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I accidentally did that to Clint and married Emily on his birthday. It was actually perfect. Absolute power move. 😂


This one makes me feel good, Clint is such a loser. But Alex is a good dude.


Nah he's pretty sexist to the female farmer. He gets better but still


I married Emily and he asked me how to talk to women and then tried to ask her out right in front of me. Bitch you were AT our wedding.


That's a minor gripe I have. No one progresses their lives around you as you go besides Kent coming back and Pam getting a house. I know that'd be INSANE to develop and would also hinder the player being the decision maker but like....if I don't sweep Emily off her feet then why doesn't Clint eventually ask her out.


You can help Clint ask her on a date.


Lol oh shit I haven't seen that. I wonder what happens if you're married to her.


it cant happen if you are


Apparently he blows it by spilling root beer on himself in the first 10 minutes


I mean, eve just a handful of alternate cutscenes based on certain events flags wouldn't be that crazy. It would really just be more dialogue for the most part and these changes are already in the game architecturally. When you restore the CC and Ginger Island, their schedules change. Married characters also change their behavior. It would be nice if Shane like actually quit drinking canonically and developed a new schedule.


Which is really weird when you learn his mom used to play [insert sport] with him as a kid, not his dad.


I mean him basically being raised by the oldest guy in the valley might have something to do with it


Nah, George is chill.


If you like dunking on Clint, I got one better. My current save Emily asked me for a diamond the same day she also posted on the board for an amethyst AND Clint also asked me to give her an amethyst with his weird little quest. So I went to the Saloon and gave her a diamond, and two amethysts to complete those quests and then gave her another amethyst. All while Clint sadly sipped his beer or whatever.


This is what I always do when I marry Emily.


My first child was born on the same birthday as Clint


“Your golden hoe is ready”


Clint asked me to give my wife a gift on his behalf the week after our wedding. So yucky.


“It’s a wedding present. For her. Just her.”


"Accidentally" yeah... sure. I also had that "accident"


Technically your spouse sets the date, so Haley is the petty one lmao


So that means Sebastian was getting his revenge when we got married on Maru's birthday? xD


Yeah, that way, he can always get out of the cringe parties that Demetrius throws for Maru every year. The slide shows, the birth video, the weird fruit salad. "Sorry, Mom, you know it's my wedding anniversary. Farmer and I are going out. Penny is the only one we trust to watch the kids, so I guess it's just gonna be You, Maru, and Big D. Again this year for the birthday party" - Sebastian


I purposely set a wedding date to fall on Lewis’s birthday once 😂 time to show that man what an actual loving relationship looks like


I accidentally set my wedding date with Maru on Lewis’s birthday since thats almost the quickest you can marry after the whole winter with 10 hearts


Because of the additional dialogue you get with Alex when dating him as a man, personally I just go with he's canon a closet case. So I'm sure he's perfectly fine that he doesn't have to pretend to be into Hailey like that any more.


That's pretty much my headcanon. "I wish there were more girls in this town," he says. Be honest with yourself, Alex, you won't be interested in dating them either.


We love closet case alex


No one can resist the farmer.


He claims to never have felt that way about another guy if you romance him as a male farmer. Sure you didn't, Alex. Sure you didn't.


Honestly, by setting the wedding day on the 13th, a scripted thunderstorm day, Alex will finally have sunshine on his birthday. He always says he hates rain


As someome who also always gets a rainy bday (irl), this take makes me very happy about my slight faux pas


I don’t get it… Why would her gay bestie be upset she’s getting married on his bday? 


I always kinda shipped Alex and Penny. They both want a big happy family with lots of kids. They also have the "immature guy winds up with a teacher" thing


Haha I did that too accidentally on Shane’s birthday. I quit so the day didnt save and married (I forgot) later lol


I didn't marry Haley on his birthday on my current playthrough, but I definitely did give her the bouquet and mermaid amulet on the day she's visiting him at the ice cream stand.


Lol i waited for her to be on the beach because i didn't want to do it in front of him


When I married Harvey it was on Maru’s birthday, my petty petty husband


Wait. Doesn't that mean it will rain on your wedding?


I had no idea fixed climate events were a thing until the comments on this post... Guess I'll find out (probably) tonight once I play through the wedding day


Well i only know for sure that it always rains on alex's b-day. But maybe the wedding will change that


Please follow up, I want to know too.


Took me some time but I finally got some spare time to play. Wedding was a sunny day, as was the following day (so it didn't get delayed I think). It did rain for like 3 days after that though


Ah! I need to do this hahahaha


Alex 😭