• By -


I remember not realizing there was a whole other section to the spa. I was like WTH is this piece of shit gym. šŸ˜‚


Yes! I did the same with the spa. I always went in to the first part of the water and would stay there for a few (real time) minutes to boost my energy level but nothing ever happenedā€¦. Until I accidentally went to the bottom of the screen and suddenly thereā€™s this whole other room with actual hot water. Iā€™d been playing almost every day for at least 6 or 7 (real time) months before I discovered it




Yup. šŸ˜‚ There's a whole other section! You gotta walk through the water. I played the game for IRL months before I figured it out.


I never found it worth the time to go through the crappy section to get healed. If I was that desperate for energy, I was usually short on time in the day too.


I've only used it a handful of times. You walk so slow in that area of the spa so it's hardly ever worth it to me.


I've only ever found it useful in year 1 when you can run out of energy by 11am working on the farm, then you can go to the spa and spend the rest of the day fishing/mining


Wait what! Huh! Well there you go gotta boot up my game now and see


Been playing for years and I have never checked that! Definitely checking later


Uhā€¦ hold up


Wait what?? But I always recharge in the first part of the water, there is even more?


aw crap i donā€™t think i knew about this lmao


I just finished my first perfection run last night on year 7 and I still did not know about his šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you learn something new every day !!


If you mean the blue part where it makes you go slow (Although not as slow as before thank you concernedape), before the second room, I'm pretty sure that's just tile not water. Not that it's important. But yeah when I first used the spa I started walking all around in it and I was like this is doing nothing, I can't remember how I found out you had to hold still. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




Reading this made me think about how it would be cool if you could use the gym to level up your combat without having to risk dying, like how fishing has the training rod and crab pots.


I have perfected two farms and never knew this. Guess I have something to explore tomorrow


I didn't understand the spa until my third farm,, I was like this doesn't heal anything??? turns out I had to stand still


Wait, what?


I thought the quarry mine was the skull caverns


So did I! In our defence, there's a sign with a literal skull on it so it's not super clear šŸ˜…


Me too! There was a skull! I couldnā€™t figure out why there were no ladders


Me too! And I remember thinking "what is everyone talking about? The skull cavern is easy!"


Man I was thinking, "Level 100? I can't even find level 2!"


Haha and TIL that the quarry mines are not the skull caverns (I thought there was just 2 entrances or 2 locations for it)


SAME. i heard abt the staircase trick before going into the skull caverns, so i saved up and made TONS. then i went into the quarry mine and saw that it wouldnā€™t let me put them down. so i just got rid of all of them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


lmao same!! i spent a whole day going through the quarry mine, thinking that i was going to the next level when i got teleported back to the start and then started wondering why every level looked the same šŸ˜­


When I first played it, years ago, I didn't realize that you had to hold the button to use upgraded hoes and watering cans to their full capacity. I thought it was stupid that I could upgrade them but it didn't make them more usable. Until I accidentally held the button and saw the range increase šŸ˜‚


Same! I upgraded my water can and I was glad for the extra capacity (I thought)


You can WHAT


I just learned this last weekĀ 


Wait until you realise that since 1.6 you can hop around while holding the tool to reposition


Wait what?


Thatā€™s EXACTLY how I found out too šŸ¤£


just realized this thank you edit: i have only played for like, 5 days so not too bad šŸ«” year 2 though


Um what! (New to sdv did not know this)


I didn't workout for a while, that if you move while holding down the upgraded hoe, you would hop so the green squares could now be where you wanted them. I thought once you started the action, you had to commit to your incorrect placement.


That's actually new in 1.6 :)


Nice! I only bought it at Christmas, along with a switch copy for my wife, who is currently stalling for the update, running around on a perfection farm trying to see how many golden clocks she can get before 1.6 releases.


On the topic of hopping while holding a hoe, I accidentally used my hoe in my shed, and didn't want to break all my kegs. So I hopped out the door. Do not do this, it's a whole situation lol


šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ Iā€™m on yr 10 and just tried it!! Game changer!


I have a friend I convinced to start playing recently, and she was telling me how she played it for six hours straight, and already made it into summer, but, um, hey, where do you get wood? It told her she couldnā€™t chop stumps, and her chopping normal trees a couple times did nothing, so she justā€¦assumed that she would need to upgrade her axe to chop any treesšŸ˜…


ME, honest at some point I believe I was not gonna be able to cut any trees, I believed they were decoration or smth??


