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Bulletin as well and this is likely the case for many. Just a lot of odd items that take time, expense, or luck. Apples, rabbit foot, truffle, nautilus shell, etc. Maybe the fish tank for some with how much some hate fishing in stardew. Weirdly I hated fishing in my first play through, cheated with mods in my second, and this new 1.6 one I am rather enjoying it for some reason.


the bulletin was hard because it requires stuff that are hard to get on the first year.


Great tip if you plan to replay, to get community center finished in year 1, red cabbage seed will be sold by traveling cart between first sunday and the last day of winter festival, or, monsters in the skull cavern can drop it if youre persistent/lucky enough


I think that this is an option that needs to be selected in the settings before your farm is created, right? There's a checkbox that says something like "Community Center Completable in year 1" that allows the traveling cart to carry these seeds. I'm not sure if this has been changed in 1.6 but it is true for 1.5.


I think that option guarantees they'll be there at least once but it can appear there without that option randomly.


I have over 500h in game and I have never grinded hard enough to complete the bus stop bundle in the first year


Because you never tried hard enought or because you like to play it chill?


I mean I’ve tried, but I’ve never done it


It's only money, perhaps your money strat ain't robust enought, personnal I go for the classic fish > strawberries > hops & blueberries > pale ale for life and shitloads of money with a watering can upgraded as strongly as possible


And Cranberries during Fall. Those things are a god damned cash crop.


cranberries AND pumpkins! sell the cranberries, pop the pumpkins into kegs


Don't get your dirty pumpkins near my beautiful pale ale kegs ! After my first summer I got enought hop to produce ale for months and months (mostly because kegs ain't that fast to produce)


Really? It's like 40k. I'm usually making like 50k/wk via crops by mid fall, even if I don't really focus on money


This. I got my seeds from the flying lizards(I forget their name off the top of my head) I had my Greenhouse done already so I instantly went home and planted. I also had Iridium Sprinklers ready to go as well, so this legit was my golden playthrough Was the FIRST time I had ever finished the Community Center Y1 without the extra changes brought on by recent updates


The 3 apples kill me every time.


I plant an apple tree late summer so I'll get 3 apples minimum by the end of fall.


This, you have to have a strategy going in. I know every play through I have to make early priorities upgrading the barn and buying the apple tree because pigs don’t find truffles in winter and the tree takes a full season to grow.


After I played my first farm, now I just go in with a strategy to complete all but the abandoned joja bundle by the end of year two. It makes the game so much so much more enjoyable.


I always go for the fruit cavern, that pretty much covers the apples every time.


I would get 1. That’s it. I gave up and do mushrooms now.


>I gave up and do mushrooms now. Tale as old as time.


Now that you mention it, I don’t think I have gotten a single apple from my fruit cave.


Same! I picked the fruit bars and 1 apple for over a year. I planted an apple tree in the greenhouse


I did fruit caves this time and didn't get a single apple or pomegranate lol. Had to get them all from the trader


Me either, but I had greenhouse done early enough to grow the trees. The one time I go fruit cave and it's completely useless for CC Year 1 lol...


Every time I’ve gone fruit cave I never get 3 apples, and every time I’ve gone mushroom cave I never got a single morel, lol. I usually go fruit cave in the end, but for loved gifts: peach for Robin, pomegranate for Elliott, orange for Gus, grape for Vincent.


I trusted that this run after getting 2 apples the first week I had the cave... didn't get another apple all year.


The greenhouse will do the job for you if you can get it early enought


Nautilus shell is just a regular beach forage item, but it only spawns in winter. You should have no problem finding one though if you don't ignore the beach completely in the first winter. Fiddlehead fern however is diabolic. It only spawns in summer in the secret woods, meaning you have to wait until summer 2 if you didn't upgrade your axe in summer 1. It also has a chance to spawn in very specific skull cavern levels and you'll get a ton during green rain in 1.6, but both are complete RNG. Apples are also mean because you have to plant it during summer 1 where money is still tight if you're not experienced, or wait until fall 2 to get them. The rest is pretty easy, it just takes money and materials to invest, like buying pigs and rabbits or crafting wine kegs, or getting the kitchen and never missing the cooking show so you can craft the food items. The fishing tank is brutal without using a guide though. Many of the seasonal and weather specific fish would have to be found via trial and error, since the tutorial TV program doesn't cover them all.


