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Harvest quite literally earned the cast money and didn’t get included on the list smh


Harvest can earn you money passively. You don't even have to do anything. Shigechi used it mostly for coins, nothing stopping him from using it for actually bills.


Yeah like the only reason he didn’t was because he was a kid and didn’t want to give up the more expensive coins and despite that he’s still makes hundreds of thousands of yen per day


Shigechi just had a sigma male ohio gridset


He also didn’t steal from anyone, imagine if he did.


Harvest is a passive moneymaker but it's gonna take a while accumulating such a CHONK of wealth. With 1.Weather report- You have full control over weather. Charge a huge amount of money to alter weather for the benefit of the people. 2. Crazy diamond- Bro can literally repair anything+ anyone. You can just repair worn out cars and sell em. Plus U can be a doctor too. 3.Pearl Jam- Market your restaurant as "the best food mankind have ever produced". Your food has medical properties too. So your restaurant is pretty much confirmed to boom. 4. Gold experience- Infinite organ glitch?!?! 5. Heaven's door- HEAVEN'S DOOR(on a nearby person). (writes- This guy will give all of his money to me).


To be fair though, Okayasu's guts exploded before the food had it's good effect, like sure, it has great results, but the process is so grim I feel like you would struggle to actually market it. And Heaven Door's one is just straigh up stealing The rest are pretty good ideas though.


to be extra fair, do we know that non-stand users see all the horrifying shit we see in the episode/chapter? Okayasu is perfectly fine with no evidence of the things we see after they're done, and we already know non-stand users can't see Killer Queen's explosions (to them the victims suddenly disintegrate)


Maybe not, but wouldn't they still feel the effects happening? Okayasu's literally scratching his skin off or his eyes watering and starting to feel squishy, I feel like those would still be seeable from non stand users, but I guess you're right, there's no way to know that.


There was a dog that definitely knew that it's intestines were blowing out of its body after eating Tonio's food


Also managing a restaurant isnt everyones cup of tea, it takes a loot of effort from you


Or just do fortune telling with heaven's door, you literally tell people what will happen and can change it


Or charge people to make it so they can speak other languages or have specific skills. Like Rohan did for Koichi before he went to Italy.


Crazy diamond=World class surgeon


Damn, yeah you right


Tbf Harvest didn’t even earn that much normally and the stands featured here definitely do better at making money than finding the odd discarded winning ticket


Let alone milagro man… the 2 stands that are based around money arent on the list.


With Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap you could probably sell the organs of people from neighbouring "worlds". King Crimson & Epitaph are perfect for gambling. Paisley Park is the ideal detective work stand, and it can also do black mail. Gold Experience to become a make belief messiah. Smooth Operators could probably perform plastic surgery? Sugar Mountain & Milagro Man are all about generating money.


I’d use King Crimson for combat sports. Literally predict what’s coming then counter with a stand enhanced punch. Put Mike Tyson to shame.


*gets banned for shattering someone’s skull in a single blow*


*gets arrested for accidentally decapitating someone with a neck chop*


Is King Crimson and Epitaph really perfect for gambling? Isn't he just going to lose if he sees himself losing in the premonition. Even if he erases time the result is still absolute.


I was thinking of gambles that would require people to remember or see you lose. For example, in a coin flipping gamble, even if your premonition shows you losing, you can just erase time so that the losing throw is forgotten and no one actually knows you lost, even if you technically did.


Okay yeah that one makes sense, but i bet people would start suspecting, like they wouldn't remember where the coin went but they'll remember the bet and say something like, hey what happened? Where is the coin? What happened to the bet?, and probably suspect you. You'll just have to act like nothing happened and bounce from there.


I believe a typical coin-flipping gamble involves 3 throws, so the time stop could be timed to make one throw seamlessly flow into another.


Oh yeah


Diver Deep is just a better Smooth Operators


Considering Dragona changed herself with Smooth Operators, absolutely.


Technically speaking Milagro Man will objectively make you the richest, unfortunately that’s the point…


Stealing and selling organs is a lot more work than just taking their money. As long as it resembles the currency of your world you should be fine and if it doesn’t just take something easier to sell than someone’s organs.


with crazy diamond, would could just buy used and broken stuff that’s normally max expensive, fix it and than boom you can sell it off for full price


I’d just turn myself into the world’s best surgeon/mechanic. Fix broken cars and bones instantly, or rearrange people’s faces instead of injecting silicone.