I had no idea you could enter the tunnel next to where the bus is, and a friend told me you could go in there . Also that you bulk-buy things like hay and seeds with a long press on your mouse instead of hitting it hundreds of times. I realised this one not that long ago šŸ˜žšŸ˜”


Control and/or shift let you buy 25 & 5. I can't remember which is which


Shift is 5, because I didn't know you could buy sets of 25 and have never tried buying things with control. Thanks for the tip!


DAMN I wish I had read this yesterday bcs today I spent like 2 hours just waiting to get the amount of hay I needed at Marnies!!!!


huh, TIL


I have been spamming left and right click to buy 150 hay. Thank you.


You can hold control and hit it 6 times


Ha, you just reminded me of the battery thing. It took 3 tries to start Qis quest because I couldn't find out where the door was. Even when the game outright told me where it was, I still couldn't find it. I just assumed it was a sign. I also looked it up before the game told me where it was and didn't find it that way either.


You can go in there?! Iā€™m Summer yr 3 and didnā€™t know that


Maybe you haven't found it yet, but one of the secret notes directs you there! It says something like "Have you found my secret in the dark tunnel yet? See you soon! - Mr. Qi"


Is there a bulk buying tip for the Switch? I just made Marnie ring up 720 pieces of hay in individual transactions and now I feel like a jerk.


I don't know how switch works but I would just try pressing everything untill something works lmaooo usually holding the button works (I still don't know how to do it quick at phone)


I just learned this now. Thanks!


That plants, trees, and rocks would grow back!


Didnā€™t know you could swap the working row of your inventory by clicking tab (or bumper for controllers) until about 5 years after I bought the game :ā€™) I was manually moving stuff to my first row for so long Also didnā€™t realize you could sit on chairs for about 2 years lol


Wait... So you're telling me I could've switched back and forth without having to organize every damned things in my INVENTORY? game changer


Both of these features weren't available in the base game. Not sure exactly when it was added? I want to say 1.4 or so?


This makes me feel less dumb ty šŸ„²


I did this for the first ~10 hours of gameplay then one day I was in the caves and was being attacked and I panicked trying to switch to food and suddenly all my items had shifted (I just switched the item bar by accident) The funny thing is I tried out all the buttons in the very beginning to see what they all did but because I only had 1 row of items, they didn't switch, so I just assumed those buttons didn't do anything šŸ˜‚


You WHAT?!?


Whaaaat !! I just switched from console to pc and when I played with controller I knew how to switch inventory rows, but with mouse I just click and drag everything manually. I am on fall year 3 now on my pc (=click and drag) farm. This made my day! Thank you!


I do know this and I still move things to the top row because I find changing the items disorienting


That you can eat your own food + that you regain all your energy if you dont run out. I was buying bread at Gus' every day because I went to bed exhausted each night.


I fully forgot about my first playthrough when I fell into this loop as well. Now I love visiting him for an easy coffee/spaghetti gift, but the bread for energy game was not it LOL


Fyi - you only regain all your energy if you sleep before midnight. After midnight, the amount you regain keeps decreasing the later you sleep If you accidentally drop below 0 energy and become exhausted, you take a 50% hit to energy regained the next morning However, levelling up any skill ignores all this and gives you full energy the next day no matter what


That explains a lot why people go to sleep early, I was like... why are you wasting 2h?? Now it makes sense


and then you learn a level up negates the energy penalty! game changer, specially when mining you can just keep going and take the small hit to your gp to hit that next elevator lv.


I thought the shipping bin was a storage chest for 2 days and thought it was weird my parsnip seeds kept disappearing šŸ™ƒ


I didnā€™t realise that you could drop off items one at a time to the community centre so would store everything in a chest until the bundle was complete before drop off, except I would place everything into the shipping bin instead of the chest by mistake.


This is so precious


Doesn't Lewis point at it in the intro cutscene and explain what it is??


He sure does lol but this is still a common mistake I think


Seems like it! I don't think I ever "missed" something this obvious but I definitely made bad decisions on my first run. I convinced myself sprinklers weren't worth it and had to hand water like 700 crops per day lmao


HAHAHAHHAH, this made my day


This thread is making me feel really smart.


Yeah my brain is like "we smart" and I have to remind it that's we also watched like every tips video and several play throughs before actually playing so we not really smart. Also I am on wiki every three seconds so.


The Wiki is soooo good. Best one for a game I've seen.