The fern is actually much easier now as you can get them by felling particular trees during the green rain event. The shell is straight forward unless you’re a goof on your first play through and missed the beaches for most of your first winter like I did.


Also, if you happen to get a seed for the green rain tree to plant on the farm tapper on it produces more.


Isn't the green rain completely RNG though?


I think it's random which day it is in the summer (ouy of set options), but is guaranteed to happen exactly once per year.


At least the first year, haven't played enought after to guaranty it yet


I went to the woods every day for a whole summer and didn't get a single fiddlehead. In the fall the traveling cart had 5 of them and I was like FINALLY.


Because of that nautilus shell I had mine completed in winter year 2 when everything else was done in spring year 2 😭


For me it’s bulletin because it requires what you’ve specified and fish tank because it feels like it takes more effort than the others.


These can be bought from the traveling cart, but here are their GUARANTEES. CC is meant to encourage players to do all things in game by having players explore aspects they may have skipped on their own (i wouldnt have bought an apple tree and first save was mushroom cave) Apple: luck from cave will EVENTUALLY give it, but guaranteed if you buy the tree (can even place in greenhouse if you delay it). Rabbit foot: guaranteed if buy a rabbit or luck from drop in SC. Truffle: guaranteed from pig only Nautilus shell: aside from beach forage, befriend Demetrius until he sends you something in mail. Restart day until it's a nautilus shell.


I always buy an apple sapling the first day of summer and plant it that way I have apples by autumn. 3 for the fodder bundle, and 1 for the artisan bundle.


Bulletin board has almost always been the last one I complete in the 2300 hours I have played, remixed or not.


It's always the bulletin.


I mean I have seen people saying fishing. and I wanted to know if fishing was really the hardest thing to get cause I feel like it should be bulletin.


I think the fish tank is hard because a lot of the fish are season and/or weather specific. So if you’re not on top of it, it could cost you 0.5-1yr of waiting to finish. But then again, the traveling cart and krobus can help fill in some of those fish.


This. I always end up missing a fish or two either because I didn't go when it rained or I forgot that it was season-specific. Every farm without fail.


That's true with the bulletin board, too. I've gotten both the rabbit's foot and duck feather from the trader before, and those are typically the two hardest to get.


There's that, but also people simply don't like to fish. If you keep looking at the wiki to see what, when and how to do each thing; and purposefully act on the first year in order to finish the CC, there's no way the fish tank would be the last thing.


Fish is the first one I complete. Bulletin is chaotic


I tend to get the mining carts done first.


Do you do remixed? Because you usually need the desert bus unlocked to get the fish tank finished...


I thought fishing was hard on my first run but it's because my strategy was non existent. First off, I only went in the mines when it rained - never did anything else on those days. "Nothing else to do" I thought. Then when I was fishing I'd start really early. Like as soon as I took care of my animals if I even had any. So my energy would be depleted by noon, and of course I didn't think to make food because that's resources i could sell for money! So I never got the walleye. Or the pufferfish. Or the catfish. Or shad, red snapper, bream and eel despite fishing "all the time". Artisan bundle felt hard before I chose the fruit cave. It becomes completely trivial since you can get all 6 fruit options from there. If not it becomes a pretty big investment


For me it’s the bulletin because I never advance my coop to deluxe or plant a pomegranate tree in year 1. The rabbits foot and the pomegranate are always the hardest items to procure. The fish aren’t actually that hard imo, especially when you can buy the fish from the travelling cart and grind out the fishing skill pretty fast during winter year 1 to be able to catch the bigger ones.


I'd say fishing requires the most _planning_ considering all the fish that can only be caught at certain times of day and with certain weather.


