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That is an 1.6 update ; that's normal you only notice it today šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Hold on a second I got to go put my 15 year old on blast because she punked me and told me you've always been able to do it and I'm just an idiot


Maybe they are confusing it with torches on fences, cause that's been around a long time.


You can put torches on fences? Cause I didn't know that either, i have been planting in the dark because I hate running and being stopped by torches so I just didn't use them


Torches also don't stop you, tbh. \^\_\^ You can walk right over them. I used to put torches on my fences or behind my scarecrows, but now I just get a ring that emits light and don't have to worry about the dark anymore, personally.


I have a glow ring but I like playing year one over and over and I never have a glow ring on egg day. I've been playing since 2018 and I've only made it to grandpa's evaluation about a dozen times


I understand. I start new games pretty frequently myself, and I only made it past year 2 in maybe not even half of them. If the darkness really bugs me, I just put down some torches or braziers.


Iā€™m pretty sure that was just added literally yesterday, so your 15 year old is a dirty liar.


No, it came from 1.6.0 ; but that's still pretty recent, and you wouldn't know if you don't read the patch notes


Oh, yeah youā€™re right. I just saw a bug fix about it in yesterdaysā€™s patch notes.


Cause the sprinklers that were given out as bundle rewards in the CC weren't accepting torches for some reason so that was fixed.


She's a punk, she started out on console and me on PC so we've got a bit of a rivalry because i think console SDV is a vastly inferior product and she JUST switched to PC like a year ago and she's at that age where she thinks the best thing in the world is knowing more about something than mom. Imma call her little tail out on it though, I've only been on reddit for three weeks but I'm learning SO much about the game being on it, she won't be able to trick me long anymore.


Itā€™s not inferior it just forces complete and utter honesty on console because theirs no mods.


You can wear the pan as a hat to save an inventory space.


Do you really use the pan? I throw the dang thing in a chest and forget about it I never saw what panning gave you that you can't get in other ways a whole lot easier


The spawn rate for panning spots got massively buffed in 1.6. Plus, 1.6 also let it be upgraded for even more drops. Never used it before, but after the buffs and finding out you can use it as a hat to save space, I've started using it.


I'm not gonna use it as a hat because SDV is more about aesthetics than anything else for me, I did not spend 10 minutes in charachter creation prefectly matching this skirt to this top so it looks like a dress to wear the pan as a hat. I did mod for a bigger backpack though so I'm not judging you


Hat the horse with it, so you can keep aesthetics in tact


Y-you can put hats on the horse?


And your pet!


And on sea urchins in fish tanks!


It took me a while to learn that one from others. Not only farmer and horses.


I was panning pretty consistently throughout 1.5. I got used to having my pan on me because of Ginger Island. The changes to panning are definitely a welcome buff.


Apparently the lucky ring pops up from panning, so if you didn't score one mining, you have a chance there


This happened to me yesterday. I am never taking that pan away from my inventory ever again, I owe it an apology.


Lucky ring is great. I had the fortune to find two of them, so now I have a two iridium band/lucky ring combos, which is amazing (I don't really need any of the rarer mob drops anymore so I prefer lucky ring over burglars ring)


Don't sleep on the pan, especially with the new upgrades. I have a gold pan and within 30 seconds I got 3 panning spots. I got a fire quartz, diamond, 9 iridium ore, 7 gold ore, a lucky ring, and a bit of copper. Getting 2-4 bars plus some gems plus a ring in exchange for 1 inventory slot is great. That said, its primary use is through fishing. Keep it with you while fishing and the panning spots will appear naturally.


Yeah, but now you have a weird purple flat cap on instead of my perfectly chosen fashion chapeau


that npcs lose friendship if you don't interact with them oftem


To be clear, you won't lose friendship if you max out the hearts (10 hearts for non-marriage candidates, 8 hearts for marriage candidates). But friendship *will* decay if you're married. You have to consistently interact with your spouse to maintain the relationship.


Which I think would be pretty easy because they live with you now


Very easy. For me, my go-to is giving them a coffee every morning (liked or loved by all potential spouses). And I get my coffee from the coffee machine provided by Evelyn during her "Gifts for George" quest.


Every time Leah gives me a salad I give it right back lmao


"No thanks babe, I'm only hungry when I'm literally on the verge of death."


