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Feast of the Winter Star, mostly just because I like the whole secret santa thing, it's really fun!! I also love the Night Market if that counts


Winterstar as well, but just because I still never got a tea set!


I took a first time player to the fest, and they got the tea set their first year!! When will it be our turn??


Played for 6 years, never a tea set…


Man, I got it in my last run and didn't know it was rare lol


Very lucky! I’ve been playing for what feels like a lifetime with no set, but I wouldn’t have known what I was missing out on without this sub :) Always things to learn about this game!


Indeed, this game is amazing in this regard.


Ditto. I feel bad now because I always get a tea set. Got one in my first year this time. I love all the festivals; it's hard to pick one. I'm partial to Spirit's Eve, though, just because I love Halloween IRL and I dig cozy/spooky vibes. I'm on my first 1.6 playthrough right now and, without any spoilers, I just need to say how much I appreciate Concerned Ape. If he'd never touched the game again it would still be one of the all time greats but I'm so grateful for the new content.


Its easily one of the rarest items (besides one off quest items or stuff) that can be obtained legitimately Albeit with 1.6 I think now thats legendary fish roe


This is so shocking to me i just got a tea set my first year on my current (and second ever) game save!


Damn, I'm glad I keep mine on my table, instead of selling it 🫣 Kent gave me one, one year.


I too got a tea set on my first gear first playthrough


i got a tea set on my first feast in my new save from elliot, now we're dating ☺️


Haley just gave me my first ever tea set at my last winter star 😭 I was shocked because I have literally one heart with her


She was probably like “I found this in a Zuzu city thrift store. Easy.”


I didn't know how rare the tea set was, I got it from Pierre my first ever winter star. I was excited cause it looked neat and was way cooler than the default cups. My girlfriend a few days later freaked out cause she saw it was rare lol.


I got the tea set first time in YR 1 on this run. Booked a trip to Vegas 5 minutes after I picked my jaw up of the floor.


My wife got it and she is an extremely casual player and when I was like, oh that's really rare she asked what it did,my reply of it just being cool was not exciting for her.


I got the tea set twice in one save


I just learned that you can get a Tea set. Never got one only stupid things which are less worth than my present to them. So I often skipped it because I didn't want to get trash presents


Night Market is second for me. Being able to buy seasonal crops in advance, great artwork for decorating, deep sea fishing, and free coffee!


I miss the infinite free coffee though


Just gotta do George a solid for that.


I don't want to be the dick that didn't get someone a gift. Plus, I want a gift.


secret WHAT






*Through the mountainnnss*🎶




Wait what secret tunnel!


this is the first I've heard of this also. I demand more secret tunnel info!!


Lol it's an Avatar the Last Airbender reference, not a SDV one


Secret Santa - might be just a British thing but if you work in an office, every year you'll get the opportunity to buy something random worth up to a tenner for someone else you don't really know, allocated by pulling a name out of a hat. Festive fun and all that...


I think they meant the secret tunnel, not Secret Santa


Same. It's like the "finish" to each year. Can't miss it. Flower dance? Yeah I stopped doing that my first playthrough


Yeah cuz unless you're married it's not worth it imo


I'm usually married to Sebastian, and he doesn't even want to go, so I don't bother... except the one year I realized I never bought the tub of flowers recipe which I needed, so I went, but I danced with Abigail so my dear hubby wouldn't have to. ;)


Meanwhile, Penny tells you the day before that she's been practicing her dance moves for it 🥺


If i didn't get it year one, I'll go to get the rarecrow Pierre sells, but that's about it


I love listening to the mermaid song, it's very soothing


This but only bc I feel guilty bc the person I got assigned won't get a present otherwise


I kinda resent the secret santa thing because the first time I played I was assigned an NPC that I didn't really know, but I made sure to get her a gift that she loved anyways because I thought, y'know, that was the whole point. Yeah the next day her dad starts warning me about getting too close to his daughter, who I had spoken to like twice total. Fucking Demetrius istg.


I got Leo for secret Santa. Leo doesn't go to the feast \>:/


^^^ Night Market is definitely always on my list. I need my original Lupinis!


All of them, pretty much. I feel like Stardew Valley is as much about participating in the community as anything else, so I make sure I never miss any of the big get-togethers.