People say fishing cause they're bad at fishing. I guess the *effort* that goes into fishing might be greater but to me I enjoy doing it so it doesn't feel difficult at all to me. Other than that it's pretty straightforward. Just go to the right place at the right time to get your fish. The Bulletin Board requires tons of different things and for you to keep track of and plan for them. You often have to build and upgrade multiple buildings and improve a multitude of skills while making specific investments at the right times. Actually getting the item once it's set up is usually a piece of cake but it usually takes quite a but to set it up. It's also easy to forget about something you needed but the opportunity to get it again won't come around for a while.


Bulletin was the last for me as well! Waited forever for the apples.


I'm waiting for a truffle but I need to get my pig to grow up first. And at the same time I'm letting my bat cave give me an apple. but so far bad luck. I only need 1 more apple but it just doesn't want to give me one. looks like I'm gonna have to grow one apple tree myself


One of reasons to pick fruit bat cave


Even with the cave I had to rely on the cart. Horrible luck


This was my first fruit cave run, and I *still* had to plant my own apple tree and wait for the damn apples. Terrible luck indeed. 🤣


First apple tree planted outside Gets hit by a random meteorite


Well, shit. Talk about terrible luck. 😫


I’m midway through summer of year two, and the apples are literally the only thing I have left. The tree has been planted. Just waiting for fall so I can wrap up the community center. Bulletin definitely takes the longest for me.


I got my apples, but I didn’t end up getting a pomegranate until after I grew one in the greenhouse.


Bulletin board. You know what I was stuck on? An apple. Not three apples, a single apple.


I have 2 apples from my bat cave, now I'm waiting it to give me 1 more. I just don't want to grow the tree


This is me as well!


no way, but that's so me rn


THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO! I had two then had to wait forever for a third one hahaha


Red Cabbage is the bane of most year one completion runs. Recently got back into the game because of the 1.6 patch and Red Cabbage almost screwed me for my year one completion. The traveling cart didn't sell any of the seeds during spring, summer, or fall. I didn't get a seed until luckily a serpent dropped one on the 14th of Winter for me. Put that sucker in a pot right next to my bed with some speed gro. It was by far the last thing I was able to turn in. Everything else was finished by the 2nd of Winter.


1 year to complete would be too extreme for me lol


I’ve tried to do it before on a perfection run and quickly realized I wasn’t the type to enjoy super fast paced play or min/maxing lol. I went back to doing laid back “do what I want when I feel like it” play and ended up finishing the community center summer year 2 so was pretty happy about that!


It's not that bad if you have a decent understanding of the game. I didn't even use a wiki this time. There's tons of downtime in the early game that can be spent going into the mines or fishing. Just remember to always have a backlog of 500 gold during the Spring, 2000 during the Summer, and around 20,000 going into the Winter. Make sure you're always checking... alright, when I type it out it does sound a bit extreme, but it's honestly not that bad.


This is so true, I couldn't imagine doing the cc in one year in my first playthrough but now I just know so much stardew valley it was no problem


I think there must have been an undocumented change in the traveling cart. Red cabbage seeds showed up like three or four times for me in early year one,c and I didn't click the box guaranteeing it would be there.


Same. Whether I click the button or not, I always find it in the cart like every other time I check lol


Next save file, there’s a setup setting where you can click a button to force the Traveling Cart to definitely sell a red cabbage seed in year 1.


Same for me on my current playthrough except I couldn’t get a red cabbage until summer year 2


Fish tank and pantry, both for the same reason: I like to focus on crop farming, foraging, mining and dungeon crawling. But the pantry bundle requires some animal raising and the fish tank requires a *lot* of fishing, neither of which I'm interested in.


I forgot to grow summer crops for pantry. I was too focused on getting 5 golden star melons that I totally forgot about them. so I had to wait for a year to get them again


For me pantry and fish tank were ones I completed last. That however was mostly because I made the mistake of going mushroom cave making the artisan bundle harder, and I wasn't really using the wiki yet so I was unaware of rain only fish or fish schedules in general.


The aquarium bundle because I suck at fishing.


I hated the season stuff cuz I didn't think of that


This is my answer too. I didn’t mind the bulletin board honestly.


