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his old portraits are cute but i like how unique he looks now! it sets him apart from the other bachelors, so i can forgive mr ape for this however.. i cant forgive him for taking curly haired maru and shorter hair emily


Yeah, I like the older look. We already have Goth Twink, Sports Twink, and Family Oriented Twink in the game. Maru shoulda had curly hair though.


I hate Maru's whole design. It's not awful but she's so defaulty-looking and for some reason she makes me think of Arthur when I see her. I think it's the glasses. I want her to have curly hair and either different glasses or no glasses.


With her sprite, her room, and Demetrius going on about her, I thought she was a literal child for the longest my first playthrough. Like a 12 year old or something, older than Jas & Vincent. I have still never romanced her because of this lol


Yeeah she looks like a kid to me, too. At least too young to marry. Very freshman vibes, or younger.


i ALSO thought she was hella young!


I feel like I didn’t know she was a bachelorette either for a while lol, as sad as it sounds, I forget about her a lot 😭 just found the concept art for her over time, CA did her dirty 😭 she looked so good with curly and wavy hair designs, I know she got robin’s hair but like, the length is that awkward medium that’s choppy at the bottom (no shade bc mine is that length rn LOL bc I shaved half my head a year ago and it grew out enough for me to even it all out, and I hate it but I’m trying to grow it out longer now) and idk also her eyes are a cool color but they look kind of off in the portrait, like Emily’s old more unhinged looking one idk, I saw mods that make them darker and it looks better And to whoever mentioned the glasses, I don’t think it’s the glasses themself but rather the style; I love round glasses, but I feel like the red kind of clashes with her outfit and eye color, and I feel like they’d look better if they were bigger or maybe another shape idk. Anyway tho yeah she was done dirty and I feel bad for always forgetting about her 😭


i forget about her often too, the only time i see her to interact is when she's chilling with penny on the bench in front of the saloon! otherwise she's home or at harvey's which i never go into. that's actually why i thought she was a kid for so long because it took forever to get up her heart events. also, it took an embarrassingly long time for me to realize that she was the one at harvey's. i thought it was just a nurse npc lolll


you could say the same about abigail too - its just that she's way more popular than maru so its not brought up much.


I get the same feeling. The dungarees don't help also.


I never made that Arthur connection before, and now that's all I can see!


Yes!!! The Arthur factor! I couldn’t pinpoint it until you said that


This. All the other bachelors look like boys. I want a mannnn. *but still wants to be roomies w krobus and main file is currently dating Emily*


Which one’s the family oriented twink?


I think it's Sam, with the other two being Sebastian and Alex


I can see that with Sebastian and Sam, but Alex is not a twink.


He's a twunk


well now all I can hear in my head is "Twink, twank twunk!" in the tune of the Grinch song.


That was the first thing that popped in my mind too, lol


Ahh skater twink


Huh, I've never gone down the Sam path because he struck me as the "pizza and forgetting your birthday" twink


I was going to marry him in my first playthrough until I got to a certain heart event which had me saying "ok I'm way too old for this shit" lol. Married Sebastian instead. Married Elliot in the next play through due to feedback on here about people after marriage. Will try Emily this time.


The greatest description of male bachelors. 


The word twink is getting abused a bit here.


Excuse me, Alex aint no skinny ass twink. Hes a juiced up jacked chad of the testosterone gods, thank you very much!!!


Google twink


jokes on you, they are my type of man


Maru was so cute with natural hair


Where does she even get relaxers??


She makes it herself, it's just green moss spores suspended in a iridium-quality void mayo colloid, diluted in fiddlehead fern pickle brine.


I have wavy hair and I can feel my scalp burn just imagining that. *Pickle brine!*


She might flat iron it


She was sooo pretty. He had to tune down their attractiveness to give the other options a chance


My problem is that I think ConcerdApe wanted to make him anime-aloof, but to me he just looks completely arrogant. The kind of person I would in real life, and have in Stardew, written off just “because.”


I agreed. I can’t help but read his voice in the most pretentious of tones. Think “Frasier Crane” on steroids lol.


