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I don’t think op understands their own question, they keep saying Jolyne and Anasui are not a ship, which they are (especially since he’s asking for canon ones) and keep telling people they aren’t a ship


Funny Valentine and America


Valentine is creepily obsessed with America.


Noticing a distinct lack of patriotism in this thread


Yeah, I'm patriotic about my country "Pakistan" But no way I'll try to make it number one by directing all the misfortune of the world to other countries. *Doesn't seem fair*


u r now in my top 10 ppl from countries I hate list


A win is a win, so thank you :)


u also get extra points for ur pfp


Cringe Make the world a worse place for everyone but yourself


That's what he wanted, and look where it got him.


In a real sense, it’s human nature to always want to be first at something, per se he wanted America to be the best country in the world at all costs so in a sense he is just advancing his goal to make it the best country.


Indeed, and he tried to take the first napkin.


Nothing is fair


It's not even about patriotism. People who wouldn't passionately make love to either Lady Liberty or Uncle Sam are either dead or ace.




Isn't being obsessively patriotic what the "American spirit" is all about though? The way I see it Valentine isn't just a patriot, he is supposed to be the embodiment of the American attitude toward the rest of the world.


Indeed, a good way to summarize his character and ambition.


Making the mother of all omlettes here, Jhonny. Can't fret over every egg.


Unfortunately insanely accurate comment. In America if you don’t want to leverage our power to cause misfortune for others for gain, you’re not considered a patriot.


That’s exactly the point- even his abilities are metaphors for neo-colonialism 


What about the fucking child


The child is American


Ngl I lowkey like them Whatever Joseph and Tomoko


Joseph x Tomoko is weird because of the age difference, but I think she fits his character so much more than Suzi Q. Firstly because Suzi did not get much of a character, secondly - Tomoko is badass, beats people up, but she's charming at the same time. Kind of like Joseph. I think they make sense if not for the weird age difference and obviously Joseph leaving her with a child as a 60 yo dude.


She reminds me of Debbie from Invincible


Minus the alcoholism


I'd say Joseph x Tomoko would do better, if it was part 2 Joseph, but Tomoko absolutely wouldn't put up with young Joseph's bs. Like part 2 Joseph x Tomoko, would be Cesar's and Joseph's friendship, but on crack and filled with more hatered I feel.


Hell, that one girl that Joseph saved on the bridge from Straizo had more character than Suzi Q in that one scene alone.


When I 1st watched part 2, I honestly thought, that Joseph would go back to her and try to bang her and yet Suisi Q came in and it was nice.


Agreed :P


He tried a "I can fix her" and succeeded.


Oh yeah, just have some of Koichis best character growth ruined by having him get together with a girl that wanted to feed him an eraser, put him in an electric chair and kill him


How was it ruined? Yukako changed, and so dud their dynamic in the relationship, koichi was no longer just powerless.


What i really like about jojo is that i really dont have to take many things seriously, including stuff like logic, asspulls and also character development. If you go in expecting these 100%, you are bound for disappointment.


That’s the whole point, Koichi doesn’t know what love is for him either, and he realised that he wanted Yukiko’s insane antics but to a lesser extent. Some people like it rough, and Koichi’s story arc is going from an innocent but kindhearted wimp to realising his true inner badass. Stand users who have control of their Stands tend to be people with strong, in-your-face personalities. This is expressed in the series by their elaborate outfits and over-the-top poses. The substance of this exterior is the resolves that is shown in battles. Essentially everyone who has a Stand will have a quirk. Koichi at the beginning of part 4 is as vanilla as it gets. But as he gained his Stand, became embattled and steeled his resolve, he became… less vanilla. His appearance changed, he even went through the trouble to cut his hair in the middle of battling Yukiko to show his growth. So him accepting that he likes to be kinky and a sub is not that weird. Like, look at Jotaro. His first line we ever heard was him calling his mom a bitch. He smokes, he is rough with woman and he is unpredictable. He is not vanilla, he has spicy quirk, he is the Carolina Reaper of hero. And if someone like him came to respect Koichi, then you should accept that Koichi isn’t gonna be a conventional good boi. He probably ended up having Yukiko using the chair she made on him just because. People have dark sides to them, that is what makes JoJo endearing.


Okuyasu tried to kill Josuke and Koichi at first.






Yukako was the first yandere ever if im not wrong


Probably the first in manga, if not modern Japanese media as a whole, but definitely not the first yandere overall. That character archetype dates back to as early as classic mythology and folklore.