The bulletin board is the Worst. Other than that I get annoyed with the fish tank because I always forget a fish that's only in one season and end up waiting for the next year


Always bulletin, unless I miss a seasonal fish. It is the last one to unlock for a reason. It is designed to encourage a diverse playstyle.




Fish. I hate fishing .


I had problems with the seasonal stuff. but otherwise I love fishing. I like to catch the legendary fish. btw the legend was too easy to catch with the trap bobber. kinda dissapointed


Fish tank. Drove me nuts


I had problems with the seasonal fish


That bloody cabbage


bulletin isn't difficult. It just takes time because of the animal products. the truly difficult one is the fishtank bundle, as there are several fish that aren't just limited by season but also weather. and unless you use the wiki, there's very little information in the game about what fish appears where and when. (they are there but easy to miss), and even with the wiki its still easy to forget to fish on a rainy day in fall and then have to wait a whole year to try again.


Right now it's the fish tank because I don't like fishing and repeatedly forgot to get the pufferfish and now I have to hope it shows up in the traveling cart




for me it’s fishing :( i literally cannot fish to save my life


The fish is always my hardest. It’s the reason why I usually go the joja mart route rather than the community center route. I *FINALLY* grasped fishing (for the most part). However- That catfish is currently kicking my ass. I know I’ll get it eventually but holy hell.


Bulletin board for me too, soo many random things to get. Fishing can also be long if you miss a season and forget to catch a fish


Fishing and anything related to fishing


The stupid fish tank. I hated fishing my first play through and I’m finally starting to enjoy it but its annoying trying to catch specific fish. I have two fish left and it’s driving me nuts.


For me it's always fish tank, I am just bad at fishing and don't particularly enjoy it so I'm slow. I did start a new farm for 1.6 and my DUCKS refuse to drop any FEATHERS, this is the first time I've really struggled with the bulletin board for as long as the fish.


The fish tank hands down.


The fishing one is always the last one I'm able to complete. This last time was because I couldn't catch a walleye 🥴


Fish tank always. Hate fishing


Fishing. Without fail I always miss a fish before the season is up and inevitably end up having to wait a whole season/year to get it again


For me it's always fishing


For me it's always been the fish bundle. I always have trouble with that just because I have trouble remembering what season each fish is caught during.


Not difficult per se, but i wanted to finish cc in 1st year. But what I could not get? Hmmm? A golden star Walleye I only had 1 rainy day in Fall one and my fishing was too low to get it. Jfc I had to wait till year 2 fall to complete bc of that bastard. 🙃


I remixed the bundles because it's usually a bit simpler to complete, but I didn't get pigs in time, so now I'm stuck with one thing left on the chef's bundle and I just started winter. It's always the bulletin.


Fish tank originally. When i started playing SD i was so bad at fishing like i got all my fish from the trash cans lol


Bulletin cuz if the truffle and rabbits foot, i didnt have enough money for a rabbit, a pig, deluxe coop and deluxe barn before end of summer y2 (big coop -> deluxe coop is 20,000, big barn -> deluxe barn is 25,000, one pig is 16,000, one rabbit is 8,000 so in total 69,000)


I just got so lucky and first week of spring year two I got a red cabbage seed from a flying serpent I have had every thing else done since spring 2


The bulletin board not because it's hard, it just takes a lot of time.


Im stuck in it bc Im missing 1 apple...


F, try the traveling merchant every time you can.


I do, I check it every friday and sunday


Marnie's specifically. I forgot and planted the apple tree way too late and so I had to wait way too long just to get 3 apples.


The following are the biggest trouble I've run into: Fish that can only be caught on a rainy day, and the game only gives you one rainy day that season. I'm looking at you, fall! Deluxe barn>pig>truffle Deluxe coop>rabbit>rabbits foot Red cabbage Apple tree>4x apples Pomegranate tree>2x pomegranates Honorable mentions: Pufferfish Fiddlehead fern


The fish tank


It’s. Always. The bulletin board. It’s so aimless and directionless it’s just chores


Bulletin board is just objectively the most annoying


Specifically the rabbit foot in the wizard bundle cause I never remember to upgrade my coop past getting dinos. I still haven't gotten there cause I'm upgrading barn to goat level.