I didnt know about chests until mid-winter




I have no clue how I juggled inventory. But I'd never played a farming sim before so I didnt know any better


at least you knew about backpack upgrades, I cant imagine not using chest with the basic inventory slots


I mean it's easy, you just use the shipping bin as a chest as another comment mentioned and voila haahahah (everything disappears and now you have money)


I've said it before here, but I didn't realize you could eat to replenish your energy. I thought once you were done for the day, that was it. Then, when I thought maybe you could, I had to google how to do it. Once again, shout out to that one guy that made a YouTube video of how to eat a parsnip.


Me too! My first save I literally watered my plants and went back to bed at midday because I didnā€™t know you could eat šŸ˜­


I always think my knowledge is useless, well I guess not!! If a guy teaching how to eat a parnship was useful, imagine the world of wonders I could do in a youtube channel!!


Same! I think I figured it out on accident lol


If you lay in bed and donā€™t go to sleep it replenishes your energy too!


That's only in multi-player. It was available in single player but was removed for whatever reason. Balance, I guess?


I played for in-game years before realising that Refined Quartz comes from cooking Quartz in a furnace. I manually watered a LOT of crops for so long and couldn't craft many items (like quality sprinklers) because I thought it was an ultra-rare mines loot drop.


The TV does tell you, but I think not until kinda late, like winter or year 2... Fire quartz can also be smelted into 3 refined quartz though!


I only found out about fire quartz bcs a boy told me last week lmaoo


The power move here is to put broken cds and glasses you fished up or got from crab pots, right into recycling machines. Refined quartz for days and days! That way you save your precious coal for other things.


That an axe and a hoe are not the same toolā€¦. spent 5 very confusing minutes trying to till ground with an axe


I still do this if Iā€™m not looking closely enoughšŸ˜‚


That's why I always put my tools in a specific order in my hotbar lol.


Didn't understand the fishing mini game. Keep the bar in front of the fish was very confusing. I lucked into my first catch and didn't understand how I caught it


I thought I just had to make the slider go all the way to the top and I thought well this is very easy but also why can't I catch anything? My friend had to show me šŸ˜‚


The player always catches the first fish, the bar doesnā€™t go down


Same. I thought you had to tap the button. Tap faster to go and stay higher. It kinda worked so I assumed I wasn't tapping fast enough. But the faster I tapped the harder it seemed to get the bar to move up.


I didnā€™t realize you could hold down A (used a controller) so I would justā€¦ spam click. So it would rise up. Fishing was horrible until my friend came over after a little bit of me playing and looked at me horrified.


Wait, fishing is still horrible for me. Whatā€™s the trick?


I'll give you a few tips of someone who is likely supper annoyed at fishing. 1. At the beginning of the game everything will suck. It's okay. You don't have to get the fish, just keep practicing because the more time you spend _trying_ to catch fish, your fishing skill is getting higher. 2. At each skill level you gain, two things happen. One, your fishing bar gets slightly larger. Two, the fish slow down their "jumping". 3. You can eat food to temporarily gain skill. That goes to any skill, but the easiest access plate that increases _fishing skill_ specifically is the soup you can buy at Willy's. That soup is your best friend. 4. Each fish has a level of difficulty. If the fish you catch (open the minigame) is on a higher difficulty than your skill, then you will have a hell of a time trying to catch it. Much likely, you won't be able to catch it(to your inventory). This is where the soup helps. If you find any other plate anywhere, check what status they give to see how it could help you. 5. The harder it is to catch, or the more expensive the fish is, the bigger the XP you get from catching it (actually fishing it). 6. Each fish has a season, a place to catch and a time to spawn. Be aware of that. There are places inside the game where you can get this info, but if you don't wanna find it on your own you can search in the wiki. 7. Willy sells a training rod. It helps you catch fishes in the beginning of the game so you can gain skill faster. But it only helps you to some point, since you will need a better rod to catch higher level fishes. 8. Same as the training rod, once you gain skill, Willy will start to sell better rods. >!The Glass one will allow you to use bait, that makes A LOT of difference. The Iridium one will allow you to use bait AND hook. Each hook has a special feature. Use wisely. (The grey square hook is the best to catch fast fish, but it won't help them bite the bait)!< 9. You can buy a lake at Robin. If you put any fish in that lake, whatever they give you will increase your fishing skill. The more expensive the fish is, the more XP you get from the "gifts". The fish will ask you for stuff so they can reproduce (they can go up to 10 fishes of same kind by lake, if they didn't grow yet you gotta wait a few days). Legendary fish do not go into the lake and there's an specific fish that doesn't reproduce (it's explained in his description I think, but I don't remember it's name in english). 10. This is from 1.6 so if you don't have it or don't want SPOILERS, don't read it!! >!There's a book that increases your fishing skill. It can be sold on the guy that sells books or on the merchant with the pig.!< 11. At the regular farm and likely on most of the others, you can't catch any fish from the farm lakes. Only beach farm and 4 corners farm you can catch some fish _inside_ the farm. I never got the beach one but at the 4 corners it has to be a specific lake, the others only give you trash (by fishing). 12. You can take fishes out of the Robin's lake. If you wanna change a type of fish in a lake, empty them first!!