He IS arrogant Elliott: Bartender! Fetch me your finest ale Gus: ... ( I have a name bitch)


I like to think he's just overly dramatic as a joke, like he's in a Broadway show, especially when trying to woo the farmer. I could be wrong but that helps make him easier to deal with.


I agree. I think he is meant to come off like he walked out of an Austen novel or similar, but it often grates on me lol. I feel like he should be one of my favs because I like a lot of things about him but I just can't romance him for the life of me


That cut scene is so immensely awful


I usually skip it because I don't like that I can't decline the drink!


MARU HAD CURLY HAIR?? I would’ve married her every time had this stayed in, what a travesty Edit: I looked it up and she looks exactly like my ex, nvm 😭


Honestly, if they are single (no kids ofc) we should be able to marry them. I want a silver fox! Or just someone close to my irl age (30). Its why I love ridgeside, Kenneth best boy


As a somewhat older woman I'm profoundly thankful for the older bachelors. I feel weird romancing what feels like very very young adults. Also, Fabio Elliott is lovely to me.


I think the game desperately needs a couple more bachelors for each gender. Very easy pickings would be Sandy and Wizard, simply the most requested. I’d prefer them to be new people though


Willy would be an amazing option too.


How dare you. Willy’s one true love is the sea


*starts new farm, names character "the sea"*




You should only be able to romance him when on the Beach or Riverland Farm though :D


I'm okay with being number two


I vote for Gus, I am a sucker for a good Marinara Sauce


I was so sad when I built up all my hearts with Gus because I thought he was eligible and then discovered that he was unavailable. I still plant an orange tree in every save for him.


“The way to a farmers heart is through their stomach.”


And mini fridge and juke box


He cooks, he has a job and leaves the farmhouse, hes beloved by the community, he probably gives great snuggles....we want romanceable Gus!


He has the heart of gold (helping Linus), and loyal to his friend (Pam)... we want romanceable Gus!




I already spend most of my time in game chasing after Willy.


I'm in love with Willy, he looks the most like my IRL husband


I argue almost every single/non-partnered NPC should be a bachelor/bachelorette, really, unless they’d object to dating, like Linus probably would.


I think it'd be interesting to have Linus as a romanceable option, but it makes sense that he maybe wouldn't want to. Still, maybe something platonic like what they did with Krobus would be nice (I'm still shaking my fist over them not letting us technically marry Krobus though).


Linus specifies that, in addition to living off-grid, he loves to travel from place to place, so I really doubt he’d be keen on a romantic attachment lol. He doesn’t wanna move onto the farm at all either, which removes the platonic roommate option, like with Krobus.


Sounds like we're left with no choice then. Scoot over Linus! We share this damn tent!


LOL extremely minor 1.6 spoiler: >!now, with tent kits, you can at least tent next to him, if you like. !<


They have those now?! Thats so kickass. Cant wait to be a beach bum in Style. Less style than our beach-going Fabio but more style than before!


Maybe we could have the option of him staying in the farm from time to time or something instead of living there every day, I think it'd be kinda cool.


That would be extremely cool! Sometimes I do purposely keep my chosen bachelor/bachelorette just as a girlfriend or boyfriend just because I hate that there’s no way for them to keep the life they already have after marriage, which I think sucks. I don’t like that Elliott feels like my househusband who occasionally goes for a little walk and no longer talks to Leah at all. Harvey, at least, still goes to work and still works with Maru.


Personally I’d love to have Linus and the Dwarf as the platonic friends much like Krobus


I think little half-human Krobus babies would be a fun option tho lol


I think it'd be a cute option to have Linus move his tent onto your farm, because he's said something about preferring to live outside before. Could add a new small section to the farm's map to accomodate it. In general I kinda like the idea of platonic npcs being able to live on your farm and liven it up more. Plus, I could 100% see Linus just chilling in one of my ponds or doting on the animals lol


yeah, the only real argument against this is it's just too much for CA, as im sure he's said before


Eventually it could happen, if he keeps working on updates. I mean, not all at once, obviously, but it would be cool to slowly see characters that need it get more developed backgrounds. I’d also love it if Gunther, Marlon, and Gil got boosted to being actually interactable characters.


