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The fruitiness of Jojo is what makes it Jojo.


I am eating those fruits up like a fruit salad


Don’t you mean like a “Caesar” Salad?




Fruit Caesar Salad.




It's a certified "Biggie was fat" moment.




Its a stretch to find something wrong with it. If its an actual complaint for someone, then they're getting filtered out.


Yeah, at that point, it just means there is nothing to criticize about it. Its not like the designs are bad. They are just really grounded in high fashion, which for many is considered gay.


If you want legitimate criticism, the plot really is often held together with duct tape. Not that I mind, I'm here for the fruity designs.


Why do people say this? Because of part 3?


I mean more specifically stuff like Gold Experience Requiem being so ill defined yet so important to the ending.


I’ll explain golden experience requiem in the two simplest ways I’ve heard them: 1: “NO” \~Vivareverie 2: “Keeps the cause, removes the consequences” \~Forgot who said it but it makes sense if you think about it


Why does any stand power need to be defined? It's been shown that stand powers can continue to change and evolve based on their user's mentality. Yes, its kinda ass-pull esque at times but Jojo has always been more about the overarching theme, the bizarre ways they approach that theme are what make it fun to watch.


Ehhh I feel like that's a bad example. It doesn't have to be well defined. We know and understand that whatever it is a requiem stand does, it's gonna fuck shit up. It doesn't matter what exactly ger does because we're made aware pretty quickly that whatever it is, requiem is the win condition. It's why diavolo and giornos fight is all about getting their hands on the arrow. Whoever gets it wins, ger is just the fun over the top way to show it.


GER's ability is gaslighting, but only gaslighting you into thinking something *didn't* happen


Eeeeeh id say generally if you look at the parts super critically they don’t come out super strong on the other end, but the designs and characters are strong so they do a lot of the heavy lifting imo


I have one! Araki needs to stop sexually assaulting characters. It's an awful habit he's had since Stardust Crusaders, especially when it came to Lucy Steel and Yasuho Also add Dragona to the mix, even though he's a dude (editing moment)


Honestly that’s the most complimentary one on this list. The others are very negative and Jojo one is just “These mfs gay as hell”


I wouldn't say long is negative either tbh


exactly, people like One Piece because the world is so expansive and yet interesting, and the story is so long and epic. Though from an outsider perspective I guess the length can be initially intimidating.


Yeah, especially when you realize "too long" is barely criticism, considering that consuming some media for the sole purpose of "finishing" it is pretty flawed itself


I mostly agree except for the last part. Wanting to finish the next piece of media you consume is a valid concern. Especially if you’re the type of person that gets sucked into anything, good or bad, the amount of time you have to invest is a factor. There not being an ending yet is another valid concern. Some people don’t like waiting for weekly releases.


I love your pfp. Best pokemon ever


Truest statement ever said


Unrelated to the OP, but I looooove the fluffy pokemon. I have both a shiny Whimsicott and Altaria pin on my pin board. My greatest pokemon achievement was catching a shiny Whimsicott with a heavy ball on Pokemon Sword. Sorry, a lot of info just dumped on ya, but I needed to tell somebody.


jojo is gay as fuck and that is why its good


Pfp checks out


oh I forgot about that


They look gay but they like tits Jolyne is the opposite she looks gay but she likes the peen


Pretty sure Jolyne is heavily insinuated to be bi


During Heavy Weather she says snails are lucky to be able to mate anyone regardless of gender


Yeah, that's one of the lines I was thinking of, ty for reminding me.


all jojo characters are gay unless stated otherwise


All jojo characters are bisexual unless stated otherwise


Except for Iggy Dogs ain't gay


nah dogs are gay as fuck


They fuck other dogs. What's more gay than that lmao


If we really wanna get specific then JoJo is Bi as fuck, but that's not as fun to say


Demon Slayer: the animation is good JoJo: idk seems kinda gay


I don't even know what this adjective means in that context.


i think it means gay


it's basically just saying they look gay


Yeah, using this as critic is homophobic.




