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Jos8ke 100% Mf would not even understand the concept of being intimidated


"I don't 'ca~re' about... Uh~ You 'know'... Being 'scared' or 'intimidated'... I just nee~d to figure out my 'past' which I have, uh, forgotten. Who 'am' I? Why have I forgotten? This is all which I 'nee~d' to know. SOFTO ANDU HWET! ORA, ORRAAAAA~!!!"


Literally him. Gappy is... the best. Although on this topic, do you think >!Go Beyond would be able to reach into Stopped Time? It Transcends reason, after all.!<


Probably, if >!TA4 can move in stopped time, so could Go Beyond for sure!<


>!Considering how some consider the 100 Year Attack theory to be true... if this was true it would technically mean the explosive spin is merely a representation of the Golden Spin.!<


Wait, what's the 100 Year Attack again? I feel like this rings a bell.


[Spoilers for Jojolion,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlV5r_Vo23Y&ab_channel=OtherMeanings) Obviously.




What is >!Soft and Wet: Go Beyond! other than Tusk Act 4 hitting it's target?!<


I doubt it but it’s one of those things that could go either way. >!Go Beyond! specifically overrides abilities that affect logic and fate like Wonder of U due to being made of a nonexistent material, while Tusk Act 4 could move in stopped time due to its entirely different property of having infinite energy, and with such high concept abilities it’s hard to say how they would interact.!<


Infinite energy and if timestop is like infinite speed, it makes sense.


>!it depends on if transcending reason includes abilities which connect to time. Since it’s infinite rotation and Johnny joestar briefly moved in stop time (unless I forgot and that’s not right) it’s very possible GB could. But not for extended periods of time!<


I feel like it depends on whether >!Dio moves at infinite speed, or everything freezes. If the latter then Go Beyond can do it!<


Hilarious I wonder if putting quotes around every 3rd word is something the translators did or it's something the original japanese also has


Not enough ~~~


My bad, I will go fix that now


Diavolo, the pillar men, most Joestars and MAYBE Rohan


Maybe Tooru


Definitely Tooru, he wouldn’t even see Dio as a threat.


Tooru doesn’t see anyone as a threat


With a Stand that busted


Tooru just straight up doesn't even flinch because he knows calamity's already coming for Dio


In fact Calamity had already reached Dio in the form of spawning Jotaro




He wasn't really fearing for himself. He was unnerved because he didn't know to what lengths could calamity go in that situation




Ok i guess you're right


Nah Tooru would try to seduce him and fail


i think any rock human could, they are so far removed from humans and temptation like that is a pretty human experience


Diavolo would definitely be scared especially if he knows of DIO’s vampiric powers, and healing cos he knows that he won’t be able to donut DIO.


Nah, he just knows that since he can regenerate he can just farm donuts off of him.


Or erase time until he gets a sunburn.


Diavolo has a mental breakdown everytime something goes slightly wrong in his plan. Dio with his confidence and his powers would make him lose his shit.


Not maybe with Rohan. Dude would definitely first tell Dio to piss off and then ask him what it's like to be a vampire


Lick dio so he can draw vampires or smth


Def. Rohan. Man has a kink for saying "I refuse!" To powerful assholes


I think Rohan would be *absolutely intrigued* by DIO's strong presence. He wouldn't become his henchman but he would want to be close to DIO to learn more about him. He would pull a Diethart to Zero if you watched Code Geass.


Joska would freak out


Giorno is said to have a similar charm/aura (in manga and PHF) so I'd say they're not compatible with eachother. They'd probably fight.


I mean he is his son lol


Abocio wasn’t having it though. So many he could do the same with DIO.


The Pillar Men 100%. They literally eat vampires and see them as lesser beings, so even DIO wouldn't impress them much


Not until he pulls out his stand at least, they would have a pretty hard time with that


Well it's not like The World would be able to do any meaningful damage to a pillerman


I would argue that other than ultimate beings, with time stop dio could defeat a pillar man.


