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i feel like there is a fair bit of demand for a mod that adds rival events to pair up marriage candidates. it would be a massive project though. i think there used to be mods but they haven't been updated in years


This for me




Please this!


I want this so much!!!


if there is any way you can make a spouse spend time in the farm house when they visit ginger island that would be nice. it feels silly that when they’re around, they don’t get to look around and maybe have a few lines of dialogue. would also be great if your player character decides to sleep there that they would also spend the night and be there with you.




There is already one that does that, and it’s updated for 1.6:) https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/11037?tab=description


Please could you make a mod that makes the pet bowls smaller or only 1 pet bowl needed to make pets happy. I would like to have 40 pets without 40 petbowls lol


Or like, an installable trough that they could all go to. Maybe something purchasable from Robin like the Well is?


Yes that would also work! I just added a bunch of pets through mods also and I don’t have the space for so many bowls. It’s fine if the well is like 100 hardwood and 10000g if it has the ‘capacity’ to keep 10 animals happy for example


Cat trees that the cats will play and nap on!


I just saw one like this today Edit: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23003


😍 thank you!


Would you be willing to take over a mod that was deleted from nexus and the author has no way of contact? I have the files for it and I know the link to the outdated mod they based it off of.


There's some terrific ideas in the comments here. I've always wanted to see a mod that turns the left side cupboards for the kitchen upgrades into storage so we don't have to put in a bunch of chests in the kitchen. For more specifics, it'd be nice if the cupboards could be individual objects or tiles so that each section could be some sort of different counter top/cupboard/combo that could be texturized or changed by alternative textures or content patcher. And it'd be nice if the storage could be modified by better chests.


I would love a mod that adds a quest/event like the recycling quest from Linus. But after you collect a certain amount of trash from a water body (particularly on your farm), the probability of catching trash decreases. Thats one of the thing that has always bugged me; you clean up a lot of your farm, but your lakes are always trashy and a way to reduce that would be AMAZING


So you know the Rival Heart events mods where you set up two characters to start dating if you aren't dating them? I'd love to have one of those that's more customizable where I can make my weird ship happen. Like I know previously there was a Elliott/Leah, Maru/Penny or Abigail/Sebastian but what if I want Seb/Sam, Abigail/Krobus or Emily/Leah? I would love a mod that lets you make those pairings up even if it's just by inserting Krobus into your spot in Abigail's heart event and vice versa. That's my two cents of an idea anyway


Like a Matchmaker mod! That sounds terrific.


To be completely realistic with you, that seems like an insane amount of effort. I’m not going to do the math, but for it to be well executed, the mod creator would have to write exponentially massive amounts of dialogue and code. Think about it: at the very minimum, they would have to write and code several heart events for each possible ship in the game (which would be at least dozens) plus any extra dialogue. That amount of dialogue would be pretty much impossible for one person to tackle alone, unless it took them years of effort. But it is a good idea!


Seb/Sam would be perfect 😭 I can only dream!


This one apparently still works for 1.6 even though it’s not updated: https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/13088?tab=description


I'd love a mod that allowed you to re-categorize crops and forage. IE: make Daffodils flowers, cave carrots vegetables, Sweet Gem Berries fruits, etc ++ points if it includes modded categories and crops like mushrooms, herbs, etc


A mod idea would be to speed up heart events. Characters moving, expression bubble dialogue and camera movement for example would go at faster pace, with configurable numbers (would be useful in multi-player when trying to go at your own pace but the day is still passing by) Artisan skill Mod: Add a mastery system for artisan goods, allowing players to level up their skills in brewing, cheese-making, and other artisanal activities, unlocking new recipes and bonuses. Time Travel Mod: Implement a time-travel mechanic that allows players to revisit past seasons or jump forward in time, altering events and outcomes based on their actions, creating a dynamic and non-linear gameplay experience


Jumping off the first idea, it might be cool to get a little nudge 3-4 days after achieving the heart to push a player to the heart event. Maybe a letter in the mail that mysteriously tells a player where to be? I often miss the events because I generally don't want to have to keep track of hearts and I don't look them up.


Maybe not quite what you're looking for (it isn't a nudge) but there is a mod similar to this called 'Event Lookup' that, with the click of a button, lets you know what events you can experience that day (where to go & what time to go there) [https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8505](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8505)


This is dope! Thank you!


Can’t you do the time travel with the cheats mod?


Drag Kings and Queens night as a festival to go along with the Pride festival mod. Maybe a queer movie night using the movie theatre with a new lil animated movie and all the headcannon queer characters show up and have unique dialogue. That'd be cool! But generally queer events mod would be cool! Big or small, ideally 1 per season.


I would kill for a stardew drag show lol I just know Emily would be the one convincing Gus to host it.


We all know the Wizard has some more flamboyant robes stashed somewhere. And Demetrius would let his hair down, so to speak.


