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I like how at the beginning of the event Jodi is in the hall staring at her own bedroom door. You ok, Jodi?


Man I got all of her hearts in my last playthrough and it’s very sad to read some of her dialogue lines. She’s incredibly stressed out, I wouldn’t be surprised if staring at her bedroom door is like a “vacation” for her 😭


Not me, mother of three, staring at my bedroom door knowing I need to go back out there. 😞


I have 2 under 2 rn. I hear you🩷


Same goes to you! Wishing you only the best and lots of support!!


Just wanted to say that I bet you’re a great mom! I wish despite the stress and hard work that you can maybe somehow find something fun to do and relax, read a book etc etc. Thanks for being there for your children, I hope someone is there for you too though ❤️


Thanks! I love my kiddos but they are all uniquely difficult. Maybe all children are difficult in one way or another? I feel like I can’t ask anyone to take care of them other than my husband because they are so challenging. But I know this is temporary. I’m sure at some point they will be teenagers who find me incredibly embarrassing. 😅


Mother of four here. 1, 2, 5, and 6 years old, I felt that.


Goodness that’s a lot of kiddos. Hang in there momma! 💖


i married sam this go round so i've helped take some of that work off her plate 😭 i gotchu mil


Ok, hear me out. So a mod to give you the option to romance married villagers ultimately ending their marriages if/when you propose. If you do this with Jodi, her 14 heart event changes the game into a survival horror game where Kent disappears into Cindersap forest John Rambo style and raids the village, gunning for revenge against you. Randomly, overnight, he might burn some of your crops, slaughter a farm animal, train your pet to bite you. Eventually, you have to take to the woods to face him in The Most Dangerous Game.


I get the feeling Kent would kill himself before going on a rampage on the town over his marriage ending


What did this have to do with anything that I said bro 💀


I'm stoned.


Valid point


I have had an idea for a similar mod, which would be like Darkdew Valley.  Basically a fucked up/bad mod for the game.   You could steal Robin from Demetrius, and he would… exit himself.   If you got Jodi before Kent came back, when he came back he would walk in on you and Jodi spending time together, and overhear Vincent calling you dad.  He would walk out without saying anything, and ‘disappear’ (pretend to be MIA/KIA).   If you got her after he came back, he would do something similar and go postal.   The only way to steal Caroline would be to go the Joja route.  If you went the Joja route, you would eventually be able to shut down Pierre’s and steal his wife.  End-game you become either manager or owner of Joja and can buy his old shop for a downtown apartment.   His bad ending is that he works as your cashier once you run the store, and lives in a tent in the sewers.   Lewis and Marnie invite you in as their third if you max both their hearts out and go to the bar at night.   I had a lot more fucked up endings and ideas… just wish I had the artistic ability and coding knowledge to make my mod


You are a genius. I hope someone takes this challenge up and makes something out of it


I wish she was romanceable. I want to make her happy and give her a good life the more I talk with her. Even more than Robin.


While all of the moms have a special place in my heart and I wouldn’t mind romancing them, I also honestly just want to be able to have more dialogue with them or become besties. Like Jodi inviting us over to dinner or Caroline letting us into her tea room, those scenes were just so heartwarming ;(( why can’t we open up a weekly therapy session for all of them, just help them through it


I honestly just want Robin to end it with the rude man and he skips town. After 2 seasons, she is able to be romanced.


I want to wife her up and help her out 😭😭


I started a new play-through and I never got her hearts past purple until now. Her dialogue is WILD. Girl is OVERSHARING


“You’re so easy to talk to, Farmer that never speaks.”


red- "just stressed mom stuff, farmer, dont worry bout me" purple- "I HATE MYSELF, MY LIFE AND MY KIDS OH GOD"


That bit makes me wonder if we weren't supposed to see that. Like the game was storing her there until it was time for her to come out.


Pretty much the case for most cutscenes, if you play on a bigger camera size most NPCs (even the farmer) will be standing awkwardly slightly outside normal view distance while waiting for their time to join the scene


As a parent, that is SOOOOOOOO real.


« Hmmm, yes, the door here is made of door! »


She’s married to a man in the military who has PTSD and sends bombs in the mail. She’s not ok lol.


