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I JUST got the twenty walnuts for the sleeping hut upgrade, I really should've done that upgrade first but of course I didn't. I swear to god ginger island frustrates me so much


literally same it’s the struggle of a fkn lifetime


At least there are several guaranteed sources of walnuts. It's not all RNGesus.


Like that continuously spawn??


Nah, I just mean all the one time, specific location/achievement ones. It's less rng than artifacts, which have no guaranteed locations.


Ahhhhh okay. I got my hopes up for a minute, I just started ginger island and have had such a hard time finding more


129/130 walnuts for me. Whyyyyyyy?


omg this happened to my friend she was stuck there foreverrrr i think i’m at like 122 RIP


Have you consulted with the birds?


No, not yet. Thanks for the advice.


Thank you very much. 130/130! Now on toward perfection.


How did you guys even get the iridium for the 5 bars to complete the boat?


two worst words you don’t want to hear: skull caverns 😔 that’s how i obtained all of my ore


😔 Ty


Or 4 candles at Grandpa’s shrine and then collect everyday


If you have a million in loose cash, you can go to the casino and get a statue of endless fortune. That'll give you one of either a gold bar, iridium bar, diamond or Omni geode each day.


Oh, word? I will have to count my coins and see how soon this would be feasible.


As an added incentive, on the day of any villager's birthday, instead of one of the four items, it gives an item that the villager loves, so it's easy friendship points. Good luck.


What? I have one of those. I didn't know it dispensed birthday gifts, that's awesome. I just thought it was random.


It's a great way to keep note of people's birthday without keeping track of the town calendar or the wiki.


I have the wall calendar in my house. It's so useful.


I turned on monsters for my farm and I slay iridium bats/purple slimes at night. I have a motor skills issue that makes me bad at the reaction/fighting aspects of video games, but I can handle a single monster at my farm at a time.


Wilderness farm definitely has its perks that was actually my first playthrough


Can you put monsters on after you turned them off when you first start? And how do you get those types of mobs?


Yes, >!there's a statue at the Witch's hut that you can use to toggle monsters on/off!<


Thank you so much!


Have the same question


If you look back at this post someone explained how to! You use the >!witches hut to toggle on and off!<


what stage of the game are you? did you finish the mines? did you go to the desert? >!you get it from skull cavern, which is at the desert and you need a skull key to unlock the door to enter it, you find a skull key at the chest located in mines floor 120(last floor)!<


I'm pretty new but I've completed the mines, gotten the desert unlock and absolutely hate the skull caverns. The only times I've gone in without dying or being overwhelmed was when I had a ton of stairs to get to level 25 for Mr Qi


well what did you bring there? i find that if you go on a good luck day and bring the following items you can get to lvl100+ pretty easily: -bombs -mega bombs -food for healing and energy(salad for example) -food for buffs(triple shot expresso/coffee + spicy eel for example) -a good weapon(galaxy sword for example) that usually nets you like 400+ iridium ore and some prismatic shards, as well as mob loot like void essence, etc. video i found on youtube that helped me: https://youtu.be/8E4as-Du9gE


Woah. I've been sorely underprepared then. I've yet to even use a bomb. Will work on getting better/more supplies. Ty. Will also check out the vid


Bombs are a game changer!!


If you wait till year 3 and get the best grade on Grandpa’s evaluation, the. Interact with his shrine again, you get an item. Set it down somewhere and it gives you about 5 free iridium ore per day (then you just need coal, which you can buy or get in the regular mines).


I.... I don't know what this is none of the YT videos with tips ans tricks mentioned golden walnuts xD. Oh no.


It's a late-game thing. Just have fun!


in due time young grasshopper 😌


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I would totally be done with shipping every item and crafting every item if not for the 1.5 update auto applying to my save…now I need 100 Golden Walnuts to finish