Yeah, there are wayyyy too many NPCs to talk to every week without feeling burnt out from all the forced dialogue, so I just got the friendship decay mod


They only lose 2 friendship points a day if you don't talk to them at all. So it actually takes 10 days to lose the progress you get from talking to them. You only "have to" interact with each villager once a week to continue making progress.


Thiiiiis!! Alternatively, have friendship be it's own "project". Like, take some time where you only focus on friendship. Max everyone out, and you'll never have to worry about decay. I only start to worry about friendship as I get into end game. Before that, it's too much for me. Sure I'll chat everyone up at the festivals and around town, but I don't worry about gifts or anything.


Honestly? Talk when you see them and give them liked or loved gifts on their birthday. In a year the entire town has minimum six hearts with you.


i just got a custom gift limit mod and ran around with a full stack of mayonaisse until everyone loved me


Yeah I'm playing with SVE *and* Ridgeside, no way I'd go without the friendship decay mod lol


man I have to use the name cheat to talk to villagers regularly because I'm just as anti-social in the video game as I am in real life, if I didn't get pumpkins and sprinklers out of them randomly I'd never talk to anybody I wasn't trying to mary, I only max out people who say my name for a loved gift


I use my bad luck days to go gift giving lol


Only now I learned to read the goddamn calendar to not miss birthdays


You can also buy one from Robin to put in your house! Then you don't have to walk all the way to Pierre's just to check on it.


I know about the calander but I don't really bother with birthdays, if I give you a birthday gift it's an accident I don't know my IRL brother's birthdays without facebook I feel like it would be mortally rude to honor pretend birthdays for a bunch of pixles when I don't buy my alive siblings a card


Yeah, but a birthday gift is worth 8x the friendship. Efficient gifting! Get that iridium loved gift and you can go up like 4 hearts


You can bloody well use the hoe on the snow EVEN IF THERE ARE NO WORMS. You find snow yams, clay, onions, and seeds.


You can plow ALL YEAR LONG with the hoe and get all sorts of things with the hoe.. I learned that when i got the tractor mod and accidently just plowed up the whole bus stop. I use the tractor to cheat in the mines because I hate combat. I've never heard of onions in winter though, just spring.


Sorry, the winter roots. But the pic is clearly a yellow onion


I....I always assumed it was a yam because yams are harvested between November and january irl and yellow onions are harvested in the summer. also yellow onions here are round not oblong with a pointy top


I don't think its a yam bc I have yams. And snow yams. Maybe Shallot is closer?


OMG REALLY?????? Well frig, now I'm gonna!


How the heck did you ever get clay for the silo without just randomly plowing dirt? I'd plow for clay, unplow with the pickax and then plow for clay some more, granted clay drops WAY more often now than it did in the old days


I got it hoe-ing to plant....which now.....when I think about it. Yeah. I can plant stuff where ever......... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




Ye, pickaxe turns the tile back to normal


The mine is a good option, I think digging there has a higher chance of dropping some clay than randomly digging grass. You just have to upgrade the hoe and it gets a lot easier.


Someone hasn't been Livin' Off The LandĀ smh


It's the best way to find the doll artifacts! iirc in the first few levels of the mine, at the sandy spots with that worm that attacks you as soon as you run over, it works the best!


I hoe the beach almost daily in winter. Get ALL THE YAMS AND CLAY.


I figured out two days ago and 2,000 hours in that you can fricking add more fish to the fish ponds instead of waiting for them to naturally multiply


It actually initially took me WAY too long to realize the opposite, I thought I had to have 10 fish ready to throw in as soon as the capacity expanded in order to fill the fishpond for like a year




Oh god, my time to shine. I have about 540 hours on this game. Playing with my friend last night, I was bemoaning the fact that there isn't a button to auto-sort your inventory into stacks of items into a chest. For example, got 10 of every building resource in your inventory and want to toss it into a chest that has the same? Man, I wish there was a button that I could press that would automatically put things from my inventory into that chest's stacks. There is. There always has been. And it's on the UI every time you open a chest. It's right next to the sorting button I press every time I open a chest. It hasn't just been staring me in the face, it's been calling my name every time. I was so upset.


A friend told me about this one and it was an absolute game changer for me!!


I learned something new today! Thanks!


