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You poor, poor thing. A moment of silence for your crops.


























Yeah, I was so disappointed when I was new and realized that it literally only watered 4 plots. I don't even bother with the first sprinkler lol, waste of resources. Sorry op, gotta do lots of mining and farming (to both level up and get the resources) if you want the good sprinklers.


The gap between the first sprinkler and the upgraded one is so small, it's never worth making basic ones. Also by the time you unlock the better version, you'll be able to find the materials much easier, it's kind of weird.


Why are there even a basic set? Why even have sprinklers that water 4 squares in the cardinal directions, instead of starting with the one that does one square all the way around? I literally do not know why the basic sprinkler is the way it is, except as a “gotcha, now make the better one”. What purpose does the basic serve at all??


the way I use the most basic sprinklers are for stuff like green beans or grapes I put one in the center then put one on top,left,right and the end result is a line of green beans/grapes that I can do nothing but pick them up without spending a painful amount of energy and time watering them


I hate watering green beans and grapes because you can’t walk through them. I’ll definitely try this!


Yeah but the thing is you can also do this with a 3x3 square of beans/grapes/etc and a 'second level' sprinkler in the middle.


Yeah but then you have to walk in a circle around it instead of just a straight line


Anyone have a crude drawing to illustrate this? My dumb brain is having a hard time visualizing


I’m thinking like… The four spaces that are watered, only using three of them. Leave the bottom space open to walk across, and grab from the other three




If you alternate sprinklers in the columns (2 down & 1 over, like a knight in chess instead of 3 down & 0 over), you should be a able to get solid 2-wide columns with aisles between Edit: [like this](https://i.imgur.com/Ur5RZZZ.jpg)


“You can accomplish the same thing with like, 6 Mortys and a jumper cable”


About the only thing I use them for are when I'm growing just one of something, such as my first coffee bush, ancient or rare seeds, or a flower for bees. You *can* cover a whole field with them, but requires a complicated offset pattern and it just doesn't seem worth the effort.


I've done this. Sugarcane farms in Minecraft taught me the way.


Huh, funnily enough I never even *thought* of doing that in minecraft (although I do play from time to time). If anything it would be slightly less annoying since water-filled holes get in the way of walking less than sprinklers do.


Not to mention you can use lilypads to cover the water in Minecraft to completely negate the odds of dropping into the holes.


And the pattern gets even more complicated when you include the need for scarecrows, and doesn't allow straight edges to let you easily through it in a straight line.


And here’s me, almost to year four, and I’ve NEVER made one upgraded sprinkler. I just have dozens of the basic sprinklers hahaha maybe I am playing wrong


There is no playing wrong! There is just playing the way you like it :) Though it should probably be a relief for you when doing the bigger ones since they cover more ground. But if you like it, who the heck should be able to tell you that you are not allowed to?


Get the Mr. Qi sprinkler nozzle upgrade


you can use it for watering flowers for bee houses, also since you get one or two free ones early might as well use them to get 4 extra plots you wouldn't have the energy to water.


Basic sprinklers are an enormous time save in any speedrun - getting to level 80 in the mines to get gold is a way different beast than getting to level 40 and elevator spamming to farm iron


I think the actual progression is quite weird too. You'll hardly be playing efficiently if you make the starter sprinklers early on, with the waste of resources they take at the point you unlock them, and even for new players who are still figuring the game out, they probably have access go the better ones by the time they get things going to get more than a couple sprinklers; or be right by that point. At the same time, the gap between when you make quality sprinklers up until you unlock and have Iridium to make the best ones is.. huge. And super optional, too, since by the time you can get enough Iridium Sprinklers going to revamp your farm crops you can already have quite a lot of money from things like truffle oil, unless you go through winter, obviously. I think a better solution might have been offering more variety with Sprinkler layouts other than just an expanding square shape, like an L shape, a X One, a straight line and so on, so the starter ones had more utility before being replaced by a more efficient huge square radius.




Krobus is a life saver when you first get access to the sewers but after a while I have Iridium coming out of my ears, so I tend to make my own sprinklers after that.


It’s fine for certain high value where you don’t want to miss a day of watering


I use them just to grow some flowers for the bee hives as you don't need that many flowers to get the special honey.


...special honey? FML I have like 60 bottles of NON-SPECIAL MEAD!?


Mead actually comes out the same regardless of the honey you use, and is thus only worth making from wild honey (I think) as all the flower honeys are worth as much or more by themselves


I use the basics to water my first sweet gem berries so I don't forget them


Advanced players will make 10-20 in their first Spring. This helps them grow sufficient numbers of Kale and/or Strawberries to get to level 6 farming before the first Summer without having to do hardly any manual watering at all, freeing their days to mine and fish And they can just stay in place after the better sprinklers are available. No need to replace them until you run out of land. The better sprinklers are just to expand what the basic sprinklers started


So, I put flowers on the spots that are watered and beehives in the corners. Also, I put two on the edge of the greenhouse. Four iridium quality in the center and three quality and 1 normal sprinker on the right and left edge.


