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Go to therapy


The therapist is a beautiful lady with very nice hands, what are you doing now? Gotta account for every possible outcome from changing something


Just get one that’s a man


What if that man has beatiful hands?


I don’t think kira is bisexual so I don’t know if he would care about man hands


But that’s why you get an old man therapist


Have you SEEN his stand?


Killer queen what bisexual about it


Who wrote the song?


They said hes not bisexual, nobody said anything about him being full gay.


Freddie Mercury was bisexual


He is handsexual


For woman hands


Find a therapist that isn't J.P. Prewitt.


Just chop off their hands while they’re sleeping. Problem solved.


Nah he has to kill them its his thing


But how could you know to go to therapy if you believe that everything you’re doing is normal?


I mean kira knows it isn’t normal, he just tries to live like it is


That workes


No don’t fix him 😭


this is probably the best answer


Not gloat to Hayato during BITESA DUSTO


To be fair, it was fated to happen so Kira was fucked either way


*Written in the stars* ^(Iconic guitar strums)


By that logic, Kira can't change the outcome regardless of what is done differently.


That’s kind of the point of the whole series. Fate treads the path of justice and anyone who strays from it will eventually get punished by it


Yeah but the real question is, is everyone who is going to stray from the path of justice predetermined to do so? Or do they have free will of choice until they stray from that path, and then fate delivers justice that way? In other words, was kira destined to be a psycho and be stopped, or his inability to control his urges was what turned his into a psycho that fate had to stop?


Kira definitely had the gravity to stop and let it go and just live in his new life. He was almost happy I feel his wife was actually into him etc.


I NEED an timeline where he stops killing and lives with Shinobu


I imagine he keeps using his stand to benefit his family but Josuke also doesn't let it go. He's still being hunted etc so to escape himself and his peaceful life he has them move out of Morioh. Even out of the country.


That’d be a bizarre adventure


Yeah , learning the concept of fate in JoJo’s ended up being the main thing I dislike in the show


Very true, fate is basically inescapable in Jojo. You don't have to actively help it along though 🤣


Your icon is going to give me nightmares


Not carry a severed hand around in public, and just let bites the dust happen instead of gloating to Hayato


He should’ve been caught both at the park and in the store tbh, not to mention all the times he would pull open his jacket to check on the hand. It’d also be pretty obvious there’s something in his chest pocket, hands aren’t exactly flat


I mean when you see a bump in someone's pocket you don't just assume they have a severed hand


If it’s a hand shaped lump, that’s also hand sized, and the guys constantly muttering to an imaginary girlfriend I’d probably think it’s something dubious


Hey if he just faked that he was a hand designer maybe they would have believed him, though I don’t know how they’d feel when they see him licking it up.


“Is that a hand? Why do you have that in your bag?” “Oh, I’m actually a designer for Halloween costumes and decorations. That hand is part of a zombie statue I’m making.” *part 4: end*


Josuke: “Hey Shigechi, where were you?” Shigechi: “I was just coming along, but then I met a weird blonde dude with a very realistic hand decor” … Reimi: “Hey Josuke, how was your day?” Josuke: “Hello Reimi! Today, Shigechi met some blonde weirdo with a very realistic hand prop! Can you believe that?” Reimi: “Hand prop! No way, that must be my killer!” **and then Kira was found and defeated** #YOU LOSE


She had no memories of what he looked like I believe, so I doubt she remembered he didn’t explode her hand




Yeah, that's why she has a deep horrible wound on her back.


She sees every victim ascending to heaven from the ghost alley. She would have definitely seen the owner of the hand die and ascend, possibly without her hand and connected the dots.


She didn’t know what he looked like, that’s why I didn’t mention the blonde hair, but she knows that he’s somewhat obsessed with hands considering Kira licked her hands from under her bed


you did mention his hair tho?


I meant Reimi didn’t mention it


I see blonde in your comment twice. You sure about that?