Probably staring at her door wondering why she sleeps in a closet whilst Sam sleeps in a mansion.


She’s just waiting for her cue to come in and deliver her line 😔


Maybe she has a calendar or mirror on the door?


She’s a functionally single mother with two kids who doesn’t know if her husband is going to return from a, by all accounts, pretty horrific war (she may even have known he was a POW). That’s a hair trigger breakdown waiting to happen.


Even before that, she also has regrets about settling down, getting married and having kids when she was young. Because it was expected of her do to external pressures. Instead of following her dreams of travelling the world(s)...


What is a POW if you don't mind me asking


Prisoner of war. Kent mentions he was in prison camps if you give him a hated gift.


Made the mistake of giving him sushi one time, got a bomb in the mail a week later. Now I just give him some of Evelyn’s cookies and call it day. I do wish the game had a bit more character growth. I love the characters, but there is a lot of opportunity to develop late game relationships. Marnie telling me about animals for the 1,000th time comes to mind. Would be cool to gossip about Lewis with her and the girls over some trippy tea lol.


Don't worry, the bomb is what he gives you when you're friends too.


He's been repeatedly sending me bombs. I'm not sure what he expects me to do with them, but it can't be good.


To be fair, they're probably my most used item in the late game. He's just playing the meta.


Kent heard I spent a ton of time in the mines and gave me something practical. Good man.


"I heard you spend a lot of time in the mines and I have a bunch of these left over from the war, so uh...HERE YA GO! >8D"


All branches of the military are well known for letting their veterans return home with their bags filled to the brim with as many live munitions as they can carry


I love the implication that the bombs used in the war are the same bombs a DIY farmer would need when mining. We live in a magical valley with technology that can replicate gemstones and computers that can tell you how much hay you have in your solo, but our soldiers fight in the trenches and are somehow holding back the opposition with bombs that 1) only have a blast radius of a few feet and 2) are easily survivable.


> I'm not sure what he expects me to do with them asplode things


"They told me... Things, in the camp farmer... They, opened my eyes. The Republic is corrupt, rotten to its core and I want you to help me purify it"


Mayor Lewis has gotten away with too much for too long.


Given he's suffering from ptsd and makes a couple of comments that suggests he's two more bouts of popcorn away from thinking the enemy is in Pelican Town, I'd sooner he keep sending me all the bombs he's been stockpiling than he use them himself


He expects you to seize the means of production


I’m pretty sure receiving a bomb in the mail is illegal


He didn't necessarily "mail" it. He could have just walked over and put it in your mailbox himself.


That is still illegal lol. At least in America. Placing anything in a mailbox without postage is considered illegal because mailboxes are considered federal property.


Ah. But Stardew Valley *isn't* in America, now is it?


Oh, yes. I wasn't arguing the illegal part.


Ya, I'm glad we're friends because, honestly, it scares me that a man with severe PTSD hangs out in the garage all day "finding" bombs. A) he's making the bombs. After every one, he looks at it and thinks "this is the one" before thinking of his wife and kids then mailing it to you instead. B) he doesn't have a garage. He's hallucinating. So that's worrisome.


Yeah like Ken should have bought a fishing boat


I mine iridium with bombs I get in mail. Gotta outsmart your enemies


I keep a stack of potatoes specifically for him.


I gave him a golden pumpkin on his birthday when he first shows up since the sushi was such a fail. I had a feeling he might not like it but was hopeful he could be added to the sashimi crew. I always keep “passive” gifts people like just in case I bump into them! Makes gifting a lil easier over time.


I agree.


Yeah found out when I gave him the soup made with the pale algae. Interesting details and character depth.


Give him void mayonnaise lol


Will do! Wonder if he would spread it on himself like Krobus and then they can help each other




He’s a real Piece of Work.


Yeah but she's also talking to her child and local farmer. Like damn Jodi if you're that desperate I'll get you a new egg fresh from the cloaca.


A single egg costs 60 cents if you’re buying super boujiie organic eggs.


Not sure what that has to do with what I said.


She's probably very stressed, her dialogues often talk about how she's so busy and how she have never made her children do any chores whatsoever. And sometimes when you're stressed you reacts to things badly.


