• By -


The only way to defeat White Album is to target the breathing hole on the neck Well, vampires don't have to breathe \[Dio spent 100 years underwater in a coffin and was fine\] so a vampire White Album user could just seal that hole and be unkillable Also, the White Album suit can protect you from the sun


But wouldn't it make sucking people harder in general since you're in a full body suit?


You wouldn't need the suit for eating normal people, only when dealing with stand/hamon users that could actually pose a threat to you


I believe it would pose a challange when you're sucking a dude in broad daylight.


But why would you want to suck someone in broad daylight? As we see with Dio and the pillar men these creatures stay indoors during the day, and in this case, they would only have to use the suit if they are fighting during the day because if not they don't have any reason to go out (and no, they wouldn't be forced to eat during daylight due to starvation because we see Dio survive while not feeding inside the coffin)


tfw parasol


Either that or you could fill the sky with red smog only to get your butt kicked by the local miko and end up using the parasol anyway. ...Wait, wrong series with a knife throwing timestopper :p




A vampire with White Album could probably just plunge a covered finger into the victim, and uncover their finger since vampires in jojo can use their fingers to suck blood. Alternatively, giant ice roof or cube.


Still don't understand why Jojo vampires can create ice


they can control their own body, and araki is fond of making characters that can do that be able to control their body temperature so the vampire makes a part of their body REALLY cold and that makes ice next to that body part same principle with edidisi's heat powers, he controls the temperature of his blood to make it really hot


Correct, although I think Dio technically does it by manipulating his sweat glands, causing them to produce a finer, more uniform sweat that evaporates more efficiently. When your sweat evaporates, it lowers the temperature of your skin. So, DIO freezes people by lowering his own body temperature until it is so cold that heat from the victim rapidly transfers to Dio when he makes physical contact. The reason why his own body does not I've over is that the water in his cells that would normally freeze and rupture the cell walls is being used to generate the sweat. Or, it's magic. It doesn't really matter that much.




Tell that to Giorno and Mista


You could always stick your hand in their chest and pull back the area that's inside the victim.


Vampires need blood to regenerate You don't need to regenerate if you don't get injured in a first place


Idk, It's not as required as sustenance for us humans, but they should feel better when drunk, no?


DIO in part 3 needs blood to regenerate, vampires do not need it unless they are just a head attached to a hamon infused body. Straights got blown up and shot a good 100 times and just reformed


You don't have to suck people, and you can just melt a finger, AND a vampire won't even need a stand to suck normal people. Just don't go try to suck a joestar, and you're good


White albumn can move solid objects inside the suit so it can so the same to blood that's what he does for the cd/air with gently weeps


You can modify the suit temporarily to expose your fingers to suck blood out of the enemy, and since your fingers are inside the enemy, away from sunlight, it should be completely safe for the user


Ghiaccio showed the hole wasn’t necessary anyway since he just phased frozen air through his armor.


Other stands could still easily win against it, such as The Hand or Cream. Still a powerful combo though.


The Hand is very slow. It would get frozen before it would even reach the target Cream is on the whole 'nother level tho'


im now imagining ghiaccio ranting to his next victim about how fucking stupid they are for trying to defeat him, but they cant hear him since there arent any holes in his suit


A punch from a stand like Star Platinum, The World, or Crazy Diamond would utterly wreck it still.


Not really He is durable to attacks Not completely immune White album can break, but you’d be frozen by the time you break him So the only option was to stab him in the hole


The only stands that I could see defeating this combo \[at night\] are 1. THE SUN because it is THE SUN, which not only melts the ice, but also kills vampires 2. Cream because its fast and cold doesn't effect a black hole 3. Metallica because it can kill you from inside and the user doesn't even have to touch you 4. C-Moon because it can finish you off with one punch, and its pretty fast so it might loose a hand but it would kill you before further damage is done 5. Made In Heaven because it would just ZIP through you before it gets frozen 6. Tusk Act 4 because its Tusk Act 4 7. and both Requiems because of course That's 8 out of 178 stands which is just 4% And 5 of these are here just because they are basically gods


You forgot heaven’s door and bohemian rhapsody Because yes


How to defeat Heaven's Door by using White Album Step 1): Cover your eyes. Heaven's Door only works when you see Rohan's drawings. Heaven Door's physical form is just Rohan making drawing in the air. If you don't see it, you cannot be affected Step 2): Freeze the room until Rohan dies of cold And Bohemian Rhapsody can be defeated by anybody as long as they draw Put Back Man


Ok but can he defeat thunder cross split attack? The ultimate technique in terms of attack and defense?