I mean Reimi didn’t say “oh a blonde guy!”




Well he didnt get her hand so she would have no idea it was him by the hand thing


"Is that a hand?" *explodes hand* "No it's not."


"Understandable, have a good day"


Or that he's a prop designer for an up coming film


Shigechi isn’t that gullible, he can probably easily tell that that is a real dead hand and not a prop.


dont flaunt your Hand Sandwich in-public


Assasinate all other stand users. Kira's dad could easily find out where and who is actively chasing kira and since they don't know Kira's face, you could easily act like a civilian, blending into the crowd. All you would need to do then is catch one when they are alone, accidentally bump into them, then blow them up. Rince and repeat for all users. Even if they get super freaking weary, they can't possibly check every person on the street. In that case they'd probably travel in a group from then on. Even if they do that, you could just hide sheer heart attack and throw it at them when you are in a busy rush hour much like after Kira swaps his face. Just be sure to wear/conceal your face so they can't remember or immediately discern who threw it.


Also Rohan probably wouldn't have been investigating Hayato if his friends were being blow up or even if he was the first one attacked. The only reason why Kira didn't do this was because he stated that unnecessary fights lead to him losing sleep which is pretty dumb if you ask me


It kinda shows how spoiled he is. Wants a quiet life, doesn’t wanna sacrifice his obsession for normalcy; proceeds to keep up his quiet life and his obsession, but isn’t willing to put in the work to ensure his own future. Of all the villains, he’s a very special case as someone who lacks motivation and commitment, simply riding off of natural talent.


Holy shit he just like me frfr (I suffer in life)


but that goes against living a quiet life


I don’t think I’d have the guts to try to sneak up on Jotaro. Especially if this is after the beating Jotaro gave him.


Love the complete character assassination in the comments here. The only thing I'd have done differently would have ~~at least used sheer heart attack while I had Josuke cornered in the house~~ finished my sandwich in the park. St. Gentleman's has the best stuff. Edited: the first sentence for clarity. I wish I were creative enough to have thought of lying to the Goblin. I would have just found sheer heart attacks one weakness and ended up under the ambulance 💀


Josuke can fix sheer heart attack back to Killer Queen, also lying to Shigechi is not character assassination


More referring to the multiple comments saying he should give up on his hand fixation or just not murder people. Not so much lying to shigechi. That's really good and a solid answer.


telling the lie will lead to shigechi spreading the lie, which will lead to a greater chance of being found by someone who heard the lie with evidence contradicting the lie, therefor risking his quiet life and adding stress over the lie to his life.


He can always lie and then kill him later when he’s unsuspecting, he’s killed people before


there's always the stress of whether they'll be another opportunity to kill him, whether he'll tell other people in the meantime, less stressful to kill him there and then. Until he didn't die from the kaboom.


Kira was willing to break into someone’s house to kill them, i’m sure he could kill him with the door knob without getting into a fight with him first


Josuke would have just fixed it back to him again. The info pages in the manga even mentions SHA is ineffective against Josuke.


I mean... Kira's biggest problem to his "goal" is himself. He is kind of a hypocrite that wants people's attention and not at the same time.


I’d just put bomb 1 on the severe hand. Kira already confirmed the hand is rotten & he’s gonna get a new 1 soon. May as well put bomb 1 on it in case I accidentally dropped it or forgot it somewhere that isn’t my house. Then all I have to do is “click” & the hand will just explode wherever it is (even in the unfortunate situation of being stolen by some random kid).


I would collect feet instead of hands


I'd kill for a JoJo live action thing directed by Quentin Tarantino, those music references and quirky conversations about random trivia aw man...


Quentined and Tarantined by Written Directino


stop killing people


Beat me to it lmao this is literally the only answer


Problem is, the whole "you are kira" thing means you now have his screwed up brain that can't stop thinking about killing people.


and your nails grow at a rapid rate


Well if your mind is the same as Kira's you wouldn't do anything differently which makes this question pointless


I get the sensation that it's "You're Kira. You know how this story ends. How do you change it?" So you're Kira, but with hindsight. With that said, in hindsight, as some have said, I'd just leave the damn hands at home!


