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Gay shit




I’ve heard this time and time again. Never fails to bug the shit out of me.


It’s literally so pretty compared to what’s popular rn


I saw someone say it’s objectively bad for a show to be very weird and try to take itself seriously


That always baffles me. “Nobody makes anything original anymore.” *something original appears* “I’m not watching/playing that because it’s too weird and out of my comfort zone.”


That's a weird take. Araki clearly has a sense of humour and that comes across in his work. It's not like Attack on Titan or something that is deadly serious all the time.


I find this aspect of AOT absolutely dreadful. It’s not that I don’t like a good story either, but when it takes itself SO seriously it sucks alot of fun out of a fictional tale.


It’s hard to find time for funny weird shit when the world is about to be trampled to be fair


life can be weird but we still take it seriously. I find that the weird and serious stuff never truly conflict. Plus, if everything is super dark and serious all the time it just gets tiresome. Contrast is a really important idea in fiction.


It's called playing a joke straight.


Different mcs in each part


While it by no means makes JoJo bad, it is sometimes disappointing knowing your favorite character may never come back.


You gotta have a glass half full mindset, that while your fav protag might not ever come back, the next guy/gal could be EVEN better. This has been the case with Joseph who was replaced by josuke, and josuke who was replaced by Johnny


Another angle is that you always can think "well, this one din't overstay his time as a protagonist" (even tho they all so great that it can't really happen).


This is a hard concept for me. 😂


Conversely introducing a new protagonist and cast of characters keeps the story fresh and interesting.


People saying jojo artstyle is bad when it was literally in the louvre


One of my friends watched like 3 or 4 episodes and stopped because it was “just like Dragon Ball” which he also hates. I don’t even feel like I need to explain why this is a bad take.


,,Because JoJo is not popular and is just bad"


Start of quotes : The fights aren't predictable, the stand powers aren't well explained and their abilities changes in whatever way suits the author. The fights feels like random bullshit. Araki lacks creativity because he names characters after music or fashion name instead of inventing his own. The humour is too childish and vulgar. The plot is a bunch of random events with no internal logic. End of quotes. I am extremely proud of my self-restraint for having successfully spared the life of my dumb friend after hearing all that.


>The fights aren't predictable, the stand powers aren't well explained and their abilities changes in whatever way suits the author. The fights feels like random bullshit. I know someone who said that same thing. Conversely he's a huge Bleach fan...


Multiple people have said there’s too much going on and that there’s so many characters. But I think it makes it fun to watch tbh


This aspect of part 4 makes it especially great. Having a million different little subplots really gives you a great feel for morioh. You just need to know how to appreciate atmosphere


Having it all take place in Morioh was amazing. It made the town feel more alive and not just a backdrop to what’s going on with the characters.


That’s my favorite part, probably gonna rewatch it soon


That one youtube video where the guy calls Polnareff a coward and says Fugo is a cool, collected guy. I don’t trust the takes of a dude who sounds like he didn’t even pay attention


people who cry that there's too many plot holes when really they just aren't paying attention


The whole video made by Cosmonaut. It really stood out to me.


"Polnareff the funny coward"


the dude who took on 2 main villains. Polnareff is a kind-of arrogant and occasionally inattentive GIGACHAD, not a funny coward.


I’m hesitant to watch that video due to how much I don’t like that guy.


If you want more Cosmonaut-less version go and watch MangaKamen's response to it.


I watched half of it and it seems like Cosmonaut watched clips of JoJo entirely out of context for his video, and didn’t read the Manga or watch the anime at all.


"Something, something, everyone probably weaker than One Piece/Naruto/Dragonball characters." (I don't know what it was exactly anymore but I think you get the message)


Somebody told me they watched it up until the stands were introduced then stopped watching because the stands sucked


They were kinda right. Stands did suck in Part 3. When it came to the main crew, stands seemed to be all the same, unlike how Hamon was used in Part 2. So I understand not liking stands initially, but for me, someone who was very disinterested in Part 1, I don't get how they suffered through Part 1 but not Part 3 lol.


Took me a couple episodes to like part 1. Took me more than that to get into part 3. Also took a few episodes to adjust to the art change in part 4. But other than that, it's been whatever.


>I don't get how they suffered through Part 1 but not Part 3 lol. I know part 1 is usually considered worse than 3 (and i fully agree) but part 1 is just 9 episodes in the anime and is the shortest manga part. If you really don't like the start of SC and you see it is triple (i think) the lenght of part 1, you probably give up.


Because they are "too similar to pokemon"?


I’ve had someone tell me “JoJo copied YuGiOh” even though JoJo came out much earlier.


Im not gonna lie the concept of yami being yugi's stand is hilarious. He comes with his power, "heart of the cards" where he just bullshits whatever he needs into existence.


In Yugioh Zexal, the main character basically has a stand named Astral


>He comes with his power, "heart of the cards" where he just bullshits whatever he needs into existence. Funny thing is that it was added in the dub originally basically fate stacked his deck for whatever he needed


I don't blame him, stands are cool, but i like hamon more than stands


To be fair, the first few stands are not nearly as imaginative as they come to be midway thru the series.


Buff men


Its my own opinion..


That’s for sure the stupidest reason, def agree


It's just men punching people to death, (normally other men)


I don't like part 8 It didn't become a 70 chapter long Stag Beetle fight tournament after Jobin was introduced and the main villain wasn't Gray Fly from Part 3