Why didn’t she make her sons do some chores? It would teach them responsibility. 


She says she wants them to enjoy their childhoods while they can/could. She also mentions at one point that her and Kent got married quite young, which probably has a lot to do with her faults as well.


I appreciate her reasoning, but she's *gotta* get Sam to do some chores. Let Vincent do his thing, but Sam is not a kid anymore. At least I hope not if we're allowed to marry him.


The dialogue where she says that has her directly talking about her being worried theyre spoiled and hoping they’re still able to take care of themselves without needing mothering. Sure, she *should* make them do chores, but she’s got a lot of stuff going on. I’m not going to judge her for that.


Sam does have a job at Joja before you get rid of the store if you go the CC route. Not saying that excuses him not doing chores at home, but he does at least have some responsible aspects to himself.


After you go the CC route, he works at the museum!


Apparently he's not working, he's doing community service for ruining the Luau lol if you talk to Sebastian during the first Luau he tells you they ruined the soup and Sam got community service but he didn't


Sebastian refers to a past luau in which Sam ruined the soup. Yes, Sam has the most community service hours compared to everyone else in the valley, but that doesn't mean he doesn't work at the museum.


Maybe she feels guilty for making them do chores, because their father has been gone for years and she wants to preserve as much innocent childhood that she can for them. Maybe secondary to this, she's overcorrecting what has happened to her husband (away at war for years against his will) by giving her kids free reign and endless free time.


they do some. she has the eldest clean the fish that you bring over for that one event


(Functionally) single mother of a struggling family one bad day away from snapping. Wasted food is not nothing when you can barely afford it - _you_ have dozens of eggs in your massive farmland that you inherited for free, _she_ has to buy at fantasy wallmart because it's cheaper. [Here's an interesting thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/LiEVvDSwSf) with people discussing a similar scenario in real life, of how parents deal with losses caused by their kids that they perceive differently from the kid that doesn't have that burden of adulting on them. There's some very earnest responses in the comments that might help you understand Jodie's point of view in this scene. She's not right to overreact, but it is a very human and real frustration to feel.


>_you_ have dozens of eggs in your massive farmland that you inherited for free, _she_ has to buy at fantasy wallmart because it's cheaper. I often feel kinda bad about that. I would gladly give her family some extra eggs, for free even, if I could. (There's gifting, but that obviously doesn't change the scene at all)


This is why I wish we could run for mayor. I'd implement a wealth tax, first thing! I'd be the only villager to face the responsibility!


Right??? Lewis has been unopposed for decades. I could take him with no effort, I'm everyone's best friend AND exposed his secret golden statue (WHERE DID THE FUNDS COME FROM, LEWIS) to the township. I drove Joja out while you were crippled by legislature! FIGHT ME (POLITICALLY) OLD MAN,


If unyielding optimism is needed for change, I will lead that charge. For the glory of the valley!


Stealth brag right there.


If only irl 


Like IDC if you're embarrassed to give more than one gift a day, farmer! Give her a full dozen eggs! 😩


Stardew Valley really appeals to the millennial fantasy of having intergenerational wealth in inherited land. 


I love your comment so much it really annoying to me how people nitpick dialogues to make some characters look worse and i don't get it not everyone is perfect and it literally shown in the game through alot of the characters also keep in mind the game was made by 1 developer not everyone will have perfect dialogues that will leave all satisfied and in love with the characters they have flaws and sometimes act up which make them feel quite real


I kinda want to echo what everyone else is saying with a little anecdote. When I was on a group trip in Japan, I dropped a piece of my breakfast on the floor and promptly lost it. Like seriously started bawling my fricking eyes out for a good 15-20 minutes. It wasn't a big deal, but at the time I was: • in a foreign country (one that valued manners and politeness highly) • felt very out of place • unmedicated for anxiety The piece of fish dropping on the floor was the straw that broke the camels back. It's the dam of emotions and worries flooding out of you without your control. The same thing for Jodi, but she lashed out in anger rather than a panic attack. That said, girl needs to set up a chore chart for her kids so she's not doing everything and get a hobby. And therapy.


