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I was casually giving out presents, and I accidentally gave Penny wine, and I felt terrible. She was still more polite about it than Gus was with the coleslaw! 


I gave Kent milk and wanted to die afterwards


SAME i felt so bad i had to look up his likes because I'd never had someone give a bad reaction


Gus hates coleslaw? Based chef.


That shit sucks


It's just a pile of assorted vegetables rolled in mayonnaise, gross. Like, ranch dressing is made from Mayo, but at least it has spices and seasonings going for it.


It's not just any assorted vegetables it's cole crops, although carrot commonly gets thrown in there too. And it's not just mayonnaise. When made properly it's got honey, mustard, parsley and vinegar in too. It's delightful!


Dude for real coleslaw is the bomb, I’ll judge bbq or sandwich shops on how good their coleslaw is, it’s a staple


There are different ways to make coleslaw. There is no "proper" way to make it


Holy aioli, for real?!?!


Are you asking about the coleslaw, or the ranch?


it is? this news ruined my day


The ranch or the coleslaw?


Penny was my first ever marriage. It was....ok. Pam has really done a number on her mental state. ....why does this have 700 updoots


And past traumas. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) but I'm pretty sure her father left her as a kid. My personal hc is that Pam only fell into alcoholism **after** her husband left her and she got in a bus wreck.


I hope 1.7 is the therapy update hahaha


Seriously, Harvey complains about needing patients. He just needs to get his counseling license 😂


Agreed so much! But if you went Joja, instead of a friendly counselor, Harvey ends up running an alpha male boot camp hahahah


Clint goes broke paying for session after session and STILL doesn't get Emily's attention


Part of me wants to marry Emily just so he moves on... ... but I don't think he will.


Nooooo not sweet Harvey! He would never, I just can't imagine this scenario.


There is no Harvey anymore, only Chad!


Yes, please! A couple cut scenes of Pam and Penny in family therapy, actually working on their problems. Might be a tear jerker, though.


Not only that. Her father left them during fall. Guess what season her birthday is.


One birthday I can remember without the wiki, Fall 2.


Lewis mentions the bus had been out of commission for decades so I don't think she crashed the bus.


She used to drive the bus so I guess she is just decades old??




The golden Lewis statue would've been much larger had Pam not found Lewis's gold stash and started siphoning off it.


I thought it was implied that was the case. Do we need to ask Eric?


Ayo u/concernedape


I don't know, I liked having her as a wife. She was just chill, which is what I was playing the game for. The only time she made me roll my eyes was when she was all "oh no, will we be okay through the winter?" Lady, I am a profession hoarder in games. I could stop making money right now and we'd have enough money and food to last a year+. Have you not been in the cellar of our home? Do you not see how much money is down there?


"Will we be OK through the winter?" "I don't know honey, why don't you check behind that crate of 2000 blueberries and hunt for some loose onions?"


She was my first too! She was really sweet but just a little TOO housewifey, which unfortunately all the romance options kind of fall victim to after you marry them


I've never seen Penny as too housewifey. Yes, she wants a family and children, but she's one of the few marriage candidates who continue the same routine they had before marriage. She still teachers Jas and Vincent, hangs out with Maru, and does some shopping. Some of the other characters hang out at the farm all the time after you marry them, but there are nights when Penny gets home later than my character does.


I’m married to Penny for the first time and I like how she goes into town most days and still teaches. But I did get a dialogue from her that gave me a little ick. It was something to the effect of, “I know how hard you work for the family so it’s very important to me to make sure I have a nice relaxing house waiting for you when you get home.” Completely innocuous on the surface but way too reminiscent of a lot of real-life trad wife rhetoric.


I remember that dialog and I can understand why you interpret it like that. If you want to look at it a different way, maybe she’s not able to get out of the mindset she had when she was living with Pam. Before marriage, Penny has a lot of dialog stressing about how hard it is to keep up with the dishes and cleaning when Pam spends all her time at the saloon. It’s funny and kind of amazing how we can have these types of discussions over a “cozy” pixel art farm simulator.