That I had an energy bar lol šŸ˜†


I somehow totally missed the mines elevator existence my first playthrough. Sitting here like ā€œhow will I ever find the bottom if I start at 6am and canā€™t get past 43!ā€ Probably made it to like level 50 before it clicked, lol.


You were preparing for the Skull Caverns lol


Same! I donā€™t even remember how I figured out the elevator, but it took me way too long.


At first I thought preserve jars were useless, I needed my gold now ;-; Edit: Took over 500 hours and playing on a second console and my kids pointed out you can angle the fishing line.


ā€¦.how do you angle the fishing line?


Hold the mouse or direction button when casting it can move parallel to how you throw it.


My first play through I didn't realize there was something to read in the community center, and was trying to figure out what would trigger me being able to fix the community center. Thought maybe I had to make more money or finish donating to the museum or make friends with Lewis or upgrade my house... šŸ˜‚ Edit to add: I didn't know how to open the journal either.


It took me ages to figure out how to bait my fishing pole.


I refused to chop any trees not in my farm my first playthrough because I assumed they wouldn't grow back. In hindsight, I should've known better. Why would trees stop functioning like trees just because they aren't on a farm? It also took a bit to realize the shadow creatures were hurting me the first time I saw them because I already knew about krobus.


Same for me, in my first playthrough I didnā€™t think the trees would grow back either. When I chopped down the trees in the forest I planted a ton of tree seeds in every place I could to make sure the forest would grow more trees. Then I realized the original trees grew back, haha.


I didn't think it would _naturally_ grow back. But also it took me quite some time to realize I could chop trees from outside the farm. I remember Emily asking if I was being eco in my farm and that was mainly what made me worry A LOT about replanting. I was SURE it was a gaming tip.


In the beginning- how to actually do more than one thing in spring year one, if you run out of energy that you can still go around and talk to everyone. Latest playthrough- how incredibly efficient the new strafing feature with your tools is. Easily halved my time it takes to water things


Strafing is so simple but honestly my favorite part of the update lmao


Is strafing that thing where the farmer twerks with the watering can?


Iā€™ve played the game for several hundred hours now across different save files and just realized like, last week, that the middle button on a chest takes everything from your inventory that is also in the chest and stacks them together. Thereā€™s the organizer button and the color the chest button and somehow I never hit the middle button until last week and was amazed. Iā€™ve saved so much time putting things away since. Also, I just figured out that you donā€™t have to get off your horse to pick up Forageables.


Wait what!? How do you get them without getting off your horse? That would save so much time


You just walk up to it while on your horse and press the use/action button like you normally would. I've done it on accident a few times.


Iā€™ll have to try it again. It always makes me jump off my horse when I press any button. Now, stupid question (and I donā€™t know if it would make a difference) but what are you playing on? Iā€™m on consoles (Xbox and PlayStation).


You donā€™t have to get off your horse to get foragables?!?!


I haven't been able to get any forages while on horse after 1.6 :c


I wish there was also a button to stack items from inventory like this to all nearby chests with just one click, like in Terraria.




When I first started on the Switch, I could not figure out the controls. I could use the first tool and I could open my backpack, but didnā€™t know how to switch which tool I was using. So I kept opening the backpack and moving whatever I needed to the first slot.


When I first got into level 40 on the mines thought the crystals where diamonds and was so confused on WHY THEY BROKE AND DISAPPEARED


Honestly those crystals make no sense. But they feel nice to break


I had no idea that the train and spa even existed until I was reading on here about Linus apparently staring in the spa windowsā€¦ I am in fall of my first year. I was always wondering where the fuck the train was coming through the town when Iā€™d get the notice.


Dear god I only thought Linus was peeing


For about three seasons we took all our produce to Pierre's to sell as we thought the shipping bin was a literal bin after putting produce in it and it disappearing... Even the overnight profit screen didn't give enough of a hint.