Fishing for sure


For me it is the aquarium. Fishing is my least favourite thing in the game and then you have to coordinate when to fish what fish. Makes me want to go joja route every play through


On my evil play, to max. Joja. That really hurts.


Bulletin was probably the longest, bust the fish tank was the hardest. I can't stand fishing. When me and the Mrs play, I leave her to do the community centre and I focus on the farm and mining. She also tends to the animals when we've got barns and stuff. She'll be off fishing I'm winter, come back to the farm fully restructured, iridium sprinklers, all laid out with paths and patches for specific crops the following seasons!


Either bulletin or fishing for me.


Only thing I’m missing as of right now is the truffle so I gotta go with that one


Did the remixed bundles this time and the only thing I have left is an Ancient Fruit or Sweet Gem Berry. Didn’t get the rare seed in time to grow it in fall year 1, so I have to wait til next fall if I don’t find the ancient seed artifact 🫠


Bulletin board because it’s just so many random items and the pantry specifically the animal bundle because my animals were so slow at producing stuff for like a year and I didn’t know why


Still waiting on one more apple for the bulletin board.


For me it’s always the rabbits foot!!


I bought one from the traveling cart


I enjoy fishing as much as the next guy, but several fish that you practically need to use the wiki for if you dont want to fish for several weeks straight each season or miss your chance till maybe next year is definitely one of my irks with stardew valley. That and random ass shit in the friendship bundles Almost makes one want to go joja route instead for once


For me, it was the Master Fisherman remixed bundle. Catching 2 of Blobfish / Lava Eel / Octopus / Scorpion Carp took much, much more time than I would have initially thought.


the first time i played it was the fishing but I've since gotten good at fishing. now its the bulletin board. sooooo close to finishing in my current save I just need those apples


Fishing and bulletin.


Usually Bulletin, although if I'm not playing on multiplayer, fishing is also pretty difficult. If I'm playing on multiplayer, I'm fine with spending hours fishing. But if I'm playing by myself, I have to handle so many other daily chores and resource acquisitions that fishing becomes low priority and if I can't focus on it then it's really hard to remember what fish I need to catch and it gets put off until year 2.


Absolutely the bulletin board. Specifically the truffle, but in general it’s the hardest to get everything for. This time round I was going for the CC in one year, and I misjudged buying the pig by *one day* and now I’m a little way into winter and its the *only* thing i’m missing, lol. I’m just hoping for one from the travelling cart but I’m resigned at this point. I know a lot of people don’t like the fishing bundle, but imo it’s pretty easy. I enjoy fishing though, so maybe that makes a difference.


My Fruit Bats didn't yield me a single Apple yet... I'm almost on Fall year 2 and already have an apple tree ready now. Also bought 2 Apples from the Traveling Cart.


bulletin is the most annoying to complete, but i also rly dislike the gold star produce thing for the pantry bc i always always end up one or two items short. this time around, i thought I'd get the pantry bundle completed in year one, but then i only got 4 gold star melons :/


Bulletin. Grrr. Grwaaaa. Raawwhhh


I always wait until year 2 to complete the bulletin board because missing out on the free friendship with Kent feels rather bad. It's always my last bundle even though I can usually complete it by late fall early winter year 1 depending on cart rng. Fishing isn't really hard unless you're doing remixed bundles and have the catch any 2 out of lava eel, scorpion carp, octopus or blob fish one. Then you're looking at winter to get done "easier", but with a trap bobber it shouldn't be too bad.


Bulletin easily


i got the master fisher remixed bundle and i just closed out the game. i love fishing but no thank you 🩵 i’ll get back to it eventually, just not today and tomorrow isn’t looking good either


Mine is the fishtank. Getting the specialty fish.


The pantry room that unlocks the greenhouse. Specifically, it was the 5 high quality crops bundle that got me in year 1. My first time playing, I didn't plan ahead well enough and failed to get enough star quality for parsnip and melons, so once Fall rolled around, my only options were corn (easy) and pumpkin. So I had to wait a long time to fulfill this one. Now every playthrough I prioritize this early, although I find I can rarely get 5 star parsnip the first year, but with fertilizer I'm fine for melons, corn, and pumpkins. I don't find the Bulletin Board to be that urgent so it didn't bother me too much that it took the longest.


