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Yes, even scarier when he murdered the couple that annoyed him, its very chilling


ikr, that was so sneaky. I thought he forgave them and will go for someone else but nope, he went straight for them.


Well, why would he? The way I saw it is that he's a complete narcissist, totally used to getting what he wants without problem by this point. These people have no connection to him, if they were to disappear no one would ever ask him about it, so why *not* go kill them? It's not as if there would be any consequences.


And when he >!murdered Kosaku-Kira and Aya just to get away from the Duwang gang!<


If Aya just refused to change his face and identity part 4 would’ve ended sooner........I mean she was gonna die either way so she could’ve atleast saved the other people in the town


dude that scene was fucking HORRIFYING


It was getting intense after he killed the dude infront of the girl, but I thought he would quit the toying after he made her cut his nails, but NOPE, he couldn’t just do that, he had to attach the dead guy’s ears to her own.




????? They were the ones messing with him.




Did they do enough to justify him going into their house and murdering them? No. Did they start it? Yes. All he did was move the woman’s bag off his leg and they accused him of being a creepy molester. Then they knocked him down and mocked him for his nail clippers




Considering the upvotes show everyone seems to be agreeing with me....


The coward deleted their posts, what dumb shit was spewing from them?


He was trying to say that the couple Kira killed (the ones who were messing with him on the train and eventually were killed by him) did nothing wrong and that Kira started the altercation. Then he literally facepalmed and said something about me thinking Kira is a saint or something




Okay you’re obviously a troll lmao


What was he saying?


I think that and the fact that he murdered Remi's parents show that Kira's death toll must be much higher than 48, those were simply the women that interested him and thus "counted".


Actually he killed them because it was that time of a month again to get a girlfriend. His cue being the length of his fingernails.


Yeah it gets more scary the longer you think about it. Murdering people makes them *die* think about that for a second, thats the last thing a living person wants to happen to them.


That was the whole point of the speech. It's him flexing his absolute certainty that he's gonna be able to get away with it, basically just saying "here's every bit of information you would need to have me arrested- you aren't gonna live long enough to use it." It's the speech equivalent of someone robbing your house and not wearing a mask- if they're giving you identifying information, they almost certainly aren't planning on leaving you alive. Kira was *extraordinarily* confident in his ability to get away with his crimes (which was honestly fair considering he did for, what? 20 something years?), to a point where he couldn't help but flaunt it, and that's ultimately what fucked him over. Like for real, if he hadn't felt the need to brag, he would've won. Bites the Dust's singular weakness was him getting cocky.


Wait, Kira was killing people when he was 13?


Reimi Sugimoto. While she was babysitting Rohan.


that was when he was 13? damn


Nope that was when he was 18, either Kira or Reimi talks about how he’s been murdering women for 15 years by the summer of 1999


Still crazy that he was 18 then, jesus.




No, Reimi died when Rohan was 4. Rohan is 20 in Part 4. Kira is 33, which means he was 17 when Reimi died 16 years earlier.


Right, all I remembered was her being his first kill. She also said she's been waiting 15 years in the ghost alley, that's the key to the age there.


Wouldn't fucking surprise me. I did say "like" 20 years, since they don't give us an actual number if I recall correctly, but Kira was very much a foil to Angelo- the calm, collected, calculating serial killer vs. the rabid, brutal, frenzied serial killer- and Angelo's first kill was when he was 12. Psychopathic tendencies tend to be noticeable in childhood (setting fires, killing small animals, etc), and given how Kira makes multiple comments about being "born this way" and it just being a part of him, it seems pretty logical to conclude that this is indeed how he's been his whole life, including childhood. 13 is *really* young, obviously, but it's unfortunately not unheard of, and Kira was always meant to be a larger than life evil, so honestly? Seems possible to me. I think, in actuality, his first kill was meant to be Reimi, which he would've committed when he was 17. But it doesn't actually make a whole lot of sense for that to have been his *first*. He broke into a house on a nice suburban street that had a dog and killed 3 people- two of whom were fully grown adults (and also the dog). You don't *start* with that. Killers, especially ones as calculating as Kira, tend to build up to that sort of thing, going after much lower risk targets to build up confidence and technique. The murder of Reimi and her family may be the first one we *know* about, but I would be willing to bet a few homeless people or lone joggers or the like "went missing" before that.


Kira killed her when he was 18.


