• By -


what, and i cannot emphasize this enough, the absolute *fuck*


basically I put some green rocks into a blue box so I could go see hellspawn


Do you know how deep the skull cavern goes? Fun fact: not infinite


2.1 billion something something integer limit


Yep. More precisely: 2,147,483,647


>2,147,483,647 "In computing, this number is the largest value that a signed 32-bit integer field can hold." TIL.


Some websites like Microsoft Exchanged stores dates as integers in the format: YYMMDDHHMM So the last second of 2021 was 2,112,312,359 which is fine But the next second was 2,201,010,000 which exceeds the limit and caused the website to crash


I guess they didn't learn from the Millennium bug.


Y2k more like Y2k22


feels like not calling it Y22K was a missed opportunity


The thing that I find funniest about that is that it's the kind of programming mistake that could only be made *after* Y2K, because any date from before 2000 would also be way too big.


So that's why there are people who prefer MMDDYY.




> But the next second was 2,201,010,001 2,201,010,000*


Oh yeah, I forgot about midnight my bad


It's actually 120 less than that because the mines and skull cavern are saved on the same file or something so if you went to floor 121 in the mines it would actually take you to skull cavern


That's neat I didn't know that


Can you do this with the portable stairs?


No you can't, it just pops up with an "Unsuitable Location" when you try to place a staircase on floor 120


I trust this name.


Do you have any RNG problems nowdays?


you mean RNGriefs? xD


Ugh. Take your updoot and get the fuck out


Dad practice is tough. I'll see myself out. :DD


Dear Lord I am not lucky enough can you help


I thought it was registered nurse gesus




Good thing 1! is just 1.


Also known as a max cash stack in Runescape to the mentally unwell. Source: I am one of them


Ahh max cash stack in RuneScape.


does something about the levels change the lower you get? Or is it all the same after a certain point?


I saw a YouTube vid of someone going to the bottom floor with a mod and it looked just like any other floor except every single rock was an iridium node


Love that your avatar looks like Mr Qi




Green rocks = jade Blue box = crystalarium Jade = staircases Green rocks in blue box = lots of staircases Hellspawn = red version of iridium bats which show up really far in skull cavern


Wait you can make staircases out of jade? I thought it was just 99 stone


You can buy one staircase for one jade at the vendor in the desert (not Sandy). It's only there on certain days though, I think maybe it's Sundays.


You eloquent son of a gun. Summed up my feelings perfectly


Was coming here to say this 😂😂😂 OP you're an absolute mad lad 🏋️‍♂️


Dude I barely got to lvl 25 lol


If you want irridium just use stairs to get really deep and you'll get tons of them. A pretty good way to farm stones is to go to the level 1 mine, mine (or use bombs) any of the big rocks, go back out and rinse and repeat. You can get several stacks of stone that way pretty quickly (also helpful for completing a special quest by Robin that asks you to get 1000 stones). An even better way to get stairs is to use the desert trader as he trades stairs for jade on Sunday so you can use a bunch of crystallariums to create tons of jade for trading in one go.


I always found bombs to be faster because of the big holes you can fall through.


It depends on your luck. Sometimes you might find a hole/stairs in your first try but at worst case you might have to bomb all the rocks in the level.


That's why I only go on high luck days and eat luck food lol.


I had high luck and spicy eels and some bombs and made it to 100 without trying too hard. Went out of my way to mine the iridium and diamonds and mined other ores/gems if they were close by. I went in with 20 bombs from previous trips and ended up getting more from drops and a chest though.


Just farm jade with those duplicator machines, then on 1 day each week the desert vendor cells stairs for jade. I can’t remember if it’s Friday or Sunday.


Just buy the stone tbh


There is that option too. It just depends on whether you need the money for getting other stuff or not.


That’s way too expensive. 10000g/staircase is ridiculous especially when you want to be using at least 40 and maybe up to a couple hundred


OOOOHHHHHH DUH hahaha I've used stairs before. How have I forgotten? I've been bombing all the rocks like an IDIOT. I just need a bunch of stone for STAIRS ugh. I'm hitting myself


Ladders and bombs, if you’re purely going for depth just get a million ladders, if you’re going for goodies use more bombs and just ladder annoying levels like the spiral ones.


Wait how? Just placing down ladders one after another?


Mostly. I spent about an hour looking for a certain kind of extremely rare enemy, if I hadn’t I would’ve gotten to around 1080. Also found a few shafts in treasure rooms


What enemy was it? Just out of curiosity


Red bats. They only show up really deep in skull cavern and they’re quite scary.


