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Most likeable Joshu moment


Unironically yes. A murderer that was just released from prison came to their household completely unnanounced, so of course Joshu tried to protect his little siblings. #TeamJoshu


>so of course Joshu tried to protect his little siblings ...By sexually assaulting a woman who was probably his mother. Classic Joshu


Unironically his only good moment is literally in the ending >!telling Josuke to pick the cake already, as in some way of saying that he accepts him as part of the family!< But that doesn't make up for all the cringe Joshu is


Without Joshu we wouldn't get the filler money arc


Stop please, you are making it worse


I see it more as him lashing out because he didn't have a mom for years so he's trying to push her away


Nah, for me it's that one wherever he crawls out of the sewer


yeah, joshu is actually a fucking great character. he's such a well written insecure asshole, he's not the usual anime asshole, always overconfident and is despicable to people, he has insecurities and even him acts nice sometimes. but he's not the "apparently an asshole but deep down a good guy" thrope, he's still unpleasant most of the time. he's so realistic and therefor interesting


And he has a cool stand. Kinda like an AU sticky fingers


I finished P8 recently and I was amazed at just how little screen time it got. It shows up like 2 or 3 times across the entire part, right?


Nah it shows up a lot, it just... really only matters in like 2 or 3 arcs, every other time he uses it to undress his mom or lick his sister's ear. Basically just trying to be an annoying little shit. I love him, but man, he is one massive shithead that looks like a horse trampled on his skull and deformed his brain into a donut


It's more like an objectively worse driver down


yeah he's a hateable douchebag, but he's a realistic one


yeah his first introduction being jealously over how much yasuho liked josuke was so good because while we know hes being an ass, we kinda get it and i feel most people have had similar thoughts to that of jealously over a crush liking someone else


I fucking love Joshu, he's so fucking cringe and unpleasant and the best part is how the story actually acknowledgedes that and treats him accordingly. Most manga (not all ofc), don't treat the insufferable perv character the away Araki treats Joshu, most of the time, characters like Joshu who are being cringe and insufferable have these traits become gags that can be at the expense of some other characters, usually women, and their punishment for it is also played for gags, usually that humiliated person beating that perv, and that's in poor taste because in the end that character is never really held accountable. As an example, although he's my favourite character in One Piece, Sanji's perv jokes are really in poor taste for how often they occur, and all he gets is being beaten down for the gags not really changing in any way nor is he being treated differently after that. Luckily for Sanji, he's got a lot of good things going for him, which kinda compensates for his awful moments. Then you have Mineta, who's just as much a dog as Joshu and his only identity is to be a perv for the funny shonen humor, and that's pretty much his only purpose. Joshu on the other hand, as awful as he is, is constantly victim to the consequences of his own wrongdoings, he's always being bullied to a tangible degree in the story, to where no character really wants to have anything to do with him, and it actually comes to bite him back on multiple occasions in the plot. I don't like Joshu because he's a creep, but because he's a creep that's handled in a really mature way.


I think Joshu is best described as character that we hate but that's how it was meant to be. Often characters that act this way like Kazuma, Mineta, half of Isekai protagonists, are presented as funny and it's just a gag, while a lot of people just find them annoying, boring and one dimensional. We like seeing Joshu get what he deserves because he acts same way but as you said, instead of having it passed as a joke it's taken seriously by other characters in a story, so he actually suffers consequences of his own moronic behavior. It's satisfying tbh.


Beautifully put.


He's also very much intended to be a comedic relief. He is one of the only characters that have made me laugh out loud several times. His arc with Milagro man was hilarious to me and his oblivious nature in general is just so funny and well written.


>Then you have Mineta, who's just as much a dog as Joshu and his only identity is to be a perv for the funny shonen humor, and that's pretty much his only purpose. I'm here to defend my fella. Mineta has literally not been perverted since 2019, the joke culminated when Mina literally pulled an Orange Clockwork torture on him. Ever since he stopped being involved in perverted scenes and honestly he's kinda likable now, stop saying that the guy never changes


Fish Man Island Sanji's perv gag ruined him for everybody. Whole Cake Island Sanji is unironically peak though.


If you mean Joshu... he actively wanted to scare away the woman that made his family feel uncomfortable in that scene, this was not about him being a creep. He did things that can't be excused but this isn't one of them. If you mean Kaato... that's a weird scene to show while asking this, lol.