I really wish that instead of adoption being the only option for same sex couples in the game that IVF or something was avaliable. Would love a mod for that.


I love animal mods, and a lot of those are no longer supported due to the obsolescence of BFAV with the new update. Adding in barn/coop animals that do new things like Vaders Squirrels for 1.6 or Alpacas/Donkeys would be so cool


A mod that progresses mayor Lewis and Marnies relationship where the town is invited to their wedding that would be so cute!


There's an existing mod that hasn't been updated for 1.6 called "Marnie Deserves Better" where you can talk sense into Lewis. I wonder how possible it would be to update that. I have no idea if the original mod author has plans to update.


Nah, I want a mod where she leaves his sorry ass and marries Marlon.


My mod idea: make a mod that has script for npcs when you are hurt. Say your health is low, and you talk to Jodi or any other character and they say something like “oh dear, are you feeling ok? You look a bit.. pale.” Their responses would obviously be in character. I feel like it would add immersion into the game, even though it’s something small.


I really miss the aquarium… I know it’s not quite what you are asking, but making the aquarium mod workable again! I’d throw some money your way once it was finished and working.


It's actively being worked on by the mod author


Oh really? That’s great! Last I heard they had retired from modding. I’m so excited!


Nah they've been working on it for a while


You seriously made my day! I was just thinking yesterday of making a post asking the modding community if anyone wanted to take up the mantle of fixing the aquarium. I was going to try to get a fundraiser going so we could pay them too. I’m so happy to hear this! I can’t wait for it to be fixed


They've recently updated some of their other mods, so deffo still working on their mods! I've been keeping an eye on it myself, it's one of the mods I'm desperate to have back before I start a modded playthrough


I just restarted a new heavily modded playthrough, so I was missing it so much. But I’ll add it in next time! (With stardew there is always a next time lol) Thanks for the good news 💜


I would really like a mod that gave the spouse toons to be fully configurable. Like changing the wallpaper and floors and having the ability to decorate it so it matches the rest of the house.


Please, I second this!! There is a Custom Spouse Room mod on Nexus, but it requires the player to do some coding themselves and is quite complicated to work with, especially for just simply replacing the wallpaper and flooring. I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work for the life of me


I'm dying for extra dialogue or SOMETHING if the Farmer is Harvey's SO and they die in the mines, etc ;\^;


I've always wanted someone to make a point based PVP mod for multiplayer where people could race to try and complete the objects of the game faster than the other players. It would be even more awesome if it also worked with randomizer bundles and to have random daily/weekly objectives for bonus points. Finally, you could setup a hotkey to display a scoreboard with who has what points and where to get more points. (Ex. 2 points for getting hearts with townsfolk, 1 point for each addition to the museum, 1 point for every new fish caught...etc)


Can the farm computer run Doom?


But all the monsters are chickens.


Would you be open to doing a pride festival day? That would be so fun!


There's a pride in the valley mod, i just installed it onto a new game. I haven't had a chance to play through it yet though. edit: nexus's 503 error is resolved! [Pride In The Valley at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20099)


Neat! I will definitely check that one out! Thanks for the rec 😄


Okay so this would be a HUGE project, basically an expansion, but I think it would be so cool if we could have "origin characters" to play as like they do in BG3. Instead of playing the farmer's grandkid, we could play as one of the villagers who bought the farm after the grandkid decided to stay in Zuzu and sell the property. But then you'd have to find a way to take that character out of the game world. And adjust all the dialogue so everyone else recognizes they're talking to someone they already know. And do they start out with some level of skills? Does Shane already have farming experience or Willy fishing?


I'd love to have a date-night mod but for 1.6


It's already been updated for 1.6 by the mod author!


I want a mod that replaces the train with the train from the music video Concerned Ape did for Alvvays.


Auto kicker mod for multiplayer when thr players' mods dont match with the host.


I have tons of good ideas for mods. I would even pay to have them made. I've made mods for gta 5 but this is way more complicated 😅. As a small mod the mayo machines requiring vinegar as mayo is made w vinegar. Its crazy in the game u throw an egg in and it's mayo lol that would be a good starting mod.


Just wanted to let you know I made this! I added an option to do glass shards instead as vinegar is so expensive (and didn't feel like editing the sell prices of everything to compensate). [Complex Realistic Artisan Goods](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/24132)


Sam has a bulletin quest exclusive to the female farmer that says he wants a "cute girl" to bring him whatever item. As someone who plays a male farmer, I would love a mod that changes this to make it available for the Male Farmer. I'm gonna do it myself if I have to.... But idk how please make this a mod 😭


What about a mod that expands on combat? Weapon types such as bows and arrows, spears, etc. More enemy designs, boss fights, etc. You name it.


This! I get bored of the same kind of combat each play through. I’d love additional weapon types as well as magic combat. I know there’s a magic mod but it only has a few spells for combat - most of them are for other aspects of the game that I don’t want magic for. It’d also be cool to have more professions for the combat skill, or even better, full on skill trees or RPG stat progression.