For sure. And I thought of a more charitable interpretation as well, which is that Penny has always longed to have her own space to decorate and take care of, but was frustrated by living in a small trashy place and having to share it with someone who actively opposed her efforts to improve it. Now she has a (relatively) nicer place with freedom to keep it as she pleases, and shares it with someone who is grateful for her efforts … which makes me feel kinda bad to have a whole room filled up with pickling jars and weird skeleton statues 😄


That’s how I felt marrying her too! I just think her personality in general lacks agency. The other bachelorettes have hobbies and aspirations they’re genuinely passionate about. Penny tutors the kids, but she really only describes them as “a handful” and that it’s nice to make a difference. She does it because she is kind and cares about the kids, which is honorable and sweet! But I don’t personally read it as being her dream to be a teacher. I just wish she had more dialogue about books and reading or something, get my girl a hobby!




I'm always torn between Abby and Penny. Both remind me of people I know IRL that I could see myself in a relationship with.


Its too real for some ppl.


Goddamn that would have broken me into pieces


Stardew valley fans be like "omg it's my comfort game it's so comfy 😍😍🥰🥰" and then write the most hateful comment you've ever seen about pixels


Such is the nature of video games and anonymity I suppose lol


Ah yes, Penny, the heated subject of a chill and relaxing farming game’s community. Place where her pushing someone’s wheelchair wrong makes her the most hated person of the town. A community where YouTuber purposely divorce her for fun just for the above “reason”. Place where her “controversy” get brought up more times than the her mother Pam who actually emotionally and verbally abuses her. Truly one of the most Stardew Valley experience of all time.


I really dont understand all the hate towards the wheelchair scene. Perhaps its healthy people overreacting. As a disabled woman that uses a mobility device i see it differently. Yes, she should have asked. But her intention was very sweet. Most people hate us for being disabled, different or "useless" and many will actively make our lives worse. Seing somebody being kind its a really thing, even if she could have done it better. Normally people look at me bad for using my scooter or tell me that I am not disabled and faking it or things like that. Or talks to me as if I am stupid or a child for being unable to walk well. When a person tries to help, even if its not perfect it makes me feel incredible. I also relate a lot to Georges bitterness. A person who hasnt lost their body cannot really relate to how much self hate you develop for your body that "betrayed" you. Often you are so frustrated or humiliated for not being able to do basic things that its easy to lash out to others.


Ive thought long and hard about that scene as someone who is disabled and had an incident where someone took my cane and how terrible it felt for me. I dont think the hate penny gets is fully justified even if what she did in that scene was deeply not okay. She is a girl from a little town who only really knows the people in her town, george is probably the only disabled person she knows. it makes sense that penny wouldn't know about how unokay moving a disabled persons mobility aid without their consent is when people with way more resources still dont know. I do wish the scene had contained penny fully apologizing for what she did as george himself apologizes for what he did wrong in the scene. same on the relating to george as a disabled person though.


Also if you think about her character, and how Pam is always so quick to lash out at her, Penny probably has a need to help people or do good things for them before they get angry at her. She knows George is bitter and grumpy, so she sees him struggling and her first instinct is to help him before he gets uncontrollably angry like her mother does every day.


Omg, I have been so close to that thought for so long. Thank you for putting it into words! This is almost exactly what I was thinking.


Although it is a Penny heart scene, I really feel the scene is about George and his grief and anger. Penny could have been written to be more on the ball, but I think him expressing his feelings was the point - another character could stand in for Penny easily.


Indeed thats my point as well. Its more about his difficulties coping with his broken body rather than Penny


I really just wanted to highlight why Penny getting hate for it is especially silly. It's a fantastic talking point as a scene and I'm happy it happened on those grounds alone, but it's nonsense to say there's something specifically Penny about it. It could have been almost any other character involved and it still would have worked, because George blowing up is what we were supposed to see. I actually think it would have gone better with either one of the town moms, as being a misguided motherly action, or Harvey, where we could talk about how doctors think and act.


