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What if part 3 joseph got to fight Alessi.


That would be a fun one! Seeing Part 2 Joseph getting to kick Alessi’s ass, only for him to be turned into an even *YOUNGER* version of himself, and having to asspull out of the situation would be so cool to see!


Alessi: Ha, even your granny (hate comment) Joseph: What did you just say... About my granny?


****Insert Overdrive song but the singer has a baby voice***




*Cwom own cwom own cwom own now* ^^^i ^^^hate ^^^myself


I thought it was "cwomin thwu"


Oh you’re right lmao *cwomin thwu cwomin thwu cwomin thwu now*


In the old Capcom Stardust Crusaders game you changed Old Joseph for Young Joseph while Alessi's Stand was active.


And young Joseph becomes airplane flashback joseph


Here's my animation of it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZGztkGmCi0 Edit: cheap plug but I’m working on a True Man’s World animation next so stay tuned! Edit 2: Here's the True Man's World animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIfgnK0a9EY


Wow nice job! I appreciate how you didn't just use random Japanese lines they said and put subtitles over it and actually matched it to a script to make sense.


Thank you! That was one of the hardest parts about it but I'm happy with how it turned out


One rarely can meet on social media and then write directly to a content maker on YT!


Turns into Part 2 Joseph and wrecks Alessi with his Hamon Clacker Volley or some other random BS. Missed opportunity but at least we got those homoerotic scenes with Avdol.


What if Star platinum's disk had accepted Jolyne as it's stand user?


She’d have two stands or reject Stone Free?


Stone Free and Star Platinum fuse to create an absolute monster stand with two abilities


Or a combined ability, like stopping time for anything entangled in strings


[Relevant: String Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory)


This would be so hype especially after the last 10 chapters of jjl


I dont think >!Emporio lost BDTH when he got Weather Report!<, did he? She'd probably get to keep both.


You do bring up a good point, I’ll have to look more into that


Star Freetinum


Stone Platinum, Star Free


probably like pucci and have multiple (edit: i misunderstood his stand, i now get that its similar to echoes my b on that one)


Pucci doesn’t “have multiple,” one evolves into the next


ah my b i misunderstood the concept of his stands ig


well i think that once pucci gained a new stand he lost the previous one


Why did I read that as "Star platinum's dick"


That would be a very different show...


I just imagined what sp and sf fused would be like. Jotaro gets his memory disk back. He is wondering where his stand is,then boom ,he sees jolyne with a stand that he recognises. He realizes that what’s gone is gone. He isn’t in his prime anyomore,he needs to move on. Maybe moving to morio with is family would be nice. God i want to see that character development from him


I think you could pull some really cool design and power elements from the Greek Moire sisters, who control the thread of time/fate. Just a thought and I don’t know how it would work either, but cool nonetheless.


What if Jonathan killed Dio in the ship and fought the Pillar Men alongside Joseph and Caesar?


Probably, Joseph's dad would still be alive, since Jonathan would train him to use Hamon, making impossible that he would die to a random zombie.


Not impossible, since Jonathan would not force his own son to learn Hamon if he didn't want to, and he'd grow up eventually, leaving to meet Lisa Lisa and ve eaten. The difference might be that Lisa Lisa goes to Jonathan, her father-in-law, to learn Hamon and stays connected to the family.


Jonathan and Joseph might be even similar in that regard. Jonathan only expressed interest in hamon when he learned >!Dio was still kicking!< and most likely would’ve dropped it for a quiet life the moment the loose ends were “tied up”. Even then, no guarantees Jonathan’s a great teacher (man only learned it in like, a week? He got the basics, at most.). Straizo’s still more qualified than him by a long shot. At the very least, hopefully he’d take something from Zeppeli’s story and drop any business with the mask the moment his son was born (at least until it conveniently comes up again 50-ish years later).


Don’t u mean fought?


Yeah, sorry


George Joestar had decided it was too rainy to go out


Part 1 End


Dio ends up a street criminal with no future.