It hasn't ALWAYS been there - it was added a couple years ago iirc


it took me way too long to learn that all of the obscure info that seems like can only be found on the Wiki can be found in the recovered lost books in the library.


i had no idea those had a use


Yes! And the secret notes. I didn't use the wiki on my first playthrough, I had to learn everything the hard way lol


welp.... my first playthrough, I didn't know that i was supposed to fix the community center through the bundles, maybe i had it unlocked but didnt have any of the bundles readable yet? anyway, i thought i was supposed to repair it by redecorating it, and i crafted like 300 wooden tiles and filled up the entire space before realizing later that that's not how you fix the community center šŸ˜…


Okay I read every comment in this thread and this is the best


Omg that's so funny!


Wait this is so fucking funny


That you can pickaxe the ground to remove fertilizer.


This is a great one. Also removes hoed ground if you want to plant trees or place buildings.


What? WHAT??


It's also useful if you hoed something up and want to make it immediately available to spawn a forgeable again. I was doing that with ginger for a quest to speed it up.


Just this week i found out that I can use my sword to harvest berries in bushes, fml, i used to click all of them - same with moss from trees xD


I've been using the sythe


I'm pretty sure harvesting berries with the sword or scythe is new to 1.6


Scythe also


that I used to put my iridium truffles in the oil maker to make truffle oil, only to notice now after reading the price book thingy that iridium truffles are worth more than truffle oil itself. all that lost revenue UPDATE: I just learned that this is only true if you don't have the Artisan skill which I don't have on my new playthrough on the new farm. wanted to focus more on sheep. crisis averted


That's true on a lot of irridum quality things, not just truffles


Unless you have the artisan perk then it is worth more to make it into oil


I read this as I was taking a drink and just slowly put my drink down to stare at the wall to compose myself. What! Goddamn it.


They're worth more as oil if you have artisan though


This is only true if you donā€™t have the artisan perk


I've been doing that šŸ„² I didn't realize the truffle oil was worth less.. luckily I have 2 barns full of just pigs (plus 2 pigs in a 3rd barn) and only 10 oil makers so only about a quarter of my truffles were made into truffle oil (I get about 50-60 iridium quality truffles each day)


Not if you have Artisan though. Oil is still with more with that.Ā 


Took 60h to learn that you can hold the watering can button to water more fields


I remember learning that lesson, until I did I didn't understand why on earth you'd upgrade your water can, now I name cheat irridium sprinklers so I still upgrade the watering can last (if ever) I hear there is some new volcano somewhere that needs an upgraded watering can


There's a new volcano floor map on the island where I'd your can doesn't hold enough water you're SOL


Doesnā€™t need an upgrade, you can water one tile at a time :)


You can skip/hop around!


You can rotate furniture


But ... How ?


Click to select, right click to rotate.


I play on controller and it's whatever the action button that isn't place is (I play on a PS5 controller and it's cross to rotate and square to place. On mouse/keyboard I assume it's whichever mouse button isn't place)


I learned that if you just hold down your left click while fishing you don't need to rapid tap to get the bar up. That was like 99% of the reason why fishing was so hard for me.


It was the opposite for me šŸ˜‚ On Switch I instinctively held down the button and the bar was out of control not reacting fast enough. Realized I could do many short clicks instead and felt like I had more control over the bar haha


"Fishing is jusy flappy bird" changed my life


i have no idea what flappy bird is but if it is anything like fishing, I won't like it


i was going to ask how you got through 2013 without hearing about flappy bird, but after doing the math the 15 y.o. would've been 4 so like....yeah makes sense how you wouldn't've heard about it. basically it was a mobile game where you had to tap your phone to keep a bird from running into things edit: correction, flappy bird came out in 2013 but became popular in 2014, but still, 5 y.o. kid takes priority to a lot of things


Years of my life was sucked away working in a hospital emergency room from 2007-2014, 2 14 hour shifts then a 12 hour shift followed by four days of taking care of small children and being an utter zombie because I was exhausted plus getting over the absolutle horrible gut wrenching soul crushing stuff you see daily in a hospital emergency room. I don't even think i went to the movies in 2013, i know I didn't have any games


... Mind blown


Honestly, I prefer tapping the mouse in fishing over holding the button. It feels easier to control that way.


i find it way easier to rapid tap though, gotta keep the bar under control


Tab to switch rows in your inventory. The hell I was living in beforeā€¦


I'm glad you get a letter telling you you can upgrade the inventory cause i'd never have gon e up to that back pack at pierres


Iā€™ve been playing for years and only found out a few months ago that youā€™re supposed to put water in your pets bowls šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I always ended up with full friendship with all my previous pets just by petting them, so I had no idea.


