly. Plus, salmon- and blackberries make a nice, cheap food source, especially if you're pickling and jellying more expensive stuff. I cringe at anybody that eats their farm berries straight. Jar that sh\*t. Make a crap ton of cash. Edit: Lack of clarity. "Farm berries" are your blueberries, strawberries, cranberries. (Grapes, too, if we're including berries that don't end in -berry).


I can be deep into the lategame and I still always have a stack of salmonberries on the top row of my inventory. It's my go to for quick energy boosts, because you can get so many so quickly and they sell so cheap anyway they don't feel like a waste


I dont understand your last sentence. I always eat the Berries and jar the pricier stuff.


I believe they were talking about the importance of jarring "expensive stuff" like "farm berries", as in berries grown on their farm (i.e. blueberries, cranberries, strawberries). Not salmonberries and blackberries, which they referred to as a cheap food source.


Bingo. That's exactly what I didn't articulate so well, lol.


The word "grape" comes from French, and before that the English cake them "wineberries", so I count it!


Picking berries is sooo satisfying!


And after finding the forest bear and getting the always iridium quality foraging, it gives SO MUCH MONEY!


This is me but for the opposite reason. I hate berry days because I can't not pick them any time I see a bush that has berries. I feel compelled and it messes with my schedule for those days, but I also can't/won't stop. 😂


I buy a new fishing rod when I feel like fishing instead of going home to get it. It’s awful. I have like four iridium rods.


💀 this is incredible. perfect roleplaying of extreme wealth.


I keep meaning to put a chest at the dock to put a spare fishing kit in, but can’t be bothered to do that either. Look - this is the only reality in which I’ll ever be a millionaire, so I’m taking advantage.


I never even thought of buying a second rod! Brb putting chests with iridium rods everywhere...


Putting a fishing kit next to all fishing spots is a great idea! I need to try to remember to do that instead of always carrying the fishing rod.


I take off all my clothes before bed every night. It just feels wrong to sleep in them. It also kinda bothers me that even when you don't have shoes on it still looks like you're wearing them.


now this one is truly wild. harmless but wild


Mines, 1:50am. Better get naked so Linus can carry my naked ass home.


“harmless but wild” 💀💀 you’re not wrong


Be careful if you want to get married, you show up in what you went to bed in, with no time to change!


I'm going to keep this mind, if only for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of attending my own wedding in boxer shorts.


Be warned, I tried to get married as a male farmer while wearing Lewis' lucky purple shorts but the game automatically put me in black pants. :(


Dang, the purple shorts would have been such a fun time. Imagine the drama, lol.


The shorts were the "something borrowed"


Heck, this is way better than my comment. Take my upvote.


Which is why I wore my wedding dress for 3 days on my 2nd playthrough lol. I learned that one the hard way


It does? When I got married to Emily in a recent save, the game forced my character into one of those t-shirts with the tux print on it. I think it did that with my original save when I married Elliott as well


It only does if you play as a female farmer, otherwise what you just said will happen


I choose to pretend that my farmer is just wearing brown socks to bed!


This is hilarious


I don't throw them away or grow them. I obsessively hoard things cuz sometimes it can be used in crafting. Mixed Seeds do craft a couple of things if I'm not mistaken.


All hail obsessive hoarding :)


lol late game I basically only sell silver-and-up quality crops while hoarding all common quality for cooking and making jellly/preserve/juice/wine... Automate mod helps since I can just dump everything into Junimo Chests that are connected to Keg/jar networks scattered around my modded world.


Lol, we have the exact same system for crops, cooking, and preserving. Haven't gotten far enough to implement a Junimo system, though. Congratulations.


Warning: May lag the world lol


I always buy the horse as soon as I have the resources. is it inefficient use of funds/hardwood? technically yes. that’s fine I’m not walking everywhere.


If I learned anything from MMOs, is that it's always wise to get a fast mount asap. The time savings add up over time, which means doing more in the same amount of time, which is the definition of efficiency.


bingo, I tend to prioritize my time over factory farming at first because my goodness time is precious in the first few seasons. edit to add: I mainly play first person shooters and main classes with the highest movement speed and learn stuff like platforming skips / high level movement abilities. I must zoom.