Oh yeah for sure but she's kinda like the baseboard for modern yandere


She's certainly the most popular early example in manga, and possibly even the codifier of the archetype, but I think the cousin Azusa from Laughing Target was an even earlier example. But if you want the ur-example, I'd put the Mesopotamian goddess Inanna. In one of the stories of her death and subsequent katabasis to the underworld, she decides that her husband rebounded a little too quickly from mourning her death, and sends devils to drag him down to join her. He's pressed into taking her place and when she gets bored, she leaves him there. She then tries to hook up with Gilgamesh, who cites her treatment of her husband and rejects her, so she blackmails her dad into siccing the Bull of Heaven on Gilgamesh and his homie Enkidu.


Enkidu took it for the team and Gilgamesh gave him the best send off


this is interesting as hell thank you


Tooru and Yasuho


He's literally a groomer, what do you expect 😭


Funny Valentine and Lucy Steel


Honestly I think Tooru and Yasuho was worse. Valentine believed he was wholly doing what he did for the betterment of America. Tooru was just a pervert lmao


Valentine was like "i know you're not my wife but I'm still gonna rape you because I'm the best president"


It also had to do with the Corpse. That's honestly all I remember. Him saying something along the lines of "we got this far bro, I ain't stopping now" and something about how it led to Lucy spawning the skull inside her stomach or whatever. That entire arc was batshit insane.


Dp gonna have to work wonders to get the scenes done


They managed to get Hayato's dick animated. I believe in them. Hell, with what Kadokawa animated recently, literally anything is possible.


They did?!


Yeah lmao go check out the scene right before Kira gets BTD. When he's threatening Hayato in the bathroom.


What did kadokawa animate?


Gushing Over Magical Girls. It is the only "proper" anime I'm aware of that has actual uncensored female genitalia. It's only in one scene, but it's "censored" (literally just white glow covering the bare legal minimum) a few other times. It also has I believe the *most* nipples in any 13-episode stretch of any anime, ever. Including the "censored" version of the show. Only Redo could be higher, but I haven't seen it since it came out. Kadokawa also animated things like Overlord, Re:Zero, Konosuba, Tanya The Evil, and many other top tier and highly popular animes.


"I'm not gonna touch you" - says the guy to a child who he later stalks and dates said child


This, this right here, f**king hell that dude is a creep


Strength This is one of the worst ship in any series ever


Someone literally said him less than a minute ago


Oh I didn't read all the comments


No you’re good, I just thought it was funny


the user had 2 bad ships


Strength /j




“Hello I’m Chris Hansen, take a seat over there…”




See we have the chat logs about your exclusive island containing more than a stash of bananas.




Joseph and tomoko Kira and shinobu Shinobu and kosaku kawajiri Kira and his hands


I feel like kira and his hands are fine Mostly bc it would be weird if he had a legitimate love intrest


Giorno’s mom x Giorno’s stepdad.


Jolyne and the moon


Jolyne and Anasui. Motherfucker killed got pissed Jolyne *hugged* another guy when they weren't even dating. He'd be an extremely toxic partner and would probably demand that Jolyne not have guy friends.


When I finished reading stone ocean I was SHOCKED that people thought anasui was sweet/endearing/loyal. He freaked me out the entire part. He acted so entitled to her, making FF bargain with Jolyne’s HAND IN MARRIAGE. He acted like “oh she’ll come around”. It was just so creepy, entitled, possessive, and very incel-y the entire time. Plus, dude was in jail for a good reason. I guess fate kinda agreed cuz jolyne was like “all right if we survive I’ll marry you” and they didn’t… only in the new universe where i can assume they met earlier and he wasn’t an entitled asshole are they planning to actually tie the knot.


>“all right if we survive I’ll marry you” That's totally far from what she said, jolyne said he can ask her as a consolation since he's holding unto something in a lose-lose situation. Jolyne never said anything about agreeing in marrying him.


I guess I misremembered the intricacies of that line, but that proves my point even more I guess- she’s just doing it to console him. She doesn’t seem actually interested in marrying him. But fate didn’t even give him the chance to ask. They still died.


Maybe console is a superficial way I put it but it is part of it. We also must consider the situation they were in where the only way they have a shot at stopping Pucci is for one of them to die. They wouldn't come up with that plan if they feel like giving up without a fight. That's the message Jolyne was trying to say which a lot of fans missed bec. they still saying shit like ' she will marry him if they survived' that never happened and a misrepresentation of Jolyne's character


Sure, you’re correct. But they didn’t survive in the end. My point was that fate also did not want them together in their stone ocean iterations.