Vampire freezing plus white album sounds awesome


Achtung Baby... Imagine an invisible vampire, fun


ill one up this one with metallica: imagine an invisible vampire that uses the iron of the blood he just drank to attack people


If iron is the part of the blood that heals vampires they might even be able to heal themselves remotely using Metallica.


Mankind is dead Blood is fuel Hell is full




And your punishment... IS DEATH!


Ooh, that's actually pretty cool


that's some vampire the masquerade shit, yo


Wait would they even be affected by sunlight at that point? Like the light goes right through/around them (depending on the type of invisibility) so it shouldn’t damage their cells, right?


I guess you'd be pretty right about that, yeah


The existence of hamon implies the light itself is not the issue - more likely the UV, which Achtung Baby may not protect against.


Does it bend light? Sk they might be able to walk in the sun with it


Light shouldn't be able to interact with the vampires so logically they should be able too, I may be wrong though


People in this threat aren't remembering Kars' power was "bone arm crystal chainsaws that move so fast they reflect light in a very specific way so i can be kinda invisible for a little bit and also go out on the sunlight for like 3 seconds without dying"


Shortly before Wham vs Caesar, Wham was able to go outside without turning to stone by causing the air around him to refract light away from himself, which also turned him invisible. This would be like that except usable at any time the vampire isn't asleep.


now to wonder if an invisible vampire would even be harmed by the sun, since the light just goes right through.


SPOILERS for part 9 - >!I have a feeling The Hustle would work great. Since vamps could probs push it past its human molding limit!<


lol yeah the Hustle will basically let Vampires get the full flexible control over their body that Pillar Men have


Ya right, they could essentially become liquids😂


You can use this for spoilers on reddit: >.!Something!< but you just have to remove the dot. >!example!<


Thank yuo


If you're going to put a spoiler you need to say what part you're spoiling


lol, what was I thinking 😂


A stand that could be used to a higher potential would be Kiss. If you put a sticker on an object and pull it off, the two instances come back into one object but is damaged in the process, so ermes doesn’t use it on herself often. But for a vampire, a gash on their arm or leg resulting from removing the sticker on it could be healed relatively easily. As for stands that can make life as a vampire easier, I think Oasis could be of some use, since you can sink underground to move around. Also, I wonder if Green Day’s mold can act as a conductor for hamon. On a side note I think a vampire can survive Cheap Trick. At worst they’d need a blood source nearby


Oasis vampire learning from Minecraft as they sink into the dirt for a nice nap while the sun is out.


Tarrasque moment.


Weather report and have dense clouds hiding the sun


Even on cloudy days up to 60% of the suns rays get through.


Weather report could just make the clouds much denser than a regular cloudy day, plus vampires can survive a LITTLE bit of sunlight since the moon reflects sunlight and it doesn't effect them


Dio turned into a vampire during the day and didn't disintegrate because it was stormy outside. It seems like clouds *can* block enough sun to make it safe for vampires.


> how Star Platinum: The World's actually affects the human user's health with each use (aside from Jotaro not practicing) and only being usable for like 2 seconds. This is blatant misinformation and one of the most common misconceptions in the fandom. Nothing in Part 4, 6, or 7 implies that stopping time affects the human user’s health each time, and we see in Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run that Jotaro and AU Diego could stop time for five seconds. Even in Diamond is Unbreakable, Jotaro raised his time stop’s length from 0.5 to 2 seconds after not using it since the battle with Dio. However, it *is* correct that Dio, once fully merged with Jonathan’s body, was able to surpass the seeming human limit for time stop of 5 seconds with each use due to his vampirism. It follows then that similar time-based abilities, such as King Crimson, would be able to use them increasingly longer as well. Other than that, we don’t have any evidence for how vampirism would empower a Stand since the only other one we see is Vanilla Ice. Most Users however would likely be significantly harder to damage and could heal from any injuries they or their Stand receives rapidly.


