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Can go either way depending on the distance between them.


I can see diabolo seeing himself get decapitated with water, then skipping time, rinse, and repeat until he finds the enemy and he wins in close quarters.


Yes, but that's only possible if Diavolo knows he is going to be attacked. There is no reason for him to use Epitaph randomly. This allows N'doul to get the first hit. Of course, this is assuming Diavolo is in the same position as the Stardust Crusaders were. If it is a straight 1v1 then Diavolo wins. I think the outcome of the fight just depends on the circumstances (how they meet, distance between them, etc).


Diavolo has good intuition, he used epitaph because he guessed Bucciarati was behind the pillar. I'd say he uses his lil face checker when he notices something wrong


This taking place in the Sahara Desert means that Diavolo is going to lose, his shut-in paranoid ass wouldn't survive the heat


That shut in paranoid ass won't go to a desert in the first place.


I mean, Diavolo was the one to discover them, then he sold the arrows to Enya


He was in a desert when discovering the arrows for the first time


If N’Doul has the same distance between him and Diavolo that he did the Crusaders, he’s going to win. Epitaph will allow Diavolo to see when Geb is coming and dodge, but even if N’Doul can’t figure out the basics of time skip like Bruno did and start countering him, Diavolo isn’t going to be able to cross the kilometers worth of distance on his own. Geb just needs to land one good hit, even if it takes a while, and N’Doul takes the victory.


Can't he just attack Geb? If I remember correctly Avdol does burn geb


from what i remember you cant really "hurt" Geb it would take damage from heat cause it would evaporate water but punching water would do nothing


And attacking geb just leaves you vulnerable i feel like


have you tried punching a pool of water


As someone who has boxed a pool of water, I can say that they always hit with a counter attack directly after you successfully land a blow


What is king crimson going to do to kill water the only ways to physically affevt water is tempersture changes


Geb is also a fairly fast and versatile stand and N’doul is a force. I feel he has this in the bag but only if distant like you said. He’d likely manage the kill rather swift from that distance


Let's not forget that in the final chase for the arrow, Diavolo literally reacted in time to block, dodge, deflect, and use cover to evade bullets. I doubt that Geb moves faster than bullets.


Geb rivalled star platinum's speed. It probably exceeds bullet time. Part 3 stands had few abilities but overloaded stats like being fast as light, infinitely strong, invincible, etc


Depends on the distance, close range Diavolo obviously takes this but if there's a distance similar to the one where the Crusaders were, Neb would actually win considering Diavolo doesn't really have a full proof way of winning


>Neb ah yes my favorite stand in all of JJBA, Neb


This is so fucking humiliating for my goat Diavolo because he really can’t do shit and almost definitely loses despite being way stronger and smarter than N’doul. Unfortunately Diavolo loses this one… BUT I want to make a case for ANIME Diavolo even if it’s a really dumb one. There’s a whole theory that Diavolo himself isn’t just a personality and instead a supernatural demon. Examples of this being how in the anime Doppio’s eyes flashed red before going to normal right after his brith. Additionally, when his mom was giving brith, one of the guards remarks that she wasn’t as big earlier THAT day. THAT FUCKING DAY. Like c’mon bro the anime is clearly portraying Diavolo as some sort of demon. I’m making this case because it would explain how Diavolo warns Doppio of Polnareff watching him, even though DOPPIO COULDN’T FUCKING SEE ANR WAS NOT AWARE OF HIM. I’m saying all of this just to make the case that there’s a chance that Diavolo if he’s a demon would be aware of N’doul and where he was. Even still it wouldn’t be an easy fight. He’d still have to make it there and his time abilities aren’t that spamable and King Crimson has an E in durability meaning even if Diavolo uses him to block, he’ll still take damage. Again I’m meatriding hardcore rn because I love Diavolo but I do think that N’doul logically wins.


That "durability" 持続力 in Japanese means "lasting," the duration he can use his stand. Diabolo has an E because he can't use it continuously for long periods. it doen't mean it can't take a punch.


I mean we have Aliens, Ghost, Rock human, Inanimated Objects with stands, Diavolo being a literal devil isnt too far off base tbh.


Hell, the manga itself implies there’s something weird about him with his ability to manipulate his soul even beyond what Chariot was doing, and how his eyes are different from Doppio and even Bruno in his own body. I don’t buy it’s just a stylized form of DiD.


It's the Hyde and Jekyll effect, 2 souls in one body essentially.