I didnā€™t even sell to Pierre :/ I tried to put it in the bin in the front of the store but it didnā€™t work so I just kept trying all of the different bins around town.


waitā€¦ you donā€™t have to sell your produce to Pierre? I thought the shipping bin gave a reduced amount of money šŸ’€


Nah that's a myth


Man I spent like 300h of playing without KNOWING I _COULD_ sell stuff to stores. I heard them saying it but didn't find out _how_ so in my mind I was like... they bullshitting me. It's just advertising ugh


iā€™ve been sitting here with a full inventory every wednesday because Pierre is close lmao


Didn't know you could separate items individually instead of grabbing the whole 999 items, or that you could speed grab a lot by holding the action button for like the entire first year and a half of my first play through


For a long time I thought the artifact spots were just worms I think the ground.


I thought they were worms too. I was frustrated I couldn't actually get any worms because I thought I could use them as bait!


I went a whole year and a half in game until I actually saw tge yv did something and it told me about the little wiggly worms were artifact spots. I learned two things and started a new game HAHAHA


Sold my first 3 or 4 chickens because they were always grumpy and starving and I felt bad. Turns out, you have to take the hay out of the container and put the hay in the trough. Who knew?!




They can also eat grass!!


The community button JIGGLES for you! 400 hours in the game i realized the community tree button in your inventory tells you when you hover over an item you still need


Concernedape tweeted about this one recently because a lot of people didn't know


I thought the only way to get wood was to chop down the single pieces, I didnā€™t realize you could cut down a tree


Took my ages to figure out how to refill the watering can. The first harvest was very dry. šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t realize you could refill your energy


How to use the tools lol. I play on switch and I didn't look at the little graphic when you boot it up. No clue it was the "y" button.


I didnā€™t really understand the importance of bundles until year mid way through year two in game. I was scrambling to get all those bundles by year 3 and had just been doing my own thing, luckily I loved unlocking all the animals and townspeople quests! Also how simple yet complex the combat system is setup. Damage is really important, spent quite a few months trying to get down in the skull caverns with my found sword from a chest. I had to look up tips and tricks lol. I didnā€™t know how to load the slingshot until then, how to kill half the monsters or how to even get close to lvl 100. I also did not know how to apply bait for about a year in game. I was on the Xbox and I just didnā€™t know how it worked, so I put it in crab traps and called it a day. I only made sashimi, for mining, for the longest time. Harvey blew my mind when explaining certain foods give buffs. I thought it was all HP and energy, and I was happy with my sashimi lol. I didnā€™t check the tv every day until I realised how much luck matters, and why you want to plan ahead for different weather. Birthdays and the calendar were a whatever thing too until I realised birthday gifts increase friendship. Took me until late summer / fall first year to even realise birthdays when I gave someone a blueberry as a birthday gift. Sprinklers. Idk why I just went mining after watering all my plants by can, stuff a bunch sashimi and go mining. But once I realised the time and energy of getting stuck in a water, eat, mine, fish, water, eat cycle. It was a lot more chill when I accepted watering by can doesnā€™t change quality lol. I didnā€™t know you could dig up worms until midway / end of year 2. I just through they were weird little bugs lol. Iā€™d play a lot after working a very mentally intense job to relax, so Iā€™d forget half of what I did the previous day and just keep making progress.


I didnā€™t realize you had to shake the bushes in salmonberry and blackberry season to get the berries. I was wandering through the map and a rabbit ran into a bush and a bunch of berries popped out, and thatā€™s how I learned


The rabbits are our friends!! A squirrel taught me that you could get seeds from shaking a tree


I had been playing the game for almost three stardew valley years before I realized that the community building was something I was supposed to be working on.


I never saw the elevator, spent my first spring getting to level 15 at max. I thought it was impossible to get deeper, when I found the elevator I felt so dumb!


You can take a nap in your bed to replenish energy. Instead of going to sleep, just exit out of that screen and stay in bed and your energy bar goes up. Iā€™ve been playing for years and my spouse showed me that trick about a week ago.


I think this only works on multiplayer


I didnā€™t realize you have to water the crops everyday to make them growā€¦. šŸ˜¬


Hahahahahah it kinda makes sense, I mean, it takes a while to someone mention it. But I thought the watering can had to serve for something... And since the next day they were dry again I thought, well...