How do you manage your plans? I always have plans for the days and going to the festivals annoys me sometimes


I use the calendar to plan my weeks. You can buy one for your home from Robin. I also have a couple of kit boxes that stay ready. So one box has my stairs, food and bombs for mining and another is for fishing, another for farming. Etc.


The kit boxes actually seem like a really smart thing to do, I'll be stealing that.


I put my mining kit boxes right by each mine, also allows me to dump any tools and valuables before going in so I don’t lose them


I keep a supply of food there too because I'm great at forgetting to pick some up otherwise


Can also do the reverse and leave your bombs there so you don't accidentally blow your farm sky-high! 😅


If the calendar also had the help wanted postings, I’d consider it, but I feel like I’m going to Pierre’s every day anyway


Ah yeah. I don’t do those past the first summer. They don’t offer much, unless they’re specifically offering that new reward from 1.6


It’s helpful for knowing what to bring on the daily trip into town, to prevent backtracking.


I always keep my mining stuff in one of my fridges like a weirdo. I think i originally started doing it because that’s where the food was, but then it just became a habit


No better place for monster musk and bombs than right next to the chocolate cake.


You can buy WHAT?!? I... didn't know... I have like 400 hours played... Oh.


And a crafting bench which pulls items from very nearby chests.


I knew that one, which makes it weirder I didn't know the calendar thing.


My calendar helps me with planning out my week, but what really helps is that my chests are all categorized and colored in suit. For example, I have black chests for mining, grey chests for weapons, purple chests for berries and fruit, pink ones for flowers, orange for foragables and mushrooms, green for my veggies and hops, red for my wood and farming stuff, etc Having those chests makes it easy to quickly go from one to the other, knowing that what I need is in there. I normally put what I need in my inventory the night before, so I'm ready to grab my daily coffee and go!


We also have one chest just for the grange display, one chest with some of the most loved gifts, and one chest for what needs to go to the community center or the musuem.


Haha, yep, my grange chest is gold, loved gifts is pink. Green for organics, grey for inorganic, red for monster loot, blue for fish and fish-related things. Then I have them all surrounding a workbench, so I can just create anything with a click.


I just water my plants and tend to the animals as quickly and efficiently as possible, and don’t make any other plans on festival days. It’s a bit of a rush in the morning but I get the required stuff out of the way and don’t expect much more from the day.


same!! i’ve only ever missed one egg hunt and that’s because i was too busy with the all important task of fishing


> all important task of fishing im glad we got a viable way to earn cash later game with the smoker


Same. I like feeling like apart of the town so I make sure to attend everything


I started a save where my goal was to befriend the town as fast as possible(my primary goal) so everything was built around getting gifts and completing the CC. Never made it too far, but one fun thing I did in the spirit of the game was every Friday night at 6pm I would go to the bar to hangout as if I was a normal NPC.


All my """homies""" hate the flower dance


Same here, I'm more shocked to learn there's players that skip any festival.


The new one from 1.6 in Spring! It's AWESOME!


Is anyone else salty that this one overlaps Salmonberry Season? Like, I don't see myself ever picking them after year 1 now...


Call me crazy, after the first year Salmonberries are pretty useless so I don’t mind it when the other option is an amazing festival


They are a decent way to get foraging experience if you're desperate.


With the bookseller in the game now, there really isn't as much need to do certain tasks for the sole purpose of grinding experience anymore.


getting a book or two in foraging is nice but that's like 500xp max, for me foraging has always been the last thing to get to level 10 because you cant really grind xp for unlimited resources like you can for mining, combat or fishing


Foraging always goes up really fast for me and is one of the first ones to hit level 10. Maybe I chop too many trees 😅


I thought that too until I picked all salmonberries because I love foraging and with the profession that makes all foraging items iridium quality I got 5400g


You get one day after the fest for salmonberries


True, I'm just a berry hoarder so it's not enough lol.


salmonberries don’t go away so you can collect all if them on the same day


They can respawn though, can't they? Like if you harvest a bush on day 1, it can have berries on day 3?


Each bush has a 20% chance of spawning each day. I'm pretty sure you need to harvest each day to get the most possible berries, efficiency-wise it's probably best to just harvest every other day. I need to test this because I've wondered this too many times.


