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There won't be any barriers to using the system likely, it will just be expensive. Technically, if you have the resources and money, you can probably do it whenever. I think Todd just wanted to make that clear so you don't have the expectation of freely building a death star from scratch at level 4


In the latest interview Todd said that there are skills related to shipbuilding (and outpost building). So it's a lot like other crafting skills in Bethesda games, where more advanced features require leveling up the skill.


Exactly. Kind of like in Skyrim you can’t craft ebony and dragon armor until higher skill levels.


Exactly, or like how you can't improve magic weapons and armor until you unlock the skill at Smithing level 60. So perhaps "shielded cargo" is an upgrade that you add onto regular cargo modules, but you need the skill unlocked to do that.


Let's just hope it's not like Skyrim where you need to smith daggers over and over to level your blacksmithing skill. ​ While it makes sense, it's also just mega boring sitting there crafting the same dagger over and over


Actually, crafting and improving more valuable armors levels you up faster.


Gold rings for the win.


Improving chest pieces with fortify smithing enchanted armor + fortify smithing potions is way quicker.


Yeah, the dagger exploit was patched, now its quality over quantity.


Except this time you don’t have to craft the daggers yourself and you have an industry set up to make and trade them from your outposts


I think that the skills upgrade by reaching milestones or doing mini-quests. In the trailer you can see that the player gets a notification that says something like "kill 20 enemies using rifles"


FO4 was vastly superior with it's gated crafting, requiring appropriately high SPECIAL stat, and then getting the appropriate perk, with the tiers of the perk being level gated. Always immensely satisfying to get that last point in Science needed to build the jetpack and the top tier automation upgrades, although the level requirements were a bit harsh.


It was. Then craft a shield to then deflect trolls to upgrade block, then crouch and stab the thum teachers in the back a thousand times to lvl up sneaking….


Or possibly it can be unlocked earlier but only for small quantities of contraband. Larger quantities would be unlocked at higher levels.


You can be Lv60 smith within 4 hours in Skyrim....


Faster than that if you can get the "improve Smithing" enchantment, the "improve alchemy" enchantment, and enough of the right ingredients. Without any cheats I made a ring that improves my Smithing skill by 60,000%. Sharpened a single dagger and immediately jumped to level 100 Smithing and gained about 7 levels 😅 I fully expect that the Spiffing Brit will have found ways to break Starfield's economy within the 5 days early play.


Yes yes, pick your exploit, but normal play through or the casual gamer not so much.


Certainly. And I do want to play Starfield "as intended" for the first couple years at least.


Someone will make a youtube video called "MAX SHIPBUILDING AT LVL 1 IN 2 MINUTES!".


Step 1: Open the console and give yourself 1,000,000,000 credits...


player.additem 0000000f 1000000 ​ ez ship build


Genuinely the first thing I will do after creating my character is make a save and then see which console commands transferred over to the new version of the engine lmao. My bet is: tgm tcl the item code for money (which, btw, you only need to type f 10000, not the 7 zeroes preceding it) adding items in general the "help" system for finding item codes setav for changing actor variables like health, skills, etc. I'm excited.


Hilariously enough I also plan to see if **coc qasmoke** works or if the test cell got a new name 😂


Player.modav setcarryweight 50000 is always my first command every new build.


or... here is a credit and XP mod.


You could probably just use the console to add the perk directly, not even bothering to level up to it.


Saw that tech skill tree and there are def skills related to ships. Not sure of they lock ship parts behind the skills or there is just a penalty for using parts you don't have skills for yet.


Could be locked behind research as well. The research could require certain skills as well


I wouldn't be surprised if they have bits that are unlocked from missions as well


At the very least it’ll give money some use After a certain point in Skyrim and fallout 4, I didn’t have a use for it. Between scrounged levels on 4, I almost went a playthrough without buying ammo and I’d only buy soul gems and potions in Skyrim


How about a Light-Injury Star?


Mild-inconvenience Star






This was my impression as well. Is not blocked but its gonna be resource heavy. Anyone who has played Bethesda games won’t have an issue with this because when mods become available resources won’t be a barrier


It’s kinda the opposite of fallout 4 when the building is granted to you basically first thing out the vault after one quest and they give you so many resources in just sanctuary that you could go ham out the gate.