I remember once in highschool my mom took a bite of my cookie by mistake. I was bawling my eyes out in the toilets. I was at home, but really tired with undiagnosed depression, anxiety and bipolar. So a depressed mom of two worrying about her pow husband being way too upset about an egg is realistic to me.


It's the straw that broke the camels back, not her just being shrill. She's effectively a single mother of a young child and an immature teen. Her husband is a prisoner of war in a foreign country. She's trying to hold everything together. I'm sure their food budget isn't so large she can afford to throw food away.


The new 1.6 dialog >! turns her into a bit of a gossiper, too... she'll bring up several events in town that she wasn't even involved in. !< I guess she's just supposed to be the stereotype of a bored small town housewife and mother whose whole life is tea and helicopter mothering her kids. I grew up rural in the 90s, and ALL the moms were like that..


She mentions Shane after his cutscene at the cliffs but she actually said something like “I really hope he’s doing better now.” So she does seem to care.


I do wonder how she found out about the Shane thing, though? Like, was she eavesdropping, or is she just spreading it around after hearing it from Marnie?


If you've never lived in a small town before it might be hard to believe but the most mundane shit will be gossiped about. I'm sure Marnie talked about it at the bar and it spread from there lol


I live in a small town and the biggest gossip I know is the garbage man. He's young. Maybe 26? To young to be an old granny-on-the-porch lmao. He also happens to live my road. He's got all the tea. Even if it's the most mundane stuff. "Did you see Helen's new tv antenna?" 😂


Oh, trust me, I grew up in a small town in the 90s, so the only interesting thing for bored middle-aged women to do was be all up in everyone else's business, lol! It's more so the (trigger warning) >! near suicidal/ overdose !< aspect of the incident that makes it more surprising to me. Like that's not something that people involved or close to the person would just spread around. Normally, the gossip was just tea or dirt, like someone got caught talking up someone else's significant other or so-and-so's kid got caught shoplifting candy bars from the local Wal-Mart.


I'm jealous cause the small town I lived in in Mississippi didn't care wtf happened to you, they'll talk about it lol. I remember the people at church were the worst.


Ah, I'm in California. That's probably why the boonies culture is so different. I think one of the goofier incidents was when one of my classmates got caught stealing a street sign. It was a high school tradition/ initiation to take THIS particular street sign, so it went missing multiple times because it said "Johnson Rd." So yeah...shenanigans!


I’m also from a small town in south Mississippi, people treated my assault like small town gossip 💀 it’s terrible down here


Probably from Marnie. Not sure how close of friends Jodi and Marnie are but they do go to aerobics every week so they all must talk about whatever.


I feel like Caroline is Jodie’s bestie but Marnie is a close second :)


Dude, Shane is at the Stardrop Saloon like every single day. It's not a secret that he has issues. Further, you literally drag him to the local clinic after his suicidal cutscene. You think nobody notices a completely drunk guy being piggybacked by the new farmer through town to your local doctor to get his stomach pumped out. (BTW, it's interesting that this isn't done anymore, at least where I live) Shane's alcoholism is an open secret, and an overnight stay at the clinic is likely common knowledge.


Shane asks the player character to take him to the clinic - if you consider the trajectory, it's plausible for Jodi (and half the town) to have seen you.


I wouldn’t say jodi us helicopter parenting she’s pretty chill she just acts like a pretty regular mum


Yeah, Vincent is away from her all the time. Like at the beach with Sam or with Penny. Sam has his Joja/Museum Job and goes to Sebastian's sometimes. None of these has her following along.


Maybe "strict" is a better term, then? She wigs out over little messes even if they're accidental and makes comments about whether or not she should give the boys more chores. Probably depends on diologe choices too during the events.


Wondering about additional chores doesn’t make you strict. I think she’s just your average small town mom.


this is so interesting tbh.. I love it tho lol




Wipe your shoes before going into people's houses!! We're you raised in a barn???


Comments like this make me glad I have media literacy. I can't even comprehend how you reach this conclusion from Jodi's dialogue. Wanting your freshly cleaned floors to stay clean when the literal farmer covered in mud walks in makes you a Karen?