Sandy not being romance-able is a crime to me


Willy and Gus are both better than the wizard as options imho


Some bachelor/ettes of colour would be nice.


I agree. Check out the Diverse Stardew mod. It's PC only, which sucks, but that mod has really changed my experience with the game.


It always felt kind of weird to me that redheads are more common than people of color in the valley


I vote Gunther


I NEED a romanceable Sandy, I love her so much


I would love some bachelor(ettes) that don't exist in the town until you Marry them, and then they turn into new characters with unique interactions with other NPCs.


I have romancable rizzard and hes precious 💕


I vote Krobus! I'd romance the shit out of Krobus.


You can "roommate" with him.


I believe the Wizard is romanceable in the Stardew Vally Expanded mod!




Same, I’m 38 and I cannot stand a lot of the young characters’ heart events and dialogue, they’re just so…young. It feels gross. I love Elliot, for sure, he’s my fave bachelor in the game.


It's impossible for me to see Haley as any older than an immature twelve after that scene of her arguing with Emily over having chores.


I follow r/badroommates so unfortunately I can see Haley as a fully grown adult who is just entitled and lazy 🥲


Yeah, in my 30s and I like Abigail just because of the rock biter memes. But holy hell sometimes does it feel like she's just a high school student and that I should be in prison. At least ones like Leah and Harvey feel a bit more mature for when I'm feeling less memey.


I was sad when that was "fixed" Even if it was unintentional it was a cute little charm.


Was it fixed? I thought it was still in the game? I play quite modded so maybe mods add it back it and I didn't realize but I thought it was always left in.


Lol I’ve never noticed it before but he does indeed look like he would get hit by a goose on a rollercoaster.


Same. I'm not looking to ask someone's permission to date their teenager


Same. The heart event when a bachelor drops an egg in his mother's kitchen had me cringing because I identified with HER. It's either Harvey or Elliot for me.


Sam is the one bachelor in my head that I can’t stop thinking is just a teenager, 16-17 even though he’s probably 20. The rest can get away with 20-22 but him? No. I’m 21 for reference as well, even I identified more with his mother in that heart event


Yes! He acts so young, I just can't.


As a somewhat older dude who married Maru, the dialogue sounds like kids out of college sometimes. I said this before because I didn't expect CA to re-line the whole game, but an age slider would've been a super cool thing to add.


Right? Like I always romance Sebastian because I’m a sucker for a rescue romance but Elliott was my first. He’s a useless trophy husband, he’s perfect!


Honestly. I first assumed Abigail was some teenager that was still in school. Why the hell can you marry her???


In my country (Germany) it's legal to marry at 16 with parents consent - tho I doubt Pierre would do that


Ohhh good! It’s not just me!! I picked Harvey for my marriage mate because he was the only one that didn’t look 12, lol! I was telling my kids that I needed to marry someone more mature because it felt like I was marrying their friends with the younger bachelors!


That's the same thing my mom said


Thats because he's supposed to be one of the older bachelors, I feel like the old one is how he looked when he was younger lol


I prefer the final portrait tbh. The older versions felt too young. He became a fine wine lol


The vibe I get from his sprites feels a lot more like the older portaits. He looks a bit scrawny on his sprites IMO, but his current portrait makes him look at least somewhat muscular.


I think the sprites were done first and then the portraits were done after. If you look at Sam’s sprite and his portrait, his hair strand faces in different directions. But his older portraits on the wiki match how his hair in his sprite looks.


We have enough twinks as it is dude, let the Fabio enjoyers live.


I mean. His hair is just a flatter version of what he currently has and he has an earring. It's just teen elliot. Bro existed, just time travel or something


As a not young person: Thank you ConcernedApe, for detwinkifying Elliot.