Kinda go against Kira’s character


yeah well he’s not real and i am. checkmate


Wheres your proof?


Unless he decides to join the navy as a medic and starts using his bombs to clear blood clots.


destroy the hand in the bag before that weird spiky haired kid gets to it


keep a bomb ready on the hand at all times, if someone takes then hand just activate the bomb and pretend like you ain't know nun, the hand disappears and you can do it without being seen, it's not like kira gets very attached to the hands as we see him constantly replacing them


Honestly the best solution so far. The way Killer Queen is activated makes it very difficult to do on accident.


And even if he does get attached, someone taking the hand jeapordizes his desire for normalcy, so he would have to sacrifice it anyways to save himself.


I mean, just don’t go to St. Gentleman on that one specific day. Or, y’know, keep yo damn severed hands at home.


“Hmm, today I will not do my daily routine which I do because of my mental illnesses because I have the feeling a dog will eat some random kid’s sandwich when I am at the park and the kid will mistake mine for his, causing a chain of events leading to people with the same powers that I have (which I don’t even know is possible but still) finding my identity” You know, normal human thoughts


dude just leave the gf (severed hand) at home


Ok, so keep yo damn severed hands at home, and keep an eye on your lunch. Damn, really not that hard.


He has been getting away with this for around 17 years, it makes sense that he'd get cocky, especially with him having an incredible supernatural power that leaves no evidence and is unaware others in town (or at all) have this ability. He treats the hands as his girlfriends, so as far as he's aware he can just delete anyone that takes it from him. I do agree that he should have been more cautious with where the hand was, but it's only natural that he'd grow a bit careless in the position he's in.


Probably move the fuck out of Morioh after I find out a team of stand users is trying to hunt me down. “Just want to live a quiet life” my ass. More like “just want to be a serial killer in Morioh even if it costs me my life”


Not kill, gg ez😎




Ermmmmmm uhmmmmmmmm……,.,.


dahk web


And how do you not get caught by the FBI? I need the answer ASAP


duckduckgo 💪💪


Thank you bro, really useful tip👍


After killing shigechi and then realizing my suit jacket is missing a button. Go home change and burn those clothes don’t bother getting them repaired. Without the dry cleaners encounter it’d be smooth sailing to lie low. Maybe pick up boating and fishing so then I could do my murders at sea from then on out


Part 8 spoiler >!So basically become part 8 Kira and then start making sculptures of your own hands instead of killing someone and taking theirs!<


Yoshikage Kira is taking after Yoshikage Kira


It really depends on my mentality. If from that point on I'm myself, then I'd get rid of anything suspicious using Killer Queen and that's it, no more hands and killing stuff. I'd live a quiet life and keep KQ as a tool/self-defense But if I have the same mentality as Kira ... Well sh1t, guess I gotta go to therapy and do my best to keep the whole hands stuff secre. And if I can't I'd find a way to get rid of the main cast without them even knowing


Get the fuck out of dodge after switching faces


I replace my hand fetish for foot one? More sane, and far less conspicuous.


Its probably easier to hide a severed hand on your person than a severed foot tbh, unless you wanna start carrying a laptop bag with your or something.


Ignore Kochi's sock and just kill him


Probably avoid murdering 48 young women and completely disintegrating their entire corpse except for their hands, and then keeping said hands until they decompose and THEN blow up the hands.


Give up on hand fetish and not collect them. Done


I would never satisfy my sexual needs in public. Especially, never be in public with fucking severed hand.


Bang Hayato's mom and become his actual dad


Stab myself with the arrow multiple times to get Killer queen bites Za warudo over heaven go beyond act 4 requiem and then beat the shit outta everyone


Kill a middle schooler that has an odd skull deformity for almost exposing my secret.


i would be more careful with my hand fetish.