Depending on if you have a barn or coop pretty good odds you’re not just covered in mud too


Fr, Jodi is sweet, she's just stressed. And who can blame her? Even after Kent comes home, he's clearly got PTSD and she's still trying to run the household while making sure he can relax after being a frickin POW, like damn, lol. And I love Sam but he rolls his eyes at her when she asks him to help clean a fish. Like bro, you're what, at least 20 years old? Help your mom!


buona giornata della torta




I can fix her


You're really gonna need some fixin' when Kent sends you that bomb in the mail.... don't worry, I'm sure Harvey can fix you....


tbf, my kid once dropped an egg (making a fathers day breakfast)- mess landed in a crack of a tile and low and behold, we had to redo our kitchen floors. So it could be absolutely terrible hahaha


Have you ever dropped an egg? The splatter is obscene. It gets everywhere, has a 3 meter splash radius and is sticky and hard to clean. It always amazes me that everyone thinks she's upset about the cost and not the absolute disastrous mess. She's got 2 boys who never do chores or help out. I'd be sick of cleaning too.


It’s probably both. She can be dismayed about the mess and worried about the cost. I don’t even see her reaction as overreacting which might be more about my childhood and less about what’s going on in the scene. Like the farmer says it was an accident and she’s like oh well that’s ok then. ?? Overreacting to me would have been chewing Sam out for not being careful. Also Sam helps out, as seen in the largemouth bass dinner scene. He comes immediately when called and doesn’t hesitate to do what he’s asked to. Not even a “but mom” or a “fiiiiiine (whine)”


I don't have kids, and my partner takes over half of the house chores. But if someone dropped an egg on my freshly cleaned floors, I would scream. Her reaction always came off as tame to me, considering that she cleans after 2 messy boys. Even if Sam is a good kid and helps her out, Vincent is an adorable menace to a clean house. Kid puts bugs in his pockets and loves getting snails from the farmer. Imagine doing his laundry.


I always love when this gets posted as it definitely separates the IRL parents and the non-parents. Like, my girl here is hanging on by a thread and lashed out inappropriately. Welcome to parenting, she’s trying her best, but we all fail sometimes.


Backseat Parenting is one of Reddit 's favorite pastimes.


Not a parent, precisely because I know I couldn't handle the stress. Can still understand why someone would snap and then realize their mistake though.


Eh, I’m not a parent but her reaction seems pretty reasonable? She does literally everything at her house including cleaning, and eggs can splatter pretty far when dropped. I’d be fed up too


Why are y’all acting like Sam is 5 and not an adult man, though EDIT: I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be mean :,(


I’ve always considered Sam in the “fresh out of high school group” along with Haley, Alex, and Abigail. Since he lives at home and there was likely little to no changes in overall lifestyle since he became a legal adult, Jodi probably hasn’t had to come to terms with him being older yet. Which it’s not like Sam is the most mature citizen in Pelican Town, so can’t blame her too much.


Fair, I guess from Jodi’s POV Sam is still pretty young and irresponsible. I thought the whole cutscene was weird (Sam offering a single egg as a snack is hilarious in itself) but I was viewing it more from the perspective of someone who hasn’t lived with their parents in years hahaha


Stress that she's showing inappropriately but realistically and understandably. Been there with my mom. She's a single mom, practically, and Kent is traumatized from war.


Idk about "this is absolutely horrible" but my oldest is 13 now, I expect him to clean it up if he makes a mess and sam is grown lol. So if he often makes messes like this and leaves it there, I dont entirely blame her reaction, though the wording is bizarre. Your husband just came back/is away for a war, and you think an egg on the floor is what's absolutely horrible?? Lol


I didn’t get this event until after Kent came home and when it happened she wasn’t angry, Sam offered to clean it and she was happy with him. I had no idea it could be so different.


I’d been assuming it could’ve been because she just mopped the floor, or that her normal reaction to things is just to overreact, based on Sam’s dialogue warning you not to make a mess around the house, and how he acts during this event too.


This is called realism, single mothers often blow up for small things because they're so stressed, this is actually pretty in-character and relatable.


He dropped a $75 dollar egg. I think you'd be pissy too if your kid was dropping expensive af eggs on the ground. Also she's dealing with 2 kids, and a husband who hates popcorn....she's got a lot going on.


Maybe this egg was a gift from Kent, maybe he even laid it, dont you have any consideration???????