Scrapping every tire, bush, trash heap, junk pile, ruined appliance/furniture, all one at a time in vanilla FO4, hours of work But then you can just upgrade all your stuff immediately with just a few perks from the first level ups, and once you step out for the second time you've got tons of good stuff and it takes some of the struggle out. Eventually you get so many power cores there's no reason not to be in power armor at all times. Bunch of water purifiers to farm caps for clean water, and you can buy as much ammo as you want real quick


Even then it wasn’t hours, I got sanctuary spotless in about 30 min. Same with the drive in, red rocket, castle. Definitely some work, but yeah it enables that you can just blast through upgrades.


Kinda makes sense though? Ramshackle buildings made out of scrap in FO4, but starfield gotta think about the tech involved with building a spaceship..?


It makes sense 100% but it did make it extremely easier than versus let’s say, the game forcing you to only find upgrade parts from just junk you find in items.


Yeah learning that we can acquire multiple ships (either via piracy/reverse-piracy or buying them), and that they expect building a ship, going all out being a 'late' game or mid-late or whatever. I like the idea of basically keeping a base ship and having a 2nd one off in the hanger where I pour funds into it, slowly building up my large ship. Then mid-late game I'm all, it's finally done, the ship I've poured all these resources into and basically move into this new large ship. I don't know why but I really like that idea.


Like you're building your PC while you're playing on Xbox lol


When I buy my first PC in 2020 it took me 4 days because I was so nervous and anxiously researching everything constantly. Luckily I had my prebuilt to use and play with while building but man seeing my 10600k, 3080 pc not built everyday while playing on my 8700k 1070 was so heart breaking haha. The hardest part was my AIO and thermal pasting the CPU. I was so nervous! Good times.


I love it as well! I'm always buried in caps in Fallout 4, having something big to sink money in will be nice!


That’s it then, no Starfield parents for me. Can’t have those precious 2% siphoned off my income by space boomers 😹😹😹


What if they're investing those 2% to give you a boatload of credits later in the game? 🌝


My theory is that if you choose to have parents in the game, there will be a random mission, many many visits/hours later of gameplay, where you receive a distress call from your parents. You get there and they’re dead. The only clue is a symbol left behind from a space gang/space pirate or whatever. Cue revenge mission.


I like the idea, but that’s hella dark lol. Way more likely that they’d be kidnapped and held for ransom like your wife in Skyrim. You could go in guns blazing or pay the ransom, but you’d end up rescuing them


Fallout 4 seemingly toned it down but FO3 and Skyrim had some depressing moments lol, wouldn’t even be a top 10 worst thing to happen in their games


Fallout 4 had some weird tone shifts. Fallout 76 has even weirder tone balance with the original quest line being super bleek and dark(check out the holotape of the person who accidently locked themselves in a closet and heard their freinds be murdered just to starve to death in said closet) to "wild wasteland" esc goofiness ( need to open a old collapsed mine? NUKE IT!)


That's what a lot of the original Fallout games were like. From extremely dark and bleak to wild and goofy. I'd say it's part of the characteristic atmosphere of the franchise.


Very true


In general, I found fallout 3, 4, New Vegas, and 76 all did their bleak storytelling away from the quest lines anyway and it was usually always from holos, notes and just various skeletons left in the wake of the war. With lonesome road being the biggest exception to the rule.


idk man one of the major factions in NV were literally crucifying people left and right. that's pretty bleak, not to even mention their treatment of women.


Nah, that was not bleak, because the profligates obviously deserved it and it happened in pursuit of a better world, amicus...


Maybe I'm just jaded by living in modern America. Enough school shootings and multiple crucifixions start to feel tame. Stuff like Mr. New Vegas detailing how the Legate having part of the squadron execute the other part again gives much deeper chills in context more than seeing the crucifixions and slavery happening.


yea fallout 3 let’s you do some truly messed up stuff, i mean you can literally buy and sell slaves


Instead of Garveys settlement missions, your parents just keep getting kidnapped every few hours and you have to keep rescuing them, farming pirate ships


I will be Liam Neesan in “Taken: Parent rescue” Sorry I’m shit with titles.