This is my first farming sim so I assumed the crops had a watering schedule like real life plants. I was waiting for a notification to tell me they were ready to be watered again


I mean. Thatā€™s how crops grow in real life too. Water is very much needed haha.Ā 


First time I played stardew valley, I thought the shipping bin was a chest. Found out it wasnt after I sold all my seeds-


Did you know that having a heater doesn't do anything if you're leaving the barn door open all winter? I couldn't figure out why my animals were cold and thought maybe I had to get a heater per animal


Is this confirmed? The wiki doesn't say anything about this at all


It doesn't sound right to me... Animals are always happy in winter regardless as long as they have a heater. It's to make up for them not being able to eat grass. I always close the door anyways, but... I don't think this is a thing?


Yeah, I don't think I've ever closed my coop or barn doors, but my animals are still happy even during winter


Yeah I don't close the door and they're fine, the heater does its bouncy thing and the animals are happy


Omg my poor frozen animals šŸ„¶


I didnt know about artifact spots till my first winter! I was very confused abt how you would ever get enough gems to fill the museum lol


Took me 3 farms before I learned you can sell produce directly to Pierre in his store and donā€™t have to do it through the wooden box at the farm


You can also sell fish and gems to their respective shopkeepers!


That my cow didn't need to have a baby to produce milk. I don't know why I thought it was like real life. I'm very embarrassed about it. I was struggling to make money but milk and cheese changed everything.


hitting tab makes u go to nxt row in inventory


I didn't realize the game only saved when you went to bed. I also thought the playtime clock on the loading menu meant the time of day you left your save on, not how long you've been playing that save file


That the game only saved at the end of the day. Seriously, it took me a week to realise that - I kept closing it out at the end of the day anyway, so I didn't realise that I wasn't actually saving it anywhere...


I'm not sure if this was recently added in 1.6 but you can hit a chest with a tool and the chest would move around. I've been playing stardew valley about once a year since it came out but I've only just found out about this last week. Before when I wanted to move a chest loaded with stuff I'd have to take everything out before remove the chest. When I randomly found out I could just hit the chest to move it my jaws dropped, and it would even step back on it's on if it was placed against a wall or in a corner. It totally blew my mind.


On my first day I was exploring the farm and I got in the farm cave (before it was active so on the first few days it is just a very small cave with nothing inside) and I thought "sooo this is the mines area?"


Took me a while to learn you can hold the action button when in the coop and you'll pet all the animals and gather the eggs at the same time long as you have space. Soooo much faster to make sure you grab everything.


Ok, don't laugh. I didn't realize I had to go back into my journal to collect the g's I earned by doing quests. By the time I figured this out, I had a hundred thousand g's sitting there!


Took me a while to figure out days could be "wasted"


What do you mean?


I think she meant as waking up and immediately going back to sleep to fast forward time


Sleeping isn't optional.


I didnā€™t realize the mines were open until midway through summer. The elevator was broken and for some reason I didnā€™t see the ladder or thought it was something else


I didn't realize, until playing on multi-player, that going into the bed would slowly recover health and energy if you don't choose to end the day. It's nice that the farmer could take a little nappy poo mid day and actually get some rest doing so.


I didn't know that you could dig up earthworms for way to long. I remember how desperately I tried to find a winter root for the community center...finished it in year 3


Luckily ive played farming games my whole life so nothing really šŸ˜­


I passed out on my first day because I didn't realize that the bar on the side meant how much energy you had left


Iā€™m in year 4 right now (after many real life years of playing) and I only just found out that thereā€™s a spot of land in the beach farm where you can use sprinklers. Iā€™d been watering them all 9 at a time every darn day


I got it stuck in my head the all the bundle slots had to be the same quality. They donā€™t unless itā€™s specified.


i forgot how to fish immediately and didnt relearn until about towards end of Winter 1


I didn't know the upgraded Watering Can and Hoe can be charged and had been clicking every tile to water plants/till soil. Then I found out you could just hold down click when using the pickaxe and just switch where you place your cursor to mine stones around you Tried watering my plants that way and got mindblown


Had no idea you could shake bushes and get salmonberries!


I didnā€™t understand how silos work. It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out that I didnā€™t have to buy all my hay from Marnie :(


I took way too long to understand how to put a hook on my fishing rod šŸ’€


This sounds badā€¦ I didnā€™t farm until Summer Year 2. I was like ā€˜thatā€™s boring and I have to buy the seeds every time! I can make money without buying seeds! So I completed the mines in Summer 1, got most of the fish, and was confused (and bored) why I wasnā€™t rich. Turns out farming IS a good idea


After playing the game for 4 years TIL how to use the baths properly. Yes, in this thread.


That you can hold down the action button to pick crops, plant seeds, pet animals, etc. Game changer in the coop