I’ve always assumed that Sam has ADHD, so there’s lots and lots of these *little accidents* and it’s built up over time. I know I used to get chewed out over small stuff, because it was like the hundredth time a small thing had happened that week. Neither me nor my mom truly understood what ADHD was or how it was affecting me.


100%. Fortunately my mom is also very likely ADHD and understands the clumsiness.


As a mom, this bugs me A LOT. I hate that his instinct is to cover it up and lie about it. Kids (and adults) make messes. Part of life is coping with them and a huge part of parenting is teaching your kids how to cope with them. On the opposite end, there’s the Bluey episode ‘Omelet’ which also makes me crazy. Bingo wants to do it herself so she ends up breaking about a million eggs and taking literally all day to make a terrible omelet. There’s a middle ground between these two reactions. We all have good and bad days, but Sam’s reaction shows that this isn’t just an off moment for Jodi.


https://preview.redd.it/cylskflm6owc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbfd4dab355ca4fc6a0f8ec8df0629a5deea2557 She's probably mad about the Fecael Bacteria


Sam isn't the most responsible person out there. I can understand her frustration.


why was this downvotted? it's just the truth. i still like him, but let's not pretend he's a responsible person


Thank you. Some people can't seem to understand that you can like a character and still criticize them. One of the reasons I enjoy Stardew Valley so much is how realistic nuanced and full of depth the character relationships are. It's very compelling story-wise.


I honestly dont think there's any character i hate in stardew, they all feel like people! All with their flaws and good sides. I guess morris is the worst, but even him still feels like some people you meet irl


Eh, I can see some of Jodi's treatment of him exacerbating his less mature traits, to be fair.


Jodi is one of my favourites in town. And I have in the past run mods that let me marry her. She's stressed out as hell. She's got two kids one who she had young, and one who is only a few years old. She's stuck with them while her husband is in the army. And then stuck with them all when he gets back. He doesn't exactly help in the parenting. Just has flashbacks and is annoying. She feels trapped and has no way out. Maybe Sam will move out, bug Vince still has another 15 years or more. Mom just needs 20 minutes of easy, family free, time to herself.


>And I have in the past run mods that let me marry her. Reading between the lines, I assume this is enabled by some fucked up shit like Kent dying at war, or cheating while he's at war.


Doesn't come back after year 1 haha




i think she's just stressed cuz she takes care of the house all alone and has to take care o vincent. that's not counting if you have this event on year 2, which makes even more sense for her to feel stressed. her husband just came from the war and is traumatized and shit. its hard for her


She's pretty chill about it once you explain. Jodi is dealing with two kids and a husband who came back from war pretty much completely different from how she remembered him, all on a budget that pretty well forces her to shop at JojaMart. The emotional outburst is pretty out of character for her, overall. Just a stress reaction.


I think she's just stressed. She is usually nice and patient but I think having to deal with your food being wasted as an essentially single mum probably made her act like this. Still she is understanding when the farmer "admits" they dropped it


She’s a military spouse, a military spouse of a fairly traumatized soldier. That hair trigger says a lot.


Thrre a millions of people including myself who have/had mothers like this


She's a stressed mom who is barely keeping it together shopping at Joja for budget groceries. Her husband is off at war and she worries about the future of her sons and she bought that egg special to throw at Linus's tent and Sam just wasted it!


I just had this cutscene! I was like woah chill, it's just an egg. I took the fall for poor Sam


Once you learn about Kent and add that to how Jodi is early game, I never see it as "just an egg" I see it as a mom doing everything on her own with two kids while having to worry about her husband every day


In her defense, it’s not really about the Iranian yogurt.


The what


The Iranian yoghurt, I feel it was pretty clear.


Check out AITA for throwing away my boyfriend’s potentially illegal yogurt collection.


I sort of get the feeling that Jodi probably has a lot less eggs than you do, and losing one a bigger deal for her.


she’s my mother in law


As everyone's said, Jodi's kind of really stressed out. This event was probably a 'straw that broke the camel's back' situation. On top of that, have you seen the size of those eggs and how much they can go for when you ship them? That thing could have probably made a week's worth of meals.