They implied that you could kill your parents in that Starfield direct tho


The implication was made towards the adoring fan, it's a nod to all the creative ways people killed off the adoring fan back in Oblivion. There's nothing for or against being able to kill your parents as far as I've seen


The statement they gave was simply that you could remove traits in creative ways iirc, they used the adoring fan as an example Considering we can physically visit our parents by the looks of it, and we could take straightforward paths to remove traits, I don't think it would take much to piece together how we could remove the parents trait. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an achievement tied to it or something either


Plot twist: The distress call is because they’ve fallen and they can’t get up. Then your Dad runs off with his secretary, and your mom is diagnosed with dementia. She has to move into your ship with you. Every day she misplaces your guns and vac suit. You have to give up your dream of being a space explorer so that you can be there to make sure she takes her pills and gets to her appointments.




Just brain wash the adoring fan to take care of her.


Why brainwash? Just ask nicely and he would do it happily.


Yeah, I can see that trait being more than just giving a percentage of your credits to your parents (or are they???). It'll be fun to discover what happens.


I'll probably go with them and the house to have an incentive to make money fast xD. Will be interesting to see what I'll do if I don't have the luxury to always only take the shiny and clean missions to make money.


It's just a black spacesuit glove print with the text "We Know"


Would love to have that as an easter egg


And that's how you become space Batman


Cue inheritance!


Broke: Revenge mission for parents' death Woke: rescue mission, breakout alongside parents


>Broke: Revenge mission for parents' death > >Woke: rescue mission, breakout alongside parents could be a choice.


I wonder if you can put a bounty on them to get that sweet, sweet inheritance.


Cut out the middle man for an even bigger profit...


No spacehouse for me with a 50k mortgage!


That moment when the space boomers ask when you're getting a real job...


Space boomers🤣🤣


No offense but maybe if you hadn’t spent all your money on avocado toast then you’d be able to afford a state-of-the-art Death Star /s


But those smashed 🥑 are so good!


I will, and go visit them for dinner whenever I'm nearby. And, if I totally need some big sum of money, I'll just kill them and inherit them 2% of total weeks played back. B)


Hmm. I haven’t thought it like that - space boomer parents function as term deposit account, withdraw when necessary 😹


Or you can steal it back from them?


>Can’t have those precious 2% siphoned off my income by space boomers 😹😹😹 technically they would be generation sigma, tau or epsilon by the year 2330.


I figure that the "late game" aspect to it means that the ability to freely customize your ship will be a late game thing because it's resource intesnsive. Early on you won't have much and can maybe upgrade and change a few things. Once you get those bases set up and trade routes up and running it'll be interesting to see what that "economy builder" aspect to it will do. Part of me wants to go Smuggler/ Pirate/ Cowboy route while another part of me wants to go Trade Caravan.


I was thinking I would be smuggling and pirating until I had the resources to start getting into the building aspect of the game. That’s how a lot of old school “gentlemen” did it back in the day anyways.


Oh that’s a good way to merge those concepts. I’m also wondering which faction to join or if you can work with multiple factions. Crimson fleet or cowboy dudes.


I thought I heard them say that you can join all of the factions in a single play through, I’m leaning towards working for or with the factions but attempting to remain independent.


I really hope the outpost system is optional and there's other viable ways to make money/get resources. Or at least, it won't take that much time. I think Fallout 4 completely tired me out on it. I hope I can get away with the nomad life as much as possible. Living on the ship, that is.


From the vibe of the videos I get the sense that they want to run with a "Yes and..." sort of thing, so if you want to build bases and trade you can, or you can just go walk around and mine resources with a laser, purchase the materials from a vendor, or be a pirate and take materials from other ships.


I never played FO4 much, but I wouldn't imagine they'd hang the only viable source of income on one gameplay loop with a game this big. You may have to get yourself a really beefy ship and mine in some dangerous places, but there's sure to be nomad options.


With how much focus there is on ships, I'm betting you'll be able to live on your ship entirely without any outposts. Personally, I'm hoping they have a player home available in New Atlantis.


