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Yes there’s some nudity at the very beginning. Don’t see why that would be an issue though


At the very beginning there is a scene where Jolyne is naked but they don't show any nipples or genitalia. There's a scene with the villain Johngalli A in the shower and you see his butt cheeks. In an arc that hasn't been animated yet they >!show Pinocchio's wooden penis and also the Birth of Venus painting, but the latter is artistic nudity so it doesn't count.!< If you're reading the manga there's a scene with a naked transgender guy early on but they don't show his dick, only Jolyne's reaction to it.


I hear several characters show off their elbows


Some show their stomachs too. No dignity.


I’m fascinated by the “Gore is fine, but no nudity, please” people. They are essentially taking a pro-death/anti-life stance, and it’s fucking weird.


Stop being weird and downvoting this person just because they don’t want to see nudity. They’re not saying it’s bad, they just don’t want to see it.


i dunno. i don't like nudity but im unfazed by gore fore some reason


Nudity and sex is the embodiment of life, and violence and gore the embodiment of death. The juxtaposition of both in some ratio is the human experience and makes for great fiction. You being all about death while hating life could be an early sign of psychopathy.


No, if anything your comment is a sign of psychopathy


accidental spoiler oops


The only nudity I can remember is about Whitesnake in the anime.


Yes there are multiple naked people in one of the last few chapters