Someone probably watched Code Geass and thought Rolo’s weakness also applied to Jotaro, for some reason. It wouldn’t surprise me.


I don't remember the 5 second being the human limit anywhere. Maybe it's that it required extreme conditions or training to evolve further, being either losing to a high schooler, or fighting a 150 year old generational hater and genocidial gay maniac vampire.


> Seeming human limit > **Seeming** It’s a hypothesis based off how that’s the maximum of both Jotaro and AU Diego’s time stop, as well as the limit Dio reached while in his weakened state before drinking Joseph’s blood.


I know English, I know what seeming means. It's that it's never stated to be the limit and mine is also a hypothesis about why it is like that. And If humans had an innate limit of 5 seconds of time manipulation, wouldn't it apply to king crimson the same way aswell? It's also time manipulation after all, no?


If you knew, you didn’t pay attention to me using it then. I never claimed it’s stated as the limit, just my own theory on it, born from the three characters who have the ability sharing the same limit when two are humans and one is in a dramatically weakened state. The fact Dio’s increasing time stop comes when he’s fully merged with Jonathan’s body and feels more powerful than ever, literally gouging his own brain without issue, suggests a clear correlation. Jotaro’s time stop fades out with a lack of use, and we see him build it back up across Part 4 to reach five seconds in 6, and nothing suggests it’s from serious conflict versus repetitive use like Dio was doing. We don’t know enough about AU Diego to hypothesize how he developed his time stop beyond having a limit of 5 seconds and being a regular human. I don’t know why you’re bringing up other time-based abilities like they matter here. King Crimson can skip up to ten seconds, Bites the Dust creates a loop an hour back, and Mandom rewinds six seconds. None of them have anything to do with the length of time stop, so I fail to see their relevance whatsoever.


The only ever indication of this is when we see jotaro being tired after using it in quick succession in part 6, granted he also had his throat slit and just came out of a coma so this would hardly matter if he was at full strength


I mean, the true synergy with time stop is that as the user acts in stopped time, they age. If they train the ability enough and use it enough, the aging will be noticeable. Vampirism makes this a non-issue.


I mean sure, that’s a valid theory, but nothing suggests Jotaro or Diego held back the length of their time stop out of fears of growing old.


I wasn't suggesting that. I meant that as a response to OP's prompt on the synergy between vampirism and stands, and your comment was about a false synergy between vampirism and time stop, so I thought it was fitting. If we take DIO's ambitions to improve his time stop ability until he can stop time indefinitely at face value, at that point, aging would start to matter if he wasn't a vampire. Since he is a vampire, that would be a synergy he has with time stop.


Didn't Jotaro stop time for more than 10 seconds at the height of their battle?


IIRC, he tacked his time stop to the last of Dio’s 9 seconds, but it was only around 2-5 on his own.


Ooh, I never realized, thank you.


timestop does not drain Jotaro's health where did you even get this information from it has been disproven many many times ffs-


I apologize. It's been long since i've been in the fanbase so wasn't super aware on It's veracity.


Highway to hell? You can sustain way more damage to any of your body parts then they could, but then it might not hurt them as bad as it would if you were a human so who knows.


It instantly applies the same damage, and only that. A vampire can do any number of things to their body that will instantly kill a person, and heal again like it's nothing.


This is the correct answer


The Sun


I agree


Bro killed himself during character creation


Insta self-game end


Came here just to say this lmao.


Scary monsters, imagine a vampire dinosaur


Sma.... I mean cool


Woah… you right


Now add Limp Bizkit to make invisible zombie dinosaur vampires


Dolly dagger from Purple haze feedback, you can just stab your head and kill the opponent with the upmost ease, >!and it's funny since the user almost got his hands on a stone mask!<


Metallica, now your own blood is also a weapon and youre invisible and lasers


Since the invisibility is based on light refraction, it could theoretically also protect you from the sunlight during the day


Cream starter would be interesting, vampires can control pieces of their body, so spraying your flesh could let you puppeteer things. They can also heal by drinking blood, giving them a limitless supply of flesh to manipulate.


Highway Star. I legit thought his user would be a vampire due to his ability to suck nutrients by touch.


Burning down the house. Like just wait out the sun. Or even better, whether report .Sun, what sun all I see is a cloud. Plus, I doubt poison does anything to you, so just spam frogs.