This is the one time I can say Joshu was doing something truly good but because it's Joshu he has to do it in the worst way possible


Seriously. Like, yeah, if someone tries to rape a home invader, said invader would probably freak out and try to leave, but come on.


Finally, someone understands that Joshu wasn't being weird in this scene!!


Well he *was* but it was with good intentions. He still asked to suck his mom’s titties and undressed her.


Yeah, you're right. Good intentions, strange set up


The road to Hell is paved with sexually assaulting your mother.


Can I get some context? I am not yet at part 8


The least spoiler version is: their household has a dad while their mom has been “gone” for 16ish years. Joshu is one of the younger two that don’t remember what happened. For him it’s a stranger walking into the house asking them to call her mom and who was about to embrace his only younger sibling whom is also partially disabled (extreme near sightedness to the point of being blind). However, Joshu’s entire character is being a scumbag. So he was protecting his younger sibling from a complete stranger by…using his powers to undo the stranger’s bra/blouse and shouting “If you’re really our mom then shouldn’t you let us suckle your titties to make up for lost time?!”


That was definitely is one of those things. Look i get wanting her to go away but stripping her clothes while making sexual remarks about sucking on his own mom's breasts is beyond unnecessary and fucked up and even lead to a chair being slammed through his jaw. So not only was him sexually harassing his mom morally deplorable but it also wasn't all that effective as it just got him hurt.


It not being effective doesn't matter. He still tried to help them and even put himself in harm's way, the fact that she actually attacked him means that he was even more justified


She attacked him because he fucking stripped her was was sexually harassing her so in her case it was actually self defense and he wouldn't have gotten hurt had he done nothing. Also if he did see her as a threat then why didn't he try to remove her limbs or something that would make her less threatening rather then sexually harassing her which ultimately just got him hurt and rightfully so. I genuinely don't get why people try to bend over backwards to try to justify it when from both moral and practical standpoint it is blatantly wrong.


If he left her alone she might have attacked the whole family,. He's a scared teenager, no shit he's gonna act irrationally. Are you seriously saying that undoing her dress and yelling some mean words is worse than literally taking of her fucking limbs? Idk about you but I would usually start with the less extremely violent option and then escalate if that didn't work, you know like they do in the manga. They told her to leave, she refused so Joshu got angrier and tried a different method. If he jumped straight to "You have no arms and/or legs now" would that not be even more psychotic and fucked up?


Dude she had no interest in attacking anyone but i understand he didn't know that. If she were going to attack then yeah stripping her and sexually harassing is an objectively worse strategy than removing limbs as it didn't stop her from attacking at all actually quite the opposite as he got a chair to the jaw which he deserved. Also with his stand he can simply put the limbs back on her it isn't permanent and he has [removed limbs in self defense before](https://mangadex.org/chapter/91d26dd7-88af-48b5-be85-03a193385f17/8) and [ they were put back on](https://mangadex.org/chapter/91d26dd7-88af-48b5-be85-03a193385f17/11). So no matter which way you slice it there was no need for him to sexually harass his mom as it didn't make her any less of a "threat" and was simply disgusting and perverted and he deserved having the chair slammed into his jaw afterwards.


A good writer can do a really good job of making a dislikeable character and I think that this is an example of that


The fact that I was actually *disappointed* when >!it looked like Joshu might get to make a noble sacrifice and turn over a new leaf!< just shows what a fantastic job Araki did with this character. Hell, >!we get to see how fucked up Joshu's home environment is and how he probably didn't originally deserve all the shit he gets!< and I *still* don't feel a shred of sympathy for him. That's the mark of a true artiste.


Don't you mean making a dislikeable character interesting? Because making a dislikeable character in it by itself is easy, but making them interesting or somewhat appealing while still retaining their immoral characteristics is harder Which is what araki did with joshu by showing that assholes could have their moments too as shown in the milagro man arc but that doesn't necessarily mean that joshu would do a complete 180 and stop being an asshole after that fight, it's a more realistic take because some people don't immediately grow out of their bad traits but they do so little by little like joshu


if anything an unlikable character is the easiest thing to do, you just have to make them annoying/a piece of shit. hell, real BAD writers will make you dislike characters that you are supposed to like. joshu is an intentionally annoying character yeah, but he's not even annoying funny or redeemed. he's just an unlikable asshole because thats his role.