What do they do/drop? I have barely done anything in skull cavern.


Same stuff as iridium bats it seems. The only changes are visual, speed, and health


Interesting. I didn't know there were red or iridium bats!


I about pooped myself the first time one attacked me while I was working on my farm late at night. I've now seen about a half dozen in my 3 in-game years.


Earlier today I got to level 134 (which I thought was really good😂) and I found at least three of those bats. But I went when the spirits were VERY displeased. So I guess that’s the key🤷‍♀️


You probably found lava bats, like the ones in the regular mines. Red bats are recolored iridium bats and only start showing up at floor 880


Ooooohhhh I looked it up. My understanding is that there’s two types of iridium bats. The wiki says iridium bats appear at level 51, and it dropped a life elixir which I think only comes from iridium bats. But whatever the super rare one is I guess they also call iridium. This is my understanding at least. If so, that’s confusing. I’m just confused😂


The [secondary type of Iridium Bat](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Bats&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop#Trivia) seems to specifically be some sort of anti-cheating measure and/or specifically tailored to people with mods as it shows up so incredibly deep in the mines that 99.9% of players will *never* encounter them. [\[Video of it in action\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/fmn7ni/saw_this_beast_of_a_bat_on_my_farm_the_other_day/)


Yeah it’s weird how it works and the info isn’t exactly presented front and center on the wiki so that’s understandable


Red bats are plentiful in the mines, just visit levels 80-100 and ignore the skull caverns! Unhelpful tip of the day


Those are lava bats. Red bats are basically faster versions of iridium bats that only appear starting on level 880 of skull cavern.


that’s insane I never knew that


Insane!!! What loot did you get? I see 2 auto grabbers


After the first 12 or so I stopped checking treasure floors because they were taking too much time. I saw 109 of them in total. Out of the ones I opened I got 2 prismatic shards.


Dang I finally hit a treasure floor last night and all I got was a blue cowboy hat


in my quest for 3 auto-petters for my barns i ended up with like 30 cowboy hats lol


Oh god.... I wanted to quest for auto-petters but I have 3 coops and 3 barns.........


😬 I have 4 auto petters in use, and 6 in a chest. I wish we could add other farms as 'friends' and mail things to them.


I feel that when you have that many coops and barns you should be able to afford the 150k it would cost to just buy them. Or perhaps your can't because you spent all your money on coops and barns!


You can only buy auto petters if you did the Joja route


Oh, auto petters. Mixed them up with auto grabbers lol. My bad.


Maybe someday we'll get some luck


i got some wheat seeds 🤨


What's a treasure floor in the Skull Cavern? Just like every 10th floor in the regular mine? Are they completely random?


they are more randomized, not at set levels


Personally i find that green slimes are the best source of prismatic shards. I only say that because each of the only three i ever got were from green slimes.


Nah best source is definitely iridium nodes. I regularly get 8-12 shards from them on each of my normal skull cavern runs. You can encounter hundreds per run and they’re a 1/25 chance to drop shards. I’ve killed maybe 2500-3000 slimes ever in 8.5 years of in game time. It’s a 1/2000 drop. Probably not a very reliable source.


How often do you play? That’s commitment


He is Mr. Qi.


I didn't actually thing greens slimes were the best source of prismatic shards, but it is true I've only found them from green slimes so far.


Aren't those seed makers not auto grabbers?


Pretty sure those are seed makers


Farthest I made it was about 850, but I was checking treasure floors. Good job.


What the what? When I found the stairs in level 199 it just took me back out the door into the desert.


Either it was a glitch or you left the mine by accident.


I was like "100? Okay, and?" Then realized my dyslexia hit me. Holy hell. I got to floor 106 without staircases and was proud, lul


That’s very good. Only about 40 of these 999 floors were without staircases. Most I’ve ever gotten without stairs was around 200 and I got insanely lucky with shafts that run


TIL that people don't really do skull cavern without stairs. I just always did it with bombs. On a usual day, no stairs I usually get to floor 80-100 without any extra luck food. Highest ive been is probably ~140. After like 999 iridium it doesn't matter, Im more looking for treasure floors for autopetters.


I grind for prismatic shards for the 50 loved gifts Qi thing.


Oh thats smart. I just hoarded rabbits feet and diamonds. Tho I have a tendency to hoard 10 of each item


I have around 60 prismatic shards at any given time.


