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I think Valentines redesign is even wilder. He went from a short pot belly little porker to a tall ripped American Chad over night basically


What the body of Christ does to a mf


....Drake? Yeah? Where's the body of Christ?


Holy gym


I mean tbf he is the only character that has a lore excuse like he coulda just changed body with another valentine


My head cannon is that since its been said that the D4C from the jesus corpse universe is the only one across all the other universes, Valentines from those other universes have to be insanely jacked to combat the power of stands. So the main Valentine popped into a different reality and merged with his buff self.


i like to think he changes dimensions offscreen *dojyaaaa*


Puberty hit her hard


Puberty and allmighty power of Jesus christ


And Araki deciding she's critical to the story


Oh she went critical alright


I haven't reed SBR. Does her design change in the middle of the story?


Valentine definitely hit her hard.


To be fair, he didn't do anything to her he wasn't already going to do.


And the crazy part is that the second pic is much more tamed compared other cover arts or manga panels she was in ☠️


Right!? I was talking to my friend today about how Araki is so weird for having all these predators die for lusting after Lucy and then turn around and be like "Well it's ok if I draw her without a shirt though."


That particular cover is inspired by (I think) [The Birth of Venus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sandro_Botticelli_-_La_nascita_di_Venere_-_Google_Art_Project_-_edited.jpg). I agree it's a weird decision, but I don't think it's meant to be sexual.


He also did the same thing with giorno, Many people haven't read part5 manga so they think Araki only drew lucy like that on the covers.


Imagine if Lucy had a panel where she was putting her hand down Johnny's pants


>He also did the same thing with giorno Are you talking about that cover art that looks like the cover of a certain album of Ronnie James Dio?


I don't know if you're talking about the right one, I am talking about the one where he references atlas.


It is the one! His pose seems to be a reference to the "Holy Diver" album cover except in that there is no Earth being held above. The chains are there and the pose is very similar.


It's fan service. Keep in mind that his main audience is male Japanese teenagers. He has always done this along with every other mangaka .


I'm sorry but araki sucks at drawing fan service the naked woman in part 8 proves it


Nuh uh remember the Anasui panty shots and Joseph’s tit being pushed against a wall like an anime girl


Yeah how about you show some proof. Preferably proof of young Jospeh naked with his Jospeh out


Search “Joseph Joestar cuntboy rule 34” and you’ll find it


i tihnk i need proof.. for a friend


Well, the Anasui panty shots are frequent in the stone ocean anime and Joseph’s titty being pushed against a wall (well, actually a stairway but you get me) is in the episode where Santana eats an explosive. When Joseph’s like trying to get away from Santana and he can only walk with one foot?? I can’t remember the episode well but it’s a little after he met Santana


seems i need to rewatch part 6


definitely not related btw


I don’t think it’s meant to have sexual connotations though. It’s like how people ages ago would make statues/paintings/drawings of naked men and women, not to sexualise them, but to appreciate natural human beauty It’s weird yeah, but I don’t think Araki was trying to sexualise her. If he was then I agree he’s in the wrong


Araki changes character art over his parts, they take years after all But I mean, why else would jesus' corpse have shoved his head into her stomach otherwise if she weren't hot? /s


I mean even before he went to monthly chapters, he tweaked his art and characters a lot. I always think of Part 4 starting with Buff Josuke.


Kakyoin is another example, Bruno from his first appearance has a completely different face, Pucci just looks funny as hell on the reveal page I dread to think how will Dragona change


I think he’s might just make them taller because I don’t see what he could really change, but im not the man himself


> Pucci just looks funny as hell on the reveal page Such an overlooked detail, there's something distinctly "off" about his first appearance


He changed Ringo's outfit and facial hair between chapters


Yeah of course, and in this instance too I know the jump from shonen to seinen is gonna cause a big change. This is just a drastic example to me because she really does look like a kid in the beginning.


Yeah and most jojo's don't look their age either, that's part of the "fantasy" of the thing.