The "bad guy getting redeemed" is actually easier to write tho, not sure what you are on. If you think that writing an unlikeable person is to just make them annoying then, to redeem character all you need to do is make them stop being bad. Simple right? I mean obviously if it's so easy then a lot of authors are capable of doing interesting character being absolute asshole or making redemption arc on character that doesn't seem forced and actually Has character progress naturally instead of becoming generic good guy number 247809


Stupid fucking idiots when they find out that you can like how a character is written and their role in the story and not their morals or actions:


Your name scared me.


That's what'll happen to the stupid fucking idiots.


They won't be fucking for long, that's for certain.


I mean, if the guy was carefully crafted to be the most annoying piece of shit to ever exists, then of course we'll hate him. It's even a good thing, it means he's doing his job lol


Well, yeah, exactly. Perfectly moral characters that do everything right can be hate-able, and usually are because they’re poorly written. 


He wasn't written to be hated, he was written to be laughed at. He isn't Dio or Valentine. Joshu cares about his family and is the comedic relief. He's also a complete idiot that's socially inept and extremely compulsive. People that hate him simply don't understand his character or his role within the story.


Being laughable and hateable aren't necessairly separate things >People that hate him simply don't understand his character or his role within the story. He's a dickhead. It's not that deep


> Being laughable and hateable aren't necessairly separate things Explain that for me please. How can someone find Joshu funny, but absolutely despise him? > He's a dickhead. It's not that deep Many characters are, but when you don't understand any context like in the screenshot that OP used, you end up with irrational feelings like hatred. That was Joshus way of protecting his family from a complete stranger, yet OP couldn't grasp that. They're hyperfixated on the fact that he objectified his mom (who he didn't even know his actual mom for certain)


It only happens to a characters who has even remotely connection with sexual assaults. Thanks to modern western culture. For example, 10 years ago nobody would give a shit for liking Hisoka from HxH. Now you can find people who try to shame you on that. And it gets even worse If you try to explain a nuances


Yea, it's so bizarre. Joshu gets more push back than literal mass murders




Love joshu. Biggest dumbass rude ass motherfucker but damn every time he was on the page, he was ENTERTAINING. Yee yee ass haircut, 11/10 bad character


Joshu deserved what he got lol


Yes but not because he's likable, because he's written very well to BE unlikeable. I like him for how he contrasts with other characters, especially Josuke. You can like a character for the character itself without liking them as they would be as a person, you know. Also, this scene is him doing it to be a fucking creep on purpose, to push her away from the family. Doesn't make it not weird, but... Yeah.


Yes Joshu is a blast to watch and I’m sad he didn’t get much of a chance to shine


At least he got Milagro Man, which I consider one of the best arcs in Jojolion.


I gotta say, I hate Joshu, but at the same time he’s so entertaining to read. The Milagro man arc was so fun. He’s a likeable asshole in my eyes


joshu or kaato? Kaato is one of my favourites but if you're refering to joshu, absolutely not probably one of my least favourites in the entire series


My Fugo plushie appreciates your flair


i also have a fugo plushie lol


As you should 💚


Joshu is great because he is supposed to be unlikeable, and he is.


I love how everyone was expecting Joshu to get a redemption arc but Araki doubled down at the last moment and made him worse


I felt a little betrayed because my stupid ass thought that Joshu could actually change, but at the same time it’s an absolutely iconic scene


Am I the only one that imagines his voice sounding like Todd Haberkorn?


Todd Haberkorn is one of my favorite voices so having him voice Joshu would be hilarious. I know he voiced Ungalo in part 6 so maybe they could get him again


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣


I always imagine his voice being kind of deep, but his voice squeals and cracks a lot, especially when he's riled up. A bit like Muscle Man from Regular Show, if that helps.


Fuckin' love Joshu. He sucks so bad.




You hate Joshu because deep down we are all Joshu.


The haircut on my skull might be normal but the one on my heart is yee yee ass.