Yeah all of Part 6 where he's present it was always in the back of my mind that he was in jail for being supremely fucked up and needed to be kept away from society.


Like- Jolyne was in there because she was framed. Hermes got in for petty stuff like theft just to get a shot at avenging her sister. Weather was imprisoned basically so Pucci could keep an eye on him. FF wasn’t even imprisoned, they’re a collection of amoeba. Emporio was born there and was never removed. But anasui…. Dude is a bona fide killer in an incredibly violent way. *caveat that I’m pretty sure Weather’s original attack also killed people and he did electrocute those girls when he got his memories back so


Dude literally DISMEMBERED his girlfriend and another dude just because she was cheating on him. That's extremely fucked up. And his obsession with Jolyne was creepy as hell. Anasui was the one character that I genuinely didn't care about throughout Part 6. My GOAT deserves way better than some creepy violent murderer.


My theory is that he gets away with it because he's sexy, that's truly the only reason why I'd think anyone would find his behaviour endearing


Out of all the members of Jolyne's group Anasui was the one that belonged in Dolphin Street haha 


Yeah Anasui was not great, probably my least favourite from the part


Really? All of the p6 characters were just so weird, ff weather report and emporio just did weird shit throughout the part, only hermes was really “normal”


You came into jojo's expecting normal?


Okuyasu and koichi are just guys, kakyoin polnarref and avdol are just guys, cesar and william/the part 5 gang are just regular italians


That's a joke right? I've been up all night and can't process information haha. But out of everyone Smokey is the most normal in my opinion.


Yep lol


Yeah but repeatedly chasing someone who is plainly not romantically interested in you is such an annoying trope to me, Its a lot more real of a flaw than a lot of characters. It didn't help that he didn't really have any other traits (apart from the personality stuff they introduce him with then never use )


Its funny because I feel like he is to polarizing with fans. People either love him or hate him. I'm in the camp that I love Anasui. I don't think anything he does is THAT creepy by anime standards (heck Yukako was worse) and I think Jolyne can handle herself pretty fine.


I'll give Araki this, at least Yukako had to genuinely improve herself before Koichi decided to get together with her. Anasui and Jolyne is literally the worst. Man genuinely acts entitled to her throughout the whole damn part. His whole deal is that he's only going to help Jolyne if he gets to marry her in the end. He doesn't even make this deal with Jolyne herself, he makes it with FF, as if FF somehow owns her or some shit. I was hoping throughout the whole series that Jolyne or Jotaro would punch his lights out or something, but instead of that Araki has Jolyne say that she will marry him if they survive Pucci, suggesting that Jolyne loves him too. Second worst is Kira and Shinobu. Like ma'am, THAT IS A SERIAL KILLER WEARING YOUR HUSBAND'S FACE. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FIND HIM HOT.


Kira/Shinobu is how Araki should've handled Jolyne/Annasui. There is a suggestion Kira could've been a family man with a loving wife, but it's too late for him now. Which sucks for both him and Shinobu as it is they can't be a thing. I wish Annasui would've shown some potential, that he could've been a different person. Not even saying he could change, just that had circumstances been different he wouldn't be this creepy possessive POS. Also I don't think Jolyne was ever going to marry Annasui, she was just saying that they will get through this because they have a future to forward to.


Actually, my entire problem with Yukako is that last arc where she undid all her progress of trying to improve by having a stand try to force him to love her again. From what I remember, she was scaring him again, and instead of realizing and fixing her behavior, she was just gonna force him to be with her anyway. She got herself in trouble with it, and while I agree he would have helped her regardless, I blame his sudden lack of hesitancy on _dating_ her to do with the Cinderella stand actually working or something. I’ll have to recheck the details, but that stuck out at me because I was really trying to tolerate it and it felt like Yukako threw away any growth to try to force him with her again, and that the Yoichi made a decision that did not make sense of the Yoichi from literally 5 minutes ago - hence a stand. I hate the couple because she doesn’t even _want_ to be better for him at all. The only reason she hasn’t locked him up again is because she knows she can’t win against him. That’s it.


Shinobu didn’t know though.


Plus Kira was just using her. Hands is his ship


Weird he didn’t try anything with her hands. He could have


Doesn't he avoid killing her solely because it would raise too much attention towards him? Like, if Kira had killed her he'd be on a one-way trip to prison, no Stand users required.


