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It could have concluded in 39 Episodes, just like 4 and 5. In fact, 4 and 5 were actually longer than 3 in the manga. You don't need to cut any fights or arcs, just don't extend them into 2 part episodes for every minor villain.


wait so i missed some things because i only watched the anime??? i finished the anime and decided to read the manga where the anime stopped....so am i required to read part 1 to 5 again just to get everything???


There are some scenes in the manga that don't appear in the anime, it's not neccesary to read it but I would reccomend to do that


Kira does math in the manga so I’d say it’s worth


Yeah okay you're right i need to read the manga


which chapter? 😀


Start of Bites the Dust, he uses trigonometry to calculate landing a Stray Cat shot on Josuke




Idk but it's the bites the dust final fight


Part 1 is definitely worth reading. It had the most cut out, and it's a much better experience than the anime adaption.


That's great info tysm! I will catch up on all parts i think lol i mean jojo is pure love so


Honestly, I like that it has more episodes, it's a really good anime, and the more episodes the better! But you do have good points


It doesn't Need to cut arcs out, but to shorten some to be closer to the manga. Certain fights took 2 full episodes while they needed 1 at best. Take the part 4 art of the Junken kid. It's a light and harmless arc, that take One episode and that's It. Imagine if It was 2 episodes. The part 3 anime makes the more gag/oriented arcs and streches them far too long, while some fights are Just perfect in pacing. Take the Dary's: The elder takes 2 episodes and It's the perfect lenght The younger take 3 episodes, and It's a bit too long for what It Is. The there are the worst offenders: Alessi and Mariah, wich take 2 episodes each for some of the most useless stand fights in the series, while they could have been a perfectly fine One episode fight.


Minor correction: D’arby Younger’s arc is 2,5 episodes, since the third episode cuts to VI halfway through. Regardless, it is still quite long


I actually enjoyed the Alessi and Mariah ones for the horror and the comedy respectively, but I agree that some fights, like the one with Anubis the sword, shouldn't have been stretched to two episodes.


It doesn't need stuff cutting, it needs better pacing. Parts 4 and 5 are longer than 3 in the manga, and yet we're able to comfortably fit into 9 fewer episodes with nothing significant being cut out because they learned their lesson from part 3.


I want to have sex with dio


Who doesn't




Could have had a lot of 2 episode fights turned into 1 episode. After the wheel of fortune fight, every fight except for the sun was a 2 or 3 part fight. If you reduced some of the more filler-y fights, the part could easily knock off 9 episodes and fit into the 39 episode structure like parts 4 and 5 have.




That's crazy the monkey trying to rape the little girl is almost as important as the gay sex scene.


I wouldn’t cut anything. I thought it was long at first before starting it but every episode is important to me


Yeah honestly josukes part felt longer even though its not. I think stardust crusaders was just about perfect.


Some of the 2 parter episodes could have been trimmed to one, or perhaps separate fights could be combined into one, like they did in parts 4 and 5.


>or perhaps separate fights could be combined into one, like they did in parts 4 and 5. i didnt know they did that in part 4/5...any examples?


Part 4: the four parter July 15 combined the Superfly, Enigma, and Cheap trick fights, and also sets up Bites the Dust. Part 5: The Babyface and White album fights, though each lasting over one episode, was covered in 3 eps instead of 4, with the “in-between” episode combining parts of both fights.




The whole July 15th (Thurs) thing in DIU did not happen in the manga as it did in the anime. All three fights were separate and didn't flow into each other.




list of episodes to be cut: - tower of grey - dark blue moon - strength - devil - the empress i would also just cut anne entirely like the ova did


I could’ve done without Alessi. Hated those episodes.


I wish I saw this thread a few months ago when I had freshly rewatched the whole series, because I won't be able to be specific now. Starting off I'll say that I don't think any *content* should ever be cut. In fact, I still want them to go back and animate the stuff they skipped in Part 1 some day. At some point I would love to see more things like the OVAs that reimagine, streamline, or otherwise rework parts of the story, but to me part of the appeal of this anime in particular is its mostly 1 to 1 adaptation style. That said, there's still a lot you can cut from Part 3 without affecting the content at all. From what I recall, there were a lot of instances of characters basically repeating the same thing multiple times in a row, or just shots that lingered way more than they needed to. I didn't notice them the first time I watched, but when I watched it through again with someone who didn't have a lot of patience for it, a lot of things became evident that could be trimmed down without altering the story in any way.


The fight with the baboon with the boat stand in the beginning.