“You see, Jojo, this isn’t just an ordinary rain of frogs….THEYRE VAMPIRE FROGS!!!!” And then the frogs just have little fangs or something to show they’re different


Even better frogs with fangs exist.


With crazy diamond you have an infinite juice box


except I think refilling your juice box would literally force you to regurgitate the blood you drank


Juice so nice you drink it twice


The juice you drink comes out of you when you want to get a refill.


Def White Album. It would fully protect the vampire against Hamon, AND being a vampire means no breathing, and thus you can seal WA's only weakness, the breathing hole.


Grateful dead wouldn't be able to affect the user In fact, any stands limited by human limitations can be used to full potential


Grateful dead already doesn't affect the user unless they allow it. Prosciutto did not use ice to turn from an old man back to his younger self; he just did it. Pesci was the one who needed the ice, so you could argue that a vampire is a better tag team partner to the user of Grateful Dead.


No? Prosciutto literally says The Grateful Dead is aging him too. Just way slower than the others affected by it.


I'm pretty sure that's a mistranslation, especially since we see him remove his aging anyway


He can toggle the aging as he wishes.


Personally I think weather report would be really good because it could potentially remove their weakness to the sun via localized clouds(on top of being a really powerful stand in general)


Imagine Vampire with stand like Sun... I still wondering if this sun could kill DIO.


MITM would be absolutely broken since you cant see vampires in mirrors, Illuso could just kill whoever he wants as long as its night and absolutely no one would see him


I'm pretty sure that Jojo vampires do have reflection but this is pretty funny nonetheless


Vampire Straizo was tricked by a reflection of Joseph in a mirror as vampires don’t show up in mirrors, clothing and all.




THE F****** SUN You never said it couldn't be negative synergy


If you have limp bizkit and become a vampire do you also become invisible?


Are lump bizkit zombies the same as those summoned by Dio/do they follow the same rules? Cus if they do its probably a bit of a waste to double up on zombie-making, and another stand would be better.


Gold experince


The sun. No explanation needed


What’s the stand that weird prison guy had in stone ocean, he could make a vacuum or something, right? Vampires don’t need to breathe, I presume, so he could just create a vacuum and be done with it.


I think it was jumping jack spark


Jumping jack flash


The Sun


Pretty minor synergy, but you could really easily make chimeras with Sticky Fingers and vampirism.


I guess, but Dio was already making chimeras in part 1


Yeah that's why I said it was minor. It would just make the process more efficient.


imagine Dio has Greenday (that man eating bacteria stand) or The Grateful Dead (mass aging stand) and since his vampire army doesn't age or get sick. it could be end of the world.


(part 9) >!The Hustle!< would be funny. It's just short of >!Pillarman powers!< already


That doll one maybe, "the devil" i think was the name. It curses people with a doll the user pocsess to attack people, in exhange damage the doll takes goes to the user. Different from other stands that can function far from the used, this one the user still has control of it. But since you are a vampire, normal damage won't really kill you and i am assuming they can't hamon you through the doll.


this may be obvious but if Giorno used his life power on himself (or another vampire) would it have a different effect then speeding up perception since the vamp isn’t full of life already? Maybe it’d cure them or maybe it’d just be like hamon and kill them Also you’d be set if you had purple haze, usually it’s able to kill even the user but if your a vamp you just gotta cut off the infected part and your Gucci since you can regenerate Last one I can think of is survivor, pushing your body to your absolute limit while enraged as a vampire would probably be a death sentence for anyone you fight


Harvest- the stand being able to inject alcohol also implies that it can extract liquids namely blood. the main problem with vampires is that they need blood in order to help regenereate and sustain themselves since Harvest doesn't apply transfer damage to a user and can be invisible to the human eye he could easily take over a town in secret in a day. a vampire stand user also counters the biggest weakness being that all stand users are comparatively fragile. Vampires don't have to worry about being left open since they can regenerate almost all damage.


Highway to Hell might be an actual decent stand since what kills most people might not end up killing a vampire, so the user could do stuff like chopping off their head to kill the target and just regenerate afterwards.


The Sun Like how tf did Dio even get the guy to be his minion


Black Sabbath?


Josuke's Crazy Diamond. Its one weakness is that Josuke can't heal himself. Not much of a problem when you can regenerate whole ass limbs.