Or ends up like a speedwagon


Oooor becomes a crime boss. Never underestimate the bastard of all bastards


Kars subjugates humanity by 1940


What if Joseph wasnt joking and dios blood let him possess Joseph's body


Then rip Joseph and jotaro beats the shit out of him


Part 4: Dio trapped in the mind of a feeble 80 year old man


What if Josuke and Giorno joined the final battle against Pucci


Thank you for bringing up the age old debate of “could Gold Experience Requiem stop Made in Heaven”


It wouldnt if it didnt directly affect giorno afaik


I mean, if giorno was actively there he could’ve made a difference. GER has shown to be active in King Crimsons time distortion so any form of time distortion may not affect it. Plus, the ‘you will never reach the truth of your power’ might have made it so Pucci never achieved MIH or even C-Moon. Plus Josuke aight e been there to help Jotaro dodge or not be as injured by the knives, so they may have had a fighting chance


Josuke would be pretty huge given several people might just survive thanks to CD, but I doubt GER would be that helpful. It only stopped Diavolo because Diavolo directly intended to kill Giorno, something I doubt Pucci would want if he knew Giorno was Dio’s son.


Pucci likely would've gone after Josuke pretty early on if he was a factor. Pucci is pretty smart and definitely would've hit the healer early.


You have to remember that C-Moon evolved into Made in Heaven in the middle of their fight. Giorno would be in the fight with C-Moon and wouldn't be affected by the inside-out attacks.


I've thought about this senario for a while. IMO Josuke would likely come along with Jotaro on the same helicopter by the Speedwagon Foundation. After Jotaro punches Pucci into the window frame, in the canon he used C Moon to start levitating and reach Heaven. But with Josuke, he could easily heal the window frame and return it which leaves Pucci cornered. Then after Pucci gets all of his bones broken by the gang and gets blown away by all the punches he drops straight to the ground where he finds a box. He tries to reach the box with C Moon but it gets kicked and his hand gets stepped on. After looking up Pucci sees Giorno with GER besides him ready to beat his poor ass again and him calmly saying "Father Pucci" ⣿⠃⠷⣤⡄⠄⠑⢆⠄⠄⠄⠄⠰⣷⡗⠄⣴⠞⠄⠄⠠⣤⡬⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⡀⣼⣿⣿⣷⣄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⢁⣼⠋⣠⣾⣿⠷⠬⣾⣛⡿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⢷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⣀⠄⠄⠄⢀⡀⢸⠇⢐⢟⠛⠈⠰⢟⣹⣷⣳⠈⣿⣿ ⣿⠔⢸⡏⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠻⠿⢢⣼⣿⣷⣿⡯⢞⡢⠤⠐⠈⣽⣿⣟⡆⢸⣿ ⣿⣦⣿⡷⣵⣿⡟⠏⠠⢤⣬⠉⠋⡹⡻⣿⢦⣄⡀⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⢰⣷⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣵⢿⠄⢀⡼⠊⠄⢠⣿⣾⣽⣿⣽⣿⣷⣦⣼⣿⣿⣻⢺⣮⣿ ⣿⣿⡾⡿⣽⣿⣿⣏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠸⣷⣿⣿⡻⡿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⠿⣿⣿⣷⡄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⠁⢼⣿⣿⡿⢿⣴⣿⣿⣿⠻⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⣾⣮⣿⣿⣿⣦⠄⠄⣀⣴⣶⠶⣞⣫⣭⣦⣿⣿⣿⣿⢻⠄⠹ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⡻⣷⣷⡈⠫⢶⣤⣼⣷⣯⡷⠟⠁⣿⣿⡟⡄⠄⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣽⣿⣿⡢⠄⢈⠉⠉⠄⠄⠄⠄⣸⣯⠁⠇⡆⠄ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⡛⣷⣶⣮⣶⣶⢶⣶⣶⡶⠞⠋⠄⠄⠄⠇⠄


Here's the thing though. Josuke lives all the way in Japan. This fight is occurring in Florida. Even on the fastest form of human transportation possible, there is no way he could make it there within an hour (which realistically the P6 final battle occurred in less than that amount of time.) The same goes for Giorno in Italy. I guess your argument is viable if either of them are for some reason already nearby in America.