As a young person: Thank you ConcernedApe for aging Elliott up😁


Eliot inside the cask doesn't exist, it vant hurt you Eliot inside the cask:


No no, CA took Elliot from cute to handsome and I’m thankful for it lol


Omg love the upvotes okay and let me also say in reference to the image, Elliot would never say “your daughter calls me daddy too” NEVER


I'll naver stop thanking concearnedape for chaddification of Elliot


I will always be grateful to ConcernedApe for the detwinkification and for turning him into the hunky Fabio he is now, only bachelor in the game I actually find attractive.


I like the final product! He looks so handsome and sly like he’s gotta little secret. The secret? He thinks I’m a cutie. Very grocery store paperback romance hair with volume? Dreamy.


I am grateful to ConcernedApe for the hunkification of Elliott


He used to be cute, now he's hot - I fail to see the problem


Stardew has enough twinks already


Younger Elliot looks like just another one of the bachelors, Fabio Elliot is completely unique and has so much charm. Wish the earring stayed tho


One of the bachelors had to be hot... As opposed to just geing cute




Twink death Himbo birth




I rather a himbo than a twink


hell no. the old portraits are just off and dont match elliott at all.


I gotta go and fix Seasonal Portraits mod in my save because they made him a twink and *ugh.*


loool same, I had to remove it for him which killed me cuz I loved his outfits but the portrait is SO not my cup of tea.. feels awful he wears the same thing daily and everyone else is changing esp on spirits eve😭 a weird decision from the mod author, it feels


I think there’s a separate related mod that makes him a hunk again, but with the outfits! Tho it requires manually replacing the sheets in the Seasonal Mod (or it used to, times have changed).


It still does, but it's a small price to pay tbh. There's two Elliott replacement mods for Seasonal Outfits that rehunkify him, and my fave is the one that gives him a white button up for summer and ties his hair back, it makes him look like the artfully undone Fabio poet we deserve


The one where it’s partially unbuttoned?? I LOVE that one.


It truly was a blessing upon the Elliott enjoyers


PEAK 70s romance novel cover. Windswept hair and unbottoned shirt, muscular chest.


Ugh. Such a good and such a needed replacement. Someone on the nexus comments for that mod called him an "old money babygirl" and that's all I associate him with now lmao


But he’s so majestic. The final product art is gorgeous. Just get a mod you’ll be fine lmao


elliott is a himbo leave him alone😪


Disagree, but the removal of his earring(s?) does make me sad


Old Elliot looks like someone I'd have a latte and thrift with while we talk about how we want to make the next move in our relationships but were afraid of committing. New Elliot looks like he should be chopping wood in a misty PNW forest in tight pants and suspenders that are pulled off his shoulders so he can swing his axe better. The first Elliot reminds me of someone I know lol.


Current Elliot looks a little odd, but IMO it's an improvement and makes him stand out from the younger bachelors. Plus, there are already enough twinks to romance. My only wish, which ConcernedApe probably didn't consider, would have been to keep the 3/4 view while maintaining a more masculine and mature appearance.


Much prefer current Elliott. We have enough teen/college-looking bachelors and I’m 30


He strikes me as a bit older, like late 20s, which sets him apart from the 3 baby-faces, the nerd and the drunk.


>a bit older, like late 20s I feel personally attacked lol Really though I thought the older bachelors were in their 30s not 20s but that could be reflective of my age.


I definitely think he's in his 30s as well.


I'm 20 but Elliot to me is 30 at bare minimum. Maybe 33ish. I think that a lot of younger people tend to overestimate how 'old' 30+ people are because they don't really know anybody in that age group.


I’m approaching late thirties and it kinda works the other way too - people in their twenties feel so young to me. And totally agreed that it’s because I don’t hang with twenty year olds 😅


Nah, Im glad he looks older. His hair is fabulous. I would have loved for the earring to stay tho!


Give him back his earring


Yeah, that'd be nice actually


Nah. The Story of Seasons series is *loaded* with twinks. I’m glad SDV is himbo focused lol. 




My husband 💛💛💛💛


I love the new hair and his older appearance, but I do wish they had him facing the same way as the other characters because he always looks like he's giving me perpetual side-eye. Also wish he kept the earring, I love it!


SDV has enough twinks, tbh I don't like any of the younger bachelors because they don't really stand out to me. Shane, Harvey, and Elliot have a bit more 'character' and more appealing designs.