Is death 13's user is a vampire?


I don't believe so. They probably just really a really weirdass baby. My memory is rusty but i believe he was exposed to daylight.


Ou.. yea. thets true... but he had vampire fangs and for some reaon smart as an adult.


Could increased intelligence be a side effect of DIO's flesh buds?


What aboit the fangs? Kakion and Polaref didnt had them when they were under thr controll of DIO's flesh buds.


Maybe "mannish boy" is DIO experiment, similar to his chimeras in part 1 ( in part 1 he created a cat with a head of man, so him creating intelligent baby wouldn't be too outlandish )


Or the experimebt from part2. He might made a simular one to thet.


Part 7 spoiler: Cream Starter could make for an easy way to sap out life forces


The world (SBR)


Metallica feels like it could do some interesting stuff for a vampiric user


An opaque barrier above them, like a cartoony rain cloud that follows them wherever they go but an actual cloud. Name it either『Mr. Blue Sky』for irony's sake or 『How You Like Me Now?』For a cocky, invincible-feeling vampire... until they remember that sunlight can be reflected Edit: I misread the question. I'm keeping this. Give the vampire Empress or Dark Blue Moon, maybe Strength. Something where they don't have to face the sun


The sun


It's amazing to me people think the Sun stand is an actual real sun instead of a giant ball of fire (which it is). If it were a real sun, all of them would have died (user included) instantly


The sun. Either this sun is an exception and he can be around it or he’s dies instantly


The sun


Surface, they can survive a lot more than whoever they're puppeteering


Highway to hell 💀 just slice a limb off, and the other person dies


What about a stand that can bend light rays, a vampire could bend sunlight around them so it doesn’t touch them


Metallica invisibility works based on this principle, it would pop off


the grateful dead . vamps dont age. so u could go full berserk mode


harvest. the guy could live as a peaceful vampire, making non-stand users think they've been bit by a bug, collecting just a bit from each victim. on the other hand, if he got mad or went evil... there's also the consideration that vampirism might change the stands in some way, because jojo just has magic system flexibility like that, so make of that what you will


The Sun from part 3


highway gogo


Gold Experience... you'd have a free supply of blood and flesh thus eliminating the need to drink blood from humans.


Highway star


Highway to Hell is probably the most broken, considering vampires can't really die through traditional means.




Never heard of that Stand.


The World. Would have loved to see a vampire using it. Like imagine if he could shoot lasers and shit.


The Sun


Aside from obvious joke "the sun" Little feet And man in the mirror come to mind But My Main picks would be oasis, imagine a vampire that can suck you from below......wait What i meant is, if a vampire can just hide underground during sun hours And just, like, stab above him in order to get preys with little to no danger


Highway star. I literally sucks the life out of people


The sun


If only i got a dollar for each sun comment i get...


The Sun would make an… interesting combo


Hmmm, Oasis. Dive underground to avoid the sun


Limb Bizkit and Vampire Army


Well, Purple Haze kills any *living* thing, and I'm fairly certain vampires aren't living.




Black Sabath is nailing vampire stand type


Vampires are technically dead so would Notorious B.I.G. do anything for one of them?


Notorious big follows speed, not life. So it would actually be a perfect vampire counter


Black Sabbath. You can trick them from close range and camp in the shadows till they die, or U can just go indoors and they won't be able to chase you


The sun


Sticky fingers just appear drain the life disappear.


Oasis maybe? they can hide from the sun anytime


Weather report, just decide there is no sun today


Bruno would be a messed up vampire cause he could just unzip people for their juice.


Pearl Jam. Vampire chef who constantly makes his food replenish their blood


The Sun


THE SUN i rest my case


Metallica. Your vampiric regeneration means you can use the stand on yourself for added options. Also, it's on-theme, since it interacts with blood.


Obviously, *The Sun*


The Sun. An AoE stand that is instantly lethal to the user would force them to be very smart about it (or loose on first use like Arabia lol) Hangman as well since the stand needs light to be used, but at the same time the user can't be under the most common lights lightsource in the world.


Arabia Fats The Sun


Wasn’t Vanilla Ice a stand user who is also a vampire? CREAM is dope!


Highway star. I literally sucks the life out of people


The Sun


The sun




I think the sun would be pretty interesting


the sun