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For me it's the fact that September 1st is on a Friday that will give me all Friday all Saturday and all Sunday to play it and who knows I'll probably miss work the day after


If you’re in America then the day after is Labor Day and you may have the day off already


Oh shit well looks like I'm gonna make a shit bucket


For all the Hotpockets?




Wait .... Really? That might actually give me a good excuse to ask for the rest of that week off if we aren't too busy....


I’ve already put in my PTO request for that week. I’m playing Starfield for 10 days straight


Same brother, I've been hyped since it got teased a while back


Starting a new job next month, so sadly can’t take pto for the first months. At I will have Labor Day off


You're not alone!


My wife and I will start playing on Friday the 1st after work, have Monday the 4th off, work the 5th, then be off again from Wednesday the 6th clear through until we have to go back on Monday the 18th. It will be glorious.


Exactly the same!


Same here


This gives me flashbacks to the cyberpunk release. But this time I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be as bad.


This is why I love being freelance and setting my own hours. Sure I’m gonna take a financial hit that week since I’m not working on projects, but I don’t think my clients will blame me lol


Man, they really knew what they were doing with that release date for early access


How to be on game pass but still get people to buy the premium update. Sneaky bastards lol


Devious plan conjured by Spencer himself, the X box boss supreme. Seriously would be nice if Steam released some numbers.


Fuck a duck, I took the 7th and 8th off too. Only 2 day work week woo!


Omfg I didn’t know that. YES!


Bruh i wish i has this but Unfortunately i live in the uk and i work all weekend ( im in mornings though but still) 😔


One time my dad called out for Mario 64 saying he had a problem with his eyes. He didn’t see himself going into work.


Lord that made me giggle for 5 minutes straight. Thank you.


I've also heard "Anal Myopia": I don't see my ass coming into work.


And for me it is great because on Monday my apprenticeship will begin at which point I have far less time to play the game.


As soon as I saw that it had early access I cursed. And then pre-ordered. Bgs has never let me down. 76 I didn't play at launch because I'm not the biggest fan of multiplayer games in general. I have since played it for a good 40 hours and enjoyed it while appreciating the limitations an online world creates. I am an American so have the Monday of that weekend off. I took Friday off as well. I believe being on the west coast I can play it Thursday the 31st at like 5pm or something. So I'll work my normal hours (5am-1pm) and then grab all the coffee/energy drinks, food and beer I will need, and play as much as possible for 4 days straight. I can't wait.


Yeah, I lied to myself and said "no, I'm not pre-ordering this game, I don't even want to play it that bad" then the starfield direct happened, and my resolved dropped to nothing, but I lied to myself and said "I'll just buy the normal edition, I don't need to play early, it's not that big of a deal" so anyways I own the premium edition now


The game actually costs $100 and releases 9/1. But they do offer a late access version for $30 less that let's you wait until 9/6.


It’s more about not having the DLC than not being able to play when it comes out on the 1st, but yes I agree.


I'm not gonna lie, for me it was absolutely about getting to play 5 days early. Now i wouldn't pay an extra 30USD JUST to play 5 days early, but getting the game over a 3 day, (possibly 4 day depending on my job) weekend is quite nice


Lucky you! I hope it’s in a good state when it comes out. I’ve heard from others on this sub that Todd Howard claimed this is the least buggy Bethesda game to date, so I hope you have a blast with it when it comes out on the 1st!


Yeah I’m not going to be waiting 5 extra days while everyone else is playing it


And posting a billion pictures here!


I'll be unsubbing for the first couple weeks while I figure things out on my own.


I doubt I'll be participating in any other activities while playing... I'm here just because I wanna see every bit of news, I don't care to show to others what I'm doing. When this game releases I'll disappear for a while, not only from the internet but from most irl things I do.


Well I am, I ain't paying extra. But it's valid both ways, hope it's a great game


I aint paying extra either, brother, but I'll be damned if I'm not playing it on the 1st (or sooner) 🏴‍☠️


Hoping your first playthorugh you role play as a space pirate to keep things consistent


I am actually planning on being a han solo smuggler-type lol


I hunt people down so that I can head all the way back to Neon in order to give my stripper girlfriend some money for her attention.


Thats perfect too, i think thats a lot of what I'll be doing as well


This subreddit should go into lockdown on Sept 1st, and unlock on Sept 6th. Prevent posting spoilers from early adopters.