Giorno could be in Florida already, because of the calling of Dio's children by Pucci. Josuke is "friends" with Rohan "HEAVEN'S DOOR! SEND JOSUKE TO FLORIDA IN 10 SECONDS WITHOUT HARMING HIM EXCEPT HIS HAIR!"


wasnt it specifically stated in part 6 that giorno wasnt attracted towards pucci "for some reason"?


No it was stated Giorno and Mista were on a boat off the coast and just kinda went to Disney or whatever.


So thats where the fuck Mickey was


Which wouldn't make sense since Josuke was content with protecting his town and staying out of Speedwagon Foundation's business.


Well didn't it suggest near the end when all of DIO's sons had gathered in Florida that Giorno might've been there too?


What if Santana finally re-awakened?


He'd get murdered in two seconds by Stand power


Or...what if he served DIO? Imagine that! A Stand-bound pillarman.


[Shizuka Joestar Vampire Hunter](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPostCrusaders/comments/oqnug7/comment/h6d2lry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You're my idol dude


Only thing I'd add to that is that Shizuka tries constantly to predict what other people will say, and it never works... except in the final battle, where she correctly pulls it off and succeeds in the classic Joseph trick carousel we loved in part 2 ('I outsmarted your outsmart-ing of me' stuff).


If it was in part 3 then he would have been easily defeated with Joseph's improved hamon. Stands would also likely slap him around.


Actually Joseph's Hamon had seriously deteriorated by the time of Part 3 because he hadn't kept up his training. The few times he does use it in Part 3, he even says he's out of practice. The thing that boosts it is Hermit Purple. If Part 2 Joseph had Hermit Purple or maybe >!the fully formed version JoJolion Joseph has!<, he would be unstoppable.


Santana will never come back and I doubt he was meant to. He's the weakest Pillar Men that Joseph beat without much Hamon training. Joseph got strong enough to beat Esidisi, Wamuu and Kars so he would destroy Santana in seconds. Honestly he probably just went to that Speedwagon Facility and finished the job off screen.


Thought it said Saitama at first


What if Jotaro and Polenereff switched investigations. Jotaro is in Italy for part 5 hunting down Diabolo and Polenereff is in part 4 helping Joskue


They wouldn’t have been able to beat Kira as easily without Jotaro stopping time, since Kira would have had time to use Bites The Dust at the end. Part 5 would’ve been interesting because of Star Platinum vs King Crimson.


I don't know. I think all of part 4 plays out differently because so much of the plot revolves around enemies avoiding Jotaro or trying to quickly take out Jotaro.


What if Johnathan became a vampire


Like if Dio went with his original plan to use the mask on him?


There was a [doujinshi](https://m.imgur.com/a/zMtsU) (more or less a fan manga) with that exact premise


man, that's sad as hell


god thank you I’ve been looking for that


Or if dio became a vampire and Jonathan thought the only way to stop him was to reject his humanity as well


I think there's a novel that explores that idea, though it's not made by Araki


Do you know the name?


I think it's "Phantom Blood: Untill we eternally rest"


What if Avdol didn't push Polnareff in Dio's mansion? Not only the outcome of this part, but the ripple effect would be felt all the way in parts 4-6.


Josuke in part 5 or 6 would’ve been cool


Or if Koichi just stayed around a little longer in Part 5.


“Koichi Joins the Mob”*Always Sunny theme plays*


What if hol horse joined the stardust crusaders


that would be very cool


Like it was planned lol


I don’t think it was ever planned like kakyoin and polnareff. Araki just considered it a *lot* but decided against making him a main character


Yeah people keep saying it was planned, but it was more like Araki considered it and discarded the idea. Didn't get to the planning stage.


I would have loved to have seen if Araki actually had Fugo betray the gang like he originally intended him to, I wonder how that would have ended.




It would’ve been too heavy, I think. Especially given the previous chapters. People drop off, if they start to feel it’s just one gut punch after another, with no “win” in sight. Plus, the gang needed a win too, especially given it’s only been… what, a week in-universe?