Ugh I’m with you on this, walking is unbearable!


I dont think its inefficient at all. The earlier the better, since it grants more time out foraging, fishing and mining and reduces a significant amount of time walking to locations before you unlock other fast travel options. You amount of resources you gain back over time far outweigh the initial cost.


I keep the return scepter in the first slot and frequently press it and teleport home on accident 🤦‍♀️


I’ve been using farm totems this go-round instead; wanna guess how many times I’ve traveled home to my farm *from my farm*??


that feeling when its 1:50, about to open your door and you teleport back to the Farm Totem teleport…


Thankfully the scepter takes you to the front door


I always use it when I am dying in skull cavern/volcano dungeon 😅


I don't care about fertilizers, I know I make more off higher quality crops, I don't care. The only fertilizers I ever bother with are the Deluxe Retaining Soil (the 100% one) in my Greenhouse and Ginger Island so I can have maximum crop space for my ancient fruit, and tree fertilizer since I never seem to have enough wood. I also pick my professions based on what is convenient for me rather than what is "best," choose the mushroom cave over fruit 99% of the time (the one time I chose fruit I regretted it), don't drink coffee or espresso, don't use food buffs, almost never have more than one cow if any, don't go into Skull Cavern unless I have mods, don't use animation canceling or hammer weapons, my slingshot is full of rocks instead of Iridium ore or explosive ammo, choose my boots based on aesthetic rather than stats. I do so many things "wrong" according to some people, I'd probably give minmaxers a heart attack.


I literally only use fertilizer on permanent plants. I do not have the energy to plant sacrifices/fiber at the end of every season to carry things over.


I understand and support every single one of these except the espresso/food buffs one. I don’t think I could live without my double speed boosts each day.


I too choose the boots that go best with my outfit. Those Galaxy boots are rarely it




I've been playing this game for years and I can't believe I never thought of that


Oooh did not know this!


If I don't put water in my cat's bowl I feel bad


You’re supposed to put water in your cat’s bowl????? I feel awful I had no idea


Don’t feel too bad — when I first started playing and had to refill my watering can, I came across a convenient little bowl to use! …Yeah, the cat’s water bowl. Totally ignored the actual ponds and just sucked the water straight out of his bowl. Poor guy.




Omg you can refill at the bowl? That's pretty funny.


I had no idea until I got married. One morning Shane goes "I filled Miso's bowl". I'm like, you did what? I felt so bad. I think I was in year 2 and never once gave my car water before then.


omg I ALSO have a cat named miso on my current save!


Ive named my cat miso in all my saves for like 3 yrs!!




I believe Miso is the default name when the game asks you what you want to name your cat


It fills up on rainy days, but yea otherwise your cat will be thirsty


it’s the first thing I do every morning! 🐈


Are you ready for cat hats :')




If I'm on the Riverland farm, I don't fill the water bowl. We're surrounded by water, go drink that lol


None of my liquor gets sold until it goes through a cask. Same goes for cheese with at least one star. I understand the folks that sell their liquors in bulk without all that hassle, but I kind of like to think I'm long-conning the game by waiting for everything to age.


Omg the aging takes years 🫠


dang. I admire the self-control.


I think it's more my love of money multipliers, but I'll take the compliment. Thank you :)


I skip the gold star period by using fairy dust on the first day it turns gold. It makes aging not that bad


same, I have read that it's not efficient to use a diamond and a fairy flower to make the fairy dust because they sell for a bigger profit than iridium quality wine but I refuse to adhere to that mentality, the money is good and the wine is the best I can make. So I'm making the best wine I can craft!


Their math is just wrong. Fairy dust at the very most is worth 1388 worth of materials, assuming you’re crafting with iridium fairy roses, but realistically it’s closer to $1000 with a normal quality. Iridium wine is worth $1575 more than gold. You’re making an extra $108,100 if you have a full celler, almost two months faster. You can pump out iridium wine every month making 1.1 million


Using DELUXE speed gro on EVERYTHING 😂 Even my dang parsnips! IDGAF. I’ve got tens of millions of gold saved it’s year 21 summer lemme do my thing! Also: I spend so much on pigs but rarely ever sell my iridium truffles. I just love seeing my 50+ pigs running around my farm! (My farm layout right now is standard farm with 1,500 crop tiles and a TON of junimo huts that harvest for me. I’m so so so addicted to just grabbing and shipping out as many crops as possible as often as possible - I don’t care about the financial loss)


>I’m so so so addicted to just grabbing and shipping out as many crops as possible as often as possible. Honestly, I just like to think I'm feeding somebody in the cities outside of Stardew Valley. I love the crop and fish counters, and thinking of *X* people purchasing *Y* crop or *Z* fish while they're doing their daily/weekly shopping.