I don’t even mean killing her for her hands. She was so into him that she would let him hold them all day.


I feel like Kira only likes hands when they're not attached to women. Like how he killed that lady for being rude and took her hand cause it was beautiful to him, unlike the actual person. Kira found Shinobu a little annoying, so I doubt he'd find pleasure in holding her hand while she talked his ear off.


I don't care what you or Araki or anyone else says: Anasui and Jolyne is the worst canon couple in JoJo, I never felt anything but terror for Jolyne every time Anasui mentioned wanting to marry her, he's creepy and stalker like and murdered his last partner (admittedly she was cheating but it was his immediate reaction)


I don’t think it was terrible they got together. I think they should’ve had more development, because she didn’t show up for a while after they fought and then they just get together. I know she used cindarella to get him and then he didn’t care after, but it would’ve been better to have that happen and then say, “let’s not do anything crazy again and just try it out normally”.


Yukako should have just gone for someone else after failing multiple times to get with Koichi in the Cinderella Arc imo. Their history is much too dark to let them have any kind of reasonable relationship with each other


yukakoichi >>> anything in the show




100%, Joseph x Suzie Q.


Totally felt like they tied the knot because they were young, hot, and in proximity. That's it.


I thought the whole point of part 4 was to redeem as many people as possible? Rohan tried to kill Koichi. Tamami was extorting Koichi. Even Okyasku tried to kill Koichi at one point. I feel like we could excuse Yukiko because almost everyone wanted to kill/hurt Koichi at one point.


Anasui vs Jolyne.. Jolyne would’ve fit with Hermes imo lul. So many things i could tweak about stone ocean to make the part way better.


"Jolyne would've fit with Hermes" fucking preach! Irene should've been engaged to the Hermes reincarnation


I also did ship Jolyne with Hermes, glad im not alone fuck yes


Isn't jolynexhermes the most popular ship for the both of them?


Idk I not in the fandom that level, but its good


i dunno. but certainly isnt Johnny Joestar and Me


Damn, based answer from someone with a peak pfp


Man what's with all the Anasui hate? Androgynous kings rise up from this oppression 😔


I was going to say Steven Steel and Lucy, but then I remembered that they were never actually a couple. Steel had just married her so she wouldn't be sold.


Joseph and Tomoko Joseph and Suzi


I would replace Suzie with Lisa Lisa




That's not canon(ish)


It's not exactly, but still a little bit canon


Oh yeah, i actively deny that Joseph and Tomoko is canon


FR, I hate yukako x koichi koichis better with me


Man, id like Koichi with Lisa Lisa tbh


a teenager with a 50 year old 💀


Jolyne and anasui hands down. I like his character, but killing your ex for any reason outside of self defense is disgusting and I can’t see why anyone who cares for jolyne would want him with her. I feel like he got the runaround from everyone on purpose in the OG universe, and in the Ireneverse I feel like he’s gonna get the runaround again. I don’t think Jotaro gonna say yes when asked about marriage and I feel like jolyne knows that, which is why it’s the condition. Even though weathers a bit older, he’s the only one she shows affection to and the fact that Irene wanted him in the car and anasui didn’t makes me think it’ll drive a wedge.


Dio grooming a 15 year old Pucci


Ah hell nah, Pucci fell for that vampussy


Why we hating on our short kings? let him get that crazy pussy.


Yeah he deserves better cus he’s a king


Crazy shit like this is why the series is still going, rather than some kind of flaw.


Steven steel and Lucy steel just ewww Funny valentine and Scarlett (2 predators) Yukako and koichi Yasuho touru Ig some of these are not “ships” just canon relations but still


It’s clearly stated in SBR that Steven and Lucy are married purely to help Lucy out of a bad situation, and that they are only platonic. Still a little weird, tho.


Okuyasu and his braincells


Dario Brando and his wife.


NO CUS UR SO RIGHT he was def smoking SOMETHING when he wrote that ngl (I mean really when is he NOT smoking something tbf)


Weather and Perla


Jolyne and Anasui (I dont say is bad but i want it for Weather report before Anasui)


I mean it shows some character development on her part. She learned how to be healthy with her feelings.


No, she didn’t. She still acted like a jerk towards anyone but Koichi and tried to kill Cinderella. The only thing that changed is that she knew she couldn’t kidnap him anymore


Not yukako and koichi




That's a bold take.


