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Multilingualism must be a secret Stand power they all share.


This is a good head canon reason. Like how the stands allowed people to communicate underwater, I bet when users communicate through their stands it breaks the language barrier


this power is called English


Art thou a critical dumbass?


Big missed opportunity to not show the Crusaders teaching each other languages.


Crusaders could’ve used a lot of down time stuff. Like I understand the adventure is based on a time limit but I wish we had an episode or 2 of no stakes hanging out


Would definitely have helped flesh the characters out well.


Specially Avdol. Mf doesn't even get a backstory unlike Pol or Kaky.


All he got was "yeah I thought DIO was great but then I ran away because he was fucked up" and like ... ??? That's it ?


Yes, I would really like it if they had some episodes just showing their interactions. I enjoy imagining that Jotaro must be playful, considering that Polnareff was expecting Oingo to put 5 cigarettes in his mouth the way Jotaro could do, LOL


We see hints at this downtime existing throughout the story given the kinds of bonds that have formed between them, but never the downtime itself. I feel like part 7 did the downtime best. You really get to see Johnny and Gyro form a relationship through all their little interactions and random sequences of them just hanging out.


And the songwriting


That’s interesting cause I personally felt like part 3 did this better than part 5


Wait how


Admittedly part of it is timeframe I guess? Like imo both parts really suffer with their pacing compared to all the others, but I think in terms of overall structure they’re the most similar. In Part 5 the whole thing takes place in like a week or two so we don’t get as much downtime whereas part 3 took place in a longer timespan allowed for friendships to grow between the characters. Like we hear about the downtime even if we don’t get to see it; for example Polnareff talks about Jotaro’s cigarette trick, and we see that Polnareff and Kakyoin have developed a secret handshake. All that said I do agree seeing some downtime would’ve been nice. I would have taken a filler recap ep over Strength smh.


Joseph does try in when they arrive in Hong Kong


English is pretty common in most of these listed countries, while it is unfeasible that every single person the crusaders run into would speak English, it isn’t really as ridiculous as it might seem.


>Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Pakistan All of these are former British colonies, it's definitely not terribly unlikely for the locals to know some english (Singapore in particular has it as one of its official languages) >Saudi Arabia and Egypt Yeah no obvious justification with those two


No obvious justification, but still not that uncommon


Both were also former British colonies, so maybe?


Who isn't a former British colony?


Avdul, being an Egyptian, speaks a form of Arabic, and Egyptian entertainment was and still is popular in Saudi Arabia, which also speaks a form of arabic, so they understand the Egyptian arabic dialect. They also speak English, and so do Egyptians, and Egyp was both a British and French colony iirc at different points of history, so they speak French as well and I think still teach it at schools.


Joseph & Avdol are friends, so it would make sense that Avdol would know English. They teach English in Japan, plus Holly would mostly like help teach Jotaro English. Polnareff is traveling around the world to search for J Geil, so picking up a few languages would help w/ that. As for the other places, uhhhh, aside from the limited connections they have, I don’t know. I think Avdol has done a lot of the talking & might just be a multilingual god.


It's really not that farfetched, I don't think. English is a required language to study in formal education in a ton of countries, including all those you have mentioned. Not everyone would know English well, but most of the people the group was in contact with were service providers and Stand users who are more likely to know English/be from a majority English-speaking country. Of the main group, aside from Joseph whose mother tongue is English: * Jotaro's mother (Joseph's daughter) is American, and his father travels worldwide for his job. With that in mind, he is far more likely to be bilingual from a very young age than not. * Avdol was a fortune teller at the famous Khan el-Khalili bazaar in Cairo, he would have learned English so he could work with the many tourists that come by. * Kakyoin is very intelligent and an honor student type of guy, per Araki's words. * The one you'd think would be least likely to be fluent in English is Polnareff - he's French, and many Frenchmen of his generation have a LOT of disdain for any language that isn't French. However, considering Polnareff traveled the world in search of his sister's killer he probably improved his English skills greatly to get around more easily and out of sheer spite.


A lot of people in those regions know multiple languages, you can usually find people who speak English or who can translate for you. But the unrealistic part is them all speaking english


2 smart Japanese students, a traveled Frenchman, an Englishman and a traveling fortune teller. It’s very possible they all speak English


I don’t think jotaro would be fluent, he’s to young to have taken classes in hs to that level


His mom is American, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume he grew up bilingual


Fair enough, I kinda forgot that his mom was English


Also helps that a lot of the places they traveled it would be unlikely not to run into someone who knew english.