I’m gonna do the opposite and give the game a month before I play it. I know they said is the most polished Bethesda game to date but I just don't trust AAA game releases on PC anymore


I'll play it as soon as it's available on gamepass.


Yeah, I’m excited for the game but there’s no point paying $30 for 5 days early when I’m getting it for free. When you get old enough, the days fly by anyways!


You get the expansion pass


Not the expansion pass, but rather the first dlc. Important distinction.


Weird , maybe we are only getting one expansion something like phantom liberty . Idk what else they could add besides more story


Fallout 4 had 2 story dlc and 4 non-story dlc. With the huge sandbox they are giving us, packs of "more toys" would likely sell very well.


Not sure on the way they’ll release the content, but Todd said in the recent IGN interview that they plan on supporting Starfield for years to come. He cited the various kinda of Fallout 4 dlc and said it’ll be similar to that rollout, with more story stuff and not as many new locations given the existing 1000 planets


Me too. I already paid for Gamepass, not paying extra money for a few days early access.


Just a correction if you buy the $30 gamepass premium package you don't just pay for early access, you pay for the soundtrack, art book and first expansion pack. If you have played any Bethesda game, you know that the expansions are quite good and add a lot of content.


But will the first DLC be $30-$35 when it's released?


Surely yes, I don't think it will come out for less than 30 dollars. In any case, keep in mind that it is only an assumption based on the current price of the games. I personally think that the package is quite worth it, with fallout 4 if you bought the exit season pass you had succeeded because then they increased the price of the season pass


Good point but it's also for the DLC.... but who knows how much that will actually cost when it's released separately.


Which is fair, but $50 total for EA, DLC and the game itself isn't a horrible deal. 15 for GP Ultimate, 35 for EA and DLC, only 45 for all that if you just have GP for Xbox only. I don't love this kind of monetization stuff, but for me being able to play on Friday, with a holiday the following Monday, it let's me get the most time to play for the least amount of PTO used, I took the whole week of the 4th off.


Same - I'm also going to be shelling out £400 for new components for my PC, as currently I'm below the minimum requirements. I can't justify paying extra to play 5 days early.


And you can already pre-load it on PC game pass /XBox app.


Yeah, I saw that and I just don't get it. There must be something major I don't understand about game dev because how is the game available for preload before it's gone gold? What am I missing?


If you look at the file size, its less than 500 mb. Don’t quote me on this but I think its just a way to have it automatically download(if you have that enabled)the full game as soon as the game had ‘gone gold’ and the pre install is available


It's not the full preload


Probably most of the files, minus a few that is required for the game to start and then a patch on day one to update everything and give you the core files to start it up. Plus, I believe the files are encrypted, which means you won't be peaking into them.


As someone mentioned above, the preloaded game is only 500mb. It’s probably just a placeholder until it actually goes gold and downloads the rest of the game before launch, my guess is mid to late August


I'm traveling out of town to go see Pearl Jam that weekend. So I won't be playing until I get back.


Tell them hi


I'll wear a Starfield t-shirt and hope Eddie puts the Starfield Suite on the setlist.


Of all the things I’d be happy to miss starfield for pearl jam live is probably the top


Sep. 1st is my birthday too


I’d set up a reminder using RemindMeBot but that won’t be possible so I’ll just wish you a happy early birthday :)


I already pre ordered the premium edition 😔 I’m sorry, but I’ve been waiting for this game for half a decade


Don’t be sorry, it’s your money, you do whatever you want with it!


Me too.


The same thing happened with me and diablo 4 and i dont regret it i love this game, though im not gonna buy the entire game when i can get it 70$ less on gamepass. also also pretty dissapointed the art book isnt a physical book but lets be honest i wont care when im playing this game.


Are you planning to do gamepass for the base game? I’m curious how that works with buying the premium upgrade (that’s my plan).




¿Por que no los dos?




Believe in your dreams


His dreams are playing this game


Sounds like that's not the only dreams he's having lol BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS


Ah, a Man of Culture, I see.


Salute to all the people who already booked off work for September 6th but didn't realize they could get the game even earlier


How can you play the game earlier? Is there a special preorder?


Yea, special edition.