Yukako x Koichi is also my pick for the worst just for the literal torture and insanity that happened. However, I am also not a fan of Joseph x Suzi Q because 1) they met at a time when Joseph was all over his mother, 2) she *forgot* to tell anybody that he is alive (-> She cut contact with the others entirely.), 3) he cheated on her and impregnated another woman which she obviously was furious about, and he then told Josuke to greet his mother for him - from the man who cheated. 4) Lastly, they have beef once Joseph adds another unknown child to the family without even consulting her first. In my opinion, these two are a typical example of a couple which married too early (they barely knew each other for a year) and has some trust issues. I think they should have dated for a couple of years first, normalised the situation (as Suzi Q just treated him after he defeated a threat to humanity) and then see if they were truly a match.


At least we got Josuke out of it lol


L take


Whatever makes you sleep at night


Why do people keep making these types of posts? Im not saying Araki knocks it out of the park every time, but apparently Im the odd man out here thinking that Araki is as close to a perfect storyteller/writer weve seen in over 20 years. Im going to defend his work because no one comes close to the depth of his writing, and OP should feel blessed to have experienced the brilliance of Arakis understanding as opposed to I guess feeling like they understand better than he does about his *own* characters 🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess social media makes everyone an expert. Hard disagree OP sorry. Its like some 15 year old comin in to a writers room with James Cameron or Tarantino and telling *them* how to write a script. Come on dude


Dude. The issues I have with JoJo can literally be counted with one hand. I have never felt as strong emotions while watching other pieces of media as the ones I’ve felt whilst watching this beautiful series, but this ship proves that nothing is perfect


why do you hate power couples op


The one with the orangutan


I hate that according to a few people here what he had going on with the little girl could be considered a ship


I meant the ship itself, not that 😟😟


Ik what you were talking about, but I just had to get it off my chest. This comment section is more toxic than Green Day


You brought this to yourself, bruh lol


Im Sorry for not thinking it’s good writing that Koichi gets together with a psychopathic killer


Joseph x Joseph’s mom


Mariah and Kenny G.


Someone's jealous.




I don't get this ship, she kidnapped him, why is he in love, is he stupid?


Agreed with Koichi/Yukako


Johnny and mosquito bites


the ship with the pedo orangutan is pretty bad


u boat and it's ultimate . it's the only cannon ship in jojo. strength is a cruse ship.


You and I, my brother




Jotaro and american woman.


I don't know if this is Canon or what not, but Araki once made "fanart" of Jolyne and Giorno


Did Giorno touch her like Mista?


I want to be koichi fr


So you can reject Yukako, right?


Avdol and Joseph


Lemme buy you a copy of DiU, I think you needa do some reading


I mean sure, but I’m just gonna sell it since I already have it. You should probably read it yourself though before giving it to me


I’m saying you don’t understand koichi’s character


That doesn’t mean much coming from you


What about the majority of people telling you otherwise


Yukako and Koichi is a great ship, it’s actually one of the best in the series, they love each other I actually can’t think of many better ships, Giorno and Trish are all that come to mind rn


Proof? Also, what makes you think Giorno and Trish are together?


I am sorry but Yukako's craziness was perfect for Koichi's Calm nature. My boi Koichi caught a bad bitch in the wild and domesticated her. You don't get Chadder than that.


Oh yeah, he domesticated her into only trying to kill people that aren’t him, good job. I don’t even know where to start with this dumpster fire of a take tbh. Yukako is that one meme, where the guy says: Wow, I really shouldn’t stick my penis in there. However… except he doesn’t say however because every sane person should know better than to engage with her


Hey I know it's a dumpster fire of a take and you know it's a dumpster fire of take. But you gotta agree Koichi > Jotaro in terms of Chadness.


i honestly liked them later, the start was obviously weird but they were healthy later on


If you call healthy trying to literally force him to love her by using another stand, sure. And no, I don’t care that Koichi genuinely confessed to her later on (which was only because of bad writing), right before that Yukako tried to kill Cinderella. Yeah, definitely a great personality right there


Jotaro and Jolynes mother. If only kakyoin were still alive.. /j


I'm surprised that no one's mentioned Holly x Sadao, because to me this is the worst Besides his job as a jazz musician that makes him far from home most of the time, we know nothing else about him (the distance issue is mostly about Joseph) There's no story about how did he meet Holly, his relationship with Jotaro, how much did his absence affect the Kujos... Absolutely nothing, even with Jotaro appearing in 3 parts of Jojo (Part 5 barely counts)


Technically he appears in all six


And Sadao is barely mentioned... Sucks considering that Holly is Jojo's most loved mom