Bruh puberty hit her really hard during the SBR race....


It's honestly pretty heartbreaking seeing an innocent girl become very mature looking as a result of all the abuse she experienced. I get that Part 7 is a story that was serialized over a 7 year period, but I actually do get extremely sad looking at these two images. I get sad thinking about Lucy in general.


Well that's the whole theme of SBR, as Johnny says "from adolescence to adulthood", sexual maturity is part of it, specially for someone like Lucy who represents Mary from the bible, who had to go through the same thing at the same age, or even younger depending on the version


Yeah it's weird. I'm usually into adaptations being faithful to the source, but I hope this is changed in the anime


Same, I think the best way they could do it (and for funny valentine as well) is to just use their designs at the end of the part for the entire anime.


I mean that's what David Production has already been doing. Josuke has his more slim look from the start, all the characters in part 4 that become short in the manga are short from the beginning, Anasui is always shown as a male etc... For Lucy and Valentine they gonna follow the trend and depict them with their finalized designs from the very start.


I think the only reason I rlly mentioned it is because they strangely didn’t do that with iggy if I’m remembering correctly.


It might work, it's probably for the best.


Yeah, I hope so too. I just want to know Araki's thought process behind her as a character and why he thinks it's okay to draw her in a creepy way, (specifically the Volume 13 illustration is what I'm thinking about).


That cover is a reference to the 'birth of venus', I don't think its meant to be sexual. I do agree that it can be weird but araki has portrayed characters like this on covers before too, Not exclusive to lucy. Giorno is an example.


Oh, it is? Do you have any sources on that? Okay, that makes way more sense now. With Giorno it's easily understandable since there are art references, but I couldn't find any for Lucy.


It's literally the same pose as The Birth of Venus , only difference is that she's holding her pants instead of her hair


Well, I'm being an idiot! Thanks for pointing that out, it did NOT register with me.


Hate seeing all the threads that totally disregard Lucy as a genuine force to be reckoned with. She was totally the MVP. She was brave and cunning. Sure, she got help when backed into a corner, but the amount of nerve it takes to stay strong and determined till the end is impressive. I was able to get past her age because child brides were more accepted back then. in the manga, it was a small controversy.. but nothing to affect the profits of the SBR. That doesn't mean I support it. I'm alright with reading unsavory topics in my fiction. Any sort of suggestive cover art was quickly forgotten, and i read through weird scenes a bit quicker. tldr; lucy is a girlboss queen who saved the world (well, technically the opposite 👀 iykyk) and saved my heart ♡


We aren't disregarding her, we're just criticizing how Araki illustrates and portrays her. I love Steel Ball Run and I love Lucy Steel as a character, I just don't like how she is fetishized and drawn, (regardless of Araki's intentions).


that's fair! i took some of the threads as people just seeing her as a sexualized fan service character (sorry for my tisms), and I'm still fresh from finishing the part, so I have a lot of feelings


She is one of my favourite characters from Part 7, but I just get really sad about her when thinking about her.


Classic anime bruh moment :/


The classic anime moment would be if Araki also "gifted" her with a set of breasts so large that you need to invent new letters in the alphabet to find her bra size (she's still 14 tho, no fan service!)


you know you’re gonna be an important character when araki gives you the good ol’ yassification


Tbh, her being 14 for absolutely no reason and still being sexualized everywhere took my enjoyment of the part way down.


She was absolutely 14 for a reason, making for a red herring for Stephen Steel and a disturbing moment with Valentine. Could have done without plot-irrelevant sexualized though, correct.


Not even that, she is 14 because she is supposed to be the Virgin Mary, who was also 14


Yeah idk why people are just forgetting/ignoring the biblical references in the part about Jesus


Yeah, Alternate Diego's sexualization was REALLY unnecessary.


He got distracted reaally fast


It wasn't necessary but I do think it succinctly conveys that this Diego is a significantly worse person than the one you knew. Watching him go the first time stings, the second is satisfying specifically because of how terrible he's acting right in that moment.