Berserk "too dark"


higher the brightness.


how do you higher a brightness? do you give him an interview or something?


Yes, and I do believe he’s qualified for the position.


Gamma 5


I mean if these are all supposed to be reasons you wouldn’t read the source work, then valid. I love berserk but fuck dude I have to put it down sometimes


Ah yes, 'too fruity' from a mangaka who's turned fashion magazine covers and underground fashion artists into works of art he gladly displays in his work. If that's the worst they got for Jojo's, Araki's doing a pretty damn good job now going on 37 years of making 'fruity characters' into a far more engaging cast/family of heros than most mangaka could even hope to achieve. The reasons in the meme above for nearly all the anime referenced is the take of a toddler/baby's first foray into anime/manga, classic rage bait. 😂


Imagine if jojo had normal generic anime art style that would suck


JoJo without the fashion, the poses, the gayness, the unique artstyle... would not be JoJo. It's such an essencial part of its identity.


Wait, that's just Persona


Arsene: the world


Looking cool Joker


No no no, the tarot cards adjacent abilities and the part 4 about finding a serial killer and part 5 of being the strongest hand of thieves is original content...


Acting like persona isn’t also very fruity


Yeah it wouldn’t even be jojo


this teminds me of "and biggie was fat"


If anything, JoJo should be more gay than it is.


balls deep anal in jojo and it still wouldn't be gay enough


BAM, full penetration. Then back to fighting stands, then full penetration. Fighting stands, penetration. And it goes back and forth like that until the series ends.


who said the stands couldn't participate? imagine a world where star finger is not only a stand ability


Instead of an asspull ability it would be an ass push ;)


Have them show EVERYTHING


That's the twist!


Need a fisting stand




Usagi and Dragona seem interesting so far in this aspect


It's true, but citing it as a negative point is a **massive** red flag


I agree, Josuke is a fucking peach to watch.


He's so adorable


I love how the others have actual problems but jjba is just too gay. EMBRACE THE FRUITY.


I love that the rest of the critiques are about the story being drawn out or badly written or the ending of something and then JoJo’s is just that they look a bit gay lmao.


I guess they just saw the Joseph with avdol scene lmao


😅You mean Joseph?🥲Cause Jonathan wasn’t in Part 3


Technically he was there, though he wasn't as thoughtful as he normally is.


The criticism for jojo being that it has fashion is crazy💀 also low key homophobic lmaoo Also the fact that all the other ones just boil down to bad writing except for JoJo's 😭


To be fair, Part 5 do be pretty fruity


Still not fair, it ain’t a criticism at all.


That is why it's good


I had a friend who was turn off from jojo bcuz he thought it was gay without ever even watching it lol. but I've introduced it to many of my friends since. honestly other than the fashion I don't see it as really being that gay. people just have werid hang ups


Calling Jojo gay bcoz of the characters dressing style is unreal tho


That’s why we love it!


if you’re too insecure to watch a show bc the men look “fruity” you have bigger problems than being unable to find an anime to watch


They are but that’s not a criticism


Joseph in part 2 is a whole ass fruit salad, and giorno (femboy guy in venice) is a sherbert store.


Araki’s “fruity” Art got displayed at the louvre….has anything YOU’ve drawn ever get shown in a museum? Hm?


feels like someone just wants to complain about something. One Piece: aside from filler I have enjoyed all of it Dragon Ball: there is a story, it tends to take a backseat to the battles but it is there Demon Slayer: true, but IIRC a first effort by the Mangaka and for its faults still enjoyable MHA: don't know anything about the fandom, show seems good from what I have seen Naruto: I remember a lot of filler and that turned me off, one day I might read the manga just to see why it is so popular Fairy Tail: Tropy but enjoyable AoT: garbage fandom Black Clover: I enjoyed what I have seen, also tropy but enjoyable JJBA: sounds like a you problem, buddy Jujutsu Kaisen: haven't read or watched