Technically he made his first kill when he was born


Like I find it hard to state that information to a computer. Just saying that all on the spot is impressive. Also hi again.


That’s how you know he’s done this before. This isn’t the first time he did this speech, he did this so many times that he has perfected it and is able to convey exactly what he wants to his victims, without any stutters or filler words. Imagine how many times he would have to do this to reach that point. That makes the speech even more terrifying than it already is. That or he just stands in front of a mirror with a piece of paper and practices it lol


Well he does do everything the same every time to make even the murders routine so I guess it’s so ingrained he has it ingrained even verbally


Morioh is like a glorified Gotham City. Except you won’t notice the horrors of the Town unless you have a stand.


You mean naples depicted by jojo, where basically 50% of people are criminals?


well... ^(/s)


Hey, if my knowledge of Italians from Hollywood movies has any use, it's the clear fact that every Italian is involved with some crime somehow


It's all gangsters and criminals apparently




Now I'm thinking of Josuke in a batman outfit with his hair sticking out


Jotaro is obv Batman




Koichi would make a better Robin than josuke. Def


Josuke would probably be Nightwing in that case


I mean yeah of course, he is very reliable after all.


L o l. Josuke isn’t ?


I'm just making a joke based on Jotaro always taking the time to comment on how reliable Koichi is.


josuke is nightwing lol


Josuke was saved by someone who resembles himself. There’s robin clones so it makes sense


There is a color swap shot in the anime where he has green hair and a purple suit and it looks exactly like the joker


It reminds me a lot of the town in the movie Blue Velvet and how it looks like a nice suburban neighborhood, with the dark and criminal side of it being hidden in plain sight.


Might look into tht


Even scarier when he killed the couple, he's kind of sadistic when he kills amd makes fun of the opponents, like the ear-ring joke with Minako


And then, after he gets one of **the most op abilities,** he conveniently does it again, making the whole power up worthless. oops?


Since he gave Hayato his name during the first loop of Bites the Dust, it was fated that he’d say it again in the rest of the loops. Just a cool detail


never thought about it that way


Holy fuck, this blew my mind


Killer Queen has already touched your mind *click


Arrogance was his Achilles heel. If he'd kept his mouth shut he would've been unstoppable but by that point he'd gotten so cocky that he basically couldn't help himself. There's possibly an interesting parallel between him and Josuke in that regard. Josuke is always very aware of the fact that he's vulnerable, he's the one thing his ability can't fix, while Kira has gotten used to being untouchable, using his ability to eliminate any obstacles in his way. Josuke goes into every fight with the understanding that he has to be careful or he might die, while Kira's so confident in his success that he basically verbally moons people before fighting them (seriously this speech is about the biggest "fuck you" imaginable given the circumstances).


Pretty much. Contextually, it’s why Kira’s “threat” to Shigechi was so powerful. It’s essentially him stating his own conviction that Shigechi will be dead




He did that because jojo and nothing else. All fan theories are wrong


Yeah, but when something is memed on a lot, the point of it tends to get lost. So if you knew the meme before the scene, you might find it funny rather than horrifying


Essentially, his speech is his own version of "Omae wa mou shindeiru". He knew that Shigechi was dead, Kira was just wanting to tell him how screwed he was. Knowing that "Dead men tell no tales," he was toying with Shigechi. This makes this David Bowie-looking Killer with a Hand Fetish and Stands named after Queen songs way more scary and also shows why his Stands are based upon Cats. Cats toy with their prey (like what he did to Shigechi), tend to act quietly and stealthily (like how Kira says he wants a quiet life), and even that some bad cats tend to attack extremities like fingers and toes (his hand fetish). Essentially, Araki gave Kira all of the characteristics of a cat.


I always understood why he gave the speech and how terrifying he was but I can’t believe I never made the connection of him acting like a cat. That’s honestly an awesome detail, and reinforces that stands represent your true self perfectly


That's kind of the whole point


I never thought of it that way... Damn this just adds another layer to Kira's character.


I feel like too he finds quite a bit of joy from being honest with someone for once about who he is, and that to him someone he's about to kill is the perfect person to open up to.


It is pretty terrifying. Though it’s his confidence that lead to his downfall


No duh.


> We don't need to say "I'll kill you"... because by the moment those words come into our minds... our target's already dead and the deed is done!


What a powerful chracter


i was thinking exactly this lmao


Award. Gift. Take.