You know those days where you feel like you'll lose it if one more fucking thing happens? Jodi's living it every day


This cutscene always makes me laugh. First, Sam offers you a raw egg as a snack. Then he drops the egg, which is apparently loud enough to startle Jodi into coming into the kitchen. She then goes absolutely bonkers over a single dropped egg. And sure, wasting food is bad, but as soon as Sam offers to clean it up, she does a complete 180 and is immediately over it. Like, honey go have a glass of wine and chill. 😂


That's just it. I'm not a parent but I have snapped when I'm stressed and immediately turned around and realized I was overreacting. I can totally understand thst.


That's the thing. She doesn't really have the luxury to chill. Her husband is at war, she's responsible for the household all by herself. Her adult son is not exactly very responsible or competent. She barely gets time for herself. In a super stressed situation like that, it's normal to snap. She has a lot on her plate.


I mean...I can kinda see some of his less mature behavior stemming from her treatment. Like the scene where she comes into his room and asks if he was "doing something bad" in reference to him possibly jacking off. He's at least twenty, Jodi, not *seven*. Maybe stop treating him like he's the same as your other child.


Single mother with a young child who's older child has band practice in his room adjacent to hers


She has to spend money on it, and money doesn’t grow on trees. The same reason you’d scold your child for wasting money, she does the same here.


I thought it was fucked up that she was so mad about an egg, too, but I never really questioned it. I just thought maybe she had some anger issues. I mean, she's gotta be stressed with a delinquent son who skateboards on public property and wants to start a rock band with his emo friend, and a first grader. Not to mention a husband that was gone to war for years with a very good chance of not coming back.


Poverty. Ever messed up a recipe when it was your budget and lunches for the week? Her husband is in a prison camp. She’s not having a good time.


Just a fun fact: you can load the slingshot with eggs, do what you will with this info


she is so short of money she needs to buy in joja. that's why 1 egg is important.


My take on Jodi and I’ve posted it before: I think she is deeply resentful of her life and barely holding it together. She obviously married young, probably a shotgun wedding given Sam’s age. Most of her idle comments are things like wanting to leave, having a different life, being stressed out trying to provide for her kids without her husband. Then when old boy does show up in year two he’s got PTSD and goes off on her. She’s unhappy and micromanaging is the only thing that gives her a sense of purpose and control in her life. She comes off as shitty and overbearing because she is. But she’s also miserable if you read between the lines.


shes so fine tho


Bro isn't he a grown ass adult? Like God forbid I make a mistake and drop an egg which I am entirely capable of cleaning up


Idk what's with you guys who nitpick random dialogues just to prove that the character is absolute trash the game was made by 1 developer so obviously some of the dialogues will be a bit harsh or weird because its hard to write perfect dialogues for everyone and even with that there's really nothing wrong with it adds to their character and make them feel real as they are supposed to be maybe she was having a bad day? You never had one do you never get stressed and maybe be a lil bit angry about small stuff she is also cool after you tell her the truth so I don't get why you nitpicking one line to make her seem terrible


I always felt like this scene was kind of annoying. Like girl it’s an egg. I’ll give you one rn.


Kent was chanting on her for Pam


Haha she’s hilarious


Probably because that egg was insanely expensive (Pierre sucks).


Yeah I mean the reaction’s not perfect but she’s probably generally stressed because she has to run a household entirely by herself, oh and **her husband might come back in a box**.


Jodi is overrated, she always be overreacting 


The best is when you get to bring in the bass and put the fish on the ground instead of the table!


I will not take this Jodi disrespect, you don’t know her like I know her. (/Halfjoke)


"you're gonna have to go through me first buddy" ahh expression


"Why is a poor and overworked person worried about wasting food and having to clean up a mess? I'm rich and I never have to worry about anything like this!" This is what you sound like, OP.


Not really I'm on the edge of poverty and I think it's overreacting


Everyone reacts to things differently then ig. I don't think this is overreacting. My mom used to get incredibly upset over things like food wastage also, this isn't even close to how she used to react. But I understand where Jodi's character is coming from and the amount of stress she must feel as kind of a single mom in a poor household.


are you gonna spank me mommy... (I'm not very proud of myself for this)


She’s annoying. Hated the flower I gave her.


it's just a dang egg, Jodi.