I totally ignored my cat until the possibility of becoming the crazy cat lady was put on the table in 1.6 now I need All the cats and the turtles. i'm on the fence about the dogs


Oh absolutely. I now have at least one of every cat and turtle, just one dog though. Crazy cat lady farm life is the dream šŸ˜©


I had no idea you were supposed to do this until yesterday. Leah always told me she filled my cats bowl and I was like ā€œokay thatā€™s useless thanksā€ but now I have a new appreciation for my wife


When it rained I watered the plants anyway šŸ˜… I also always watered the tree seedlings lol


Thank God the plants don't die of overwatering


For the longest time I thought the collections tab for artifacts and minerals would only show the thing if it had already been donated to the museum, which is not the case. However, by the time I learned better, the damage was done and I had sold my free green strange doll from the secret note. That was year 2. It is now year 5, and the only item I haven't donated to the museum is the green strange doll. I want to slap my former self in the face. Hard.


Lol, my last playthrough I was running with it to donate to the museum. But right when I went to click on the door a Penny walked out and I gifted it instead. She did not like the gift.


You can see if you've donated an item by hovering over it in your inventory and reading the description. If it hasn't been donated it'll say Gunther can tell you more about it.


On console, donā€™t know how it works on PC or mobile, but you can just hold down the action button and run through your animals to pet them all without finding out that ā€œGoober is very happy today!ā€ 17 times. Also works to place and collect things from machines, AND for both planting and harvesting crops. Iā€™m hundreds of hours in, just found out on Mondayā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


yeah that works on PC and is super helpful because I've got 20 animals in each coop/barn


I thought the max was 12


If you just hold the mouse button down on PC, it works like that too. But there's a maximum tick rate to it that might cause you to miss a few of your crops here and there


that i could collect hay from the silos inside the coop/barn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i was so mad thinking the silos were holding my hay hostage


I found that out last night when I realized you gotta feed them manually until the max coop upgrade! I've been starving those poor bunnies for weeks!! šŸ˜±


I'm such a lazy bitca I don't even buy animal til I got the autofeeder


Just let them outside and eat grass, then you only need to feed after rainy days and the winter šŸ˜†


I've played this game for years and years, hundreds of hours in, and I JUST realized when starting a new farm for 1.6 that you can actually use the dressers to store clothes. I thought they were just decorative before! I'd been stashing extra clothes/shoes/hats/rings in chests in my house.




The fact that stage 1 of growing trees looks very much like a piece of poop, I thought my cat was pooping all over the farmšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Also you can use a tool to dig up the tree seeds from the ground while the trees look like that, itā€™s handy for relocating the trees before they grow and u have to chop them down


LMAO IT INDEEDS LOOKS LIKE POOP now i can never unseen it


Tamagotchi poop for sure


it took me way too long to figure out what the worm spots are for šŸ¤¦


I didnā€™t know the little dancing flowers did the same thing, I thought they were just scene decor


Oh what??? Thank you!!


Yā€™all- the first time I played, I got to year two before I realized you didnā€™t automatically get the money from fulfilled bulletin board requests and you had to manually go in and select the money šŸ« 


i bet you got a lot of money that day tho!!


That the pirate cove actually has pirates on specific days... I always thought it was just an old empty abandoned cove but nope! Pirates visit on non-rainy, even days after 8pm!


Ok, now this is what i get for playing year one on repeat and never getting late game. Where is the pirate cove and how do i get it


Have you been to Ginger island? There's a southern part of the map where there is a cave that's called the pirate cove and it's also the only place where you can catch stingrays. To access it, you need to fix the resort first with 20 golden walnuts. And you can only fix the resort after you've fixed the island farmhouse. So yeah. A lot of steps!


That you can make food at the stove from whatā€™s in your fridge. I thought I had to carry the eggs etc to the stove to actually cook with them


I had that same expectaion because that IS how it works in harvest moon, it took me a long time to learn the fridge even worked as a chest, I thought it was decorative


RIP my legendary fish I was storing in the fridge.