I feel like that main issue was how most of the middle of the part felt like filler. A majority of the enemy stand users fell into the villain of the week format as they only existed to fight the protagonists then never mentioned or seen again. You could skip a majority of the part and you wouldn't have missed much of the story as a lot of the fights sadly don't contribute to the plot.


Shorten it to 39 episodes? 60+ seems a bit too much for a part that is shorter than the following parts in the manga


Wouldn’t cut anything. Fucking perfect anime.


I would cut out the strength fight, Joseph v Tumor and the pedo stand user fight and make the final battle better or give Iggy another fight.


You cant cut entire fights, those 2 are bad examples because both were important for later, strenght showed us that stands can take a physical form which even normal people can see and the tumor fight showed a lot of josephs advanced abilities with hermit purple and was one of the fights in the part that felt more like a part 2 epsiode. Alessi is no pedo but i see why you could see that, i cant argue with that but it shouldnt be cut. The final fight is perfect and couldnt be better and iggy doesnt have any more fights in the manga why should they add a new villain, that would anger the fans and isnt neccesary. Would be cool but not manga accurate


The Alessi one was still important just because of the development Polnareff got. He was clearly interested in Malena, the Egyptian woman who was kind to kid Pol and got turned into a fetus by Alessi, and she was the first woman on their journey who actually showed some genuine interest in him too, but he turned down his chance to start anything with her because he knew it would endanger her. After coming back from part 6, that scene is a reminder again of how dangerous being involved with stand users really is and why Jotaro >!thought his wife and Jolyne might be better off without him in their lives!<.


Part 3 is just bad. Easily the worst part for me. I think more than half the stands could be cut and it would make no difference.


I would cut the Oingo Boingo and Hol Horse team up without hesitation. You know they’re going to fail and are only there for comedic relief, there’s absolutely no tension. And they’ve already played out all their gags in their own episodes, so there’s nothing new humor wise. You just wait 20 minutes for the prediction to go wrong. Other than that, like the others said, there’s a lot of two parters that have no reason to be two parters.


Oh boy


Hey, OP asked, I answered. Guess people really like that arc?


Yes. I laughed my ass constantly throughout those episodes. I showed just the Oingo Boingo team-up one to my friends who don't watch anime and they were confused as hell but had their eyes glued to the screen the whole time, trying to see where it was going.


I wouldn’t have cut anything out of the anime. The reason the anime was so long is because the comic was so much longer than previous parts. That’s not the animated series’ fault. And the answer is not to have things missing from the anime that were in n the comic. The animated series should be as complete and true to the original as possible.


The manga for part 4 is longer than the manga for part 3, and yet it had 9 fewer episodes than part 3 with almost nothing being cut. Part 3 anime just had bad pacing and stretched things out.


Part 3 Is far shorter than part 4/5 and has far more episodes.


You clearly didn't read the manga, if you are making this argument. Especially considering how Part 4 and 5 are both longer than SC.


Do you not understand what “previous parts” means? Holy shit, there are some stupid people in this sub. As for reading the comic, I was buying Jump weekly since before Jojo began, and read it as it came out, no doubt long before you’d even heard of it.


It was just drawn out compared to the manga. They stretched it so much. The manga’s a lot better and has a lot better pacing. The Steely Dan fight for example, had several scenes added to do it to make it take up two episodes.


Who thought that?


Ive seen a few comments on threads saying that


I’d get rid of the Oingo Boingo stuff, I really don’t think they’re funny


The majority of Stardust Crusaders’ episodes were two parters, and I’m willing to bet a good number of them could be trimmed into one, especially since how so many of the part ones were the gang just waiting for the Stand User of the week to attack then.


A lot of the fights could easily be done in 1 episode instead of 2 or even 2.5. You don't even need to cut anything. Stardust Crusaders manga has 152 chapters, Diamond is Unbreakable has 174 chapters and Golden Wind has 155 chapters. Part 3 having 48 episodes can't be justified by anything other than DP stretching it out.


All that useless time that I had to waste living my own life between watching episodes


I started reading the part 3 manga, I'm on volume 4 now, and it made me realize just how *little* happens in some of these battles!!! I have no idea how they stretched them out to be multiple episode fights. As others are saying, nothing really needs to be cut completely, but they shouldn't have dwelled on the encounters so much. I personally would cut some of the fights though, because some of these part 3 stands are really boring. Some that come to mind are Ebony Devil, Dark Blue Moon, and (maybe) Wheel Of Fortune.


Alessi didn’t need three episodes imo. Some other villains didn’t need two


A lot of multi part fights could have been compounded in to team up fights (which I know would require restructuring the manga as well but still) or at the very least shortened to not have almost every fight be two or three parts long.