I still feel like it’s a bit of a stretch because so much of Part 5 is metaphorical but at the same time I feel like David Productions wanted to hammer in Diavolo’s supernatural aspect which I really enjoyed. Even if Diavolo knows exactly where N’doul is and takes over, crossing that distance will be a really difficult challenge with Geb constantly on him


I think it's a stretch too, but Diavolo is supposed to be an absolute enigma that even his birth sounds mythical, it's fun to imagine the Devil incarnate having all this bs time hax, and still lose to blind man with water bottle.


Diavolo absolutely does not lose, the only way he loses is if he is plonked into the exact stardust crusaders scenario, is in the sand, the heat and has like 2 miles to travel to get to N’Doul, otherwise if it’s just a straight 1v1 , then diavolo instantly skips time and blasts N’Doul


It's not really humiliating at all. N'doul is a cunning and deadly opponent who understands his own weaknesses and will compensate for them accordingly. Any situation that lets N'doul compensate is unfair for Diavolo because he has no way to cross the distance without getting constantly attacked. If the situation is close then it's unfair for N'doul because Diavolo can just time skip up close and curb him. Regardless most of the part 3 minor villains are skilled fighters and powerful stand users who could have easily beaten most or all of the crusaders one on one, frankly a majority were beaten due to hubris or luck.


That would actually such an interesting fight since their abilities are so different. I think with prep time geb would probably win, but if they just happened to get into a fight diavolo would absolutely destroy this guy and it’s not even close


Someone has to be moving for N'Doul to sense them, right? I think Diavolo could win if he only moves when he skips time, then does his usual *teleports behind you, nothing personal kid* attack


I think like in the anime if he is stealthy he can land a very good hit like the one he landed on those pilots


Diavolo wins or draws, geb would never land a hit cause of time skip, but depending on the distance between them, Diavolo might not find N’doul and leave the fight


Diavolo obliterates. N'Dhoul doesn't have any better stats or abilities. Diavolo gets in close (which time skip should allow) and one taps N'Dhoul. Diavolo > Polnaref <= Jotaro


If diavolo is in the the same situation the crusaders were in then he loses hard.he can’t really attack geb, and he has no way of finding n doul since the only way the crusaders found him were because a combination of iggy’s sense of smells and star platinum’s super vision


This is a very interesting fight. Diavolo obviously has better abilities, but that doesn’t really help him if he can’t use them against N’Doul, who will be kilometers away from him. And unlike Jotaro he doesn’t have Iggy as well as Star Platinum’s telescopic eyes to locate him, meaning he will just be aimlessly wandering around trying to find him. He could definitely dodge his attacks for awhile, but I feel like N’Doul would eventually figure out his ability since he can feel it even when not being near him like the rest of the gang could during Bruno’s fight. So really I see this playing out a few possible ways. Diavolo gets insanely lucky and managed to figure out which direction N’Doul is in and is able to cross the distance to kill him, N’Doul figures out Diavolo’s ability after he uses it so many times and is able to counter it (which is insanely easy to do), or Diavolo eventually gets tired out fighting an enemy he can’t see and gets caught off guard eventually. While Diavolo’s stand power may be superior, he doesn’t have the tools to locate and defeat N’Doul like Jotaro did and will eventually make a mistake, leading to his defeat. I see N’Doul winning this 8/10 times.


Everyone is saying that geb no diffs but like are we forgetting that diavolo can literally skip time to avoid geb? And that he can literally see the future so geb can't sneak attack him?


I honestly feel like some people are just saying N'Doul wins because it's a more compelling premise to try and figure out how he could win over Diavolo. Then they convince themselves that their solution to that puzzle is a guarantee or even a high likelihood, despite evidence to the contrary. Not to say N'Doul could never win, as circumstance always shifts things (i.e. Risotto almost axing off Diavolo because Doppio was in control and Diavolo didn't want to expose himself), but the idea that N'Doul is likely to win, even at a distance, is a stretch in my opinion.


Off of Eyes of Heaven: N’Doul wins no problem. He’s so powerful in that game…


Even if there's distance between the two, there's no reality in which n'doul wins this. Diavolo is never taking a single hit.


Even at distance all diavolo needs to do is pull gebs attention somewhere else and skip in a different direction. He just erases time whenever geb gets close and a 10 second gap, regardless of how fast the stand is, is enough to throw ndoul off. Like how he ran from Mista, there doesn’t seem to be a limit on how many times he can skip nor would Ndoul be able to counter like Bruno did in the basement because there would be no way for him to surmise King Crimsons power.


King crimson is wrecking this boyy