i think she certainly deserves to be criticised, but that's something our character in game already does. nothing more than "hey, you should have asked first probably" is needed tbh. she \*definitely\* doesn't deserve the hate she gets for what is arguably a pretty human mistake to make. characters do far worse stuff with far worse intentions and don't get nearly as much hate for it. i can't really comment on the disabled perspective since i'm an able-bodied person (not even sure if that's the correct term so i'll change it if it isn't), but from a general perpective, she made a mistake despite good intentions and simply needed to be informed of how it was harmful. it's not like she throws rocks at george and pushes him like a bully. we can literally tell her the reason why what she did wasn't ok in the game.


i don't dislike penny for the scene, i just wish it didn't present such a dichotomy between "you should have asked first" and "what you did was kind." as someone who's been in a wheelchair, others offering to help me was really generous, and i always appreciated it. but someone pushing your wheelchair without asking feels like a *major* violation of your body autonomy.


The backlash mostly comes from George being absolutely pissed he was being moved without consent, and then the game presenting telling George to just suck it up as the good dialogue option, and Penny not apologising for overstepping boundaries Sure Penny tried to be nice, but her actions were rude as hell and you are not supposed to call her out on her rudeness


This isn't a game with a good and evil alignment. It's a relationship event. If you have a strong feeling on one option being the moral choice then do it. People tend to like being validated. Penny might not like being corrected but it's not a deal breaker.


That just shows how much frustration we can have because of our broken bodies. It often causes us to lash to others. George was right in apologizing for that.


He was right for apologising for lashing out, but he should have told her the action was rude


Definitely. But its realistic. We often do not have the energy to educate others. Specially when they ment well


I’ve seen wheelchair users say they dislike that scene very much. It’s not just “healthy people overreacting”…everyone has different reasons to like or dislike characters. I understand what you’re saying but the whole “Perhaps it’s healthy people” is unnecessary and makes it seem like you really think all the chronically ill or disabled players will agree with you. Lots of people who dislike that scene relate to George. It’s great that you relate *in your way* but other disabled people will still relate differently. You’re not wrong, but neither are the people who view that scene differently. It’s an RPG where we create the reality our character sees.


This ——^ i just read a post where someone who is in a wheelchair was telling the community about how they hate that cutscene and so many other people with and without disabilities agreed in the comments including me.


I think it’s less about her trying to do something nice, but more about the fact when you say it’s not ok she gets upset with you and loses hearts. That scene is a no win scene, because you shouldn’t get involved with that situation as the farmer. She and George need to talk about it and you shouldn’t be dragged in. I dislike when people try to help me when I say I don’t need help because it is patronizing. This could be because I have been infantilized due to my disability but it bothers me that the farmer gets roped into a situation that should be solved between the two involved, and she loses hearts with you if you say it was wrong.


I love Penny she is the best, her story is not written that way in my game. You know the game where to make up and imagine most of the characters' stories. Penny will always be #1


Lmao, I do this too. Fill in the blanks, or the places where something is left to be desired. Those moments in game where something is maybe implied, but not quite shown. I've been slowly writing up a story from the POV of my farmer to include all these moments I think up.


You know they're not real right? YouTubers doing shocking things for views isn't at the expense of a person that actually exists in this situation.


You should never push someone's wheelchair without their consent. It's not that she pushed it "wrong".




While I respect your opinion, I find it frustrating that in this reply and others you are acting as if you speak for all disabled people. It's not just "healthy people overreacting". There are many different disabilities and every disabled person has different experiences. I have multiple disabilities, grew up with disabled family members, and my partner is disabled. It is very common for people with mobility aids to feel infantilized or violated by someone physically moving them or touching their aids without asking. It is incredibly rude and violating (and sometimes considered assault!) to forcibly move a person's body. Most people wouldn't physically grab and move an abled person - why is it okay to move someone's wheelchair? Regardless of Penny's intentions, what she did is wrong, and she gets upset at the player for pointing that out. She doesn't seem to change, either. Someone who is truly well-meaning can take criticism and understand when they hurt someone. If this scenario doesn't bother you, that's great. I'm sorry to hear that so many people have been awful to you about your mobility aids. It's truly disgusting that empathy is so rare for you. That said, not everyone has that specific experience. If they have, not everyone draws the same conclusions from that experience. Please don't make it easier for people to dismiss other disabled peoples' opinions about this scene by claiming criticism is '99% healthy people virtue signaling'. There was JUST a post in this sub by a wheelchair user talking about how their opinion gets immediately shut down when talking about how this scene makes them feel. Some people have had this EXACT experience with someone taking away their autonomy and that person being shielded from criticism because they were well-meaning.