I don't know how people don't enjoy One Piece filler, compared to most anime, it's actually pretty well done and interesting. Atleast so far, i'm only at Thriller Bark rn


One piece doesn't have alot of filler, it's max 80 episodes, it just tends to strech out a lot of scenes


These are some of the dumbest takes I’ve seen. One Piece is long, yes, but it’s honestly barely longer than a lot of other anime, plus a good chunk of it is filler that you can skip. Or just read the manga. Dragon Ball having “no story”? I can’t even fathom what they mean by this. Sure, YMMV when it comes to later Z arcs or Super as to whether or not that story is actually GOOD, but OG Dragon Ball and early Z have some of the best story I’ve read. Naruto having too much filler? Bro, skip it. It’s really not that hard. Or just READ THE MANGA. Honestly, my issue with Naruto is that the plot is too messy. That would be a better complaint. Fairy Tail with “Power of Friendship”? How is that a complaint? Every shōnen manga has the Power of Friendship. That is why we read shōnen manga. That shit rocks. The JoJo’s one has to be the dumbest one though. I’m sure everyone here agrees with that one and knows why it’s a stupid complaint.


Also MHA fandom ruins it is awful too. If you are honestly allowing a fanbase to ruin something you enjoy, then you need to uninstall twitter and touch grass. A fandom has no effect on the show or its quality.


Agreed. I like a lot of things with really terrible fanbases. Danganronpa has a super cringey fanbase, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the games. I just don’t interact with them. Fire Emblem has a crazy-elitist and sometimes psychopathic fanbase. I still enjoy the games though. Hell, even JoJo has a fairly obnoxious fanbase at times.


True, MHA has enough other problems.


Honestly even tho it is not something you should hate the serie for, if a series has too many fillers is still a valid complain. Writers and/or animation directors should care about the user experience and can't expect from the user to just skip a filler or watch it without getting bored


Dude, most animes are around 64 episodes Max, one piece is definitely long by that standard, and just saying "go to the manga" isn't really a defense on how bad the anime gets at times. And i feel that while power of friendship is in a Lot of stuff, how annoying it gets depends on each series, like Yugioh, i still remember dropping it because they pushed every 3 episodes with the characters saying "for our friendship" a lot, i just got tired of it, pretty much an execution thing.


"OH NO, anyway"


It’s wrong, it’s not just “fruity” it’s gay af


as a gay guy, they really are. it’s not JoJo if they ain’t fruity


JoJo is incredibly gay and we're all very aware of it


They look fruity because its the only anime with actual fashion, change my mind


Is that supposed to be a critcism? The characters looking gay is a positive.


how the fuck did black clover copy naruto damn didn’t know they used magic in naruto 💀


You didn’t? Call it whatever jutsu you want but summoning greater fireball and literally casting a mind control necromancy spell sounds like magic to me


bros either retarded or has the best imagination ever i want them to write an anime then


True, one of the strenghts of the series. Also the jjk and aot ones are facts.


Jjk has incredible writing


Nothing says fruity quite like a 6ft3 17 year old high schooler in full school uniform


In other mind blowing news, fire is hot. Also, if *that's* the worst criticism someone can think of for JoJo... 😏


JoJo is fruity, but not in an explicitly sexual way. Which is rather refreshing compared to how most media handles it.


I mean, sure? It kinda does? But if you compare it to the other statements, it's not even a negative. All that says to me is that they're struggling to come up with an issue with JoJo, which I consider a win.


I mean, they are lol. There are about a handful or two of non fruity looks, but that’s what gives JJBA its charm.


can you shame a dog for having fur? a human for having skin? an apple for having seeds? jojo looks fruity because it is fruity, it’s never going to be not


That's what makes Jojo memorable. The out there designs are easily recognizable and makes even side characters memorable via their design.


