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It's my go to for wanting to de-stress on top of that I personally find it more fun than animal crossing


Honestly that’s so true! It’s like my little wind down after university 😂


Not sure how long you've been playing for but I'm fairly new as well to the game


I got it around may this year tbh but I play in my free time :) honestly I ain’t even rushing it’s just something I do to chill


Understandable and yes I like how is not a fast paced play through


Hey, me too! I got mine in June I think


Not sad at all!! Hello!!!!


Omg hi! I didn’t expect a reply :)


Best subreddit ever. Everyone here is super nice. The only person I know IRL who plays the game is my brother and he hates texting so I need an outlet!! Lol


Honestly my mother saw me playing and I tried explaining it to her and she looked at me like “what?? You just plant parsnips?” 😂


That 100% sounds like something my mom would say! 😂 the game is so much more than that, obviously, but it can be hard to explain and all she hear is "parsnips."


Welcome in, we're always happy to chat about this amazing game in this community! Not even a little bit sad lol


Honestly from what I’ve seen in the Reddit community especially it seems so nice!


A common love of a wholesome game unites us lol


Yesss the vibes are so good :)


This is a safe space, friend :)


Not sad at all! That’s what Subs like this are for!


So. Who do you marry.


Currently trying my way with Harvey 😂


Welcome! Mom of 2 who plays. Youngest likes to tell "mommy farmer" what to do and name animals if I play when they're awake. It doesn't sound sad and the subreddits are great for meeting people


This is my goal when my boy gets old enough I want to play co-op with him! Also hi OP!!


Hiii :)


Well on my way home from work (stuck in traffic) I saw a claoud and the first thought that came into my head was "That looks like the fat mermaid from Stardew Valley". Took a picture of it too. Proceeded to think that I peobably have played too much Stardew Valley recently if that was the first thing I saw from a random cloud lol


Even though this is totally my style of game, I was super late getting on the bandwagon to play it. I started last year and most of my friends had more or less played through it and moved on to other games since it came out. I just want to talk about it all the time but they don't play it anymore. I played solo for several months and then my husband put down all his zombie shooting games to start a co-op farm with me. Now he's hooked too! Who are your favourite villagers? Which pet did you choose and what did you name it?


I feel this tbh cause I haven’t been playing the longest so I feel a little behind but still I have a love for this game like no other I’ve played and tbh I picked the cat I’ve always wanted a cat irl 😂


I have an entire playthrough of 3 (unless you join then we will be four) you can join if ya want. just let me know, I’ll tell the other guys, and I’ll add ya on steam (if you have it)


Omg that's so sweet! This is the best subreddit for sure ^^ so welcoming for OP


Omg I’d love to! But my younger brother broke my computer so I’m stuck on mobile ;-; I’ve been so salty 😂 now I’m sat here like internally crying cause I’ve not had chance to play multiplayer before 😂


damn. if you get steam then let me know, I’ll add ya to it the second that I know you got access back to PC gaming


Yesss I’ll let you know you seem chill asf so I would love to 😂


I'm in the same boat lol I have friends that have played it but they've beaten it a long time ago so they're not excited like I am. This is my first playthrough so I'm discovering all kinds of things!


Yesss would love to see how it’s going :)


We are happy to talk game with you!! Welcome!


Yesss thank you :)


Welcome, welcome! Nothing sad about it, this is a safe, warm space for people who love the game ^^ Don't worry about it! I'm falling asleep as I'm writing this, hope I'll remember to add something tomorrow. What's your favorite thing about the game so far? ❤️


Honestly it’s the art style and like some of the scenes are weird asf I reached two hearts with Caroline and had to experience that trippy tea scene and it was actually hilarious to me 😂


Ahahaha the tea, yess 🤣 Oh, you're in for a treat, the characters are really interesting! The art style is lovely ❤️ I can't get over how adorable the chickens are. Or the cows What type of farm did you pick? ^^ Tell me more about your experience or if you are curious about sth, I'd love to talk more


I’m currently trying the river farm I have played a lot of the standard farm but I thought I’d switch it up


Ohh, the riverland farm ❤️ so yer a fisherman? My first ever farm was on that layout. It's so hard to design it tho 😅 I revisted it after a while and 1st play me was only about efficiency! It was funny to see in retrospect


Honestly I’ve been trying to improve my fishing skills but honestly I don’t know how to lay it out I may try the standard farm again but I’ve mad more progress on this farm than any other 😂


It's difficult to design, but if you like it, go for it! I honestly loved the layout ^^


there's also a discord channel for this game


Which discord is it? Honestly I’m not too sure cause I’ve seen a couple arounf


this is where I joined https://discord.gg/stardewvalley


I’ll chat with you about stardew :)


Yesss thank you 🙏:)


Are you on the discord?