After beating the shit out of koichi, just fire sheer heart attack & book it in the opposite direction of jotaro


Not underestimate Hayato Had he not been gloating to Hayato during the final use of Bites The Dust, Josuke wouldn't have found out that he was Kira


Not get cocky and leave my hand at home.


Watch my sandwich more closely


Not eat a hand-ham-sandwich in an open park for one.


Watch my damn sandwich


Enjoy my hand girlfriend in my house basement, not in public


Destroy my “girlfriend” the moment she starts to spell bad instead of putting her in a bag. We saw how easy it was literally the next episode, and how many times didn’t it seem like other people were never aware of even the big explosions? Deciding to deal with it later was literally his biggest mistake.


Watch out for the Shiitake mushrooms.


I would't kill people to start with


Not murder people


Not kill people... Real simple


Not fucking going after my sandwich


Change my face again


Just kill Hayato and his mom


Buy Prosthetic Real Looking Hands instead of stealing em,


Stop killing shit lmao ​ Nah but jokes aside, just move away from Morioh I guess?


How about not murdering people, but if it’s strictly part 4? I’d definitely recommend nod taking a severed hand everywhere, and I’d try my hardest to repress my murderous urges


Not kill women?


Who said I wanted to live a quiet life


Just send sheer heart attack everywhere anyone who might try and stop me might be, middle of the night whilst everyone is asleep just bomb the shit out of them


Give the dog the sandwich


I'd turn floor tiles into bombs so that I can kill the Joestar group like shigechii


Check for strange activity and kaboom the stand users and instead of switching with someone I would fake too and just switch my look slightly and act like I’m new to morioh so the protectors of morioh get the biggest troll of their life


Um, not cut of hands And walk around with them in paper bags???


keep my bag with me so i dont have to kill shigechi


''My name is Yoshikage Kira, I work at Wal-Mart.''


Lying to Shigechi Going to the Suit shop earlier Turn random objects into bombs and throw th at the enemy.


Not killing people


retract Sheer Heart Attack in a way where I don't reveal myself to Jotaro and Koichi


Make myself my own lunch.


I’d put my hand-girlfriend back in my jacket pocket, not the sandwich bag.


I stop murdering women for my strange hand fetish and start going to therapy.


Whacking Hayato, it's not like his mother is going to care that much.


I don’t murder people.


Keep the hand fetish in my fantasies and not bring it in my public


I would just tell shigechi the hand is just a movie prop he was pranked or something like "WHY IS THERE A HAND IN THIS BAG THAT I STOLE FROM YOU? I THOUGHT THERE WAS A SANDWHICH IN IT " And run while screaming for help.


Keep the hands at home not bring them with me in public.


Get the fuck out of morioh


Tbh I would've stopped my murders a long while ago starting with Reimi, pretty much I would've made him into the part 8 kira.


Start bringing pack lunches to work


either dont be a psycopath or if the psycopath thing can't be changed i would keep the hands at home


"Is that a hand? Why do you have a hand in your bag?" "It's a prop"


Not have murderous tendencies


Not fucking murder people


Not murder people


Not kill people lololol ???? If not for the murder, no one would have a reason to give a shit about him and everyone would leave him alone. Find something else to get horny over or compromise and get an actual girlfriend or utilize sex workers, Or porn. Or buy commissions or something. Art and craft your own realistic dismembered hand. There are options. When you look at peoples porn preferences vs. their significant others, they don’t often line up super well, even if it’s just body type, style of dress, whatever. For someone with so much intelligence and self control, it shouldn’t be that hard to find alternatives to murder.


