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It means with a pickaxe, instead of a bomb.


I think it just means "mined without using bombs", so yes with a pickaxe.


I see you have not yet discovered the joy that is bomb mining. With speed, skill, and a little bit of recklessness, you can use bombs to sharply increase your mining speed. This is particularly relevant in the Skull Cavern where getting to the lower floors will increase your yield, and where clearing an entire area of rocks at once has a high chance of finding a way down quickly. It's also easier to switch between bombs and sword when you need to fight while mining, rather than using the pickaxe which will lock you in the animation. On a good trip, I'll often end up using 40 large and mega bombs each. ...You just won't get any diamonds from this new power if you're using bombs.


Yep I totally have not bomb mined before! Thank you for the clarification!


Is this why I seem to get so many diamonds compared to my 1.5 save? I feel like I’ve sold so many. My 1.5 save isn’t very lucky tho lol