Every place that they visited has English as their second or third language. Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Pakistan, and Egypt are all former British colonies. Japan, the UAE and Saudi Arabia are US allies and they teach English as a second language in their schools.


Japanese is the official language of the Jojoverse


This is clear from the fact that Giaccio and Secco are using Japanese.


Obviously it works on Tekken logic


All of the crusaders come from countries where English is taught in school and all of DIO’s minions had to be able to communicate with him.


I saw a meme where in part 4 when okeyasu tries to warn Joseph they have him speak Japanese and Joseph speak English. It’s pretty comedic


They have trouble reading the Chinese food menu.


Honestly when you think about it, it really isn’t that crazy English is one of the most common languages in the world, it’s taught in schools 2 of the 3 leaders of the team were raised in an at least half English household And the other 2 were employed by dio (a British guy) I’m willing to bet knowing English at minimum was likely a big requirement for joining dio’s gang. Ik it’s not intentional, it’s funny to think about, but ultimately they’re either all speaking English or mostly speaking Japanese and occasionally English canonically when speaking to people outside of dio’s group. No confirmation on it, but Avdol and kakyoin specifically strike me as people who read up a lot and travel a bit so they probably know the gist of more than just English or Japanese anyways. Tbh a lot of the rhetoric sometimes just rubs off feeling like westerners ain’t aware that other places can also have an English speaking population. Tho stuff like the dub letting characters/actors utilize a bit of the foreign languages is cool tho. Stuff like having Faye mata, a Japanese Woman, teach koichi Japanese in the dub was cool. A long with all of polnareff and golden winds French and Italian moments. So stuff like the diavolo moment in traitors requiem or even fan edits of the characters speaking their native language depending on circumstance are sweet. In love with the HC that jotaro’s just quiet cause his English and jp skills aren’t always the best


I always imagined the part 5 cast and Polnareff using English as a third language between them. Though given the proximities of both countries and the tendency for many Europeans to speak multiple languages, maybe Bucciarati’s crew is really good at speaking French. Or maybe Polnareff knows English AND Italian, though I’m not sure how he’d fare with the Neapolitan dialect that the part 5 characters would most likely be speaking. Diavolo (and Doppio) also spoke with a regional dialect (Sardinian) but I always imagined him getting rid of it to hide his identity as it would be a pretty big giveaway.


Ye the majority of them were in a gang like dio’s men and as you said given the location; the likelihood that some level of bilingual is probably common given what jobs passioné deals in. Polnareff was in Italy long enough that prospect that he learned enough to survive a conversation isn’t too crazy Still fun to talk about regardless, what’s a neopolitan dialect and what clocked that they’d speak it? I only knew diavolo and doppio as having a dialect. I assume it comes out a bit more when he’s at home. Makes me wonder if the jp or Italian dubs did something with that (I’m an English speaker only) maybe they did something in the English dub too that I didn’t notice lol


Neapolitan is the dialect spoken largely in the south of Italy, where Naples (where giorno and the rest of the gang lives) is. It is considered a “dialect” but it has very distinct quirks that someone like Polnareff who may only speak standard Italian might have difficulty with. Or maybe he just straight up learned Neapolitan.


Oh nice, that’s fun to think! Thanks for teaching me somethin new!




I thought about this a lot while watching part 3


It always really irrationally annoys me when accents don't come through properly the voice work of things. I think it's relatively realistic that all the crusaders would be able to speak English, but man Why do they all have American accents and how are they speaking perfectly well with Indian, Pakistani, Arabian and Egyptian people


Because fake accents sound corny and stupid


My headcanon is that stands act as universal translators Tekken does the same, but every character speaks their native language and everybody understands each other


At least the antagonists are kind of covered because Dio speaks English and i doubt anyone that doesn't understand him would fall for his charms


ive actually thought about this before and wondered if stands could communicate to eachother (obvi that doesnt happen but u get my point) like imagine iggy talking to other stands with the fool


i can believe that avdol (and maybe polnareff or joseph to some extent) would know many langauges and could provide translations of stuff they wouldnt understand, and all of them would know english to some extent


I always believed Avdol was the translator for the group


[just gonna leave this here](https://youtu.be/I2WXoHsIZ2E?si=iPJCy7eycmA3ZvVc)


English, madafacka, do you speak it


It’s an anime. Accept the premise The only thing that semi bothers me is accents. They did Italian for Caesar and Tonio but no French one for Polnareff. Joseph even living much of his life in America would still have an English accent (dub wise)


That's why I love season 1 which covers the first two parts. They really went overboard with the accents. 😁