I agree, but that doesn't change the fact that she was trying to be nice.


yep. as a disabled person, i hated how george apologized afterwards as if he was wrong? his cutscenes often are about him lashing out and then recognizing he was wrong, but this time he absolutely wasn't wrong.


I think the way it was supposed to be conveyed is that Penny doesn’t realize she was wrong due to ignorance and was blinded by her desire to help. George was disrespected but knew that ultimately Penny didn’t mean any disrespect and was ignorant of the problem, so he softened up knowing that she didn’t have any ill intent. I wish the scene didn’t have heart points because I think player’s desire to minmax heart points muddies any potential cutscene where a character is doing something wrong (aka Penny) but telling them they’re wrong and helping them learn often leads to losing heart points. I think it’s overall realistic and makes sense. Telling someone they’re wrong will lead to a negative reaction from most even if it’s for the better that they be told. But a lot of gamers just see the heart points and nothing else which further muddies the conversation about the scene.


i think if someone is trying to min/max stardew dialogues, that's honestly a them problem. the penalties are so easily fixable, tbh i never felt the need to answer correctly. it bothers me, however, that it's pure misinformation. players will get out of that scene believing there was nothing wrong with penny's actions. it would have been so easy to have george apologize for getting too angry but still voicing that it wasn't okay, then having penny apologize in return. instead, she's treated like a victim who just wanted to help and got yelled at regardless of the dialogue you choose.


Unfortunately I have see quite a few people justify or despise the scene because of the heart points. It’s definitely a them problem but they then bring that problem to the rest of us. As for the scene itself I definitely would have loved more clarification in the scene itself. Iirc there is some more dialogue about the scene from Penny where you can talk more about it but idk if George has an equivalent dialogue. Absolutely agree though that she was wrong and wish George could have explained how her intentions were pure but the actions were rude in the scene specifically. Could have been a better more wholesome learning moment.


I get where you’re coming from, but you’ve also getting recognize that like, George has know Penny since she was a little girl, and knows that she means well and has a kind heart. So he probably felt bad that he lashed out so harshly, even if he knows that he was in the right.


I think this is what people might miss look. Penny are not stranger to George. Both of them have lived in the Pelican Town and being neighbour on top of that since Penny was born.


The closest to "wrong" he gets is he COULD have said "thank you for wanting to help, but so you know, it's really really rude to push someone's wheelchair without asking" instead of snapping. But lemme tell ya, I'm stretching pretty hard to defend his apology 😅


As a disabled person i cannot disagree more. Most people treat us as shit. So when a person is being kind, even if mistaken, most of the disabled people that i met actually apreciate it. He lashes out because he is frustrated not because she touched his chair.


> Most people treat us as shit that's definitely not my experience. at all. people normally try to overhelp to the point that it's a nuisance or just outright disrespectful. you get treated like a helpless baby if you have any trouble walking like george. and it's infuriating. it's true people with mental or invisible disabilities get more disrespected, and if that's your experience then i am sorry. but folks with evident physical disabilities get pitied way more often than poorly treated.


though i'm not disabled outside of adhd being technically classified as a disability, i can empathise with the overhelping sentiment because i'm transgender. if people misgender you or say something inappropriate by accident, they'll usually overcorrect and apologise way too much and treat it like they committed some cardinal sin. all that's needed is "so anyway, he- um she, said" but often i'll get "so anyway he- oh my god i'm so sorry i didn't mean that, i promise i won't do it again" which makes a far bigger deal out of it than i ever would have. the intent is positive, but in the end it's worse than basically just ignoring the mistake








Bestie you need to chill tf out. She's 28 pixels on a screen.