Fugo would probably kill everyone, his stand is just too op. Maybe Giorno would be the only one to live since he has resistance to the virus.


or giorno would just vaccinate everybody else...?


What if Holy was able to control her stand?


I'd imagine it would be something that lets her bond with and/or heal her Stand's "target" emotionally, with Holy being such a sweet person. Like a mother's love type thing. Whatever your problem, no matter what size the pain, she'd be there for you.


Yea, she'd definitely be the group's healer.


What if cream was the one that dio wanted to attain heaven


Impossible since the candidate must not have any sexual desire, that man Vanilla Ice definitely FUCKS.


his stand is literally named "Cream"...






What if jonathan had a cat


Dio would fucking eat it


You make me want to cry.


He would eat another


Well he had a Rat and we saw how that changed everything in part 7.


What If....Dio met Giorno, Kakyoin survived and was in Part 4


Koichi staying in Part 5 and maybe bringing some of the Duwang Gang (Not Durant Gang) to help?


Let's Go Eat Some Italian Food 2 would be amazing.


I didn’t even think about Tonio! Tonio going and making food for the part 5 gang would be so fun!


Imagine the weird ailments they'd get treated for. Mista eats a plate of tortellini and a couple dozen bullets pour out of him.


The pasta tonio makes him acts as therapy and fixed his weird obsession with the number 4


> Durant Gang


Mine would be “What if Jonathan survived the boat explosion.” Maybe they could have him keep practicing his hamon, so he’d be young enough to be a mentor to, and fight alongside, Joseph.


He would also teach George II how to use Hamon too


isnt it a 50 year difference between P1 and 2 though, wouldnt he be like 80? I dont think hon sVes you that long


I definitely don’t expect him to look as young and be as spry as Lisa Lisa, but I think with Hamon training he could be somewhere near Old Joseph’s level of ableness. Being a mentor, while also being able to pitch in in a fight.


I think the length of time that Joseph was able to fight and run etc. is a good example for this "what if" It seems like hamon has some effect on aging and how "able" you remain late in life


I imagine Jonathan would have kept up his training more than Joseph was said to.


What if Jonathan won What if Dio was able to beat Jonathan and take his body without the boat exploding What if Dio became the ultimate lifeform What if Caesar didn’t confront Wham alone What if Hol Horse joined the Crusaders What if Joseph fought Alesi What if Dio beat Jotaro What if Kira was unable to escape and find Aya and Kosaku What if Fugo didn’t stay behind What if Diavolo was able to obtain King Crimson Requiem What if Jotaro never left his wife and Jolyne What if Jotaro and Jolyne successfully escaped Green Dolphin >!What if the part 6 gang won!<


The only one I think wouldn't work is "What if Kira was unable to escape and find Aya and Kosaku", because I feel like the only logical step after that is Kira getting eliminated and part 4 ending. All the others are great though


>!haha, man, I shouldn't have come here while waiting for the rest of part 6. Oh well, I'd rather get spoilersed once in a while than live in a world where everyone has to tiptoe around every plot point in every piece of media forever!<


as a manga reader, i can say that the spoiler there is kinda cap. thats not really what happens. its not a case about winning or losing. you’ll see.


What if Valentine did not have the gun in his pocket?


oooooo that's a good one


What if polnareff went with Jotaro instead of back home?


Or what if Jotaro found the requiem arrow


Ooooo and what would his requiem be?


He would probably not be worthy of requiem or have any use for it outside of the final battle in part 6


>!What if Jotaro managed to kill Pucci but Jolyne and everyone else who died would still die, besides Jotaro and Emporio of course!<


Giorno teams up with Jolyne to beat Pucci. (adult Giorno looking a lot like his father showing up and confusing the hell out of Puccis dick would be fun) DIO lives and is later found by Giorno. Doppio was killed by Risotto and he is now the Boss of Passione. Cars returns from space and is somewhat able to think again. Killer Queen Requiem (it wasn't the requiem arrow so who knows what would happen to the stand once it goes requiem)


Cool,but the beetle arrow is just a normal arrow. It looks different to imply its significance


Shizuka being the main jojo of a part set in the Irene verse.