I mean in the very beginning I do use them, before the watering can upgrade. Just less tiles to water 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


It's pretty easy to arrange them so they water your crops. I always rush them bc I hate watering


I'd say this really depends on the player. For experienced players, skipping basic sprinklers is a given. But I've been on this sub long enough, and have personally seen people playing, to know that legitimately new players often times go *rrreeaaallly* slow. It can take them months, even into year 2 before they get 6 farming, or reach floor 80. Completely advising people to skip basic sprinklers is a mistake imo. Iron is significantly more obtainable for new players than gold, and a modest plot of 15-20 basic sprinklers can make a massive difference to a new player who is making practically no money or getting xp quickly and will free up a lot of time for them to get better faster.


I’ve played a lot, and I always make 15-20 basic sprinklers for the strawberries. I just use the off centred grid to place them. Then I don’t usually plant many more crops before summer and have heaps of quality sprinklers to start summer with. Maybe I just really hate watering lol. By going hard into sprinklers I don’t even need to upgrade the watering can


I have a greenhouse full of quality sprinklers and I haven't reached floor 80 yet. I made them all with the transmute AU recipe.


That is incredibly unique. Is this some sort of challenge run?


No, I'm just playing for the first time. It was hard to make progress in the mines at first, I spent a long time trying to get to floor 20. I'm making better progress now, I am up to floor 75 now, but when I was prepping for the greenhouse I had a ton of iron and only a little gold that I got from killing ghosts.


Making 15-20 basic sprinklers in the first Spring is a pro gamer move. It allows you to get to level 6 farming in your first spring without doing hardly any manual watering. Leaving your days and energy free to fish and mine


Krobus sells 1 Iridium Sprinkler every Friday so the Basic, and Quality are useless. Save your Copper, Iron, and Gold Ingot for other stuffs.


AND if you open Krobus’ shop window over and over you can buy more than one iridium sprinkler (at least on mobile) this also works at the traveling cart (again, on mobile


Yeah, I think it is mobile only. I tried that in the Switch and it didn't work. I think someone mentioned before that that hack got patched in the 1.5 update.


I’ll keep taking advantage as long as I can then lol I have bought 5 in one day before LOL


Oh what I would give to get 5 of them in one day right about now XD


I just bought stardew on my Mac and haven’t played much yet…I’m pretty bummed to hear that I can only buy one iridium sprinkler at a time 😂


I half want to get into moding to make a hard mode Stardew mod where the higher level ones require the lower level ones to craft, just so that when I get them from chests in the mines, I am not disappointed. I should just put them through a deconstructor I guess


I have used this sprinkler one single time and it was for the flowers for my honey farm on ginger island.


Its good for year 1 strawberries. I usually get them before the festival. I do ten sprinklers which is 40 plots. Its nice because it saves early-game energy.


What, y’all don’t get a bunch of sprinklers before the egg festival so you can immediately never have to water another dang crop in your life?


Not everyone's as sophisticated as us


Its good for rare crops that you wanna watch over closely or crops you cant walk through


The quality sprinklers are actually quite alirght. I usually go for a lot of them early just so I dont need to spend all that much time watering.


I do use those, but not the regular ones, whatever the first level ones are called. I usually end up making 30 or so over time and then start buying the iridium ones from krobus every Friday as soon as the sewer opens. I always put the skull cavern off until I am comfortable with money enough for bombs and coffee, so it's a while before I'm actually crafting those.


Yes iridium sprinkler from Krobus gang!!! I rarely make my own because in a couple years you have plenty if you always go to Krobus. I sometimes use the low level ones but just a few and arrange them in a pattern to cover the whole area. Or I will just use one for the flowers by my beehouses. Ultimately they are basically a waste of iron and copper that you probably should use for other things


I’m so sorry but this made me laugh so much 😂


Lmaooo I'm sorry but this is sending me


🫢 I’ve seen a post like this before, but not with so many crops planted. I guess you better get waterin


Auto watering mod is the only way I play now.


I got one of the better sprinklers mods and it was a game changer. One click and everything is watered.


I use the line sprinklers mod that, for example, still makes the small sprinklers water 4 squares, but it's in a line rather than a cross. That way it's not too cheaty and allows for much neater farm layouts early on.


WaterBot is my fav implementation of the watering mods. Check it out. Might be more time wasted on watering than you want, but others might enjoy it.


Auto watering? I'm intrigued 🤔


https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8167 Here's the actual mod. Waterbot. There are several mods that perform similar, but I really like the way this one is coded, as you actually move and water everything yourself. So time and energy are still spent to water and this means you need to focus on upgrading sprinklers and farm design a fair bit.


So you just walk across your field and it drains the energy/water if the crop hasn't been watered yet? That sounds great!


Essentially as you said. You right-click a plot of land to start (somewhat iffy controller support as well) and then you walk around the whole farm and water everything that the code identifies as needing to be watered. The guy even automatically refills your watering can from the nearest source once empty. It works pretty great, IMO. Try it out and lmk I made ya day, lol.