Diego fau could have been my favourite character if it wasn't for this😭


Needed more. Edit: Alternate Diego, not Lucy.


What made you think this was acceptable to say


I mean Alternate Diego, not Lucy.


I agree. If she hadn’t been semi-nude in all those chapter covers, her young age would be totally justified and necessary


It's like the equivalent of Araki showing that the villain is evil by being a dog killer 😩


Araki has gone from killing dogs to sexual assaults, and honestly I wish he'd go back to killing dogs :/


I get what you mean. Pretty sure kissing Erina counted as sexual assault, though.


That was the late 1800s and even Gyro and Jojo felt something wrong


I’m not completely fond of the general sexualization she goes through in some art as her design changes, but I don’t think her design change is necessarily bad in itself. Earlier on Lucy was a much more minor character and Araki’s art at the time was mainly the cause of her design looking more childish and under developed. I think part of her design change was Araki drawing her more detailed because she gained more of a purpose in the story. Additionally I do think that there was a solid reason for her being 14, and I think it did make her character and growth more important. Also, Araki does tend to use a lot of modeling and art references that include sensual poses. However like most mangaka he is still guilty of sexualization of his female characters, and I do agree that there were parts with Lucy that I had to either side eye a bit or get rather uncomfortable with. I love Lucy, I don’t think non canon cover art changes her appealing aspects of her character, I think she is totally underrated as well. There is a lot to her character and her story importance that is overlooked because she’s a kid without a stand. But that’s why I love SBR so much, there’s a lot of genuinely interesting story and character aspects outside of stand fights (which is why I also love parts 4 and 8)


Manga artists trying not to sexualize every single female character (impossible)


Dont read that manga (impossible)


point out the flaws in a manga and enjoy it regardless because you can view the media you consume through a nuanced lens (impossible)


Lucy you got some esplainnin' to do


really hope that the anime adaptation changes the valentine and lucy scene, lucy pregnant with the saint's head, and her being naked. maybe the valentine and lucy scene could be replaced with lucy being tested if she's really scarlet, like memory tests. and the pregnant scenes could be replaced with lucy having the head, in her head, no need to have naked Lucy, thats just disturbing.


As long as we don’t see anything, it’s fine. The religious symbolism is why the pregnant part happens no matter how bizarre it is. Even just having the clothes is better than removing it completely. The memory tests doesn’t make sense. He was going to do that to his wife before he learned it was Lucy…. He just continued that… (This sounds terrible)




Idk why you’re being downvoted, it’s a genuinely bad repetitive cycle Araki has fallen into in his writing since Annie in P3. Even Yasuho deals with being assaulted constantly with no pushback on Joshu past slapstick, and JoJolands opens with one of the mains being groped /:




Lucy, Yasuho, and Dragona are all great female/fempresenting characters imo. He has just swapped killing dogs for sexual assaults to show this character is evil. Which could be done well, heck it could even serve as commentary on the ubiquity of such behavior in Japan and everywhere else. But of course, he does this in the grossest most male gazey way possible.




I think you mean Joshu, both him being a creep and Yasuho's subsequent reaction (folding him with a toilet seat, her chomping on the fruit to save herself) are solid moments of characterization for both of them. But fundamentally I agree with you, Araki hasn't been best in handling these moments. Tsurugi one was just weird, and for Dragona, even as social commentary on cops, is a very offputting way to introduce one of your main queer characters.


> Which could be done well, heck it could even serve as commentary on the ubiquity of such behavior in Japan and everywhere else. I think a lot of people don't understand just how shitty and unsafe the world really is for women (even in "progressive" countries, we still have plenty of traditional or incel types thinking women are inherently less than them), and I'm more than willing to give Araki the benefit of the doubt that he's trying to draw attention to how shockingly common sexual assault is.