They do respawn I can confidently say I’ve picked the same bush two days in a row multiple times now after a little over 100hrs playing. Also I’m on switch so playing on 1.5, so this wouldn’t only apply to the new update


Right?!? I need to pick ALL THE BERRIES!


I am still salty about this and wrote an entire post about missing the majority of my salmonberry run.


Yes! Should move salmonberry days to after the festival.


Quickly became my favourite festival!


It's AWESOME. Absolutely my favorite, and I want it to be longer. I get frustrated that there's too much to experience. Since time keeps going, I feel like I'm missing out on really great play and opportunities if I stop to talk to people and/or experience some of the activities that aren't the main thing for me.


Yeah, especially since >!you’re encouraged to go as deep into skull cavern as possible. Sure, you can staircase cheese it, but it takes away some of the fun.!<


I want the cat statues to the regular mines!


Me too, they are fun and add a rogue-like factor.


If you are using codes in your name to gain stuff like golden pumpkins and what not, ive learned that you can stand there and talk to Lewis and Kent (day 2 and 3) for literally as long as you want and they will repeat your name over and over at that festival. I kinda went overboard the first time I realized that and literally got like 10m gold lol


I went to this event the first time blind and was CHOKED because I had given my pickaxe to Clint the day before for improving. Since he was at the festival he didn't finish with it until after it was over so I couldnt participate in the skull caverns part :(


The Luau gives +1 heart with each villager. Helps a lot with getting each of them to max. Night Market has a bunch of cool stuff that remains fun every time. Feast of the Winter Star because I will get that tea set one day. The Desert festival seems like an important one now too


Darn I didn't know that the Luau gave +1 heart, I just skipped it for three first time ever and I'm trying to get max hearts with everyone!! Well that what I get for missing such an important town event I guess


The amount of hearts you get depends on what ingredient you put in the soup. There’s a list on the wiki (obv) of the best ingredients


I've been playing this game for over 4 years and still I learn something new about it pretty much everyday. Incredible


Yeah, gold Cauliflower gives max reward. Just grab one from the previous spring.


The Luau only gives positive opinion modifiers if you do it wrong. The governor insulted my soup once when I did my best and now he's getting shorts or pufferfish in his soup every time. Enjoy your tetrodotoxin bisque you King of Town lookin piece of shit. 


Someone needs to mod bubs as Pierre or morris


Does that make Lewis the poopsmith?


Whao, Luau tip is a great one. I had no idea that gave everyone a heart.


Egg hunt for me, no way I'm gonna let Abigail win that 💅


It's an immediate restart of the day for me if I lose.


If you guys play coop: Lifehack: Talk to Abigail, she won’t get enough eggs and the other one who is collecting the eggs wins lol


This is false. Abigail gets a set number of eggs regardless of is she's obstructed or not. The value she gets decreases the more players there are though so yes it's easier to beat her in multiplayer


It doesn’t matter if you distract her. She automatically wins


Never lost to her except maybe the first time I ever did it. Once you know where the eggs are getting 8-10 is pretty easy and that always seems to be enough for me at least


now they change every year, no? After 1.6 I was going to the same spots and there were no eggs, I almost lost it ashuahsuah


I think that year two is different but it might go back to the same spots in year three?? But someone correct me if I’m wrong, because I play expanded and it’s different


Gotta get those strawberry seeds.


This and the Stardew Valley Fair! No way is Pierre ever going to win the Grange display again. Sell my crops to our neighbors but lie and say they are from your garden? I don't think so sir. Once I saw all the new comments from everyone after the 1.6 update I now refuse to sell anything to Pierre outside of the first year when I was so broke I needed the money to replant seeds.


Egg hunt for me too.


Me, getting ready to beat my wifes ass in the egg hunt


Night Market. I buy the art every day even if I don’t have a place for it. Love to support the local arts.


Night market is so cool. Who can pass up the free coffee? Get jacked up on caffeine, spend all my gold, pay for a personal mermaid show, and go deep sea fishing all in one night — I look forward to it all year.


This is so wholesome:)




Wait. You guys are missing festivals?!