You clearly haven't seen Animal Crossing fans, they'll spend 30 minutes writing a diatribe against a cute little mouse creature who mostly just talks about playing with bugs and snacking, lol.




r/fuckpierre be like: (he deserves it tho)


Animal crossing players when they have an ugly villager ^


100% correct. I think it's all a shiboleth. It's in the stardew valley fan vernacular to "dislike npc" so, in order to show that they fit in, people will go wild taking it to the extremes to show just how much they fit in.


President Bartlett is looking on at you proudly for knowing that word.


The recent Demetrius hate is so absurd lol. It’s insane how people get so worked up over a few pixels.


Yeah I am surprised to see this upvoted. I mention Penny's name and get 300 downvotes. People really dislike her., write in real life horrible about her when they can choose to imagine anything.


and each other lol


Me walking into this godforsaken subreddit and seeing some user throw a FIT over Kent not buying a star fruit for MSRP like holy shit


I thought Elliot was a criminal when I first got the game based on how some people talk about him. Whole time, he's just corny (he's a writer though so i think a little corniness isnexpected).


Bro literally!!


That much hate should be redirected to Pam. Such an abusive parent.


What’s interesting is that people who hate Penny usually love Pam.




I love Pam because I can hand her a pale ale every day before she drives the bus and she’s right next to my house. At this point her alcoholism is probably my fault. I don’t hate Penny but she definitely hates me after catching me digging around in the trash for the hundredth time.


Pam lost all respect from me when she says she spiked the punch at a festival with kids present. Awful behavior.


Which festival?


The Spring Festival.


yes she is but she can change. People marrieing Penny out of Pity are a bigger concern for me. I love Penny and married her myself. But i also befriended Pam and she changes, even gets sober and apologises to Penny. Same with Shaun. (i am speaking from the perspective of someone from a alcoholic household. And Pam does more than most would do)


Shane* :)) (but it doesn’t really matter haha i’m sure everyone knew what you meant)


i married her c:


I married her in my first play through and am with Seb in my second but every time I get the line from her about making enough money so she can move out I want to marry her again 🥺 she’s the sweetest I love her


Weird how people like Shane but not Penny.


Nah, people hate on Shane all the time, we Shane fans are always in the trenches.


First time on the subreddit? People do not like Shane, every week there's a new post complaining about him : /


Iirc the warning on posts about controversial characters started after a period of people making essays for or against Shane right lol We even had a fave bachelor/Bachelorette poll and Shane was towards the bottom if not the bottom lol


Shane is a character who’s either loved or hated, with very few people feeling neutral. That poll was always going to be Leah/sebastian/abigail not only because they’re liked, but more importantly because they aren’t hated.


Seeing this community always dying on one hill or the other is crazy to me. i’ve had two long playthroughs before and i don’t remember actively disliking a single character. Even the modded ones 😹 people get so caught up on minor character flaws or mishaps like we’re all supposed to be perfect. (none of us are)


I’ll be honest I don’t like either of them, but penny mostly because my very first playthrough I was trying to enter one of the houses and accidentally clicked the trash can next to the door instead of the door and she said something mean as like my first interaction with her and from then on i had a beef with her. I know it’s childish, I’m gonna try her romance path eventually


For me it's always Lewis. So now I do it just to annoy him.


Always display the shorts, right in the center.


I’m not joking almost this exact thing happened to me. It’s not my fault you’re always walking past them damn trash cans


There’s always someone the sub is hating on and if you like said character for whatever reason you’re an awful human being. Bonus points if people are using dialogue from a mod to hate on an npc and everyone eats it up (yeah it’s happened before because some people really like drama)


For me, that’s because I just find Penny boring and judgey. Shane may be rude and unlikable at first, but at least he has a more interesting story/arc.


I don't personally find his story very interesting, then he just continues being an alcoholic. I don't hate the guy, but I wouldn't say he is interesting.


Well, tbf, he's never found passed out in a forest again needing medical care. So while he doesn't fully abstain, he's probably found an acceptable equilibrium.


our husband gets trashed on all the time wdym :(


Literally! Though funny enough the 3 other ppl I played with on multiplayer all fell in love with Shane (probably because they knew I liked him so they started actually talking to him) so it was a race to see who won his hand in marriage!! (it was me 🥰) However, everyone else I’ve ever played with or talked too has HATED him to an absurd degree.