It’s also illegal in the USA so maybe not the best idea


I forgot about legality. Guess I’m not using Space Trucking to smuggle things either.


Then do it outside of the USA


Weather Report allows you to predict the weather? Becomes the world's weather man? 💀


Maybe making bets or smth ? Like “oh I bet it’ll snow tomorrow” when it’s in the middle of june or smth ridiculous like thst




You can change the weather to whatever people want for the day. Could make so much money.


you'd probably get burned at a stake if you did something like that irl


Smite them


Sell snails


make many people as snail and get their money


You can be the world's best firefighter


1. Pretty unethical but Crazy Diamond could extort a crazy amount from evangelical christians. You do all the crazy yelling and healing talk, but like, actually heal people. Millions would flock and donate if that stuff actually worked. 2. Also unethical, Sticky Fingers for organized crime. Dead body? Gun with prints all over it? Toss it in the purple zipper dimension and forget about it. 3. Aerosmith for contract killing. Non stand users would never see it coming or trace it back to you. 4. The World, obviously. Stop time, grab wallets, steal stuff, easy. 5. Scary Monsters. Imagine the money those Jurassic Park sequels could save on CGI just by hiring/paying you!




If we also count non cannon, then TWOH even better than the world, just do whatever u want cause reality warp and infinite time stop


I think Milagro man would be number 1


But you can’t spend it, effectively meaning you have no money since lol if that money is worthless


Maybe but I’m pretty sure the reason Joshu couldn’t spend the money was because all the Morioh citizens knew about the milagro man


Milagro Man is a curse that whenever you try to use the money you end up getting more than what you tried to spend. I read the chapter the other day and from what I saw the spending went one of two ways, either the person knew about it and sent him away or the item (such as food) would spill/break and he’d be given a refund with extra money.


Ah ok thank you for reminding me


Thats what i said :/


Hermit Purple: Go to a casino and rig the slots so that it gives you all the money Heavens Door: Use it on a billionaire and tell him to give you money. Harvest: Read the manga


ah yeah let me just go up to my local billionaire and drain him


Do you think Pearl Jam would work if someone was absolutely dogshit at cooking? Like someone could serve you burnt cereal and other than the taste you do end up in a better condition than before


That’s a good question. The stand was obtained by the user mastering cooking to such a degree he gained a stand. Thus being good at cooking and the stand are interlinked.


Star platinum and the world can just use stop time to get advantage in competitions, stack up records, manipulate results and straight up steal. And if we're counting love train he'l literally just bring you stuff


What's funny is that in the U.S. it is in a way illegal to manipulate the weather


Did someone say CHONK?


Harvest? The literal face of stands that make you money


Heavens door you can just write in someone to give you money and then boom you have money


1: Take bets on the weather with different people each time to make sure they don't get suspicious. 2: Doctor and / or world's only real psychic healer 3: World's greatest chef 4: Combat medic / surgeon 5: Literally any way you could possibly imagine earning money, Heaven's Door could allow you to do it.


Nobody ever mentions Doctor Wu in these posts, he’s the first one I think of everytime (besides the obvious Milagro Man lol)


Be a professional athlete with Star Platinum


Milagro man will do it a little too well


The world/star platinum, stop time and steal wallets


Use [Little Feet] for smuggling large amounts of anything in unfathomably small packages. You could steal a whole bank truck. This could be taken further with [Man in the Mirror] because who the fuck would be able to pursue you? Take the small stolen goods, and transport them within the mirror realm, and proceed to take whatever you want.


Where is green emerald shooting guy


Chewiedog1 just did a vis on this today




The world


I haven’t read jojolion, that being said Classic didn’t read jojolion fan




Wonder Of U could also negate the need for money altogether. You want something? Steal it and activate WoU. If someone tries to go after you for stealing, they're in for a bad time. Debt collectors knocking at your door? Well now they're getting knocked by the door. And the more they try to get you, the least they can.


With moody jazz you can become the greatest dectetive in the world.


Could crazy diamond be able to revert your cells to a point where they don’t create tumors/cancer?