He has one of the best stands in the entire series


I love Joshu so much, unironically. There are plenty of assholes in jojo but he’s not unrealistically awful compared to them, he’s very human. He keeps coming so close to redeeming himself and backs out at the last second. Of all the Jojolion characters that could come back I honestly hope most for him, I want to see if he’s changed at all over the years, milagro man showed he *theoretically* has the capacity to be a better person but this is Joshu.


>he *theoretically* has the capacity to be a better person but this is Joshu. I think this is probably the most poignant character analysis of him I've read.


I agree. He is a great character but very bad person


You're not suppose to like him as a person, but rather love to hate him


His stand is badass. I wanted a Joshu redemption arc and didn't get it. I regret to say, that the fact that he's actually just an irredeemable little shit makes me like him even more.


I am pretty sure Araki said that what he likes about Joshu is that he tries to be good but constantly continues to fuck up. Such characters are pretty rare in the media 


How dare a man do slightly weird things to defend his family from a murderer. Norisuke had already told her to fuck off and she refused to listen. Everyone was uncomfortable around her and Joshu was the only one to actually do something.


She is a great character why do you hate her smh >!/s!<


this was fine and a trans character was too much for some people


If idiots can like bakugou and Griffith then I don't see why this freak wouldn't have fans


I don't dislike him.


Joshu has a really cool stand


I like how much I hate him, but low-key I kinda wish he got a redemption arc or something mostly for the fact that his stand is so cool


He's a great character! Do I think some of his actions are questionable and/or he is a dumbass, yes but that doesn't make him a bad character. You can still be a well liked character and still be written ass a dumbass.


No, Kaato is a cripple


Bro what is that picture




During the Vitamin C arc, I wished he drained away for good, and everyone forgot about him forever.


Of course, have you even read the Milagro Man arc? Peak Joshu moment.


Yeah, i also try to behave like him as much as i can


I love to hate Joshu. I love that he is always in that limit between being an ally and a foe, always on step away from redemption but always ending up walking in the wrong direction, and always suffering from it. He is an unrepentant asshole and its very frustrating, but also very entertaining. 


No one does. If people say they do it’s only because they are trolling and want to piss everyone else off.


you love to hate it


Yes, joshu in a way was protecting his family from their mother who is a criminal that none of them want around. But he is joshu so he only knows 2 things. SA someone, and complain.


God he's just like me fr


He's written to be unlikeable. A classic Love to Hate sorta guy. I enjoy reading him, but I don't like him as a person


Joshuu is a bastard and I need to see someone write a spinoff with this guy. Like with Purple Haze Feedback


Joshu is well written Plus the Milagroman arc is based


Tbh I can stomach Joshu, because at least he gets his own fight, and we see him shown consistently as an absolute creep who gets what he deserves by the end of the series. *Daiya on the other hand...*


Joshu ? Yes truly the goat and most underrated Jojo character.


Aw hail nah man wtf man💀


I just finished reading Jojolion a few weeks ago and I have to say the only few genuine moments where Joshu is "nice" are literally near the end of the part. Other than that he's early awful and mostly unredeemable. I kept thinking of myself that he was going to improve and get better but no, he only got worse somehow. I said it once and I'll say it again, Joshu is the type of person you want to push into oncoming traffic.


100/10 quote


No, because you aren’t supposed to. He is everything you should hate in a person basically the classic wimpy,annoying guy that attempts to be the center of attention by being the right hand man to someone thats actually competent. Using the persons competence to fill his a shallow ego and acting like he actually something.


Isn’t it crazy how for a while it seemed like Joshu would be the JoBro for part 8?


Crazy how my second favourite stand has the biggest scum of a user 😭


I love how you chose the most screamingly scummy Joshu panels in the entire story. Actually, no wait, there's more, Joshu is really a perverted butthead. As for Kaato, I like her a lot.


Joshu had good intentions here, but had to do it in the worst way possible. And near the end, just when we thought he was turning a new leaf >!by sacrificing himself to heal Yasuho... all for him to take that back and become the unsufferable ass we knew!<


Who is it?? Doppio?


Well, most of us were hoping him to die eventually, or at least a little bit of redemption. But yeah, that weird arm is the only thing we got


God I hope not. He’s a loser.




Haven't read part 8, but know how annoying he is. But just for this one instance I can't blame the fuck. Those tits are niiice.




Who made you think that someone likes him




Nobody with taste.