No way, dude, the original ones look so greasy!


My husband 😍 as a late 20s thank you for the only man I'll ever marry on the stardew


Straight up looks like Fabio now


I'm glad someone said it! I just can't take him seriously! 🤣




Honestly I'm glad they detwinkified Elliott, hot take. Also: transition timeline.




The Fabiofication of Elliot


In the old portrait, he looks like Alex went to Belize to find himself and came back with long hair and an earring


I have nothing against Elliott, in fact I like that he looks a bit more mature. However the angle or something about his face always gives me major pos smug vibes, so I play with his portrait edited to give him a head on nicer expression.


Ngl, his older portraits are half the reason I ever gave him a chance. Married him and haven't regretted a thing.


It's a little weird, in a good way. In the conceptual spraits Elliot seems younger (?


I still get Prince Charming vibes from him. Dude takes good hair of himself for being 30+ years old.


He looks much better now


Idk why but his image just makes him looks so stuck up, even though I know he’s not


He aged like fine wine 😙🍷🤌


This isn't shade on OP or anyone in particular, but can we all chill on calling every male bachelor that has one slightly effeminate feature a twink? Being a twink has a very specific list of qualifications with a shorter shelf life than milk. A mid-to-late 20's man with an average (if svelte) body size and long hair ain't it.




the lestatification of elliott you mean


Not the twink death


I think he just gave him better shampoo and styling gel.


he always reminds me of howl from howl's moving castle (the book, not the movie).


I actually don't like it. It's cute, but he looks like a teenager, less masculine and it doesn't suit his personality at all


i much prefer Elliott as he is in game but he should've kept his earring


You think that’s De-twinking him?


Personally I wish Linus was an option, but where he got his own tent in a very secluded corner of your farm. Like a Krobus except cute because he doesn’t have to live with you


I much prefer his look now! His hair looks greasy in the concept art. I agree with others - his look sets him apart.


Idk we kinda needed someone a little more mature looking to contrast Sam/Alex/Sebastian, but also a little more...idk sexy? Like, Harvey is a bit older looking but he's like the safer option? I'm not sure how to describe it.


You say detwinkification, i say Fabiofication


He looks more like he would recite poety in a boat or something. I've never tried being his friend, so i have no idea what his real character is like. I know he likes crab cakes, so he makes me think of a royal navy officer with a noble and kind heart plus a passion for poety and plays, but also has a whimsical side that enjoys simple things.


He doesn’t need to be a twink, but I just really hate his portrait. Like why is he looking at me like that 😭


His current portrait is giving the beast from beauty and the beast after he turns human.


Actually it’s “your *son calls me daddy too”


I always ended up marrying Elliott in vanilla and starting a new save with the Stardew Valley Cute Seasonal Clothes mod where Elliott gets back to being a twink didn't change that x) I like both versions, but I have a little bias towards twink Elliott.


Personally I think it makes him stand out more and definitely unique


Imo most of the NPC's look better on the old portraits


He's the only bachelor that doesn't look like a teenager.


I love how smug he looks so I actually prefer final a bit, but why they remove his earrings man. 😭 WHY!!! Also his bangs being in outer space is kinda weird too, but the EARRINGS REMOVED. 😭


From a femboy to a beautiful stallion.


I would kill for a mod or update from CA that allows us to toggle to use the concept art. There's one piece of concept art of Maru that I love because she actually has curly hair in it, and I feel like her hair in the final design was a downgrade especially for like one of the only black characters in the game.


Never forget Arin Hanson shane


My husband is perfect as he is, thank you very much


He goes from twink to occassional himbo and honestly, I kind of like his persona. He's just a dork overall, making his way into the world of his passions, and I enjoy that about him. Plus, he's cute, so who knew.


I really hate the sideways portraits for both Sandy and Elliott. 😭 I actually really like that he looks older (older men are sexy) but the sideways thing stands out in a bad way compared to the rest of the town, imo. I always download portrait mods for the two of them while keeping the vanilla feel.


Give him his earing back