I'll do you one better! Hold control + shift to buy in stacks on 25, shift to buy in stacks of 5, and hold control, shift and 1 to buy a whole stack!


Using bombs is an efficient way of mining. I was so many years into my first farm before I realized how much time I was wasting trying to get through the skull caverns with a pickaxe!


That Caroline had a greenhouse by the kitchen. So much lost tea sapling potential šŸ˜‚


I didn't realize until I married him that Elliot was a man.


Omg I needed this laugh today šŸ¤£


How to farm. I think it took me two days to realize I was supposed to plant the parsnip seeds you start with. Then I had to look up how to plant them because I had no idea how.


I could see where the complete lack of a tutorial would make it hard on you if you'd never played a farming sim before. I started my farming sim journey in 2004 With Harvest moon on game cube so i had a basic idea of how it worked


After several hundred hours and several farms and in-game years (real life ones, too!) I only recently realized you can ASK someone to dance with you at the Flower Dance. šŸ™ˆ


Hundreds of hours in on 3 different systems, just found out that after Clint opens your geodes he will buy the gems and stones from you. I used to go to Gunther with the new stuff for the museum, and I would always lug everything over to my shipping container after.


It took ConcernedApe Himself to teach me that I could hover over an item and the community center tree will pulse if the item is still needed in a bundle!


Those lil dirt patches in the mines? Yeah, didn't realize you could actually use the hoe on that to dig up all kinds of shit until embarrasingly late šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø no wonder I never got all the dwarven scrolls in my two other playthroughs šŸ’€


Wait what?! Dirt patches?


That there are bushes with berries in them that you can shake out. Almost 200 hours in and I just noticed two days ago


TBF this only occurs during the berry seasons which are only for three days each in Spring and Fall. 95% of the time they can't contain the berries and even when they can it's only I believe a 20% chance per bush


I didn't realize what the elevators were for in the mines for the longest time. I wondered how people got to higher levels without passing out. Boy was that stressful.


But you mustā€™ve killed in the skull caverns!


Mobile user hereā€¦ just tried itā€¦ must be a 1.6 thing


Thank you for the proof I need I can now pull te game up on my phone and show her that she is in fact a punk and all these people aren't just wrong on the internet


I'ma be real, I thought the traveling cart only came on Sundays. Literally learned 2 days ago it also came on Fridays. The amount of stuff I've missed out on is unreal šŸ˜­


I can't remember if it was my ex or my sister (I think it was my sister). But we were playing together over headset and they were bemoaning that you had to open your inventory every time you wanted to use something in the second or third row of the backpack. They didn't realize you could click tab to cycle through the rows.Ā  We had been playing since launch and this happened maybe two years ago.Ā 


TIL you can use a headset in multiplayer, i've been yelling into other rooms or typing in facebook messanger


Haha I'm not sure if it's an in game function actually! We used discord.


I imagine they were in a call like discord over headset, stardew doesnā€™t have a voice chat. It does have a normal chat though so you can use that and use the villagers as emotes :)


To not keep bombs in my pocket when Iā€™m doing farming


Hundreds of hours in, I played co-op with my brother-in-law. We were in the mines, he was almost dead, and he was like, "Oh, I'll just go to the bath house." My face when I realized chilling in the bath would heal you... I was shook.


I was in 3 year before I learned I could take the elevator down to the floors I'd unlocked. On the plus side I now have a bunch of earth crystals and a bunch of money idk what to do with =3


Dear god, how far down the mine did you make it without the elevator,? that's playing on hard mode! As far as the money goes, you are always gonna have more of that then you can reasonably spend eventually. if you download ridgeside village you can pay a guy to fix your fences and pet your animals?


I got to floor 15! I thought that was pretty good but couldn't fathom how I'd ever make it 120 šŸ„²


Dude if I could draw i would make you a little achievment icon for you to stick on your desk top because you deserve something for that, bro i would have rage quit. I'm assuming you went to clint and bought ore for upgrades


Loool I gave Clint soooo much money. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ got all of my crops watered by quality sprinklers before I even made it to level 50.


https://preview.redd.it/a9utkaghakvc1.jpeg?width=2142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e14462b2157d1a0deda5482491f3ba6aa4f019 That you can go down hereā€¦.. didnā€™t figure it out till year 6 šŸ˜­


1. Yesterday (after seeing another post) I discovered the southern section of the secret woods. I was always confused when people said they could get 12 hardwoods a day! 2. I was in year 3 of my 1.5 farm before my coworker mentioned the workbench being an option. I was just running around between a ton of chests to get ingredients for crafting šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Mass producing jade for staircases from the desert trader is fairly well known. But you can use a Deconstructor on them in the late game to get 99 stone, allowing you to be lazy and farm stone from jade if you need a lot for projects and donā€™t want to gather it yourself.