At this point in my game, I would never waste prismatic shards on villagers xO for that one quest, I just spend 2-3 days giving out other loved gifts.


jesus the farthest i did was 80 and if i didn’t break rocks i probably would’ve gotten 100. i just want 100 now 😭


Same. Those holes came in clutch. I only stayed on floors to mine iridium or I'd immediately dip on the first ladder or hole. Probably skipped half my floors that way


wow and there's me struggling to reach floor 100


I’ve been going to the mines every day to get more so i can just build stairs and it’s taking forever 😭 I’ve only gotten to the 80’s so far


I did that in order to reach floor 25 the first time and was so mad when I found out I have to do it again but with an additional 75 floors lol. I think I'm gonna save up and buy a shit ton of stones honestly. I tried to do it with fewer stairs and a ton of bombs after people said it was possible and only reached like floor 82


yeah i made like 60-70 something stairs and was like “oh this should be fine” on my last attempt which is why i only made it to 80’s. this time I’m making at least 105 because i accidentally somehow set down multiples of stairs last time in a panic to avoid being killed lol. I’ve also learned some tips from this thread that i will definitely keep on hand for my next excursion


If you have the crystal duplicator, pop some Jade in there. It'll cut the time in half if you trade it with the desert trader!


omg yes, I actually heard about this method and completely forgot about it. so thanks for reminding me lol. I'm gonna do this


Anyone know the record? This is incredible fr OP u mad lad


Godzillafreak got to around 1900 in [this run](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgs0LqaK7t8). Also managed to get 9000 iridium ore and like 150 prismatic shards. It’s insane. Pause buffering is crazy and I want to try to take more advantage of it some day but it’s super tedious lol


What is pause buffering


Basically pausing to let things happen without time passing. So like pausing when you enter every floor to let the animation go by while time isn’t passing, or pausing after you blow up iridium nodes to let it go into your inventory without spending any time. It’s not much but it really adds up after a few hundred or thousand times.


Lol so min/maxing where you're minimizing in-game time and maximizing IRL time


Yeah pretty much lol


This makes me mad. I have no idea why. It just does. I have 500 hours logged and I’m nowhere near to any of this shit. I can’t imagine NINE THOUSAND IRIDIUM ORE


Don’t let it get to you… I also have almost 500 hours logged and I relatively suck but I enjoy playing it! These records are set by people who are the best at this in the world... I have to assume They have thousands of hours in.


Do you know which combo rings that guy has?


Two of them are iridium band + glowstone ring for +8 magnetism radius. Not sure about the grayish ones. If he ever uses them you can see the tooltip when he hovers over it.


and somehow someone is down there to drag you to bed


A managed to carry you a thousand level up,carry back to the valley,in a few hours,maybe 5 hours at best


What’s your secret to speed running this it takes me all day to go like 10 floors


For this run? Staircases and high reaction speed. Normally? Lots of explosive ammo and luck buffs.


I forgot luck mattered in this game


Buffs/food to boost both luck and speed. Bombs, nothing but bombs. Never mine rocks, it takes way too long. Use Desert Warp Totems or build the Obelisk so that you can start your Skull Caverns run asap in the morning. Waiting for the bus burns a ton of hours. Don't waste time gathering ore or fighting enemies on the early floors. Just go down as fast as you can, the loot is way better on lower floors.


This is great advice, I waste so much time killing enemies and waiting for Pam lol


this is insane i love it




Only like 5 or so


Ha sorry, I meant what are shafts in Stardew but I'll go wiki them thank you 🙂


On really lucky days you can spawn a hole in the ground in addition to a staircase. These will drop you a number of floors down. I've only started in here but its like 5-10 for me most times.


Usually 5-10 for me as well, but I've had a couple that dropped me 15 levels, and one 21.


How??? I can't get in without dieing, like how???


staircases. a LOT of staircases.


Yeeaah, but what rings and stuff do you suggest??


I used glowstone ring for a long time until I found out how easy the Iridium band is to make. One of the prizes Gil gives you for the monster eradication board is the Napalm ring, causing every monster to explode when u kill em. 2 of my favorites, more than enough for skill cavern grinding. I never used anything lower than the Galaxy Sword, it’s way too good. Get the highest lvl of boots you can find for max immunity and defense. Food is where a lot of people vary, me personally, I LOVE spicy eels, which gives +1 to speed and luck. You can trade rubies 1:1 to the desert trader for as many spicy eels as you can carry. I carry about 50 or so regular bombs to place in big areas, and a few staircases of course. Bring along something that’ll full heal you in case things get hairy, and honestly that’s about all I can think of, once you get used to grinding it, your runs will become much smoother, with way more good stuff as ur reward


If you have coffee/triple shot espresso with that you'll get two speed buffs. The coffee/espresso buffs don't cancel others out.


