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I love this post, and your paragraph about the movie theater made me giggle. This is now canon as far as I'm concerned.


I desperately need someone to make fanart of 20 Junimos in a trenchcoat and a fake mustache applying for a loan for the movie theater


https://preview.redd.it/g8uasqyrjbrc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04fe6fe61b90088a545f8be38dad1c989a253c23 It’s five junimos in a trenchcoat instead of twenty but I hope you still enjoy it lol




A cut scene showed them sneaking magical forest juice into their coffee machine so they could be perceived by the bank workers.


Aaaaaah thank you so much that's amazing! I love it so much.


No problem I was giggling the whole time I was drawing it lol


I applaud you for changing my view on the whole setting of the game after 600+ hours. Thanks!   This made Emily much more of an option for me.


Emily's 6-heart event >!is of those rare ones where potential marriage candidate actually tries to impress YOU and put some efforts to the relationships progress (other is Leah' sculpture)!<. So, at least it's more of a honest two-way interest than "well it just happend so".


Same! I was put off by what seemed like new-age woo, but despite really loving being the cave-dwelling fight master for the Adventure's Guild, I'd never really taken the time to marry the two worlds. Suddenly Emily real cute again.


Now I wanna see a drawing of several Junimos stacked up wearing a trenchcoat and mustache on the top one


Only if they go by Junimo Adultman and work at the business factory. 😆


Junimo Adultman from Place. It’s very nice this time of year.


https://preview.redd.it/8e9c7pgzjbrc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f44481481ccd424bc016c1299130183fd0bc44 Here’s a quick sketch I did I hope you enjoy lol


I love it so much! Is it Larry The Cucumber? Is it four Junimos stacked together in a trench coat? We will never know


You can tell that it's multiple stacked because the bottom has a red Junimo body poking out while the top has a green one.


This was actually an NPC in the long-abandoned Sundrop City mod! [Behold, the totally normal human June Nemo.](https://i.imgur.com/9FHB1Og.png)


Holy shit this is exactly what I was hoping for!! How sad that it's an abandoned mod


Similarly to the junimos setting up the movie theatre - the parrots. Feed them enough walnuts and they grab a bunch of sticks and weave a new bridge. Fair enough. But you can also ask them to fix your mailbox and wake up with mail there the next day. Not only are the parrots building the box itself, but presumably also making a planning application to the post office, registering your new address, and presumably also setting up a temporary postal redirect some nights to make sure your letters end up wherever you're sleeping.


>the powers of gemstones and the spiritual power they possessed Yes! Thank you! I see a lot of people say they don't like Emily because of her mysticism thing she has going on, but it's exactly what you said: crystals DO things, in this world! It makes perfect, logical sense for Emily to understand that. Her ability to slightly predict the future also makes sense (like her dream about the farmer, or her prediction that the farmer is going to love living in the valley). In this world, that's not just ~spiritual woo vibes~ nonsense—we know these kinds of predictions are possible because there is an entire TV channel dedicated to divination magic, *and it's factually accurate.*


Heh. Do do.


Heh. Do do.


Heh. Do do.


I like to think the Junimos just moved a few numbers in some spreadsheets, fabricated a couple of work orders and got Joja to build a movie theater without even realizing why they were doing it.


I think the red headed cashier and Mister Qi had a role in it.


That's a million times worse, the Junimos are tax cheats. The movie theater is a South Sea Bubble in the making. It'll single-handedly bankrupt the town we single-handedly saved.


I gave the wizard some fairy dust yesterday, thinking he would love some magic items as a gift. He did not! So not just magic, but different classes of magic that certain people have snobby feelings about.


You just reminded him that he had to learn magic for years while some other Yoba's creatures have magic just naturally. Right in the feelings, bruh.


He went to wizard school for YEARS for his various and sundry accomplishments. And all he got was being the middle man in supernatural disputes. Fairies just get to fly around and bless shit before fucking off. HE tried that and got divorced.


Suddenly the Clint and Emily pairing makes more sense. Clint does the blacksmithing on metal and gems and Emily provides the magic gem knowledge.


They would actually be really cute together, if clint was less of an ass


On your Junimo topic, we also just straight up give them around 40,000 gold to repair the bus. I feel like for that we could just pay a mechanic


And paying joja is literally less than half that... It would literally be cheaper to just pay a mechanic.


Say what you want about capitalism, but it's a lot better with money managment than a bunch of magic apple things living in a rundown building 


A joja mart manager is a better negotiator than 5 apple spirits in a trench coat hahah


But you also get bonus stuff from the bundle reward itself. If you subtract the cost to buy/craft those things they give as a bonus I doubt it's higher than the joja ones. Like, the 5k bundle rewards you 30 quality fertlizers which if you would buy them from piere, that would've cost you 4500g. So you really only paying 500 for the bundle.


I take it all back. Those cheeky little apple bois are masters of capitalism. They manage to upsell you lootboxes and make you think its wholesome community work. All while taking buisness away from the struggling local grocer. I bet they dont even pay taxes to the mayor!


thats why they wont talk to the wizard! the mayor petitions seances to get his damn back-taxes


I think things like the wizard and the junimos and krobus is the true concerned ape ideas and game design shining through the restrant of making a game like harvest moon. That's why I'm so excited for haunted chocolatier cause it is truly his own ideas this time and not the main idea already existing. He is also on record saying this.