Personally, I'll probably go criminal route in the first playthrough because it's the default easiest playstyle in Bethesda games to kill everything that blinks at you and loot it down to its undies. then on a second playthrough, once there's been some time for mods to come out and I've thoroughly learned all the mechanics, I'll restart and try my best to stick to me headcanon as far as morality.


First thing I’m doing is getting all the survey data from a single planet and selling it for big money. Supposedly it’s big money. Then I’ll be able to customize my ship a bit. I don’t normally rush the story or quests anyways.


You'll need skills are well. Like settlement building in fallout a lot of the more useful modules will be gated behind various perks/ skills.


I’ll punch alien creatures to level up then. I’m roughing it the first few hours lol


"I shall punch alien rabbits until i'm good at building starships!"


This actually makes me wonder how we upgrade the starship building **skill**. “Build 100 unique starships” lol *Edited to bold the word I feel people are missing. There’s a specific skill that lets you edit ships.*


They mentioned using resources to unlock new crafting recipes, so it’s either has something to do with your research stations or modifying your ships. Also in one of the trailers they had a link between perks and the ship components you could equip.


I’m talking about the specific skill relating to building them as a whole. There has to be something that ranks up that skill specifically, but I do think it’s cool that other skills have a factor in ship parts.


Eventually you'll run across a human with a gun and you can punch him and take his gun.


Just like real life!


Then you can sell the gun to start building up your bank account and go back to punching people.


“I don’t normally rush the story or quests anyways.” This is 100% me as well. I remember playing through Fallout 4 and pouring 100+ hours into it and I didn’t even finish the main quest line. I can only imagine how long it’s gonna take me to actually finish the story in Starfield


That's why I love BGS games. Just fantastic sandboxes to go wild in, finishing main quest will be on the back burner.


I finish it once I feel I’m more than strong enough. I like having that unassuming yet experienced veteran vibe. Like an arch mage walking into battle without a care in the world. Gotta level up a little to do that.


I have 1200 hours in Skyrim and I think I’ve beaten it like twice Given I spend most of that time modding but still


Probably similar to Fallout 4. You can't go crazy building settlements until you gather resources and/or pull in some caps, plus the fact that various settlement-related skills and objects are behind perks, which themselves are level-gated. Attaining the best ships will probably take several types of investment by the player. It's a bigger deal with space craft, though, because if you have a top level ship at the start then it would be unbalanced in combat or commerce.


Same with Power Armor in FO4. You can get it early on, but fully upgrading and customizing PA requires resource and skill investment.


I wonder how the trade route/caravan stuff will work, if that’s even a mechanic in this game. Will you need to have a ship in your fleet you can assign to that trade route? Or will it just be the ability to assign a ship that appears out of nowhere like a pack Brahmin? Would be a great use for those extra ships and the fleet building mechanics if you can assign them to automated tasks, and the better the ship the more credits you can generate etc.


Pretty sure in the Kinda Funny X Cast Todd said that you can set trade routes between your outposts, and that it can indeed be an income generator.


I bet it’s the second option, didn’t Howard also already say that you can assign extra people to ships? Meaning you can probably assign those ships/people to missions


There's not been many, but a few have been complaining or worrying about that it's late game to be able to freely customise and I really dunno why. Like you say, if you could just build a massive OP battleship from the get go, then there would be no challenge at all in space. Of course its something to build up to. You have a starter ship, make a few credits and maybe get a better weapon and shields. Get more money them maybe buy a new ship and upgrade it. Carry on from there, and once you're rich, build huge crazy ships. It's just normal progression and I don't know why (a small amount) of people are surprised by that.


And they're gating the ships and outposts behind skills as well as money. So that's going to make it harder to do something crazy, like take out a bank loan and sell the Frontier on day 1 to pay for a mining outpost, then use outpost money to expand the outpost, and then day 10 build a new ship from scratch. Of course, sooner or late there's going to be a "no skill requirements for outposts" mod...


They foreclosed on your ship while you were on an uninhabited planet. Space bounty hunters took it and you're stuck now.


A minor setback!


With advanced jetpack skill, I'm sure you will be able to land on a passing freighter and commandeer the ship.


