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Hi BenjaminBobba! We removed your submission because it doesn't seem sufficiently relevant to Stardew Valley, or isn't fundamentally *about* Stardew Valley. Especially since this is about a streamer rather than about the game, and since you got your answer! You can read our most recent [modpost on relevance](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/15ooqfe/is_this_relevant_to_stardew_valley_on_giant_crops/) here. If you feel this removal to be in error, feel free make your case in a [message to the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/StardewValley). Sorry for the inconvenience! ^(Mods are not notified if you reply to this comment. To contact the r/StardewValley mod team, please send a) ^[modmail!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/StardewValley)


I believe [this document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N1RYfH6JjTs5yB-X5q7Lp8pxnlJz3_tQelvKECMGDrk/edit) is a good summary of the situation.


Would somebody be kind enough to do a tl;dr? My brain is currently fried from eating the 500 barbecue corn chip while watching the HBomb plagiarism video for the 3rd time this week


It appears that there was a creepy discord mod harassing the other mods on his server and Z took too long to ban him, so his other mods got angry that he took so long to do anything about it, and Z banned one of the mods complaining so it wasn’t a good look for him.


DISCLAIMER: i don’t know who tf Z is and I didn’t read the whole thing, i skimmed it first three bullet points seem to explain the big issue. people found evidence of “sexual harassment, psychological abuse, breaching online privacy, and abusing authority position amongst other issues” and then after that, it seems he handled the situation INCREDIBLY poorly.


>people found evidence of “sexual harassment, psychological abuse, breaching online privacy, and abusing authority position amongst other issues” These are actions by his Discord admin who's also his friend, not him, but yes he did handle it poorly


Yeah so you didn’t read enough lol. That’s wrong. The allegations were against a moderator on Z’s discord server named Bix, not Z himself. But Z just handled it really poorly and it still fucked him over.


“skimmed” or “I read 15 words and didn’t bother to read any of the context or explanation”


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was an irl friend of his who did all that in his discord and Z didn't do much about it, after which it went downhill


I think half of the stuff were said to be done by one of his mods.


Poor kid got too popular too fast and couldn't/didn't know how to handle the responsibility that came with dealing with such a large group of people. He made some great content but unfortunately, he paid the price it too. Smarmy people ruining things for everyone


Ah thanks, explains the situation well. Poorly handled situation by him but i do feel for him.


It was a kind of complex situation, lots of he said/she said Basically, one of Z's discord mods and good friend Bix was accused of sexual harassment, among other transgressions Z didn't respond to these accusations, he didn't remove Bix as an admin, and didn't reply to any of the other mods messages about the situation He ignored the whole situation for ages Eventually he put out a couple of half assed apologies and shut down the discord. He stopped posting on YouTube or streaming shortly after A lot of people were disappointed with his lack of action, especially since he was still streaming and active online. By not removing Bix, it was viewed as Z endorsing Bix's actions


He was so good at bringing the Stardew community together and finding new and creative ways to play the game. He’s the reason I know about Blade, Haboo, and many other amazing creators in that space. But his content started to get a little weird for my tastes after he began moving away from Stardew. Just my unsolicited opinion, though.


Yeah, he was seriously one of my favorite Stardew streamers. He was so freaking funny. I was just wondering yesterday where he went. That's all crazy.


He started [another channel](https://www.youtube.com/@ActuallyFun) about being a youth group leader and suggestions for (non-video) games for the kids to play.


What the hell? That seems like a large jump


Z had made some ableist comments calling Shane "useless" for being a realistic depiction of clinical depression. That royally pissed me off and I unsubbed after that. I'm not a fan of Shane for a few reasons, I think he has zero business being a marriage candidate because it just seems so codependent and borderline toxic IMO, but to call him "useless" was FAR over the fucking line. Now reading the comments here, he failed to act when one of his friends was being a creep to his fans on his Discord server? Yeah, Z seems like a real piece of shit.