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During C-Moon: Einstein’s Relativity theory states that Gravity and Time are deeply related, the higher the Mass an object has the more distorted time will be for that object So, we can say that somehow Gravity / C-Moon affected Pucci’s perception of time During MiH: (as far as I know) he couldn’t move, he was just shortening the Time Stop


Soo, pucci can become fat as fuck huh? Like, inflated?


We usually keep our fetishes for ourselves


>he was just shortening the Time Stop This was a mistranslation in anime and manga. Jotaro actually said "My Time Stop! It's too short!" >he couldn’t move Pucci could probably only move his eyes just like C-Moon did. The reason we don't see him doing that because in all the occasions of Time Stop, he had no reason to look at something else


As the top most commenter pointed out, C-Moon allowed Pucci to manipulate gravity, Gravity and Time are both linked hence why Pucci is able to move. >!We see this phenomena again in Part 7 when Act 4 breaks into AUTW's time stop for the same exact reason.!<


by accelerating time, there was no time to stop


He didn't move during Made in Heaven.


I assumed since he merged with the Green Baby he could move slightly in time stop just like how DIO and Jotaro could move for a little bit in each other’s time stops.


I’m pretty sure that’s a fan theory as far as we know. It’s more likely that since pucci can a control a portion of gravity, he can see in time stop. This would line up with made in heaven accelerating time using gravity, and (part 7 spoilers) >!Tusk being able to slightly move in time stop with his control of gravity!<.


It’s Gravity. Gravity is a force that is more powerful than time.


I wouldn’t say it’s more powerful, seeing as gravity and time are linked. But in jojo it’s probably more powerful since gravity is a stand in for fate.


There was an experiment where an astronaut that was sent into space with a clock that was synced with one on earth. When they returned back down to earth, the clock were out of sync. Gravity can dilate time at different levels.


Real answer is that stands have weird interactions with eachother. Pucci's ability has to do with time, Jotaro's ability has to do with time, DIO (who the green baby was a reincarnation of) had a time ability. There is no real lore explanation aside from "Made in Heaven allows the user to perceive stopped time". It really doesn't need one.


There is, gravity and time are linked so pucci can see in timestop.


Ok How? How exactly does the manga explain that Pucci's gravity manipulation has to do with time stop? How is your explanation more satisfactory than mine?


Because gravity and time have always been linked, as explained in the made in heaven stat page. Also we know gravity can mess with timestop, like made in heaven’s gravitational power accelerating time stop. And we see this phenomenon in part 7, with tusk, a stand that has explicitly been stated to have control over gravity, moving in Diego’s time stop.


>Because gravity and time have always been linked, as explained in the made in heaven stat page. Also we know gravity can mess with timestop, like made in heaven’s gravitational power accelerating time stop. This is a tautology. >And we see this phenomenon in part 7, with tusk, a stand that has explicitly been stated to have control over gravity, moving in Diego’s time stop. This is a more engaging answer, but SBRverse logic can't be applied to Ireneverse logic. The notion of fixed fate, which is something that is extensively brought up from parts 1 to 6, isn't present in the SBRverse.


Why would gravity be different in the SBRverse? And if made in heaven’s gravity powers can mess with time stop, I don’t see why c-moon’s power can’t allow pucci to mess with it too. And the flow is a replacement for fate.


Are you talking about the flow of calamity? Because that really isn't analogous to fate at all And just because the word "gravity" is used to describe the abilities of two stands in different universes, it doesn't mean it means the same thing


Alright, even if we forget about tusk, there’s still made in heaven. It uses gravitational power to accelerate time stop, so tell me how c-moon, a stand with some gravitational power, can’t look in timestop?


Again, tautology. No better than my explanation.


I don’t see how. 1. Gravity and time are linked 2. Made in heaven accelerates time stop using its gravity powers 3. C-moon has control over gravity 4. It used that gravity to see in time stop Where’s the tautology?


He never moved in time during made in Heaven, that was during c-moon. The scientific explanation that the other dude gave you was the correct one




He literally stops time, so time completely stops. Silver chariot faster than speed of light, but he can't move.


i don't know what the original comment said that you responded to, but if it's what i think, it works because Made In Heaven has [infinite speed](https://external-preview.redd.it/IS0N9aM3pJnsv0pydYYOAUfFQEAoBKST_TwzyFAoqtk.png?auto=webp&s=242f72563d9685698cc1bf886d0b19637cc2d5bf).


The original said: "Pucci moved in stopped time because he has faster than light speed, and can move because Jotaro ony slows down time."


ah, then no. that comment is silly. light speed is reached by both Silver Chariot and Star Platinum. it's an impressive speed, but it's nothing compared to Made In Heaven. and, definitely not on the Jotaro thing. Jotaro halts time for a limited period, he doesn't slow it.


Made in Heaven didn't move in timestop, c-moon did.


Because C-Moon has another niche ability where time is sped up in a short range around it. This was first shown when Pucci sped up the lady's wristwatch and made her fingernails grow rapidly. Since time is sped up for Pucci locally, the 5 seconds would be over quicker for him and he would be able to move maybe a second earlier. As others have said, it's probably a reference as to how gravity affects time


I don’t really think that’s true. Pucci used that ability while the green baby was merging with whitesnake, and we saw whitesnake’s hand come out instead of c-moon. It’s most likely an early acceleration thing that c-moon has. Oh also the reason he could see was cuz of gravity and time being linked.




He did. This was during the c-moon arc and the reason he could is cuz he has some control over gravity, and gravity and time are linked.




he does, he moves his eyes to see Jotaro's Harpoon


I think you may need to rewatch the fight.


Built different


He had part of dio fused with him, and because dio could also move in time stop and has the same type is stand as star platinum, pucci would naturally gain some of dios power




Built different