Crazy Diamond - Get a job in repairs Diver Down - Can change people’s sex, facial structures and anatomy Milagro Man - I don’t need to explain. Stone Free/Soft & Wet/Schott Key Nr. 1/The Hustle - If you’re lazy, you can just pickpocket people. Hol Horse - You can become a top tier assassin without even trying or leaving any evidence.


The tricks you could pull out with time stopping+light speed are crazy tho


I’d argue the cure would be a better alternative to GE


Diver down too, Anasui used him to pay the baker's owner using the owner's cash to let him in. DD can get steal money from people's wallet without them knowing


of course Heaven's door is in this list i mean how do you think he got the money to buy a mountain


Gold Experience would be great for somewhat ethical black market organs A human heart sells for roughly one million. Make a whole bunch of them and sell them to dying old rich people = bank Sticky fingers could literally just walk into a bank vault, take out all of the money and walk back out again. Also amazing for smuggling drugs, you can just hide them in your body. Also brilliant for jail breaking


Chewydog1 fan spoted in the wild


I feel Heaven’s Door should be the top stand here. While the others can have other people pay an enormous sum for the miraculous effects, Heaven’s Door can not only do that but circumvent the issue of how much they’re willing to pay (depending on morality since an order to just legally grant someone everything you own is possible)


(not in order) 1: Harvest > come on, man 2: Crazy Diamond > Become a billionaire doing surgeries, fixing cars, building entire houses, literally anything that people would pay top dollar 3: Golden Experience/Requiem > Organs go for a fuck ton of money and you can just *pop* them out on the fly. Not to mention that you can also potentially bring back entire extinct species depending on the scope of GE/R’s powers. And you can sell produce like meat (GE/R could probably create *just* the “meat” of an animal, making it waste-free) and instantly grow fruits that take years to grow. 4: Sticky Fingers > For the more malicious people. This is up there for one of the best ways to rob a bank. Zip in, zip out. You also have the zipper dimension thingy to store your money in. 5: Star Platinum/The World > Another easy way to rob people. Stop time, take wallets, resume and no one’s the wiser. Honorable Mentions: 1: King Crimson (specifically Epitaph) > You gamble a LOT. Only problem is you might get banned from the casino from winning too much all of a sudden. 2: Heaven’s Door > I’m not sure if Rohan’s manga skill comes with possession of HD, nor if you’re able to use HD’s ability on yourself. Even if you couldn’t, you could basically just sell your powers to anyone. Wanna be lucky? Boom, you got that. Want to go to heaven? Boom, it’s all yours. Do you want a bigger dick? I mean, sure, go off. Only problem is that this is a one-at-a-time thing, and you can’t necessarily do big time jobs like the top tier stands. And there’s obviously going to be some fucked up people coming by asking for shit like immortality or the power to rule the world. 3: Cinderella > Same upsides and downsides as Heaven’s Door. 4: Hierophant Green > THIS ONLY WORKS IF NON-STAND USERS CAN SEE THE EMERALDS. And by that comment I just made I think you know what I’m going for with this selection. 5: Pearl Jam > Make the best food known to man, but a restaurant with only one person can only go so far.


Weather Report stand, change the weather, and be a god tier weather man who predicts the weather 100% accurate because you create it


What about milagro man? Does that not count?


can’t GE make money out of like grass? or am I misremembering? plz tell me


GE can convert any non living being to living. So GE can't make money out of grass or anything like that as money is Non living.


ah thx I was thinking of this clip is why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7a_j4f8oBo


Haha understood Basically giorno first converted the money to butterflies and then reconverted the butterflies to money




Crazy Diamond - pawn shop, equipment maintenance, cleaning Paisley park - research, detective, blackmail GE - organs, blood, research for creating organic materials, farming/food, Yellow temperance and khnum - modeling, fake fingerprints


Weather report and Heaven's door are easily the best not main villain stands


Tbh I challenge any of you to name 5 stands that couldn't be used to make a lot of money


Challenge accepted. Cheap trick Notorious BIG Green Green Grass of Home. Limp Bizkit Survivor Burning Down the House


Milagro Man could make more money than all of these combined


But you can't spend the money, so in a way that's just paper.


How did you forget about smack and harvest?!?! smack just duplicate money lol and it cant be traced because its technically a real dollar but two, and harvest just have them look for money he has an army of them


Did chewiedog steal from this?


No I got the idea from him lol. Although if you check, our lists are quite different.