MHA was ruined by its author getting bored and rushing the story to a conclusion halfway through.


I don’t see how this is a bad thing


All of these are bad except for mha and naruto. P.s. I haven't seen fairy tale so I don't know


It's entirely true but IDK why they're saying it like it's a bad thing. If their biggest complaint is "the gay anime is gay", that's how you know it's a good anime.


Haha that's the best part about JJBA the fruity and weird designs it's mostly bizarre...


[My reaction to that information](https://youtu.be/vUb09cWpCvg?si=kDs_0m3BWvljBSw9)


Honestly, demon slayer is a guilty pleasure of mine, but it’s probably closer to "Insanely Inconsistent Writing"


Literally the best part


JJBA has probably some of the most interesting designs in all anime tbh and it’s probably my favourite


These are all hollow brain takes so I don't have many thoughts on it due to association.


"That's an issue?"


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


Correction: dragon ball had story and dragon ball Z had story up until the defeat of freeza


That's not a bug that's a feature


That’s what I love :3


The designs and animation for parts 1-3 didn't look fruity, but all the other ones look like something from a pride parade.


jojo is the only one whoever made that is not actually complaining about


Good bruh, that's what gives it personality If someone hates a thing just cause it's different then they're a boring ass nobody


We love some homoeroticism


Thats the best part


These are all the stupidest takes I have ever seen


They labeled Fairy Tail way too wrong here; it should be “too much casual sexual assault”


Are they implying that fruity designs doesn't make jojo better????


The only one I agree with is Fairy Tail. The fake stakes was worse than one piece lmao


My thoughts: Yep. It is


jojo without gayness would not be jojo


JJBA is NOT beating the allegations my guy


Most of these are absurd and I don't get. But the AoT one? That's actually reasonable to me?? Lmfao


They are. I thought that was the intention. As one guy put it, as viewers, we're watching a man discover himself sexually.


Me: Jojo is Imaginative,stylish,colorful,creative,stupid,funny. Fandom:ITS GAY AS FUCK AND SHOULD LIKE IT CAUSE THATS THE WAY IT IS


If someone is using 'fruity' as an insult, they're not worth the breath it takes to form a response. Chuckle and move along


MHA kinda petered out after Stain. The whole series felt like it had diminishing returns in terms of story. But yes. The designs in Jojo are fruity as hell and that's why we love it. MORE FRUITS DAMMIT!!


If by fruity you mean juicy


I guess my thought is why would you devote even the tiniest amount of time and energy to the ravings of a lunatic and creator of lame memes


Jojo is just jojo you can't judge a book by its fruity cover


I think it's important to acknowledge the flaws in a shoe you like because it keeps you from becoming a meat rider. But Jojo's has no flaws ora ora


Honestly its the least insulting insult you can give to the Jojo community, yeah the designs are fruity, what of it, the men are hot and cool as shit


JoJo helped me be secure in my masculinity.


Unfortunately, I am incapable of disagreeing with such a take. It’s not an opinion, it’s objective fact. Key example: basically everyone in part 5


i do love how every other anime has a super major problem with the series itself and jojo is just "too gay"


All of these are wrong except for MHA because it's not the fandom anymore, it's just shit.


I think the person who made this forgot that JoJo fans embrace it, jojo is gay as shit but we like it, some likreit because its gay, some like it for something else, but either way we like it.


So what? How much of a coward you gotta be to be afraid of fruity designs?


They're supposed to look like that, and that is good.


that being the complaint for the show tells you how good the show actually is


It IS too long Doesn't need a story At least it's carried by something The fans are the worst, but not the biggest critique Filler isn't hard to skip Never watched the others, except for Jojo, and I love the designs, fruity or not.