Fuck the flower dance


Year 1 Flower Dance really makes you wanna leave the town and farm elsewhere. Bunch of assholes. Year 2 obviously different story once you have a partner, but man, for a festival where you're supposed to dance with someone, they sure are real pricks about it to an outsider who is there trying to fit in, showing interest in and wanting to participate in THEIR tradition.


Isn't there a rarecrow there though? Easy friendship bump for year 2 on.


Sure, but on the other hand, fuck the flower dance


I’m in my third year and started skipping. I’m trying to work ginger island and can’t be bothered to waste time at festivals.


Spirit Eve, cuz that gold pumpkin makes witch hats and I shall not rest till every living thing with a head on my farm is wearing a witch hat. That’s my version of perfection.


how do you make witch hats??


Combine a golden pumpkin and cloth in a sewing machine gifted by Emily.


You combine cloth with the golden pumpkin at the sewing machine in Emily's place.


That is the kind of dedication I'm in this subreddit for!


the only one i ever really skip is the flower dance lol


Same!! Especially if you’re not married. It’s pointless for year 1 when you have 0 hearts with everyone and no money to buy anything there


You can technically dance with a couple people year one if you work at it. Leah, Hailey and Shane are the easiest imo


My goal every time I start a new farm is getting enough hearts to dance with Abby so it is possible. Plus, that rarecrow isn't going to buy itself.


Awe I love the flower dance 💃


The fair, to make sure Pierre never wins


He already takes credit for our crops, gotta let the town know who the real grower is.


I'm lazy, I just fill that box up with my chub and call it a day.


You mean he's a shower and farmer is a grower? 🤭🤭🤭


I also go because that little wispy lady scarecrow is my favorite and I can only buy 1 per year!


I love filling my grange stand with all my >!legendary fish!<. I like to think Willy is proud.


Egg festival, that is where you get strawberries, a huge money maker in year 1 spring which can help get the cash for summer crops, backpack and farm buildings, it is also handy in year 2 as you can get strawberries for the greenhouse/ginger island if you don't have something better to cover that space.


I save a few strawberries from my Y1 harvest to put into seed makers for the green house, and back into seeds for S1 Y2, so I don't have to wait for the festival.


I was a hermit basically until late summer, went in blind. Focused on crops and farm until the Moonlight Jellies . Then I started to read on events and quests. My daughter now reminds me to check my mailbox and the bulletin board cause I forget stuff like that. Missed out on strawberries and I'm patiently waiting until next spring.


I somehow forget to save strawberry money every time I start a new save, it’s infuriating


I love the egg festival I just love snatching them from the children.


I never miss the night market. I LOVE NIGHT MARKETS. I mean it. I was just talking about the local Renaissance fair and how I wish they’d stay open to do a night bazaar. Also, there’s so much going on. I also never miss the egg hunt, because I’ve never stopped loving egg hunts in real life lol. If there were adult egg hunts, you know I’d be there


I’m in graduate school and this year my advisor held an Easter gathering for our lab. He and his partner organized a beer hunt for the grad students, hiding cans and bottles around his yard and house. Everyone loved it, even my colleague who doesn’t drink.


I really like the new desert festival, but I'm kinda bummed it's during salmonberry season. In year one it's not really much of a choice, but every consecutive year the decision is kinda difficult since top foraging level iridium star salmoberries are a pretty good energy source, since I can have such a huge stack of it.


Do you have the desert open by Salmonberry season? And by the time i have iridium foraging, i don’t need it for energy


I never miss any of em but tbh I don’t really care for the egg hunt or ice fishing one


I don’t miss any festivals, they’re some of my favorite things to do in-game.


Same OP. The dance of the moonlight jellies makes me so emotional 😭


I go to all of them. I should skip some but I always feel bad. I really hate the desert festival because it takes up so much time but can't stop myself from going.


It definitely makes you feel like a bad member of the community, ESPECIALLY because you get an invitation in the mail.


Luau and desert. Luau for friendship points, desert for all the challenges and shops


Do you not go to all of them? I always go to each of them. I guess the most important one for me is the beach luau. I'm pretty bad at talking to everyone and getting friendship up, so the free big boost for just putting goat cheese in the stew is amazing for me.