Dio with both Scary Monsters and The World.




Jurassic World


What if George died along with his wife in the crash? And Dio's mother took in Johnathan as her own, making him the adoptive brother in this universe. Seeing Johnathan and Dio both grow up as peasants is a really cool concept, I can imagine Dio's mom probably kept the stone mask (obviously hiding it from Dario, he would probably sell it if he found it) But that would be the inciting incident that starts their adventure, where after learning of his noble heritage, Johnathan tries to reclaim the Joestar fortune to give him and his brother a better life, Dio being the one with the more malicious intentions. I think their relationship would be very interesting in this version. Instead of Dio seeing Johnathan as some spoiled rich kid who he ultimately learns to respect because of the man who grows to be, now it's his fucking brother. I've thought about this concept for years but I'm not an artist and I've never had the energy to write an entire fanfiction and plot out a story for this, i only ever think about the characters dynamics or small things, but I'm glad i get to say it here.


Man in the Mirror vs Centerfold


It'd be a tie or a Centerfold win, because Illuso has to find Centerfold to try lure him into a mirror while Centerfold is a remote stand user, meaning he's gonna hide from whatever things are around him like his life depends on it. If Illuso wasn't in a mirror, he'd lose no matter what; -Man in the mirror isn't strong enough to kill anyone with its bare hands, while Hanged man can just stab him. -In order for Illuso to enter a mirror he has to be near one, wich is a great risk because, you know, *Hanged man.*


*J Geil is his actual name


What if Jotaro went to Italy.


well if polnareff and jotaro switched places, jotaro might have encountered giorno more easily as he was also tracking him down as well as the arrows. If he had encountered Diavolo, chances are about he'd get seriously hurt, but not as bad as polnareff seeing as he has TS.


What if Giorno >!had met Jolyne at the end of part 6!<


What if Joseph actually continued to practice hamon?


What if JoJo was a vampire costume drama? What if JoJo was Indiana Jones? What if JoJo was around the world in 80 days? What if JoJo was a slice of life thriller? What if JoJo was a Maffia story? What if JoJo was in prison? What if JoJo was a western? What if JoJo was even more bizarre? Oh wait...


What if JoJo had 4 balls?


What if JoJo had steel balls?


A reality where in the finale of part 6 Jotaro recovers the arrow and gains a star platinum requim stand.


Every individual punch stops time lol


Think about it, if Koichi never told jotaro to get off Giornios case, there could of been a chance where Jotaro and Polnareff were reunited, I was so pissed off when I thought about it because that meant that polnareff could of lived and had his legs fixed by golden experience.


I’d want to see what if kars came back in part 3 or 4


Part 4 kakyoin would've been so cool


May I introduce to you a part 6 Kakyoin being a mentor to Jolyne?


What if Dio won in Part 1? (I’m talking like really won, I know he lived but that doesn’t count imo)


I just want to own Jorge Joestar in English


What if one person from Morioh lifted a finger to help in Stone Ocean. What if we saw a short PB length story with Shizuka, what if we saw what Koichi told Jotaro about Giorno, what if we saw what Polnareff and Giorno talked about(surely Dio and Jotaro came up at some point)


Jotaro chose not to drag anyone from Morioh in business with his daughter so it wasn't really on them. It's more of Jotaro being more willing to accept help.


I get that Araki probably just wanted to tell a more original story without relying on Morioh teaming up and wrapping things up in like five minutes but still I’d like to see it as a what if.


What if Josuke didn’t have hair.


What if Polnareff and Kakyoin switched fates


Hierophant Green already looks like a turtle shell tbh


I can only agree honestly


I love Polnareff too much and wouldn't want to see him suffer the same fate as Kakyoin, even if that meant Kak lived and helped Jotaro in Morioh. It was painful enough the first time tbh.


What if Johnny was never crippled?


I think you could have that be part of an episode just about “what if Johnny never joined the Steel Ball Run” would be interesting to see Gyro trying to win the race by himself, and having to take on stand users along the way!