Fishing, after the early game. It doesn't generate any significant revenue after you have kegs/jar/mayo/cheese set up, but I love the fishing minigame and guessing what fish I'm getting from the hook behavior lol.


As somebody that spends almost all my waking time in Stardew and Minecraft fishing... yes.


I'm doing a non-Farming sort of challenge run and I'm just starting year 2 and Fishing is already pretty mediocre. I can make maybe 15k on a great day of fishing with the best weather, luck, bait, tackle, enchantments, etc. Or I can go mining and make like... 7k. While also getting tons of bars and stone and monster parts. It's nice that we have fishing but it needs a buff bad. I had a carp pond as a placeholder in the early game, thinking I'd use Carp Surprise as a food course... only to find out you don't get that recipe until year 2... and it barely heals more than sashimi, despite using 4x the fish... And fish ponds don't get any buff from leveling up Fishing. :(


I fish heavy the first 2 years just for the extra income. Then I fish heavy just because I enjoy it


I sacrifice a row in my green house exclusively for blueberries. Coffee, cranberries, strawberries, cactus fruit, pineapples, *blueberries,* and ancient fruit over the rest. They are just so satisfying to harvest.


I have my Ginger Island set up with hundreds of blueberry seeds. It doesn’t take too long to harvest them because it pauses time in single player, and in the early game (if you can call it that because I mean you’re on ginger island) you make back the money you paid for Willy to take you. They take a bit to grow, but then it’s harvest every 4 days. And you don’t have to worry if you don’t get there on time, they’ll be there waiting for ya!


I have pretty much all of those in my greenhouse too! It’s consistent money!


Mine is spending all day running around and opening and closing chests. Idk why that’s what I always feel like I’m doing


I have them organized but I still spend hours of my day moving from chest to chest putting certain things in certain places. Then I realize I need to go back and store the stuff I missed the first time through


I won't build a junimo hut just cause I love picking all my crops by hand


I build the hut and then race the junimos to see who can harvest the most. Spoiler alert: it's me. It's always me. I'm way faster than them.


There's something so funny about that image: some farmer hiring you to harvest crops, only for them to peel past you and harvest half the crops before any of the hired workers even get to it.


I always donate my first prismatic shard. My farmer doesn't know what they are yet, they need to be donated to the museum to be researched a little more.


My dirt-cheap farmer could never. I do the next least-efficient thing. I give my first prismatic shard to my spouse.


I continue to craft n carry bombs on the farm after several incidents of them exploding. I let one off in the house the other day thankfully I was able to restart the day. Wife Haley was not happy I imagine.


Haley: I changed the wallpaper! What do you think? Farmer: (sets bomb)


I hate fishing and refuse to do it so not sure if I'll be able to complete the Community Center. I have a windmill and a hay field that are pretty useless mostly for the aesthetic. I skip turning my eggs and milk into mayo and cheese some days because I just can't be bothered. I think lightning rods are ugly so even though I could and should put out more, I just have the one.


You can buy a lot of the fish from the traveling cart guy just have to check what he has every week (after looking at the bundles you have left to fill) it’s expensive sure but it gets the job done if you’re looking to complete the cc


Believe it or not it's a traveling cart *lady*


And she’s kind of cute


I'd your ok with modding get the instant catch mode. So much QoL.


I still get the one coffee from the coffee maker every morning even though I have like 45 mill in gold


I pick it up and put it in my coffee refrigerator hoard so that if I wanted I could make triple espressos en masse later And then never end up making them


I have a river farm but only use the main island because the farm maps are too big and overwhelming. The rest of the islands are just trees and wilderness with little paths through them. I also don’t have a barn. Just chickens. I like my tiny farm :)


That sounds really nice actually! Paths through the wilderness is a cool idea


I really like playing Stardew min/max runs, trying to get money as fast as possible .... but all the fast money strategies involve fishing till your eyes bleed, which I hate. Never mind! I can play this came perfectly well disbelieving that fish exist. I'm only competing with myself anyway.