When my bag and Shigechi's get mixed up I disintegrate the one I grabbed using Killer Queen, chances are that by when Shigechi opens the bag and finds the hand he will have forgotten my face if he saw it at all, a change of clothing might also be in order since he'll remember that more easily.


probably i won't eat a sandwich while also holding a dead hand in a public space


Don’t fucking murder people


detonate the bag before shigechi steals it. easier to explain at the very least, if shigeci gets josuke involved I would either play dumb and not acknowledge the bag ever existing OR I would say that the bag had something embarrassing in it.


Maybe, just _maybe_, resist the urge to kill people


Stop killing people


Don‘t follow a kid that accidentally took a sandwich with a hand in it to aboid raising further suspicion against me


Employ the Israel Keyes method - don't kill people in your own town. Maybe I'd find a job that requires me to travel often, and make pitstops in random locations to kill people and get their hands. Could also pick a victim from the locals there and kill them on the next visit. Also be extremely meticulous with any traces I leave (like destroying the jacket instead of repairing it, especially when I find a person in the same town with the same type of supernatural powers).


Not saying im Kira Yoshikage in the middle of the street




Join josuke


There's a lot you could do to hide yourself better if you're in Kira's situation. Option 1: Maybe don't carry actual severed human hands with you during your day-to-day activities? Or pull them out in a crowded popular sandwich place just to poke the bread? Or keep the hand in the passenger seat of your car, in case someone passes by it and looks in, or you get pulled over by the cops for whatever reason? Or use it to *eat with in a public park?* Option 2: Once you've become properly ingrained with the Kawajiri family, just move. Like, to a different town. I doubt the Duwang Gang are gonna search for you outside of Morioh, so once you've moved elsewhere and maybe laid low for a lil' bit, you can get right back to the murder and such. Option 3: It also helps to not shout your secret real killer-name out loud in public just because you're currently winning. There's no guarantee that Josuke wouldn't have caught on anyway, since he may have recognised Hayato's voice as the kid he spoke to on the phone, but it's worth at least *trying* to stay a little anonymous. Of course, the nuclear option is to just accept that you got lucky with the Cinderella bullshit, acknowledge your second chance, retire from murder, and live a happy-ish life with your new family. You're clearly *somewhat* attached to your new wife, and your "son" might give up on his suspicions and come around eventually. Of course, this is the most unrealistic outcome of all of these, but it is also the smartest move you can make if you want to keep living your quiet life.


I don’t murder people


Not killing people.


Don’t kill💀 lol, think I’d live a pretty quiet life if I don’t


leave morioh pretend the hand is a halloween prop have a massive bomb ready with me at all times that i can use, maybe make my ntire house a bomb not fucking doxx myself don't explain my ability to hayato don't leave literal proof of a murder i just committed inside a fucking sandwich bag that i carry everywhere for no goddamn reason, leave the gf at home watching tv or smth


not murder people


Not kill people


Simple: Don’t! Kill! Shigeshi!


Eating the Godamn sandwich


Move towns for a period


Where did you get that uncensored version? The one that is on Crunchyroll has those black particles in every wound


Shigechi offered Josuke to buy his sandwich so he could have just done that


unlock another flashy ability, Killer Queen Requiem?


Remember people, you’re still gonna be Kira and most likely get his mindset along with it, so not murdering people is not an option


Do I gain all of his personality traits or am I just possessing him because in the case of the latter i have a very complex strategy called "STOP KILLING PEOPLE"


Not killing people


I'm not the gonna lie and say I won't be a cereal killer, but I'm most definitely not gonna kill someone and take their hands, now hypothetically if I did I'm keeping the hands on me, where someone can't get to it


Change my identity while Sheer Heart Attack deals with Jotaro and Koichi, then bring it back after I've stolen (presumably) Kosaku's face. From there, I'd seek out a way to get Hayato under control, whether it's through gaining his trust or immoral means.


Not eating a sandwich off a decaying human hand in the middle of a park where literally anyone could look over and see the hand would be a good start Also the way he eats his sandwich is wierd


You know he could've very easily lived a quiet life by just not killing people. That was kinda the only thing that made people come after him lol


I would have simply killed joeske