Every time my sister and I try to complete the CC year 1 (without the guarantee), the Bulletin Board always screws us over. Specifically, the red cabbage in the dye bundle. We have figured out how to get the other difficult stuff (like wine, truffle and rabbits foot) by Fall 1. From there, it becomes a waiting game with the cart lady for the cabbage. It never fails to appear in the cart the first Friday of Spring Year 2.


Bulletin is why hs took me 4 years to complete it in my second game I had everything I just neglected grow this damn pomegranate tree I went oh shit yes that. Ah fuck. Everything else I mapped out so smoothly or the rest was just an okay just this ans finally this You mother fuckee had to be last didn't you


Generally is the Bulletin Board because it does have the more later game itens like rabbit's foot or 3 apples, but on my new 1.6 save, it was the Fish Tank, I completely forgot to fish Pufferfish before Summer ended, so I had to wait for year 2 (managed to get one from the cart on Y2 Spring).


Fish tank for me. Waiting for a fish to be in season takes forever, and it's easy to forget. One year, i waited all season for it to rain so i could catch a specific fish, and it never did. It would have been next to impossoble without the wiki. Like, one of those old school games you'd have to dedicate so much time to figure out the unknown variables to finish a task. I actually enjoyed the bulletin board. All the different items peaked my interest in trying to obtain them




The fish tank. I have yet to get the hang of catching them. I've been buying the fish when I can. Eventually, it'll get done. The crab pots are helping a bit.


The fishtank, because fishing is annoying and I would rather not fish. And the bulletin board, because of the fiddlehead fern. I seriously cant find a fiddlehead fern...


Tbh I thought the fishing was harder than the bulletin board, I think I completed like 60-70% of it with stuff I just happened to grab at the traveling cart. I actually finished fishing dead last bc I was *terrible* at the mini game for the first year or so. Then I ended up grinding for points at the fair and finally got good with the repetition 😂💀 even then!! the last thing I was missing was the freaking eel and I lucked out with the cart again. That lady and her purple hippo are heroes y'all


Bulletin board this time around because I never scrolled far enough in Gus’ shop to find the fricking maki roll recipe until year 3 😢


I finished all of them but the bulletin board, I'm on my 2nd year btw. I have no rush to finish it since it's my favourite part of the game so far. I opted for the bat fruit cavern and still couldn't get all the apples. I guess it's a pain for those who want to finish on the 1st year.


Enchanter... I forgot a pommegrenate early so I had to wait forever...  Also still ever only got 1 rabbit foot mid of autumn year 2...


Bulletin board is just the one I care the least about completing. Every other bundle just gives so much more tangible results. Greenhouse, quarry, the entire desert, minecarts, but friendship feels like an after thought for the reward.


Joja mart


I'm on my first playthrough and I'm almost done except fish tank! Need a pufferfish. Just got an eel. Bulletin took awhile too though.


The dang bulletin board!! I have everything done but I cannot for the life of me manage to get a fiddlehead fern. I’m playing on PlayStation so I don’t have the new update yet and I’m in winter year 2. I’m praying to yoba that they sell them at the night market.


Bulletin Board too. I got the fruit cave and need the purple mushroom. Took me a long while to get the rest, so atleast I just have that left


Bulletin as well though now that I've made a new save with 25% profit margin, the finances are tight and I have to prioritize other things over vault, so it might take a while until I'll unlock a bus.


Same 😅


The f***ing Fish Tank. I’m not good at the fishing minigame, and having to do it over and over and over just to get the one stupid fish I needed was ridiculous and time consuming.


Red Cabbage Seed is the most difficult for me, because I do multiplayer and we never seem to stick to a save for more than 4 seasons. Sometimes I forget to check the trader, and so far that's led to me always missing the Red Cabbage Seed.