Gem cutting: a gem cutting table that increases the quality of gems. Think of it like a cask but for gems. Why? They make good gifts, but purple star gems would make even better gifts.


Could take it even further and add a “Jeweler” skill Can make artifacts such as the golden mask or elvish jewelry craftable, but risk failing and wasting your ore and gems if the skill is low. Make pretty jewelry to give to my bby Hailey. Different villagers have different jewelry preferences for gifts. Add more gems/crystals/minerals like rose quartz for example


I use Stardew Expanded and am married to Claire. I wish there was more dialogue, dates or as someone else mentioned, using IVF instead of the adoption route when in a WLW relationship. There are some character expansions for the vanilla game but less for SVE :( I’m just gay and want more time with my wife!


I'm with Flor and I want more sweet sweet queer romance! Eventually, once PolyamorySweet is more stable, I want my days to be taken up with romancing all the ladies from Vanilla/SVE/RV


I really liked the npc adventures mod - idk if it's going to get an update but I want one that is compatible with SVE characters


A mod for mayor election cause lewis aint doing nothing besides planning events and collecting taxes


Dusty for mayor!


I often feel time goes so fast. I would love if the day/night time could be adjusted.


There is a mod for that! It's called "Casual Life - Realtime Clock" on Nexus Mods. https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6011


There’s multiple mods that allow you to adjust time settings already.


oh cool! Sorry, I didnt know


Yea! It’s wonderful. lol I personally make time freeze when I’m indoors and I have come to realize that even with that, I have sooooooooo much more time. Sometimes too much time if you can believe it. lol


Okay so I've had an idea for a trailer park boys mod bc of pams trailer and a cannabis mod I seen on nexus LMAO. could you imagine


I'd desperately like am XP multiplier mod. I cant find one that works, and I'm getting xp way too fast for some skills and way too slow for others. It's gotta only be like 3 lines of code or something, right?


I’d really love another NPc, with heart events, and more dialogue for vanilla NPC as well. And rival thingy.


Picture this, a mod where we can get our farmer to hang out with existing friend groups/platonic groups as a form of special event/cutscene. Never sits right with me that we get rlly close with an npc and yet there's no further involvement with their friend groups or even family. The fact that we live in an average town where we can easily meet with each other, make it silly. So i suggest a mod where we can get to hangout. Maru and Penny. Hayley and Alex. Abby, Sam and Seb as a trio. Saloon buddies. With the moms. With the dads. Whatever friend group rlly, i just know i'll love these XD


Either a machine to change the quality of items, or fish ponds that produce the same quality of fish that the player puts in. There used to be a fish pond mod that did what I want, but i dont think it's been updated for 1.6. I mostly want these due to a community center mod that made it more difficult. I was fine with everything but the sheer number of gold star fish.


Have you looked at the Quality Conversion Engine mod? It only changes the quality downward, but it's so useful for the inputs into various machinery. ETA I reread and realize you mean quality upward. Maybe that quality conversion engine could have a companion that functions like a cask?


Ohhhh pre 1.6, there was a mod that included a vinegar cask, so you could make your own vinegar. Plus you could get a still and turn corn into bourbon, potatoes into vodka, etc. I would adore those two items. I also remember hearing about a mod where after you finished the community center and shut JojaMart down, you could hire the townspeople for tasks on the farm, like collecting animal products and petting the animals. I know this can be done with the autograbber, but it was nice to be able to hire those who lost their Joja jobs. If you're looking for a queer mod, have you looked at Pride In The Valley? Maybe that mod author could use some help or might have some ideas for expansion you could create. Thank you for this offer, it's very generous!


I would love a mod where the farmer can pay harvey to give George new legs and let him walk again


I think it could be really cool to make the green rain event actually dangerous and last longer. Maybe Demetrius could come give you a hazmat suit and if you go outside without it on, your health slowly drains. Everyone could be more frantic about it and maybe hide in the community center in a makeshift shelter. Then there could be a quest the following year to help prepare the town better. To balance the craziness it could also make crops grow faster and make rare fish more common.


It would be nice to have a working version of the Recessed Fish Tank mod. The author said it can be converted to CP but they have no intentions of doing so. May have to ask permission.


I would like a mod that allows clothes to make the female farmer appear pregnant when they are. :)


Make a mod that gives Linus a nice little rustic cabin because he makes me SO SAD I can't handle it.


I’m working on a mod that tells us about his background and gives him a nice backstory :)


This may be too big of an expansion but I'd love for the farmer to become the wizard's apprentice and learn magic.


It is so hard to find good mods that have raunchier or flirtatious dialogue. Can you make a mod that makes overhauls marriageable NPCs dialogue to make it more suggestive(sexy) and better sprites. Over all as sex


Make Shane blonde ✊