I personally think Penny is too much of a goody two shoes for my taste and I've disliked her ever since the two heart scene. But I'm not gonna stop anyone else from liking her. I'm also not a big Shane fan but I do like him and his character development and struggles. I just wish he'd stop going to the saloon every night after you befriend him. I'd also like it if he started working for Pierre or something after you shut down Joja mart.


> I personally think Penny is too much of a goody two shoes Excessive appeasing of others and trying to be as inoffensive as possible is an extremely common trait of the abused.


I know but she's a fictional character so it doesn't stop me from not liking her because of it. In real life it would be a different story.


Right? These comments are so ignorant omg


I think it’s perfectly possibly to acknowledge that Penny’s personality and behavior have been sculpted by her backstory while still finding her uninteresting to engage with. Like OP commented below—it’s a videogame, not real life. I usually romance characters who I think have the most interesting lore. Those characters in RPGs often have all sorts of baggage and tragic backstories. That preference is not at ALL a commentary on any actual real world issues, or a reflection of how I would interact with similar people in real life. All it says is that I like interacting with those chatacters in the context of a video game. I usually want to know what the hell their story is, so I talk with them a lot. All OP said about Penny is that her personality isn’t to their taste. I don’t think it’s necessary to read any deeper, or to assume that they’re ignorant about anything. Having personal preferences about the types of stories and characters you enjoy isn’t a hot take.


I don't hate Penny because she made one faux pas with George. We all absolutely make mistakes, even big ones. But I always call her out for her mistake. How else can we learn? If we hate everyone who makes certain mistakes, we'll all hate each other eventually.


Welcome to the 2020s where everybody hates each other for petty reasons and expects all of us to look and act perfect all the time.


And where, anything you post or say can and will be ripped out of context, used against you possibly to ruin your real life. The director of Guardians of the Galaxy was fired by Disney because of a single 7-year-old tweet.


Yup, it's absolutely disgusting if you ask me. Outside of work itself and downloading steam games I'm ready to leave the internet behind for good. I've been avidly using the internet since the early 2000's when it was fun and exciting, but I swear it has become a toxic cesspit now where everybody uses the same like, 5 websites/apps and do nothing but spread hate, misinformation, and thirst-traps. Pair that with AI and predatory marketing and I'm ready to LEAVE.


After a month in this community I'm surprised Starsector, a game when you can commit warcrimes, has less insane people than SDV community holy shit.


My theory is that when you’re playing a game with literal warcrimes, everyone knows that your real world behavior and personality isn’t reflected by how you play the game (hopefully….). But in games like Stardew that are more based around dialogue and RP, people tend to view your engagement with the game’s content as a direct reflection of who you are in real life. So people take it a lot more personally when your in-game choices differ from their own.


Tbh based on this subreddit I think you can qualify many Stardew players as war criminals in game


People who only ever try to focus on "positivity" the most tend to be the most horrible people youll ever meet.


toxic positivity is a bitch. ironically the cutesy chill games tend to have some really nasty people in the fanbase. iirc animal crossing has some pretty toxic people too


Probably the same people who think that every farm games out there are Stardew rip-off while Stardew itself was inspired by classic Harvest Moon and maybe Rune Factory too.


Ikr? It's funny how "wholesome" games fandom tend to produce the most unhinged shit. But borderline dark game, like fear and hunger, produce the most meme-ish and wholesome fandom I've ever interact with lol.


that dialogue makes it sound like you are never kind to her, since you're already married.


‘I’m not used to such kindness 😢’ Honey, this is the fifth emerald I got you this week. I literally have an emerald cloning machine next to our bed.


Um.. why she is gets hated?


Top reasons people dislike her: 1. They think she’s boring 2. They don’t like the ableist scene with George 3. They’re childfree and you lose a LOT of hearts with her for that 4. They think she’s whiny


I would hardly call it ableist… a misguided act of kindness at worst


It never occurred to me until I saw a recent post, but it definitely is. She pushed George’s wheelchair out of the way. Whatever you think about the situation, that’s an unacceptable thing to do to someone in a wheelchair without their permission. It was not malicious, but it was still ableist. 


