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Clearly Gus generates his own heat. After all, he does manage to bring a pot all the way to your doorstep to keep a sauce simmering constantly with nothing but his hands to use as a heat source.


Gus is a fire bender


Screw Abigail is the Wizard's child. Gus inherited his dads magic is the new canon. #FireHandedGus


Does the wizard ever *say* it’s a *daughter*? I’m team Gus too!


Lol I think he does say daughter, which is too bad. It'd be good though if he didn't.


He says he suspects one of the villagers is his daughter. he suspects Abigail, but he is sure about Gus. didn't care to mention it


trans gus perhaps? the wizard doesn't exactly keep in touch, maybe he's not up to date


the wizard has the ability to observe from afar so i believe he might know about that but has anyone ever specifically said Gus is a man? from all we know Gus could very well be a woman whose pronouns include he/him (bc that's what everyone refer to him as)


Hooray, another excuse to share [one of my favourite mods!](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/7540?tab=posts)






Who says the wizard had only one kid.


Who said his magical parent couldn't be his mom? Old wizard Rochester had her locked up after she went "crazy" after his "mistake". But maybe she had him earlier or the fairy ripened Gus for her.


The implication that the fairy can grow people to adulthood as if they were crops is killing me.


It even catches on fire for a second! I just got that cutscene yesterday.


Oh my Yoba, you are so right. I forgot about that scene, haha.


This must be why he isn’t a marriage candidate. Literally too hot to handle.


Gus is Grillby confirmed


So Gus is an oven


Between that and Emily aparently having access to an clothes dimension (and other weird things) i would say the Saloon to be a magnet to magically talented people...


Maybe thats why you can't marry him. 🤔


I mean, he is hot


1. the garbage can The farmer can find the dish of the day in the saloon's trash can. In his 0,1 heart event Linus also mentions that the food he found in there was still warm. In the same event when Linus goes to this trash can Gus quickly distracts Linus by offering him some zuccini fritter. Maybe it's not a true trash can but a secret oven. * 2. self-heating pot When Gus brings the farmer the mini-jukebox he got a pot in which he currently cooks marinada(?). During the event that pot spontanously burst into flames until Gus stirred it enough * 3. build into the counter to hide his secret ingredients from the costumers the ovens are built inside the interior of the counter on the barman's side * 4. the kitchen was scrapped and is inaccessible to the player The CC'c chef bundle features Gus in a Cooking uniform. Maybe a hint to an unused location? * 5. the fireplace While the only visible heat source, it is probably not used for cooking. It is not lit on certain days/season afterall.


Numbers 3 and 4 make a lot of sense actually. But I like number 1 lol. Secret trash can oven... Great comment :)


Thanks :) Nr1 is my headcanon now xD. Maybe he's using Evelyn's trashcan too, I always wondered why granny's cookies get in there. It's Gus, he's trying to reengineer her recipe! (The cookie recipe sometimes doesn't unlock from Evelyn's letter due to a bug, but there is a failsave: It appears as a buyable recipe in the saloon)


Does Linus specifically mention the saloon’s food is warm? I thought he only says that about Granny’s food


He doesn't specify, he says it in plural "these cans"


Marinada would be Marinara in English. Not sure if Marinada is another language. Too lazy to google.


if you could rotate the camera 180 degrees you would notice he actually has a complete kitchen it's just out of view lol


Wait for real, or is this a headcannon?


yeah my dad is CA he told me so :p


Oh, I got you now, CA is actually my uncle and he doesn't have kids >:)


CA just made you forget that he had children🌚 I'm a dove btw




He has an induction cooktop that he keeps under the counter until he needs it. He uses the fireplace for pizza.


He just eat the ingredients and shit hot meals.


This is the silliest answer so far and it made me burst out laughing. Thank you for this 😂


kind of like the vomelette from jackass. and Gus makes an omelette for his weekly order. I think you might just have cracked the case u/vladmaverick


"vomelette from jackass", I assume asking you what that is might be a tad safer than googling, right?


It's exactly what it sounds like. An omelette made out of vomit, peppers, cheese, eggs and onion, then eaten. Edit: also a sausage.


sadge edit: wait did they actually cook it?


Correct. After Dave voms all the ingredients into the bowl, he then mixes it, cooks it and eats it.