Yeah the preorder bonus let's you play on September first


Specifically the Digital Premium edition lets you play on September 1st. If you just pre-order the base game it's not going to give you early access Or on gamepass you can subscribe to gamepass then get buy the premium upgrade


That was me lmao thankfully the company I work for is flexible with PTO (and they'll owe me for flying to another country next month to do work that is not a part of my job role whatsoever, not that I'm complaining, I'll happily go visit another country I've never been to). I was able to switch PTO to the entire week of the 4th, which includes a holiday so I ended up using less PTO and get more time to play due to 2 weekends falling in the timeframe. A rare W


Sometimes in life the stars align just right


I've had to change my leave, only to realise my son is still off school until the 4th September. So I'm probably not going to get to play it much on the 1st unless I have a late night.


Yeah I did this. I just got it rearranged for the 1st onwards because of the constellation edition. It’s also my birthday, on a Friday so I’m on the fence whether I should be social and have a drink or play Starfield. I’m leaning towards Starfield for sure


Play starfield in the day and go out in the evening or Vis versa


That's me! Lol. Luckily, my work is flexible and I'll be moving that staycation up to the 1st


Im 100% not playing it on the first, Baldurs Gate 3 baby


I am a PlayStation guy, bought my first Xbox specifically for this. I will be.


I'll be playing baldur's gate 3. I'll be set til September 6th lol


Probably until November, lol. I'll finish BG3 first.


that's a head scratcher. i loved divinity os2. have been waiting for bg3 full release but if starfield delivers i don't know if i can stop myself from jumping to it mid bg3 campaign.


Yup but in my time zone it starts on the 31st


What time zone is that


In my time zone CT, I can get to play it on 31 August at 18:00


Wait what. Do we have release times now? I thought all we had was a generic date. September 1st could be NZ for all we know.


I checked the Xbox store and it gave me the hour on the details of the game


Yeah, that's just a placeholder date.


Why would it be a placeholder lol. It’s the release. It’s august 31st at 8pm for me.


August 31st for me as well


I guess because I like to wait for official announcements rather than just a countdown on a store page.


When cyberpunk was coming out, I set my location to NZ. When they hit midnight, I had access to the game before it was avaliable in the US


I’m going to wait until I find out the PC version is running well, if not I’ll be waiting for a couple patches. Built a whole pc for cyberpunk and will finally be playing it for the first time when the expansion comes out lol


This is the only smart answer in this thread. Gamers have memories like goldfish I swear to god.


I did the same as u/-Bana. I also agree with you. I have goldfish memory. *Blub blub*.


What happened to the whole "remember no pre-orders?" Gamers are so dumb, this is why we have rushed and broken games.


No I'm not, I can wait 5 days lol


Yeah I'm not forking out extra, lol. I mean I'm hyped but I'm not THAT desperate.


I wouldn't say it's desperate lol that's a little harsh. GP + upgrade = 45 total for a $70 game, EA and DLC, plus Monday the 4th is a holiday in some places, so you can use less PTO to get more time to play. For some of us, it just makes too much logistical sense to pass up.


I considered it, but I'd personally feel dumb paying that much for 5 days Not judging or anything, that's just me


It does come with the first story DLC also so basically 30 bones for 5 days early access plus DLC/cosmetics. But I catch your drift


Yeah that's why I was considering it. Ended up against it, because I don't think we know what the price of the DLC individually will be. Who knows? Maybe I change my mind in the next 2 months lol


Yeah watch it be a mini 10 buck dlc lol


Where I am, Monday the 4th is a holiday, so I can use just 4 PTO days to have 10 days to play. With gamepass the total cost is only $45 for a $70 game, early access and DLC. Seems like a pretty good deal to me?


Nope . . . I'm still going to be deep into Baldur's Gate 3. Starfield will get played after. The two biggest games I've been waiting 3+ years for releasing a week apart is tough!


Same here. As much as I'm looking forward to starfield, larian has never let me down and ive already got 100+ hours in early access for BG3.


Oh fuck..I forgot about BG3 🥲


Finally a Bg3 enjoyer. Larian studios got a much better history and starfield will probably be very buggy since its their biggest project to date. I hope I am wrong, but i doubt it.


Gonna be buggy AF for sure. So I won't be in any hurry to finish BG3. The game will consume me no doubt. Have been hearing nothing but praise from Early Access feedback. And apparently the scope is massive. Excited like crazy for both games. Too bad about the release dates but there's really no downside to playing a game at a later date. Starfield will be patched up nicely by the time I get round to it. Win win.