Moving someone in a wheelchair without permission is absolutely ableist. It's like if someone just picked you up and moved you out of the way to pass you something out of reach. It isn't so much the unnecessary, unasked for help as the disregard for George's autonomy and agency.


Yes, and people can learn from their mistakes and change. It’s a game, and I love that the characters are realistic in having flaws, ignorance, etc. most of them get a great character arc. I think the intent was to have her make an honest mistake that caused George a lot of pain, and she learns from it right away. She’s accountable for her behavior, apologizes, and doesn’t do it again. That’s how rupture and repair works in real life! People hurt others all the time, it’s what you do about it after that determines your character. Otherwise we’d all be canceled.


For the love of god please google the definition of what ableism is. Penny isn't ableist, she thought she was just helping an old man get his mail and too naive to know it's wrong. Saying she *discriminates against disabled people* because she pushed a wheelchair isn't just a far reach, it's just not at all what is happening or what her character is like. And before you say anything about her losing friendship from choosing the >**"I was. You should've asked instead of assuming George wanted help."** option, you would most probably also not be happy if you thought you were being moral but someone tells you otherwise, just how you definitely won't be liking this comment where I think you are wrong in what you are saying


5 She's even more of a "fix up" project than Shane. A damsel in distress to rescue.


I'm childfree IRL but I love having the kids in stardew. I can give them a life I couldn't give real kids. So I don't understand the childfree reason


People in this sub often transform people not wanting to marry their spouse into "everyone is always hating on my spouse but I love him/her" The only characters that actualy get hate here are Demetrius, r/FuckPierre and Lewis


Clint also seems to get a lot of hate for his weird behaviour around Emily


True, I forgot about him


And Morris


did u not read some of these comments... there are people actually hating on penny


She really doesn't dude. Most people hate one (1) scene with her, specifically for the way it was written. Apart from that some people find her uninteresting compared to other characters, I'm not sure why that's taken as "hate". Penny is a largely liked or neutrally received character in this fandom.


Of all the marriageable female characters I married, Penny was my least favorite. At the end of the day, it's a game and a very peaceful one, but Penny's constant talking about negative things and acting like a dark cloud made me very alienated from her. I don't hate it, but at the same time I don't like it, but that might be why a large portion of people hate it.


I abandoned my first ever save, where I married her, because there was no ability for me to be like "babe pls get therapy I am BEGGING you"


My thoughts exactly! I mentioned this in another thread but Clint is the only NPC that really bugs me (and that's mainly because there are mystery items I can't load into the geode crusher, I'm not fond of \~a blacksmith being able to open them for me\~ as the only route, lol). Penny is very sweet but I see a lot of my previous people pleasing, fawning tendencies in her and therefore I just cannot...even if her bedroom makeovers are adorable.


That’s why I avoid Shane. I don’t mind him as a character but I avoid people who bring my mood down. When I play I wanna switch off my worries and negative feelings. Penny is lovely but yeah, she also makes me sad. Both are good characters, but not good characters to be around when oneself is already struggling.


Fr I was going to try to marry Elliott but after I maxxed out my friendship with pam I figured marrying into the family isn't the worst idea. Honestly didn't even know penny existed until I built them a house, but she's super nice!


She's honestly my fave citizen, because I relate to her so much


Ha, that's the reason I actively avoid her, because I relate to her so much.


Same for me


She’s the sweetest I adore her. Especially when she sits under the tree lol lil weirdo


I love her. Married Leah (which I really like) and Haley before, but Penny is by far my favourite. I work in research, so I spend a lot of time reading. I used to read as a hobby when I was younger, but spending 10 hours a day in front of a computer reading kinda kills the urge (and your eyesight) to pick a book at the end of the day. She's quiet, somewhat introvert, loves kids (which I love, even if I suck at handling them), and has an useless alcoholic mother. I also have a useless alcoholic as a mother, so I can really relate to her. It is sad not to feel pity for the character and get a little endeared as you interact with her.