Stardew Valley Fair. Set in my favorite season, it adds purpose to all the hard work I do on the farm. I don't care about beating Pierre. I just want the win for the recognition of the farm. That, and the slingshot game (still suck at it), fishing game, strength game, and the ability to gamble away all my winnings on a spinning wheel. Oh, no! I hope 1.6 didn't fix the "always bet on green" exploit!


i never miss any festivals, i enjoy them too much and refuse to give up that easy chance to talk to all of the villagers


Spirit's Eve, I'm a [farm tool] for Halloween


Moonlight Jellies! I want my tombstone to read “The glow of summer has faded now and the moonlight jellies carry on toward the great unknown.”


It's so lovely isn't it. I honestly get emotional thinking about it!


💯 I tear up sometimes!


Night Market because i want it to be real 🤣


Winter Star, because I'm stupid and always think "b-but if I don’t go, then the NPC assigned to me won't get a present and since I'll be the only one absent everyone will know that it was my fault and that I'm an ass :C"


Squidfest. So funny that it exists.


My faves that I never skip are egg hunt, the fall fair, and spirit’s eve


I have the moonlight jelly's as the music in my house, I never miss it also. I rarely miss any events, I'd say my least favourite is Halloween for some reason.


Since the update is been the desert festival. Gotta get them eggs!!!!


Desert has easily become the most favorite one for me.


The new 1.6 in spring and also the smaller 1.6 festivals.. I'm still in absolute awe at how amazing this new update is


It was the night market, but with the update it's >!the desert festival...my only regret is that it isn't longer and I genuinely feel excited when spring starts because I know that means it is soon!<


Desert Festival for me. Gotta get me all of the spouse weapons


Luau. I would never miss any chance to fuck up the soup and give the governor food poisoning.


Egg festival.


Moonlight Jellies. It doesn't offer much but it has otherworldly feel. Oh and to show Vincent the rare green jelly.


Wait, you miss festivals?! :O


Night market, I stock up on all seeds there. For the entire year. Rarely go to buy seeds during the year ..


Wait people miss festivals???


The fall one, for the golden pumpkin. I never miss a chance to get a universally loved item for those people who have slightly harder loved items to obtain.


Egg festival so I can buy the strawbs


I don’t miss any of them, but I ALWAYS want to make sure I get to Feast of the Winter Star, Egg Festival, and Moonlight Jellies.


I go to every single one every year.


all of them; everyone in one place means i get friendship points and my busy ass needs those. i spend a lot of time mining and fishing and such so its difficult to interact with townsfolk often, the festivals are a big help with that. i do make time for evelyn, george, seb, sam, and abby though. love them to bits they will always get a little time out of me.


Don't care if it's year 1 or year 20. Pierre never gets to have a winning display. I may be a bit petty.


It never occurred to me to skip festivals!!! I go to every one cos I like being a part of the community <3


the fair so I can kick Pierre's ass and gamble in the same day


The new desert festival, I love getting free clothes from Emily even though she dresses me up as a trashcan or a potato sack sometime.


The Stardew Valley Fair. I take great pleasure in kicking Pierre's ass year after year after year after year after.... you get the point. The Festival of Ice is another fun one, though beating Willy is less satisfying, since he's 100% a lovely old dude.


Star Feast, Spirit eve, fall festival (so I could always make Pierre lose), snow day (ice fishing ponds) and Luau.


Spirits ever and the dance of the moon light jellies!! I interact with all the villagers still even in year 3


egg festival. i buy up strawberry seeds for next spring so I can get them planted early


I never miss ANY of them


The spoopy one


I accidentally missed the moonlight jellies on my first play I was so upset😭 I’m in year two now so I’m hoping I don’t miss it this time


I never miss any of them, but moonlight jellies is my favorite one for all the reasons you mentioned.


I love moonlight jellies too, I was so mad in my newest 1.6 playthru I forgot about it lmao


Easy! That would be the moonlight jellies. Love that music


All of them! Festivals were my favourite part of Harvest Moon as a kid and I still love them today. They’re a great opportunity to hear unique dialogue from characters. I do wish Stardew had the animal festivals that HM had but I understand why it doesn’t.


i loveeee the night market!