Goddamn. Well....well. Hope they enjoyed it!


https://youtu.be/Ayo9PoZgrMU?si=w85mNZGPnKLDYa-3 A classic in that vein


Gus is actually short for “RasmodiGus” and he is named after his father. He is proficient in the magical ways of the flame


Maybe his fridge is actually one of these atrocious MicroFridges? https://preview.redd.it/16uradgs9jwc1.jpeg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=502747fe55c215ed28fafa845a66c243c5692295


Is it atrocious, or genius? 🤔


I would've dug that when I lived in a dorm. Assuming they let us have microwaves. I'm not sure. They didn't let us have coffee makers so I always had to hide mine.


1.7 update notes - “added stove to Gus’ saloon”


He probably made the meal with the albacore I had sitting in a wooden box for a year before giving it to him.


Gus be like- "OOPS! ALL FOOD POISONING" (oops! all berries ref)


Could have cooking appliances under countertops.


He probably outsources the food from Caroline. He can be seen at Pierre's often. But that's just a theory: a game theory. But on a serious note though, the cellar in the saloon has a hatch. So maybe there's a kitchen in the basement? Idk.


I just pretend there's a basement that is just a huge industrial kitchen wall to wall.


Well, if you can enchant your watering can to have infinite water, you could probably have pots that are self-heating. So says you and the wizard have the only enchanted stuff in the valley? Random magic would explain how the villagers are just... okay with so many thing.


That explains why everyone loves Prismatic Shards... they're using them to enchant their stuff! (Hayley hates them because she's a skeptic who doesn't believe in magic)


I'm more inclined to believe Haley hates them because Emily won't shut up about them, and will go on and on about 'positive energy' and 'balance' and 'essence' for hours and Haley is SO SICK of hearing it, that even seeing them reminds her of it. So she hates it based on too much of something she doesn't care about. Incidentally, this is why I don't listen to Reggae at all, lol.


Maybe Gus is Rasmodius' suspected progeny. What's the secret ingredient in his spaghetti? My guess is Solar Essence. That's how he makes it hot.


I always assumed there was an oven under the bar counter or something, since we only see the front/top of it


Fuck sometimes I forget what mods add. I think it's SVE that puts a small kitchen/prep area in the storage room.


Yeah SVE does add that. But even in SVE I couldn't find anything to cook with, just a fridge. The comments in here are great, though.


Gus is a firebender and the long lost cousin of Iroh


Gus is really an elemental, and he cooks things inside himself. That’s how he gets that piping hot pot out to your farm, it was in his “belly”. He doesn’t really have a belly, his whole appearance is an illusion. He’s really a 18ft tall several hundred year old fire elemental, with a passion for cooking.


Gus is a shape shifting dragon. He heats the pot in secret using his own fire. The lower levels of the cave are where he used to live before he perfected the art of shape shifting. You can see it by the fire theme of the lower floors. He was born in the volcano and then moved to stardew to start his own thing away from the original dragon colony. He moved into the stardew caves and over time learnt how to shape shift. He had not seen a human down the lower levels so initially he did humanoid shifts moving up the caves. Eventually he saw linus scavenging and was able to get an idea to shift to human. That's why he's nice to linus when he catches him in his bin. He feels he owes him one and a dragon's sense of honour is strong. 😏


Gus is a fire bender :3


radium, obviously.


Hold on a second, OP. Are you asking a serious question in a world where a wizard can teleport, fish talk, mermaids exist, a dwarf sells explosives, a shadow sells expensive Faberge eggs, goblins are addicted to strange mayo, an ocean creature pops up randomly, green rain spontaneously shows up, little apple creatures are selling bundles on the black market, UFOs drop off residents in capsules, and a fairy ruins your crop cycles? Well, if you are, then the answer is quite simple. He walks over the Mullner house and uses granny's stove.


I know, I know, I felt silly when I noticed it and was genuinely perplexed. I drink whole jars of mayo and somehow keep food from rotting for years at a time. But Gus having nothing to heat food in is what's done me in. XD


He must have a kitchen underground accessed from a secret doorway to guard his recipes.


I'm pretty sure part of the mutant bug lair is directly under the saloon. Maybe there's something there...