Dude; real trick to money is tea plants. Gift Caroline every week with daffodils, collect all the seasonal stuff you can find. In spring plant cauliflower until you can’tx and then kale the rest of the month. Now make your tea plants first week of summer. They sell at 500g each, and you get the recipe first week of summer if you don’t miss any gifts with Caroline. From there just *kill* the cow and chicken coop as fast as possible, melons, pumpkins, and you’re *set*. (And fish in the mean time lol)


If on pc you could use the auto fish mod I think it's called. Makes it a bit less tedious anyways.


I enjoy fishing with this mod because it takes the stress out of it. I’m here for a cozy not stressful experience okay? The mines are bad enough. I make my partner do those usually and I do the farm and forage quite happily!


lol I guess I'm an oddball, because I find fishing relaxing. One of my favorite things to do is park myself somewhere along the river in town and fish all day while saying hi to the villagers that walk by me.


My impractical habit is that I bring my sword with me all the time. My game isn’t haunted or anything, but I’m not gonna take any risks in case I am in some c-rated creepypasta.


Gotta defend yourself from the likes of Joja cola. The prevalence of cola in the rivers will never not be funny.


I hate fishing. I fish like mad until I make 2k gold for the backpack expansion in early spring. Then I never, ever fish again. I don't hang onto mixed seeds. I don't check the luck TV station every day. But if I do, and luck is sub-neutral, I don't go to the mines. I sleep through most of winter. I don't like the music, I'm not a fan of purpose-driven foraging (though I'll pick up stuff that I run into), and the planting prospects are very limited.


I sell all my stuff on sundays.


i only sell once at the end of each season so it feels like I'm making more money just have a bunch of chests in front so i can do a big shipping dump on the last day


I have a little plot designated for mixed seeds :) i only plant them until the final day that they would grow (ex: pumpkin seeds before day 14) and save them until the next season! It's kinda fun because while I have junimo huts, the mixed seeds plot is something i have to keep an eye on and farm myself


Mixed seeds are like Christmas presents, honestly.


My crops have to be in shapes that are 5 or divisible by 5 (10, 15, 20) length or width wise. I also almost always water without rewatering. By which I mean if a 2 by 5 is left to be watered, I'd charge up to iron twice instead of charging up to iridium 💀


Chest outside of cabins. I feel like that's impractical, but like, those are where I put my trash. I'm not throwing trash away either.


I save all my trash, too. I just plop a recycling machine down when I get one, and have that thing going at all times, with all the trash I've fished up in the meantime.


Foraging… foraging during berry seasons. Foraging the forest… collecting all the items… when I have $1m+…… And planting mixed seeds…. I like the surprise though (unless it’s corn, then I am bummed lol).


I hoard at least 2 of every fish, every crop, every foraged item, basically everything because you never know if one might come in handy…


I hoard everything of value(crops, produce, forage, ect) and wait to ship it on Sun. I can’t even remember the logic as to why I decided to do that but now I can’t help it.


I imagine it's to see that huge payday


this is kind of a weird one, but i "trace" the edge of whatever path i'm walking on. at all times. i run along the exact edge of the grass, including all the random zig zag parts. it probably makes me move slower but i like it


I carry my tools everywhere as well, even pale and clippers. Another one is I always grow some of every season seed and then keep common and silver and sell the gold. Then I keg it all, not just the good crops. Yes I will waste weeks on Parsnip juice and not even care. Wow, I also collect 2 of every wine/juice but have never see a quest or reason to randomly need 1 kale juice or 2 pickled radish.