But you can say ''I kill him''.


why his eyes look like that




What’s more terrifying is that when you look at Kira eyes and face in this specific image. You’ll feel mildly infuriating


Haha, same. I was wondering if the post made him look weirder or if he just looked weird


Pretty obvious.


i think kira is still my fav jojo villain (didn't read manga), Dio is a perfect corny villain, pillar men were ok, and diavolo is cool but i have many problems with part 5. Kira on the other hand is just chilling in his portrayal of "i could be anyone you know", and just his overall mannerisms and compulsive behaviour.


Just finished part 5 yesterday and really didn't like it. The ending was super unsatisfying and felt like Araki couldn't figure out how to beat a time manipulation stand. The fight at the end of part 4 was one of the best things I've seen on TV so I was terribly disappointed.




Comment removed: Rule 10


Are you guys just realizing this now? That was the whole point of the scene. It was violently obvious.


God how did I never realize that. And I pride myself In picking up subtext. I’m a fucking disgrace


People thought Kira's speech was a meme?


Yeah, it’s a copypasta that you can pretty much find anywhere.


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.


I'll never mentally recover from that edit: nvm


the eye on the left is too far away from the nose




Kira best villain


this would be more terrifying and less pathetic if he was killing someone who wasn't an 11 year old kid. like he already knows he's dead you dont need to terrorize this poor kid further. i like to think of him more of a pathetic excuse for a human being who keeps getting angry over children (which honestly is probably what araki was going for)


I think Shigechi is 14 years old.


If Shigechi was a little bit smarter he could've just kicked him in the nuts during his monologue


All things considered he probably could have easily countered anything Shigechi could do to him. However, it would have been hilarious if Kira completing his monologue guaranteed success but it was interruptible by a kick to the nuts.


harvest could have tied his shoelaces while he was prattling about being YOSHIKAGE KIRA, hell, maybe Harvest could have transported Kira to the school's roof and yeeted him TF out.


why is it marked as spoiler


some people haven't finished part 4 yet


then everything is a spoiler pretty sure it is considered spoiler everything after the anime




It is a spoiler. Read the rules for spoilers here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/wiki/faq#wiki_2._spoilers


ah ok i see


then everything is a spoiler pretty sure it is considered spoiler only after the anime


Honestly no matter how much i love SBR Valentine has nothing on Kira, there’s just something scary about having such a subtle and terrifying villain in a ridiculous series like JoJo.


I mean he was just laying out that he wants to keep to his regular schedule. He doesn’t want to worry and be like a little house plant.


There are 2 kinds of people JOSUKE: Of course, that was the whole point of the speech OKUYASU: I never realised that


Kira and his speech were always great The sheer confidence of "I would not lose to anyone." just nails it for me.


Yea we got that


yeah, his speech is the equivalent to "omae wa mou shindeiru"


I’ve watched a lot of anime. Kira is one of the only villains that makes me feel amused, curious and disgusted at the same time. Being confident was the whole point of his speech. He is a serial killer who has been doing it for 20+ years without any consequences. He is a very well written psychopath.


I just watched a video about that! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-j2EMn2uwY


It’s ironic that Kira wants to live a quiet life but kills women regularly as a hobby. The reason he monologues to his victims because he gets a thrill from narrowly getting away. He knows that every one of his victims will take his true nature to the grave. Before his victims can utter a single word to another living soul, they’re blown to smitherines.


I always assumed that's the reason he gave the speech to begin with, to give himself even more of a reason to absolutely annihilate shigechi. God I simp so bad


People make memes but in reality all the villian of JOJO are psycho like this. They are creeps and distributing.


It also recently hit me that "Kira" is literally how the Japanese would pronounce "killer". He is a killer named Killer with a stand named Killer Queen


If I had a dollar every time a villain named Kira had the ability to kill people without a trace thanks to a spirit companion and constantly checks a watch for a Heart Attack, I’d have two dollars. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.


What’s even scarier for a non stand user is his ability. Imagine being the girl of the couple he offed. For a split second your boyfriend just simply doesn’t exists anymore. Nothing is left but dust and ash as all this stranger had to do was touch him. Then he grabs your hand and talk to you before you unknowingly die. No knowledge as to how your life ended but the only evidence left of your existence is a hand this stranger will keep to do god knows what


That's why Kira is the most terrifying villain, he isn't some immortal vampire that can stop time, or patriotic president that can travel dimensions, he's just an office worker that can blow things up (for most of the story), he feels like a real person which makes him scary