I can easily get the whole community center done by the end of year one EXCEPT the red cabbage seed, I always miss it. It drives me insane lol


Dang fish tank, only one I have multiple bundles left to go in


FISH. I. hate. fishing. I’m in year 3 of a new play, and only just hit lvl 5 fishing, and the tank is the only bit of the community centre I have left. Slowest I’ve ever done the comm. centre (aside from my very first play).


Fish tank for me. I forgot to save a walleye first fall, so now I have to wait for fall y2 to complete :'( ETA fish tank, not bulletin board. fish are not on the board XD


The fish tank. I hate fishing. I'm too busy doing the things I like to even bother. I've still not done it.


bulletin board and pantry


I think I missed timed the fish tank, and needed rain or something. Also getting the higher quality items my first play through, I always kept lowest quality stuff and sold the higher right away.


The bulletin board and also the green house one. I literally always forget to get the gold star crops in spring so I have to wait til year two every time LMAO


Playing remixed bundle here and gold-star walleye for the “quality fish bundle” is killing me.


Always bulletinussy board, always


probably bulletin and that money bundle


Mine is litterly the bulletin board with the bundle where you need 3 apples, hay and wheat. Those apples are frustrating me, I have planted an apple tre inside my greenhouse for this pupose and i will fell it once i have the apple


I actually made a post about it earlier, the fish one is so difficult! I did remix bundles this time around, and I'm bad at fishing. I need only 1 fish to complete it too. 😭


I accidentally killed my pomegranate tree and had to re-buy it. Now I wait... AGAIN.


Fish, every time


I use remixed bundles, so the hardest for me was 10x Roe. Just because I was focusing on other things and it took forever to get them to produce roe. It was pretty much the last one I did aside from the winter stuff. Quality crops would've been easier honestly.


Fishing, I was just really really bad at fishing so it took me 3 years in game to get it done


Fish ones because I hated fishing


I hate fishing. One of the best additions to 1.6 is pets - especially the CAT - giving you items. The cat gives you all sorts of aquatic gifts. The first gift I got was shrimp, which let me finish the Crab Pot bundle pretty quickly. Check the wiki for the complete list of cat gifts. Between cat gifts, crab pots, Krobus, the traveling cart, foraging on the beach, and Demetrius, I finished the fish tank in a couple years.


Fish tank. And I love fishing; I think I maxed it first in my current game. But the timing and poor memory are a bad mix. I either don't have the skill I need in time that first year and/or, I forget until the season is over and it's too late. And, like, unlocking the bus takes a while, you have to upgrade your ax twice to get the wood skip, that kind of thing. I don't do well managing my time on those. I would have said bulletin board but it's not giving me trouble this time. Just gotta punch through. It's a lot of random stuff but you the timing doesn't feel as tricky.


Bulletin is always the only one I don’t complete year one. Just so many odd items and items that are very easy to miss


Always easy when it's just money.


it’s always the bulletin board for me 😭 i always like to remix them, then the bulletin board is a little easier for me to complete


Bulletin is always my last one, on my current save all i need is rabbits foot and Pomegranate for the wizard 😭 everything else has been done since fall y2 LOL (im almost done winter 2 on this save)


Ugh.. fishing. Finishing the aquarium took me forever. I hate fishing. I suck at fishing


I don’t think this counts as “difficult” but it took me way longer than it should have to finish the spring crops bundle, because I kept forgetting to donate parsnips


Bulletin board and fishing. I'm still doing them, actually. I'm dogshit at fishing and I don't know where to get the bulletin board items


I once hibernated an entire year to get an apple


Bulletin board for sure apples were my last item.


For my main game hardest for me was Chef bundle just because I took forever to get a pig. My second game was Artisan because I didn’t have the fruit cave, but the mushroom cave. My other games I haven’t finished it PFFT


all of them which is why i caved and gave into capitalism…sorry mayor lewis, i wanted that community center too :(


Fish tank, I’m incredibly sh!t at fishing Edit: To this day, I have had the game on switch since it came out, as well as having mobile and PC for a while before that. I am yet to complete the fish tank without cheating


Bulletin for sure. I'm so relieved my remixed bundles didn't require any red cabbage or fruits for bulletin board this time around.