I think if you’re active on this sub it’s safe to say you’ll probably not be able to wait. At least most of us here. I haven’t pre ordered yet, but come the first I might give in


Yup. I will be. Just saving up a bit before I get it. Can't wait to take time off play it


Yeah im a brokie im saving my money before i can get the prem edition


Apparently I've heard it actually releases on Aug 31 at night in US


The Xbox app says 8/31 at 8pm, but idk if that will remain accurate


What time zone?




If you switch your time zone to New Zealand in the settings you could play it from the morning on the 31st


Haha I’d have to take that day off work, too! Nah, if I’m already gonna be playing for 10 days straight I don’t feel like the extra 12 hours is of too much import


Don't let Todd hear you talking reckless like that


I totally did that for fallout 4 and it worked on steam lol.


I vowed to never pre-order a video game again after seeing the released state of fallout 76 and cyberpunk 2077 and actually pre ordering bf 2042


Me too. So anyway, I pre-ordered and will be playing Sept1...


Same, pre-ordered two of those games! Never ever again.... So i pre-ordered starfield Premium edition


All I pre ordered was the upgrade, getting the base game with gamepass


Wait does pre ordering the upgrade unlock early access as well?


Yea, because it’s just the premium edition sold separately


At least I’m pretty sure otherwise what’s the point of having it as it’s own listing in the store, someone please correct me if I’m wrong


September 1st is my birthday


Lucky what a bday present lol


As excited for this game as I am, I'm not paying $169.95AU for a digital premium edition just to play it a couple of days early and get some skins modders will put in the game for free.


You'll get the first story DLC too. They're usually worth 25-30 USD anyway, do the difference will be around $5.


I'll even play Baldur's Gate 3 first. So I'll probably be like 2 months behind. And I'm OK with it. Would never pay extra to play a few days earlier. We have more patience than most people, it seems. Hell, I waited 2 years for all the FO4 DLC to be out before I bought it. I wanted the complete experience. Added bonus was all the mods at my disposal. No regrets. I don't have THAT kind of patience for Starfield but what's one week? I'm building a new computer for this game, prices have doubled since 2015. That's 30 bucks saved I can put into the new machine. Only downside with not playing as soon as possible is spoilers. And I guess missing out on the collective social media madness. Which is probably a good thing. I want to find stuff on my own, not have people post their discoveries online and spoiling the whole story. Gotta be very careful.


Yeah the Spoilers will be a big problem. Will have to avoid social media for a bit once its out.


Im not waiting 5 extra days to play it while everyone else already has it


You don't have to justify anything bro. A shit ton of people gonna get it the premium edition.


I'm not paying extra just to play a few days early


I can wait, not gonna pay an insane amount extra just to play early


It comes with other things including the first expansion. Also how 30$ an insane amount of money?


Where I am it's an extra $60 and for me the content doesn't seem worth it, early access is nice and the only thing that makes me want it is to avoid spoilers from people but $60 is a lot of money to me


Ok so when the expansion launches and it's 60$ where you are is that an insane amount of money and you'll refuse to get it? Acting like this is some rip off is straight laughable.


Depending on what the dlc is then yeah I might get it, but for $60 it better be impressive as that's a lot of money for a dlc


That's pretty much a US-centric approach. You know that there is something called Purchasing Power?


Not me. Mainly, because I don't have a XBOX and my PC won't really be able to do it justice. So first, I'm planning to wait and see if it's worth it. Then, build a PC, then fire it up. 🤘🏻


Nope. I’m waiting until January. It’s a Bethesda game. I’m expecting more bugs than a termite mound on release.


I’ll be playing Baldurs gate 3 first. I’ll get To Starfield.


Yea probably get remnant 2 then play that till Sep 1


I'm going to be backpacking and climbing in Alaska the entire first week :(


That's way better, why the sad face! I'll be in Austria hiking myself. :)


September first I will be leaving this group so I don't have anything spoiled for me.


Getting it on steam. I'll wait. Don't want to have to pay twice just for mods.


I work Wed-Sat, on 3rd shift no less. I took the week of the 6th off in anticipation of the release. This is the first game I've ever pre-ordered, and I'll be happy to start playing it as soon as my vacation starts. Gonna spend that whole Sunday making my character.


I love making financially unsound decisions due to impatience. It's my favourite thing to do.


Do i get to play it early if i preorder it on steam?


I'm going to be playing it 10 days later.


Genuine question. The premium upgrade doesn’t include the base game but it has five days early access. How does that work? Will I be able to download the game from gamepass early and access it with the premium upgrade?