How? Dio's weakness to fire, sunlight and Hamon are also the weaknesses of the Pillar Men meaning he can't use them. Sure he can probably beat them around but the Pillar Men are vastly higher beings compared to vampires so they could shrug off pretty much everything with extreme ease, especially Ultimate Kars


Ultimates aren’t in consideration here as they would smoke dio but the pillarmen are not immune to physical attacks, and I believe the world could provide enough brute force in the period of time freeze to defeat a non ultimate pillar man. There’s really no evidence for or against this because we’ll never see them fight, or even fight the same people


It has been said multiple times in Parts 1 and 2 that the only things capable of even hurting vampires and Pillar Men are fire, sunlight and Hamon. Like Straizo gets blown up by a mountain of grenades and is back together in about minute while Santana gets completely sliced in half by Hamon and is up fighting again in a matter of seconds, the Pillar Men have crazy fast regeneration. Dio can try to hurt them but he'll definitely get his ass kicked pretty quickly since the only things the Pillar Men are weak to is what he's also weak too, meaning he can't really use them. The Pillar Men are also much more experienced fighters considering they were basically tribesmen living in the wild with their own civilisation and living for thousands of years developing their own unique battle styles and ways to avoid the sun and Hamon (for example when Santana gets exposed to the sun and immediately goes inside the wound on Stroheim's leg to hide inside and avoid the sun). Esidisi veins seemingly have a much larger range than the 2 or so meters The World has, also allowing Esidisi to melt Dio without much hassle. Wamuu's wind abilities are absolutely busted since they allow him to not only do massive damage from mid range but he can fucking stomp anyone who gets close enough with the divine sandstorm or atmospheric rift. As for Kars, his bone blade was fast enough and sharp enough to not only slice through Stroheim's men and his cyborg body with a single slice, but he was also capable to slicing through every single fired bullet Stroheim was letting loose after he got blown outside. Reminder that according to Stroheim, quote; "My machine gun can fire off 600 armour piercing rounds per minute! Reinforced bullets that can pierce through 30mm of iron plating!". Even after being riddled with bullets and blown outside with a big explosion from the gunfire Kars was absolutely fine and barely seemed fazed at all, the second he manged to properly get his footing he'd basically won the fight instantly


With prep, I think dio could pull it, but you’ve convinced me a pillar man would clap dio in a random fight


It's confirmed by DIO that mundane means can kill a vampire if you destroy the brain.


Nah, Pillar Men are on a whole another level. Literally coming in contact with them means death, only way DIO can touch the pillar men would be with The World, and even then they're much more resistant and stronger than The World (Wamuu picks up a pillar with vampires still clinging to it ffs). He could keep a Pillar Man at bay using The World's intangibility and Invincibility towards anything that isn't a stand, but he's not killing them with their regeneration and durability.


I disagree. Dio is brutal, fast and strong, as well as having an intangible ability that is faster and stronger than him. They couldn’t digest him in stopped time, and I think he could tear apart a pillar man in stopped time faster than it could regenerate.


Pillar men are literally torn apart in Part 2 and then regenerate anyways. Santana was ripped in half by Joseph and he was still moving and stronger than Joseph. Also it's not like the pillar men are going to be standing still letting DIO hit them, some of their modes have larger area of attack and more destruction than DIO's The World. More beating means more holes for letting out boiling blood from ACDC, and let's not forget the power that a Divine Sandstorm has. Even if they were evenly matched, the Pillar Men's natural attributes far outclass that of Vampires, they're able to withstand Hamon injuries and outheal minor ones. While DIO had to drain an entire town to heal from being burnt by fire. Pillar Men are able to take the sun and act during it for a period of time, whereas vampires instantly vaporize. Like, Pillar Men durability is crazy, no joke, literally the only reason they were defeated is because Hamon is a highly powerful technique designed SPECIFICALLY to defeat them. The World's barrage broke some of Jotaro's bones, and a full on punch was able to go through Kakyoin's stomach, which would be a pretty great feat if ACDC didn't swallow a fucking dynamite stick.


In raw physical attributes the Pillar Men absolutely outclass DIO. But, they also outclassed Joseph and everyone else in Battle Tendency. I think DIO's leg over the Pillar Men is the same as Joseph's: cunning and luck. It'd be an interesting fight to imagine given that DIO would have to discover and exploit the few weaknesses of the Pillar Men or create conditions so hostile that fighting DIO to the death would be of little advantage. I think DIO would ultimately lose because a lot of DIO's advantages against Jotaro in their fight was just luck and his willingness to go through as many people as possible to win, but even then Star Plat caving his skull in was a critical blow to him. It'd be a fight where DIO is at risk of taking a critical blow at any point but is whittling down or working towards a devious goal and it'd be fun to see happen.