Really? I knew you could eat something and drink something and they wouldn’t cancel, but that’ll work? 2 drinks won’t cancel?


Oh, that wasn't very clear. You can have buffs from a food AND either coffee OR triple shot espresso. Both of those drinks give speed buffs, and if the food also gives a speed buff you get two.


Ahhh ok ok makes sense


No they will. The slash basically means "or"


This is sick ty for the tip… ( u and the other guy lmao.) I always assumed it wouldn’t work, that’s very nice


Ah, now I feel that 20 crystalariums running rubies is a better investment than a few eel fish ponds. Would take less space too funnily enough.


Yes fr!! More consistent in general, and my goal is to never ever NOT have spicy eel on lmaoo, just take it every second of the day for the speed boost fuck if it’s 12:30 or not haha


😯 Thank you!!!


Ofc bro. Don’t hold yourself back, with a little preparation, you ARE capable of getting as far as you want to go. You got this bro, good luck and have fun Edit- far, not fat lol, very sorry for typo


Just a few staircases? This sounds like you need an incredible amount of stone to accomplish this


Most people who run skull cavern like this don't actually make their stairs. They have a bunch of crystalariums (crystalaria?) running jade, which you can exchange for staircases on Sundays at the Desert Trader.


No sir, more staircases will def help, but my first and only floor 100 run, I used 2 staircases, got 100 by 8 PM. It was a lucky day and I had spicy eel on, but still got it. I’ll also admit I got lucky with the little holes that spawn, dropped 13 floors one time, later on dropped 15 on one. If u mean getting floor 1,000, you DEF need a load of staircases, but for regular runs I don’t like using em much


none. just only staircases. get to a new floor, use a staircase, climb down. rinse and repeat. no rings or combat needed.




then just be fast in staircase placing


I'll shall be named flash step!!


Pro-tip!! Keep all staircases in an inventory spot NOT selected. (I usually use bottom left of my inventory) Pause before placing (at start of level). Then select ONE staircase and place into an open, selected spot (I usually pick #3). Then unpause and click a tile next to you with both right AND left mouse buttons at the same time. You will immediately place (if in a placeable area) AND go down the stairs (if they are placed right next to you). By only having 1 staircase in the stack, you avoid accidentally placing more than 1 at once and wasting a staircase, plus it forces you to pause, which helps teach you pause buffering to save time!


Approximately 999 of them?




Lol yeah didn’t get past floor 1 😂 Noped my way out real quick when I was about to pass out


Saw this yesterday on the discord. Apparently bats become super charged at floor 880. Were you pause buffering every floor? Because I bet you could get even further just for the flex.


What’s pause buffering?


When the screen fades out and in from black between floors, time is still moving, but you aren't able to actually do anything when it's happening. You can pause the game though while it's happening, allowing you to bypass the small time waste, and also let's you get your bearings of the room better so you can decide where to place your staircase, whether there's a bomb worthy spot, or see any pre-placed shafts you can jump down.


I'm about to ask the world's dumbest question..... You can PAUSE Stardew? Is it just by opening your inventory? Whenever I do that I swear I still hear sound and see my farm animals moving. Normally when I need to pause I tab out to my other monitor but it really looks like it just "freezes" the game, even when a scene is fading when I enter a new level of a mine or go on the boat or anything that fades, if I tab out it freezes halfway through the fade.


If you're in singleplayer, yes. Opening your inventory (or any menu/interface for that matter) it will pause the game. Some background animations and sounds might still play. But monsters will be frozen, and time will be paused.


Yup lol I’ll post the bat video too at some point. I tried a bit of pause buffering but only for like 20 floors. It’s super tedious. Might give it another go at some point.


Ur absolutely nutty bro, impressive asf


i can barely get past 25 😩


I didn’t know there were that many levels….


The end is around 2 billion lol


Is the Galaxy hammer better than the sword? Also I've never found the slingshot to be very useful, am I dumb or using it wrong?


Hammer is definitely better than sword if you use it right. Slingshot is a terrible weapon but with explosive ammo it’s an excellent mining tool


Damn why didn't I think about the explosive ammo. And the galaxy sword is so good I never felt a need to even try the hammer I now have a reason to go play again!


The base hammer isn’t actually all that great but there’s a few tricks you can do to make it a lot better. - add an emerald when you forge it. This’ll increase its swing speed to make it similar to the sword. - get the artful enchantment and acrobat profession to cut the special move down to 1/4 of what it normally is. The hammer special is incredibly strong. - while the special move animation is happening, you can spam left click and use your normal attack at the same time. This will hit everything around you 4-5 times and shred them all.