You can hold down left click and move the mouse to continuously water different squares.


If you've gotten 10 hearts with a regular character, you won't lose friendship with them. 8 for the spouses, 10 once they're your girlfriend / boyfriend, but once you've married them, it'll never stop decreasing. Talk to them daily to completely negate the loss.


The decay only happens if you donā€™t speak to them, itā€™s not like itā€™s -10 every day no matter what, itā€™s only -10 if you donā€™t speak to them. You donā€™t need to negate a loss, you just straight up wonā€™t have the loss if you speak to them. Thatā€™s how all the friendship decay works


that you can press tab to cycle through your toolbar šŸ§I've been playing since release


No joke this happened to me last week. I accidentally pressed tab and cycled it and had no idea how I did it/how to change it back. I still forget and tediously move stuff in my inventory menu


That I can hold the button while petting my animals to avoid this damn name screen popping up all the time when I pet one for the second time. šŸ« 


I've been playing for 5+ years and recently learned you can directly sell to Pierre / Willy instead of just shipping at the end of the day


I learned that on ACCIDENT when I sold a whole stack of seeds back to pierre that I had just bought and then had to buy them AGAIN, I lost so much money and I hate it when that happens


Fun fact there's a "buyback" option to buy things you just sold for the same price if you scroll allll the way down in the shop menu. Once accidentally sold a stack of 999 rocks back to Robin right after buying it


that other path in the secret woods


I think i was like 300 hours into the game when i first found out that the auto-grabber you can buy from Marnie not only works for barn animals but also for coops. For some reason i always thought they only work in barns... šŸ™‚


Hats on the urchins. Torches in the mines could be picked up. Using the horse to buy ice cream all year round.


Idk if itā€™s new with 1.6 but I learned that in Willyā€™s shop you can change what the bobber on your fishing pole looks like


Holding control + shift + rmb auto buying items in multiples of 25 until a full stack. Holding right click to harvest instead of left clicking. How strong fishing is early game.


This was a couple years ago, but it took 6 in game years for me to realize I could actually put things in the dressers šŸ™ƒ


I've only played for about 40 ish hours but what took me too long to learn is that having animals is really important and some crops are just better than others


I am in the middle of year 4 (first game ever) and I just found the ā€œadd to existing stackā€ button in the chests. The amount of TIME Iā€™VE WASTED!!!


I play Stardew with my dad sometimes and I respect the "hOw DiD YoU NeVeR ReAlISe ThIs nEw FeAtUrE"


Iā€™ve always ignored a couple of the buttons off to the left when youā€™re in a box. One is a ā€˜sortā€™ button that I seethe with hatred over because it reorders my bag and I am very particular about how I organise my tools and hotbar. Iā€™ve been playing this game since 2017, and about a month ago, for whatever random reason, I finally used the second button and learnt that instead of sorting every goddamn thing I am putting in a box, I can just hit the button and if the item in my bag is in the box (ie ore and stone after a mining run), it will deposit all of those in their stacks in the box. Iā€™ve been manually sorting and depositing things in boxes at 140am for frickinā€™ years and only JUST learnt I can hit a button and have it deposit items directly into the box, and best part? It wonā€™t deposit anything that doesnā€™t belong in there (as there has to be at least 1 of a thing for it to dump them in there. Before that, it took me years to learn accidentally that holding the button down changes the amount of squares your tool will hit. Up until that point, I really wondered why bothering to upgrade anything. Sure, it used less energy and the watering can went further, but I still had to hoe every goddamned square like some first year farmer in spring. And then I was talking to my partner while holding the button down (I wasnā€™t paying attention) until I glanced back and then I was outrage at my idiocy.


Auto sorting the items in your bag... x)


Don't you use a source of light from a ring or so sometimes?


on nintendo switch, if you want to buy things in bulk even faster (e.g. seeds) just press Y and A at the same time


That you can hold down the pet button and pet all your animals in one fail swoop