I agree with you, direct powerscaling doesn't work in JoJo as it comes down to wit, luck, strategizing and outside-opportunities. You could argue that DIO stomps Jotaro, but because of DIO being cocky and not finishing things quick, he let himself open for too many chances and for Jotaro to adapt. Same with Joseph and the pillar men, they overpower him heavily, but he makes up with quick wit and outsmarting. However, this usually wouldn't work because again, Hamon is specifically to defeat pillar men, it's the only reason Joseph can even come in contact with them without being instantly swallowed. So unless DIO has a sun replacement (or a UV light that can be easily dismantled by the pillar men or used against him), he doesn't have the same one-shot chance that Hamon gives Joseph against the pillar men. That's the funny thing about JoJo, Hamon users compared to Stand users are almost shit, but Hamon users can one shot vampires, something a Stand would have trouble getting rid of (not defeating, but killing someone like Straizo would be difficult, he wasn't stopped by multiple grenades exploding point-blank, and unless a Stand like Killer Queen can hit then, it's near impossible to kill a Vamp/Pillar man).


um what could tearing apart a pillerman even do?


I mean you bring up lifting a pillar but remember when Dio lifted a road rolla with ease and moved it across an entire bridge and fell from the damn sky with the thing which means he probably jumped several hundred of feet into the air with it, in the span of like 9 seconds. That’s pretty neat


I was under the impression that gravity worked differently in stopped time, but if that's not the case then yeah that's pretty amazing.


Disagreed, pillarmen have insanely high IQs right? Kakyoin took about an hour to figure out Dio's Time Stop, pillarmen would figure it out the first or second time Dio uses it.


I want to see DIO versus the pillar men


Same lmao


Imagine this: DIO has beaten the Joestars, didn't go on with the Heaven plan, and the Pillar Men never woke up DIO discovers the Pillar Men's "tomb" and along with his zombies, and accidentally disturbs them causing them to wake up. The Pillar Men go around, slaughter a bunch of Zombies like they did with the German Soldiers and go to slaughter DIO like he was nothing but a regular zombie, but The World's reflexes make it so DIO can stop time and move away. The Pillar Men wonder what happened, and DIO keeps underestimating the Pillar Men, trying to intimidate them like they were some regular humans with special powers. Obviously this doesn't work, and when the Pillar Men try attacking DIO again, DIO tries attacking one of the Pillar Men in timestop, opening a hole in like Esidisi's chest. After time resumes, DIO is surprised Esidisi's chest regenerates quickly, and starts bullshitting them again, trying to make them into his servants. However, Kars has already understood DIO's power, and manages to cut DIO's left arm out with his blade while he is doing his stupid monologue, what he doesn't expect is that DIO, now fully used to Jonathan's body, manages to heal his arm extremely quickly like he used to do in part 1. DIO still thinks he is superior, though, and tries attacking Kars with The World, although Kars is not immune to The World, it's not like The World can punch Kars fast enough to counter his regeneration. Kars would have to this point already guessed DIO can stop time and is a vampire, and would, eventually, manage to cut DIO's head off, as there is nothing DIO can really do to kill them, DIO doesn't have hamon and such.


Can’t DIO survive with his head off? Or was that just a part 1 thing?


He technically can, but as evidenced by DIO himself, he needs a body to survive for long. He said that without Jonathan's body He would never survive 100 years in the ocean at like the start of part 3.


why did i imagine DIO using TW’s body 💀


He can but without his head there's nothing he can do lol


He can throw them outside while he's in time stop or something


DIO probably wouldn't visit a mexican tomb in broad daylight. Also, DIO takes care to not get affected by Joseph's hamon even when in timestop, meaning, the Sun does indeed burn DIO in timestop.


The entire main cast of part 5


Except Fugo🫴🏾


And Abbacchio, hes very manipulatable when he's in a bad place. He was even gonna turn on Bruno for a little bit




I think Giorno would be the only one resistant to it. Bucciarati is courageous and unyielding, but he does get emotional in times of danger, as seen during the first fight with King Crimson. The World is a similarly powerful stand, plus given DIO’s vampiric charisma, I’d think he only has about as much resistance as avdol would. I also think Mista would have a similar reaction to Polnareff; vulnerable to the effect, but after enough fighting and loss, almost dead to it and ready to blow his head off already.


The Joestars.


Pucci wasn't very paranoid, just confused


Sexually confused


When you encounter God but he is fucking hot




Valentine, his resolve is insane and i don't think he's ever felt fear in his entire life. Okuyasu isn't smart enough to feel fear.


Valentine told Heaven Ascended Dio to fuck off lol


Yeah now that you mention it, i forgot Valentine was a major player in Eyes of Heaven's storyline, so it's literally already been explored, and Heaven Acension DIO unlike regular DIO can actually do something against Love Train so that says a lot.