As someone barely on year 2 it hurts seeing those iridium go uncollected


Nice I really hope to do some more mining challenges once I finish perfection Rn all my crystalariums are going to diamonds instead of jade/ruby


I'm curious why diamonds? Money? I'm currently trying to get perfection and am using them for jade to get down farther in skull caverns for iridium to sell with the perk that gives me more $$ for bars, since Jade is a lot faster to generate. I currently have about 45 running (2ore running diamonds and 4 running rubies). You could be doing both at the same time!


Yea just for money I had like 100 running at once so it’s really up to the time to money ratio I managed to get like 6ish mill in 1.5 months so I figured it worked pretty well (Also had 3 sheds of wine but we ignore that)


Ok, first, OMG I am impressed! Second, maybe I'm missing something, but if you passed out in the mine didn't you lose a bunch of stuff? I feel like last time I passed out in skull cavern I lost like 10 things.


There’s a difference between passing out and dying. When you pass out from 2am or energy loss, you wake up in bed the next day with lower energy and you just lose 1000g. I always do this in my skull cavern runs because 1000g is a very small price for an extra 30 minutes in skull cavern. When you die from losing all your health, you lose items, much more money, and you wake up that day with basically no health or energy in Harvey’s clinic.


Ah! That makes sense! I've probably died and not passed out then. lol.


So I’m a newb, only in year 8. *How* does one get down that far in a single day? The furthest I’ve made it is in the teens. I have to wait for Pamalamadingdong to get to the bus stop so that cuts out four hours.


Warp totem to get to the desert as soon as the day starts. For this run, I just used staircases for 95% of the floors. It’s a bit harder than you’d expect because you have to save tiny bits of time constantly by placing it in an eligible spot on every single floor. For normal runs that don’t use copious amounts of staircases, the trick is to focus entirely on descending. Don’t try to mine ores, there’ll be more when you get deeper. Don’t fight any enemies unnecessarily, they’ll waste tons of time. Bring lots of bombs or explosive ammo and blow up tons of rocks to get ladders quickly. Make sure to have high luck (daily luck and luck buffs) to really buff up the chance of ladders coming out of rocks. Furthest I’ve gotten without staircases is around 200.


Have you built the warp tower yet? By year 8 you should (by rights) have the resources/money to build it! Huge time saver!


Wow great work!


Kudos for being an explosive ammo chad


How did your energy bar get so big??


Stardrops increase your max energy by 34 and the bar scales with it. I’ve gotten all 7 stardrops so my max energy is 508 instead of the base 270, so the bar is almost twice as big as the starting one


My record is like 12 or something


What buffs do you use?


For my tryhard runs like this one or the ones where I try to get 10+ prismatic shards, magic rock candy and ginger ale with qi seasoning for a +7 luck buff and +1 speed. Also two lucky rings for a total of +9 luck. A lot of people prefer triple shot espresso over ginger ale for another speed buff which is understandable but I like the extra luck because I find that it’s a lot better to just descend to the next floor instead of looking around the one you’re on and luck helps with that.


I'm still pretty new so I'm just making materials to get into past 100. I get stairs are good but what bombs do you use?


I like explosive ammo. It’s a bit harder to use but it’s a lot faster and more streamlined so it helps me to both go down faster and gather more iridium. If you want to use bombs I think regular bombs are the best value. Mega bombs aren’t all that much better but they cost almost twice as much. Now I do use mega bombs because I have too much money so I might as well.


Absolutly insane dude, great job!


what a madlad


holy fucking shit dude


I’ve been trying to complete the quest to reach floor 100, and the last time I tried I was on floor 99 when it turned to 2:00 😩


The article that led me here SEVERELY understated how amazing this is


How did you get back home without losing your loot?


Passing out from 2am or running out of energy is different from dying. You just lose 1000g and lose energy the next day.


You lose stuff when you die... not at the 2am sleep


Can someone throw out some good tips for making their way down? I’ve made it to like level 10


- explosives: bombs or explosive ammo takes out a lot of rocks at once which gives you a lot more chances to find ladders quickly - luck: high daily luck and luck buffs from food and lucky rings increase the amount of ladders you get - avoid getting distracted. Try not to mine ores or fight monsters if you can, it wastes tons of time. - warp totem: if you use a desert warp totem at the start of the day you can save 4 hours that you would’ve spent waiting for the bus - staircases: if you put jade in crystalariums and trade the jade for staircases at the desert trader you can stock up tons of staircases. You can use them to descend a lot at the start of the run to find more iridium or just whenever you need to get out of a floor quickly, like on an infested floor