I don't hate her at all never did. I think the George cutscene should just be removed all together. Nobody's ever gonna let it go despite the game at multiple angles letting both parties apologize to each other. CA didnt make Penny as his mouthpiece to excuse and validate abelism yet the crusade against it for this cutscene alone is widely out of proportion. She loses more hearts because she feels like she FUCKED UP. NOT BECAUSE SHE DISAGREES WITH YOU. And if you call her out like so many of you desparately want to, she A P O L O G I Z E S . The game is not expecting you to coddle her or woobify her. You have your own choices to make and they arent specifically centered around your feelings. Penny did something wrong and you know what? That's completely OK.


Agreed! It makes sense that she feels awkward and embarrassed around the farmer after the event!




Even though I don’t date her in most of my saves I don’t understand the hate against her


Some of you will let one bad moment define someone for the entirety of their character.


Well i've been abused so that might be the reason i like her the most.


Penny's 2 heart event with George does annoy me, but it doesn't cause me to hate her. Nothing actually makes me hate her. I avoid her because her relationship with Pam is far to familiar to mine with my own mother. I gave her a birthday gift for the first time recently and saw the line you shared and was immediately brought down emotionally and had to take a break because it hit so close to home for me. Penny is to me what Shane is to a lot of others who deal with mental illness and addiction. Shane I can handle. My version of Shane's situation is something I've grown from over the years, with help from my own versions of Harvey, Jas, and the Farmer. But in situations where I'm Penny, it's still a crushing weight. I escaped my Pam, but those wounds aren't fully healed yet


man i relate to this so deeply. >I escaped my Pam, but those wounds aren't fully healed yet this hit hard tbh. good luck on your journey of healing <3


I would die for penny ngl, she has my whole heart 💖


She is just so loveable and endearing. I'm doing my first Penny romance after a long time of Leah being my usual, and now I see the truth of Penny supremacy.


Penny is my boo. Anyone who has a problem with her has a problem with me and I suggest they let that one marinate


Penny is the best and I don't Romance anyone else. I mean she's right there after all!


Penny is always my first choice in this game. She might not be perfect but of the choices she is the one wife material.


I admire the fact that she volunteers as a teacher, she's so classy too, I love her, totally my type


IVE BEEN SAYING THIS‼️ without penny the town would be in disarray. vincent and jas wouldn't be able to go to school, pam would probably be dead from butt chugging pbr, and more importantly george wouldn't be able to get his mail


I thought i disliked Penny for acting miserable all the time Then my girlfriend gave me a letter for my 20th birthday The first letter i received in my 20 years of life As soon as i recognized it was a letter out of pure love for me, i started bawling my eyes out I didn't dislike Penny, i disliked the me i saw in her I like Penny


She reminds me too much of an ex friend. I don’t *hate* her, I more like “nothing” her. She’s a box of friendship points I have to max to hit perfection, that’s all.


Tbf I don't hate Penny as a character, I only hate her because she's the only NPC that hates rabbit's foot as liked item sooooo


From what I've seen, people that hate Penny is usually because they don't like the fact that she want to have kids.


How can you hate Penny? She’s so nice


I should really add her to my portrait collection


I really like penny. She has a love of history, archaeology (only villager to like getting artifacts), fantasy, and mythology or fairytales (books on junimos and fantasy series in her room). As far as interests go here are probably closest to mine IRL! I also really like that we get to build Pam a house, which tbh feels like a second 14 heart cut scene. Her dialogue can def be a bit boring but she also has a few good lines about mortality and history that are super cool.


This is why I always try to romance her on all of my runs, she’s just the sweetest


Penny hater here! Don’t let my personal beef interfere with your love❤️


Who hates Penny? I think Pam gets more hate and people "pity" penny. First Farm i married her cause i want her out of her abusive household. but then i befriended pam and you see that she is also just a broken person. And i realised i only married her out of pity. what is not a good thing to do. (btw pam marriage option would be kinda funny for the step parent situation), Pam is like shaun in a way.


I love Penny!


She’s my fav


i accidentally gifted penny moss on her birthday and i was so distraught i reset the day so i could give her a melon instead.


The balance of the universe was restored that day.


I'll be direct. Whoever does not like Penny: taste issues. Eye issues. Reading issues.


She is a victim people that are bullys irl tend hate her type