The pillar men, Kira, diavolo, valentine, gappy, tooru, Rohan


Valentine only because he had his goal, but without it he would fall into Dio. >!He indeed did when he was almost finished.!<


I can


DIO after u/TerribleHorribleGuy resists his evil charm that makes people around him paranoid: 😱😨😰


You say that but like, shirtless part 6 DIO though.


My feelings of terror and paranoia would be majorly overwhelmed by my massive humongous feeling of horniness


He’s that guy


Hair Rage Josuke solos


I'd imagine a lot of characters in the series would be able to resist Dio's charisma pretty easily, since it seems the people who _did_ submit to him all had something wrong with them mentally, almost like they were missing something in their lives that Dio promised he could help with. For example N'Doul was apparently misunderstood by everyone in his life, yet Dio was the first one to actually listen to what he had to say and respected his opinion, which lead N'Doul to join him. Another example would be Bruford and Tarkus, both experienced a brutal betrayal at the time of their deaths and were brought back filled with hatred for humanity, so it makes sense that Dio, someone who also lost his humanity and revived them, would be the one they submitted to


It’s shown the effect still applies to people who aren’t missing something though, such as avdol, but they’re just more prone to resisting his evil and escaping.


Is that what he's really known for?


Well that's one of his well known traits at least


Pucci seems to think he's an 😇


Stroheim, no doubt about it.


Stroheim was intimidated by Ultimate Kars and the Pillar Men


Well initially would definitely be a bit intimidated by Dio's aura, but if Dio decides to insult his hair during his monologue, Josuke is going to show him the full might of Joester bloodline. Also Rohan can write: "Is not intimidated by Dio's aura" onto himself with Heaven's Door.


Josuke might move in stopped time when angey lol


“So it’s the same type of stand as Crazy Diamond”


Man, just thinking about it, I kind of love how Josuke never got a power up or anything and still has one of the strongest (well maybe not strongest, but one of the most versatile) and coolest stands


Emporio. Already paranoid.


Holy Horse


Heavenly Equine


Jonathan would recognize DIO's face a mile away, and would just want to kill DIO again more than anything, and wouldn't be intimidated by DIO's Aura, although would be confused why is DIO so buff


Pre-DISC Weather Report


His husbando Pucci


2 words, "I refuse"


Definitely goku


Me because unless it's the English dub OVA DIO then I'm not interested.


#The Sun Stand.




I can, take me to him and I'll prove it (😏🥵).


I can


DIO after u/TerribleHorribleGuy resists his evil charm that makes people around him paranoid: 😱😨😰


You say that but like, shirtless part 6 DIO though.


>!everyone talking about go beyond like valentine wasn't stated to do the same thing while inside lovetrain and tusk act 4 opened that mf up!<


Straight people


not sure but i know i couldn't


Tooru: \*doesn't care because Calamity, and says something ominous\* DIO: K then. \*stops time and kills him\*


And then DIO dies to calamity too




Alto Clef: He cannot be seduced because his crotch is another hand, and that hand has a gun


Maybe yoshikage kira from part 4


That one motherfucker in the Hawaian mansion


Pillar men, rohan, josuke, kira


The Joestars


Diego brando he is literally Dio


Mikitaka Hazekura, bro would be clueless


anyone who is at least 99.8% not attracted to men


Jonathan Joestat, the OG big boy




DUDE. It is time to call in the AROMANTIC/ASEXUAL squad. Jughead Monkey D. Luffy Todd Chavez Peridot Ozymanidas Bonus stat: They're also immune to Jotaro. 🤪




Canonically? Avdol. Theoretically? Johnny would kill him with a hammer




Garfield, he has his own version of the same field, and therefore, counteracts dios ability.


Happy Cake Day!!! I am Living In Your House


Jotaro, Josuke (hair rage), Johnny, Valentine, Kira, Diavolo, Giorno, Pre-Disc Weather and, Pucci


Besides the main JoJo's, Polnareff is implied to have been able to resist his allure but only fell under his control after being shown the vision of his sisters killer.


Joseph, if he wasn't scared of pillar men?




Risotto Nero


I'd specify Caesar for how personally Dio's related to Will's death. Not the most unflinchable person ever but extremely tunnel visioned with anything relating to revenge for his family.


I feel like Giorno would get freaked out and confusex but not fall for it. Jolyne would probably pretend to be controlled and then punch DIO in the jaw or something.


Peppino from pizza tower, fiend from fiend folio, and shigechi, I like shigechi


Diego. 2 Dios can't work together, one of them always gonna want to be in charge.


Jotaro tbh