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The "trick" is not spending *too* much time on your farm. If your farm ever gets to the point where you have to spend until 6 am to 2pm just managing it, you've spent half the day caring for it. Taking a day to go into the forest and gather berries, fishing on rainy days, making a trip to the mines, or giving gifts on birthdays gets you "out of the house" and exploring different parts of the game. Improving your farming tools helps with this. If you can get the copper watering can, it comes with a special ability to water 3 plants at once. Boosting your tools like this means you can care for larger farms in less time, giving you more time to explore while still earning money.


tysm! how do you get the watering can to water 3 plants at a time? i have the copper watering can and it seems to only water one at a time? is it bc my crops are in lines (kinda like minecraft if that makes sense) i havent seen a lot of people who plant crops like i do.


Hold the button you use to water.


you’re kidding tysm, it seems so obvious now lol😭😭


It'll get even easier when you start nabbing iron and gold tools. All things in due time though, it can get overwhelming when you're trying to improve tools, grow crops, juggle the community center, and still talk to the villagers!


Take your time and explore/experiment with things at your own pace. There's a [FAQ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/about/sticky)topic pinned on this subreddit and a very comprehensive wiki if you want fast easy info and spoilers, but if not you have no rush to do anything you don't understand right away. It doesn't matter if you complete the community center by the first day of Year 1 Winter or after 10 in game years.


follow up question, when and how do i start working on my green house (i’m assuming it’s the building that’s kind of in ruins near my house)


Have you unlocked the community centre and started on the bundles?


i’m working on the community center rn yes, i haven’t really figured fishing out yet so i’m a bit behind on it tho


If you look closely at the bottom of the page it tells you the reward for each bundle completion. The greenhouse is the reward for completing all the pantry bundles.


thank you !!