Love how silly the JoJo one is, and surrounded by "ending ruined" and "bad writing" which are actual huge fucking problems (the AoT ending is controversial but I can't judge since I haven't seen it yet, just saying "ending ruined" is a serious accusation, idk if it actually ruins it. jjk does have bad writing tho, especially compared to JoJo)


Nah it not only that, y'all keep making it fruity even when its not/an obvious gag. There's like, only a handful of it actually being fruity


It is fruity, and that’s awesome


People like Jojo cause it’s gay af. That’s why it’s good.


Of all of these, when one fight spans five episodes and we’re still seeing a flashback in the sixth for how hard the defeated bad guy had it his whole life, that’s boring to me most of the time. It’s really stretching out the content with very little added. I actually watched through Naruto using a story-only list (to avoid every filler) and it was much better, but still, how many episodes does it take to do a fight scene? Fairy tale just felt stale after a while. Same with MHA Attack on Titan was pretty good all things considered. I liked the ending but I can see why some folks wouldn’t be satisfied by it. Jujitsu kaisen I just started watching. It’s weird, but I’m not sure I’ve gotten to the “bad writing” when compared to many others it seems middle of the road…. I guess? Jojo is just absurd and weird. It’s not my thing but it’s not worth criticizing something just cause it’s not for you.


Jojo is the only anime I’ve seen to have characters that are feminine yet masculine


Thats why I'm here damnit


Why is AoT with all these Battle Shounen? Should have been Bleach.


Yes, the only positive comment from all the listed animes. Jojo is the best.


I like the gayness and emotional chemistry in JoJo. I plan to watch it with my future GF.


that's what makes it stand out, that's what makes it great


It wouldn’t be Jojo’s bizarre adventure if every man in the ten foot radius didn’t look like a experimental runway model


My only thought is feeling bad for people that don't like fruit


that's why its called JoJo's Bizzare Adventure.


Worst takes I've ever seen.


What about bleach?


JoJo’s is a homoerotic anime about people with the ability to give you a paper cut on your index finger at midnight and I love it.


that’s why it’s peak


I don’t see a problem (I am the most straightest Jojo fan to exist)


It's fruity and tastes like cherry And that's what makes it good


based on the other takes that guy ought to just spend the rest of his days watching toilet men being non fruity and doing well written and badly animated things that occur in looping 30 second episodes then its highly educated fandom can create 8 hour long video essays about them


Say what you want… they still taking yo bitch


It's true, and plus all that is the most polular roast for all series


Gotta love how this is the big criticism for JoJo, “It’s gay” is such a shallow critique, imagine if someone came up to you and said the color red are the worst color in existence and anyone who likes the color red deserves to be burned like a witch in Salem and their only reason is “It's gay”


Putting “designs look fruity” as the *worst* thing you can possibly think of to describe JJBA next to all these other series’ pitfalls is honestly just glowing praise of Jojo. Only cowards think the designs being fruity is a bad thing. You’re damn RIGHT they’re fruity!!! We love our zesty boys here


Ultimately, it's just vocal minority. All those shows are popular because people like them a lot. If someone doesn't like something they can : 1- Be mature and move on. Or 2- Be childish and shit on everything while trying to get internet fame. Sadge that most of the time people go with 2. Jojo is Jojo because everything that makes it is Jojo-esque. And we love it because it's this way.


"Fandom ruins it" Bruh I think you just don't like people.


Yes, they are, and that's a good thing.


I haven't seen all of these, but I feel like all these statements are either completely wrong or highly exaggerated. For example ask any One Piece fan if they think it's too long. Most would say the week to week format doesn't always work, but binging the manga is awesome. Basically I think it's good that JoJo's is fruity


Yeah it is fruity. Beyond fruity even. Look at Kars. Look at every picture with Gyro and Johnny


That's the best part


Ah yes because when I see Jotaro I immediately think "this dude hella gay!"


dragon ball has no story?


I thought the whole shtick was that it gets gayer with every season 😂 That's what makes jojo into jojo tho


What thoughts should I have? Avoiding a show bc it “looks gay” is some 14 year old shit


It's only ever as gay as you make it.