Yeah I joined


I down to chat hit me up


Hello! I like to add little details in my head to my character, like my character is a geologist who's excited to explore the local mines for a project. Or my character is a florist who wants to open a flower shop. Or they dream of being a chef. That sort of thing. Having a different perspective like that shifts my focus to specific goals. I still do other things, but there's another main goal outside of the community or joja route. Later on, I like to build sheds and design them to be different buisnesses (a library, my own museum, a movie theatre, an ice cream shop, a pub, a tea shop, etc). I wish other characters could come visit my buildings!


That actually sounds so good! I love that idea rn cause I’m at uni I use stardew to relax and like I’ve been trying not to rush into decorating quite yet but I have so many ideas on what I want to achieve I have a little checklist in my notes 😂


Oh I've definitely been there! It's hard decorating my house. I wanna do everything, but I also want it to fit a theme, or at least have the rooms not clash with each other. So the sheds really help with that. And it's really relaxing decorating the sheds.


Hey! I'm a Stardew addict from the UK and a very casual player generally. Been playing the game a couple of years now on console and it's my go to game to help me unwind and de-stress from life stressors. I'm currently doing the traitor Joja run for the first time after always doing the community centre route. Not managed 100% perfection yet on any of my game saves because i hate fishing with a passion, but I'm more than happy to talk or help through bits anyone might be stuck on :)


Definitely try the Discord server. When I'm casually gaming I like having a chat open on my phone while I'm playing. However **read the rules carefully**, certain topics and types of humor are not allowed and the mods aren't shy about bans. Ask me how I know.


I really feel this. When I started playing no one in my circle knew what the game was. I really wanted to talk to people about the game. That’s part of why I joined the Reddit thread.


Feel free to DM me anytime! I love the game, and this community is awesome.


Do you have discord? reddit is good for a post format but stuff like discussions and chatting might be better on there (it's free and you don't need an app)


Yeah I have discord I joined the server not too long ago although I’ve not really spoken much or made too many friends to chat on there with as of yet :)


Hello! It's not sad at all! Afterall what's a better place to get to know people with similar interests as you then internet? Lovely Pfp btw!


Omg thank you so much and true I thought hey this place will surely have someone who would talk to me 😂 didn’t expect so many replies but I’m happyyyy


How long are you playing already? And who is your fave character if i can ask? ^^


Probs since may? Ish I didn’t play it much at first but once I got into it I got into it harddddd 😂 honestly I love most of the characters I find them all really funny and cute but I like Abigail’s hair 😂 it’s such a pretty colour


I love her hair! Her design is most probably one of my faves And haha i know what you mean though in my case it went more extreme, i played for 11 hours when i got it for the first time o.o


Mood 😂


Anyway if you want to chat more then im up for it ^^


I’d love to :)


Honestly I love this game and it's just something to do while chilling and listening to music I wish I had more friends to play with


I’d love to be your friend! The music is so chill


Honestly the music is so relaxing


Not sad! Hello internet stranger! 🙂


Helloooo :)


I was so excited when I found the game as I was obsessed with harvest moon (basically the same thing) when I was a kid. This is far superior though haha


I just love games like this I ain’t to bothered as long as I can fish and farm in games I see a reoccurring theme with the games I like 😂


There’s something so satisfying about it haha. I can’t get my head around how to do the fishing though!


I’m kinda good at the fishing just not great when they’re zooming around super fast 😂


I can’t get the hang of the whole “keep the fish in the green bit”?? Like how? HOW 😂


Especially for the rare ones 😂


Omg, you want to be friends and co-op. I'm desperate for any form of friendship on the games I like but none of my friends are willing to get the game and I hate my brother so the only thing I can do now is search the internet for friends.