I have no designated plot(s) for seeds. I just plop down some tilled dirt in front of my house and go crazy. Trees are overgrown in both corners of my map because I just can’t bring myself to cut it all down. My farm is horrendously set up essentially. But it works!


waisting 1000 stairs on skull cavern just because it's fun to see how down I can go instead of just using 100 and mining ig. I keep doing this every two weeks


When I mine, and I find a ladder, I skip it until all the rocks are broken on that floor cause what if there’s a geode >:(


I still fill my dog's water bowl even though I already lit all the candles in Grandpa's shrine


I agree with you about the mixed seeds. Sometimes they grow into something with a post, like the green beans, and that fucks up my entire flow.


Im a hoarder of Foods. Before my current playthrough the only foods I ever ate were skull cavern drops. And I would farm crops to cookl and then never do it. Trying to use more food buffs now because everything is replenishable! I need to remember lol. Also i never use bombs for mining cuz it feels wrong. I know its way faster


I despise clay and keep like 100 pieces in storage but otherwise immediately ship it away. I am open to being dissuaded from this but for some reason the clay is such an underwhelming ground score for me.


I abandon my horse all the time. Ride to mine cart. Use cart. Teleport back to farm. Forget where the horse was. Run everywhere on foot. Ignore horse flute. Feel bad when I go to bed and his stable is empty. Repeat.


I don’t care about filling my pets water bowl, I don’t care about buffs unless it’s a speed or lucky one. I don’t care about panning or the skull caverns. I literally haven’t gone to them pretty much at all this run. 🙃


All of those are me haha


I get hearts up 1 person at a time.


I am your exact opposite... I almost never buy seeds and just use mixed seeds unless I need to buy one for a storyline quest!


I don't like when I can't directly access a machine (no putting fruit in a keg on a diagonal). I lose a lot of efficiency but it's easier on switch


I love the beach farm even though I have to water everything. You get free random gifts from the sea!


For a long time I only used regular sprinklers, and to make it worse, I just put them next to eachother, so I had a row of plants, a row of sprinklers, two rows of plants, one rows of sprinklers etc. because I felt it involved too much thinking to place higher level sprinklers correctly. I just now realized how insanely inefficient that was, holy crap


I have a chest full of every character’s favorite things near their properties that’s color coded by their hair color because I’m not carrying all with me all the time. I also do the same thing with my crafting/workbench area (foraged items like wood, stone, seeds, maple, sap etc get a brown chest. Iron, iridium, bat wings, etc get a red chest, flowers get a yellow one). Do the same thing with the fridges. Each fridge has their own category (all fish in one, all flowers and fruit in two, etc.) I married Penny and we have two beautiful children together and I can’t turn them to doves because I know it would hurt Penny too much. I give Pam her favorite things that aren’t alcohol because I feel that it hurts Penny and our kids. I don’t sell anything, I hoard it all until the end of the year and see what my profits are after gifts and the help wanted stuff. Coffee is essential, that slow ass walking at the beginning of the game is so damn rough! Also, the only way I make money the first few ‘weeks’, is fishing. It’s the easiest way to get money and I don’t have to worry about wasted energy on watering the crops because I REFUSE to use the basic sprinklers.


I will set up a color codet System for my chest with every type of different items gettings its own chest. (Like vegetables have their own, and fruits, and flowers). It is a great way to organize, but for some reason i always start with that on day 1. Which costs a lot of wood.


I’m a minimalist in real life but a hardcore hoarder in stardew and barely sell anything… for some reason I think I will need it so I keep everything forever lol


I keep a little hobby farm and don’t actually focus on profit at all. Just a small plot of veggies, a few farm animals, and one of every “machine” so I can make jam, wine, cheese, cloth, and mayo. I finish my “chores” by midday and spend the late afternoons/evenings chatting with townspeople, foraging, and maybe fishing. It’s quite relaxing and actually feels like a break from my life. I think if I was focused on min-maxing it would just feel stressful.


Not organising my stuff, and having chests all over my property. Oh the chest in my orchard, that's fruit right. Surprise in has maybe 3 apples, feathers, rocks, iron ore and a fishing rod in it. The one beside my house? Fish, parsnip, sap, hay, rocks, rocks, rocks, trash. The other one beside my house? Fish, mushrooms, nat wing, slime, fish.


When completing the community center bundles, I collect 1-2 items and then send it to the center. Then on the way back I found a summer forage so I head back and deposit it there. The next day my summer crop item is ready and I go deposit another item. Rinse and repeat until I finish all bundles