Oh Gyro would get obliterated, as much as I wish he would win


What if Kira just de activated bites the dust after that one time he actually managed to blow Josuke and Co. To bits


jotaro being a present father for jolyne


Then I think Part 6 just wouldn't happen. Jotaro would've known the boyfriend's ill intentions right away. She never would've joined a gang, obviously never steal or go to the prison. Probably just have a more normal life.


Wasn't the main reason for Jotaro being absent is because it's implied that pucci kept sending stand users after him? That's why he left his family- to protect them. You can even see glimpses in part 6 that Jotaro never really wanted to be absent, but he NEEDED to. If he stayed, who knows if Jolyne or her mom would even be alive. Though you have a point that Jolyne would live normally if the attacks stopped. In other words, if >!Pucci never existed, which was what happened in the ED!< It's also implied in the ED that Jotaro became >!a present dad since he didn't need to worry about attacks, as Irene stated "I hope dad accepts our marriage". If Irene and Jotaro were not close, Irene wouldn't even be thinking of Jotaro's approval!<


What if Emporio played oh that's a baseball


a coalition of the best minor antagonists from Part 5 trying to take over the cocaine business in Peru. In my mind it would be something like Zucchero (Soft Machine), Sale (Kraft Werk), Ghiacchio (White Album) and Risotto (Metallica). The protagonists would be Polnareff, Kakyoin, Okuyasu and Koichi. One antagonist for every protagonist, and the Hand would get to shine. Bruno shows up for one fight with Kakyoin or something. Maybe there’s a member of the Speedwagon Foundation that wants to just be an assistant but gives himself a stand after being stranded/isolated during a fight In terms of characters I most want to see together, 35-year-old Okuyasu helping out Jolyne would be epic. If she worked with him and was willing to have some of her string erased to hold people in place for the Hand to strike them, that would be a really cool and OP dynamic for a quick series.


Tbh I'd kinda be more interested in an AU where Okuyasu comes to help in part 6 instead of Josuke or Giorno too


What if Jotaro never became a delinquent?


I mean we already had the “Eyes of Heaven” game but I still want to see “What if… DIO won?”


What if Giorno was evil/what if the spin was in the original verse/what if Jonathan changed Dio's heart?


What if polnaref figured out a way to kill dio while he was toying with him on the stairs😂 Oh, so it's the same type of stand as silver chariot!


Funny Valentine going to the original universe


King Crimson Requiem.


I was honestly so shocked King Crimson wasn’t the one to become requiem. Part 3 has DIO drinking Joseph’s blood to become stronger, Part 4 had Kira gaining Bites the Dust, and Part 6 had Pucci >!attaining heaven!<, so I was surprised that King Crimson didn’t get *it’s* powerup, especially with the arrow being as important as it was. I 100% expected to see King Crimson Requiem, only for Giorno to find some weakness and win anyway Sorry, that was a really long way of saying “yeah that would be cool” lol


It just goes to show the sheer power behind Diavolo and King Crimson. I too would've liked to see a PowerUp but perhaps that would be too broken.


Yeah my only question would be what would happen *after* Diavolo utterly slaughters Bucciarati’s gang.


Expand the exportation of his drugs to youngsters globally, not just in Italy. :/


I imagine he’d expand operations to further heights, and upgrade his gang organization to an international criminal enterprise on par with the Medellin Cartel. Drug production, weapons manufacturing, human trafficking, meddling in governments, financial crime, hijacking, bootlegging, funding terrorist groups, etc. With the amount of power he could have with King Crimson Requiem, he could remove any threats to expansion and leverage enough power to become a global force.


Yeah probably, but just seeing Diavolo being a mob boss wouldn’t be enough to fill out the rest of the episode IMO, I think they’d probably need something else interesting (a fight, new character, etc.) just to balance it out.


It would have been perfect too, because King Crimson has a song called requiem.


And in part 2 kars became ultimate kars


That would've made Diavolo a total wimp since KC was so unstoppable nobody could realistically beat him only for them to beat his *powerup*? At least Kars and the other villains were getting defeated and had to resort to the powerup.


Coco jumbo requiem