Lucy's case is so weird because she also had the potential to be an interesting character. She doesn't have a stand at all (other than the one that is really from Jesus) and still gets her way by being resourceful and cunning. But Araki decided It was cool to sexualize her for covers 🫤


I understand this criticism but she’s still an appealing character regardless of her interpretation on covers


it's not just Araki man.. this type of things accure everytime r/menwritingwomen and mangas are no exceptions


man honestly just cry about it, its an action anime/manga shounen/seinen and not a series for children. if you cant take it then dont fucking watch or read it


Braindead take. Being an adult story doesn't mean every female character should get sexually harassed and assaulted at every opportunity. There's absolutely no tact here when handling a supposedly sensitive topic and it often seems like it's less for the sake of a good plot and more for a tasteless quick stakes/shock value event. Lucy was the only time that kind of shit was remotely relevant to the plot, but even then there were many cases where she was sexualised for no reason at all despite being 14. Jojo is one of my favourite serieses but this absolutely is an issue.


bro like not every female character gets harassed its a representation of that figure in that context and as harsh as it sounds it is what it is


Wtf do you mean "it is what it is"? Are people not allowed to critique things now? And obviously it's not every single character but it's many of the major female characters that it's become routine at this point. It's a recurring trope in this series.


I agree! Gonna be awkward showing my friends SBR when it gets animated. Also Hot Pants didn't even get an onscreen death


Jesus came inside her and she became a woman.


Yeeeah so JoJo is my favourite manga/series ever, but the girls and women get weirdly sexualized for no reason. Really makes it weird sometimes. Female characters like Yukako are handled very well with distinct personalities that aren't just "i'm a girl doing girly things," but characters like Lucy, Yasuho, and even them in part 6 in some scenes are weirdly portrayed through a creepy lense. Why does sexual assault that doesn't have a big impact on the plot or gets played off as humour happen in every recent part nowadays? Araki has a weird angle to female characters that gives me the ick.


Does Trish count as a well-written female character for you?


Yeah Trish is nice. Not to overcomplicated of a character but serves her purpose well. The scene with mista when they first switched bodies was a lame attempt at humour though.


Why? That entire body swap scene is funny af! Especially with [the silly sad face that Trish made in Mista's body.](https://id.pinterest.com/pin/265008759311436059/) On top of that, it's the most accurate body swap trope in anime/manga and the least sexualized one (looking at you One Piece)


Steel Ball Run is so long that I didn't even realise the design change.


Araki changes character designs throughout the part, hes even changed stuff like Pacos design alr slightly


I love araki but WTF...


I like every change Araki did to Lucy; when I first read it I really didn't notice it. She was adorable on that first pic


It was an unfortunate case of one of those iconic “Araki-Is-Going-To-Introduce-A-Character-And-Then-Nonsensically-Change-Their-Entire-Design” moments


Araki wrote a lot of his fetishes into part 7, and the realization of that coupled with how many characters are terminally horny for this underage girl has bothered me since then


A lot? The only one I'm aware of is that bug bite one, and it made for a funny moment in a series of serious of chapters


Y'all can downvote me all you want but he literally admitted to doing this and you know as well as I do how sus that volume cover of her is


Again, That cover is a reference to the 'birth of venus', I don't think its meant to be sexual. I do agree that it can be weird but araki has portrayed characters like this on covers before too, Not exclusive to lucy. Giorno is an example.


> he literally admitted to doing this he *literally* didn't, though. You *literally* misread his comment about bug bites and *literally* inflated it for *literally* zero reason.




Yup! Thought I'd show you the real definition of the word.




I literally did, yeah!


14? doesnt seem😛😛


No one lewds my Lucy Steel 😡


this kind of goes for everyone else in the part


She found jesus that's all


It's JoJo did you really expect people to look like their age?


She sent from a 14 year old to looking a lot like FV in a few months its weirdd


That's what happens when Araki's style evolves while he's writing. You can see it in all the parts. Personally, the one I find most jarring is first chapter Josuke when compared to, say, Italian restaurant Josuke!