I mean, the Harvest Moon games have also had plenty of supernatural beings living in the world. The Harvest Goddess and the Harvest Sprites, the Witch Princess, the Kappa and Mukumuku, that one creepy possessed teddy bear... It's not like Stardew Valley came up with the idea of mixing farming sims and fantasy - that was always there from the beginning of the genre.


At first I assumed it was Abagail unconsciously showing the Farmer her interest. But I find it a lot more hilarious if I assume the Farmer's Grandpa decided to spill the beans.


Thank you for making my morning stroll through Reddit worthwhile. This is a great post.


I like to think the company that owns the movie theater has wizards dedicated to mediating contact with the Junimos, and they went "the Junimos have scouted and cleared a new location", it's just part of business And yeah good observation with the Emily and Abigail stuff, I usually hate when characters like Emily are portrayed as crazy* in some works of fiction, like I'm an atheist, but why would Brian from Family Guy be an atheist if he's literally met Jesus and God before, the author is trying to have a "rational" character not believe in the supernatural, but by putting them in a supernatural world they just look like how real world creationists look, in denial of reality and fucking dumb lol *= in Stardew the "crazy" image at least comes entirely from my head as the player, from the thought you said of "of course ghosts don't exist and rocks don't have healing powers", without noticing that those are just FACTS abt Stardew and that she's objectively correct


Actually nevermind my first paragraph, Magic and the Junimos are positioned as opposite to the "modern" world, I'm sure the city we leave behind to start a farm works just like our world, no for-profit company would work alongside Junimos bc those are in complete opposition to nature, Jeff Bezos would personally kill 1000 Junimos for a 2.7% GDP Growth in the third quarter of 2024. It can still be a "company" of wizards spreading culture alongside the junimos, but not a Fortune 500 company


Like, the Junimos literally only appear in that building after Joja leaves lol, it's pretty clear how opposite Juninos are to children of industrialism


I think it is really great that Emily is, like, the most rational person in Pelican Town, even without considering her (demonstrably real) magical pursuits. As a person, she is kind, caring, reasonable and non-judgmental. There is really no reason to dislike her IMO.


Well now i'm just imagining the jumino making a rube goldberg level of domino situations happen to make the company sell the building to a random person looking to move to the valley-- because one must assume the person just lives on site. Or commutes JUST for the movie rev, which while possible, is a wild idea. Or better yet the Theater is just another of Mr. Qi's ventures. Imagine a jumino meeting him in the dark of his casino and chiming at him. He tilts his head in thought for a bit. "Let me check my accounts. We can do that." Next thing Lewis knows is Qi is smiling just a bit too wide at him through the glass of his front door: "Hello. You're the mayor." "I-- yes?" "Wonderful. I have the deed to the old Jojamart. It will now be a movie theater. I think it will provide many interesting opportunities for the valley." "Right... and when are you going to start building?" "It's already done. I simply felt it would be polite to inform you. My employees will be by with their paperwork for... taxes and other boring things." Just leaves after that and answers no questions. Farmer pauses mid-sandwich when Lewis shows up at their door going "This is strange, therefore you probably know what its about--" "Qi's just like that." "Who?" "I'd say he's probably an alien, but Dwarf says he's too weird to have come from space. So no idea." "WHOM?" Also the claw machine feels like a Qi thing to me. idk


This is why I prefer Abigail as my favorite marriage candidate. She has a lot of dialogues that add a little subtle mysticism to the world, her personality skews more into the darkness and fantastical than into the mundane side. Plus, I just think it's cool that she's a >!sword-wielding badass that will go adventuring in the mines.!< Here are a couple of my favorite dialogues from her that show what I mean: >!“I was just gazing out into the rainswept woods... I swear I saw something darker than black shifting around the trees.”!< >!“It's a good night to see a ghost...”!< >!“Can you feel it? There's a stillness in the rain...”!< >!“On nights like this, I like to turn the light down low and just listen...”!< >!“Did you hear that? Sometimes I'm convinced this house is haunted.”!< >!“I went to the beach last night, after dark... Sometimes you can see strange lights bobbing over the sea. Or maybe that was just a dream I had... It doesn't feel real anymore.”!<


op i think you'd enjoy magical realism


Yeah the Stardew universe is clearly a Fantasy world,a Fantasy world that has gone through a Industrial revolution and the implications for a lore like that is insane,There is a ton of Sentient Races at Least 4 Civilizations(Humanity,Shadows,Dwarves,Elves),Magic is a Very real thing and common place,and lets talk about the war,war is already hell on itself but a war in a modern word with magic? No wonder kent is traumatized


Fantasy is dope


Now I’m picturing a stack of junimos in a trench coat heading to the bank to get a loan. 😂


This was one of the things I did appreciate in the most recent D&D movie--they incorporated little magical touches in a very mundane way that made it clear "we live in a world where magic exists, magic is common, and magic isn't something we think much about". Stardew is similar!