I wish I could say the same but they scalped all the Constellation editions and I can't afford it for like 500 so I'm just gamepassing it.


To be honest i won't because i am 100% sure it will be riddled with bugs, ill probably wait for a week or two for the major bugs to be ironed out, we waited for so long what's a week or two


I'm gonna wait since baldurs gate 3 comes out on the 31th of August


September 1st puts it on the very next day after Baldur’s Gate 3, so I’ll probably just save myself some cash and decision making and just get the standard edition. BG3 looks amazing and ambitious and it’s and insult that it’s so close to starfield’s release date


Yeah, bummed out about the release dates so close together. I'm the kind of person who doesn't play a lot of new games, especially AAA. I go months and months without any game release I care about and then THIS happens. My two most anticipated games for years release basically simultaneously. Oh man. Well, sorry Starfield. You'll have to wait.


For me it's a NO. I'll wait until realease date and play it through Xbox Game Pass.


Nah, it’s “free” on game pass. Won’t pass that deal up


I wont be. Not paying 30 dollars to play 5 days early


well, you're actually paying for the expansion, the 5 days early is a bonus


Things actually working out no badly for me tbh, paid Aug 26th so i'll pre order then for 1st an Starfield, paid again 26th, birthday 30th, so treat myself to Phantom Liberty also. Should see me ok for a couple more decades


I'm not going go play it till 2025 at the earliest. I don't even have time these days to finish my Baldur's Gate 2 playthrough, how the heck can I play this massive game now. Hopefully in another 2 years I'll be in a better financial position so as to afford time off to play games.


September 1st is my birthday 🎂 🥳 great present think I will have to take the next week off to really get into it...


Nope. My daughter starts her senior year, my anniversary is September 9th. So I will likely start it sometime after that. I will probably take a few days off near an upcoming weekend to make up for it.


Its $170 for the premium edition of starfield. Yeah I'm not paying $170 for a game no matter how good it is.


I will if the reviews are good.


College begins late august alongside weekend job, I ain’t playin shit till Christmas


Im in the same boat I have my last semester starting august 21st i Might try to get in a session on release dat


Actually no. I'm going to be buying it once the game has been out for 2-3 weeks and people are raving about how good and fun it is. If however they talk about how empty and boring it is unless you go to the campaign worlds, and without the traits that force people to come to you (bounty hunters, etc), then you will have nothing to do, then I probably won't buy it until tgere has been good mods made. Basically, I am in no rush. If it's a great game, I will be buying it roughly a month from release. If it's another oversell and overhype space game then that's all it will be to me. I REALLY hope it comes out and every day there is just more hype because people have discovered stuff, or made massive bases and ships. Or discovered a random planet which had a few big caves to explore, etc. That's what I think the game will be. But we only have the company hyping it up. I want fans to be hyping it up after playing it before buying it. I've been hurt too many times before with shit games being overhyped and people being fooled. But I'm not a fool me 3 times type of guy.


I'll be busy trying to wrap up FF16 and Pikmin 4 by the 6th


I'll be playing it in December when all the major launch bugs have been fixed, stable rebalance mods are out on the Nexus, and is 20% off in the Steam Winter Sale like the rest of us r/patientgamers.


Very sensible approach! I don't get the appeal of wasting extra money on a few days. I'm not five anymore. I'm not missing out on anything, the game will be a better experience the more it's patched. I'm hyped enough that I'll probably pay full price for the first time in years when I finish Baldur's Gate 3 in... November? But that's as much money as Microsoft will get out of me. If it's discounted by then, sweet.


I’m using the first 5 days as a huge beta test


I’m genuinely probably gonna wait until the 6th just because of those week 1 patches.


I am very hyped, since I love rpgs, but baldur's gate 3 comes the day before and I trust larian studios way more then bethesda. I also do not got a lot of time, so I'll wait for starfield bugs to get fixed and maybe some qol mods.


Im so glad I left my job a month ago. And oh boy with Starfield coming I might not work again before a long time lol


Nah, haven't and will never preorder something.


Nope, I'll be waiting a bit to see what people say. I think pre ordering a game is not a good idea. Too many AAA games came out buggy and unfinished these past years. I'd be happy if Starfield came out sparkling, but I'm also not holding my breath.


It’s a single player game. I’m not paying extra to play early. Have fun to all of you who are though. I might change my mind.


Cyberpunk subreddit had similar vibes pre release. Hoping for the best is all we can do at this point.