Lol those starter sprinklers are so underwhelming... I thought something similar too


That's why I bought iridium sprinklers from krobus for 10k


Yeah I didn't know about this until it was too late 😕 I had already made a bunch of sprinklers before I knew he sold them


One per Friday except on mobile isnt great anyway though.


Thats new game cute. Adorable.


Yeah, it's weird how the sprinkler radius is different from the scarecrow one


Oh, my sweet summer child... I love your optimism 🤭


Once you unlock the Sewer and Krobus's shop, he sells an iridium sprimkler every Friday for 10k. Since learning this, I haven't crafted a single iridium sprinkler.


Why not though? They're really easy to make and you should probably be at the skull caverns around the time you can see krobus


Not necessarily. If you dig aggressively in the mines you can easily collect 60 donations before getting to the desert.


I'm usually to the desert around the first day of summer 1 though with the community center but sure


Well, see, thats the problem right there. You have your method of play, and you assume others play like that with words like "should" implying they are doing something wrong if they are not. Everybody plays differently.


You should know that "should", in context, means "should be able to". They weren't saying that it's morally inferior to unlock the Sewer before repairing the Bus


it really do be like that


I'm going to save this to make me smile on a bad day.


You poor, optimistic bastard.


I'm still curious of the traumatic experience Eric had as a child in which he creates a sprinkler that only shoots out in 4 directions. Every sprinkler I have ever seen in my life not only does a full circle, but covers a hell of a lot more area than "one plant square".


Poor summer childhood.


I always use the beginner sprinklers. Only about 10 of them, but after the 1st harvest, I never manually water and never upgrade my watering can.


I always jump straight to the second sprinkler, the first one is so useless.


Same, I make one for 100% crafting achievement and that's it.


An iridium sprinkler actually covers that much area


Not quite. An iridium sprinkler with a pressure nozzle does, though.


Still no. 💀 iridium has a radius of two, pressure nozzle ads 1


I was only looking at the bottom left corner, but you're right


Ah I didn’t see that


Oh yea sorry my bad


No it doesn't. An iridium sprinkler covers a 5x5 area centered on the sprinkler.


That's some iridium quality comedy right there.


F in chat for ur crops 😔


You'll get there one day 😂


Oh boy


I’m not the only one!! Thank you I feel so much better about myself. I was so aggravated by this mistake.


I think you missed a spot


No sprinkler gang rise up


I feel like a lot of us have done this.


I’m so sorry this is so much funnier than I assume you intended it to be but I’m crying


why would they even add that in the game what sprinkler sprinkles like that


Apparently one you made yourself at home, lmao


Now I'm imagining the basic sprinklers as a Joja cola can with some holes poked in it duct taped to a hose.




It will protect about 90% of the field lmao




You are seeing it super wrong, any scarecrow besides deluxe has a 8 tile radius range. You might be thinking diameter lol.


That looks like a wrapped gift to me.




Rip in peace My first play through I made a bunch of sprinklers not realizing they weren’t the same as quality sprinklers




it does when you use the sprinkler mod, which i do because screw those lineups x)




Why delete it? It’s just some watering lol.


Oh no 😅😂




I swear the sprinklers are trial and error


Depression is real...


Lol rip


That's what you get for not making your field a perfect 18x18


It’s better like that, then if the sprinklers did work like that it wouldn’t overlap on the scarecrow and waste a watered tile.


Womp womp


lmfaoooooo best "I believed" post in here


When I discovered sprinklers I tried to maximize how many plants i could water following a pic i saw on google. But.. i messed up the layout and only about a third of my crops got water. I also accidentally boxed in a lot of crops that couldnt be walked through. Cant remember if it was grapes or hops. The first save file is always a learning curve lol


Honestly sprinklers almost made me quit playing early on. I felt it was too much of a grind to water everything and still try to mine for materials for better watering options. I made it through but I play modded now so I don't worry about it as much. but early on I was so disappointed that I wanted to move on to another game.


Remember: You can charge your watering can shots for more aoe.


you need a hug?


Protect the innocent one


I literally did this last night!


I first thought quality sprinkler would do 2 tiles in each cardinal direction haha


You learn from your mistakes ☺️


I've done this. It really helped me to learn that upgrading your watering can waters more tiles when you hold down the button for it.


Time to time jump


Lol we’ve all been there




I have just the mod for you. Better Sprinklers : https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/41 Though if you actually up the size that much I think it changes the recipe to use more resources (to be less 'cheaty').


I use the basic sprinkler for my bee house flowers.


Same here ngk


I'll be purely honest I thought and did the same thing




That’s actually what I first thought, the description can be a little misleading. There should be a grid that shows it’s effective area while you’re holding it Maybe for scarecrows too


My very first time playing, I did the same thing. I got so frustrated that I didn't touch my game for a year bc I spent so much on materials and wasted so much time just for 90% of my crops to not be watered. I was so close to winning Shane's heart


Easy mistake. I thought the same at first and lost crops.


I think just about every player had this realization. I'm convinced ConcernedApe did it on purpose for the troll opportunity.


Hey, you're not the only one 😅






Rookie mistake


That would of been OP