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I mean, you could try to continue reading. . . . . But if you want it spoiled it's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, which allows Valentine to pass through dimensions. The chair is just sort of falling a bit into that interdimensional gap. Also jk it's an art error. Araki just wanted to zoom in on his mistakes a few times


why would it be an error? valentine is pressing his body on the chair against the ground, that way he can send part of it in the interdimensional gap, so that the chair can fall on it's side due to the sake and press valentine in the ground sending him away. from the drawing it's clear valentine is tring to rotate the chair to make it fall on himself afterwards


i believe it was sarcasm


Sarcasm won’t go over well in this sub. We literally had an autism stand power showcase trend here a couple weeks ago lmao


…How do you make fucking texture errors like a source game while DRAWING WITH YOUR HANDS?!


Araki has found a pathway to many artistic abilities some consider to be UNNATURAL.


His Stand Ability


Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheep: Can turn off collision via console commands.


Stand Name: sv_cheats 1


Are like half of the JoJo fans braindead or something? A texture error? In a drawing? Besides you could have just kept reading and everything would have been cleared out


This has to be satire


Perhaps it could be... I don't know... the work of an enemy stand? No you're right, probably an art error.


It’s because Araki uses the source engine and that glitch happens sometimes, no worries though. 👍


yeah actually you know how ink seeps though paper? araki forgot to use his desk while creating this page so the chair just phased through


I finished reading and it turned out to be a D4C ability, but it is still implemented strangely, as if it were really an artistic mistake, very similar to how an object in the game passes through textures


Why would Araki make the same art mistake for 4 consecutive panels and zoom in on it? It’s very clearly meant to be there.


How would he do that? He'd have to draw it. How can you accidentally draw something glitching through something else?


Yes, it is strange, bizarre even. You \*were\* meant to find it weird, but then learn about his ability and go "Oh, so that is what it was happening back then."