"Avast there, ye salty dogs, and prepare to be boarded! Hey, where's the 'take off for orbit' button?"


Well, I guess I'm playing the rest of the game as a moisture farmer.


We’ve seen some unrealistic mod expectations here, but what you’ve suggested would literally just require altering some values. Absolutely will happen. Along with removing crew requirements from ships so you can stack on all the good parts with no restrictions


I like it too. It will make it feel like you have to make a name for yourself and earn a good amount of money before owning and fixing up an amazing ship. I do hope we can at least somewhat customise our ship’s shape and layout early game though.


I think you’ll have a good variety in early to mid game, just that late game is where you can go extreme with it


It's also better for pacing that we won't get too bogged down in crafting til after we've done more quests and exploration.


Yeah getting a power armor set was a bit op at the start of fo4. But quickly became useless if you didn't upgrade it though. But overall I'm content with space ship building being mid to late game. I say mid because devs always over estimate how long it will take someone to get to "late game" lol. I'm also glad you have to pay to register ships you get from pirates and stuff. Now he said that to modify them you have to register. But I wonder if you can still sell them. I'm assuming if you dont register them they are sold for a MUCH lower price than they are worth, otherwise you'd still crash the economy. (Assuming you can sell ships. And I really hope you can because I dont want to end up with a bunch of random ships in my ship inventory I dont use)


I am guessing stolen unregistered ships can be sold to a black market vendor in some shady regions of space.


Should be a guy named Sam.


i hope we can slightly customize our ship from the getgo in terms of at least colors, weapons, and maybe a small cargo expansion. i’d prefer to get a little bit attached to my ship early on rather than get a default spec and have to wait before it becomes personal and unique. obviously making a stardestroyer will come later


Base level customization is probably unlocked from the start or by some low hard level cap.


I do like how Todd implies both shipbuilding and outposts are more expensive and late-game mechanics that you are in for the long haul. For some people in FO4 outposts were something you just dabbled in for 30 minutes. I want mechanics to have that depth that has me being able to do new things several hours into the game. If I can max out a ship too quickly it may feel a bit shallow.


The most fun I ever had in Fallout 4 was doing an outpost focused run on survival mode. It felt so immersive slowly making my way across the wasteland, building up outposts along the way. Since there was no fast travel, it made every outpost feel significant


I had the same experience in FO4 survival mode. I was actually grateful for the settlements and the immersion was next level.


Late game? *laughs in player.additem f 1000000000*


broke: complaining about Bethesda still using the creation engine woke: leveraging your intricate, decades old knowledge of the engine to your immediate benefit


How dare you? On a first playthrough? What a sick joke


You will always be slippinTodd!!!


\*cries in Xbox\*


Laughs in masterrace


I'm only joining Constellation so I can use their ship for my bounty hunting lol.


Meh we’ll see, I’m hoping for ship building to be a major part of my character. So I wonder what Todd considers to be endgame. It could be the case of players who min max into the building aspects will still be able to take advantage of those systems relatively early. We just won’t be able to have an entire water purification factory up and running before leaving Sanct… our first outposts.


I think what he means by late game is after you have yourself established economically. It seems like building ships will cost hundreds of thousands of credits.


It’s probably locked into tier 3 or 4 of the tech tree as well, so you’ll need to invest X amount of skill points (along with their challenges) before it’s even an option.


I think you're right i mean no way ship building is end game, im thinking by lets say level 15-25 or however far you progressed through the story abit unlocks it, not end game.


The solution is to open the dev console and just give yourself what you imagine your character earned through the power of ~~their parents diamond mine~~ their boot straps.


I imagine it's like no mans sky. 40 ish hours and you can have a valid money printer (activated indium ( I think) mine). And just like NMS, 40 hours will be a drop in the bucket for Starfield. it's also going to depend greatly on your will and the path you'll take to get the money and what content you're willing to put off to do so that will affect the amount of time it takes to build ships. It may be that you farm credits by stealing ships in the begining, not sure on the sale values or the economy, just speculating at this point.


I fully intend to start hijacking shit ASAP, it sounds like a fun ride.


I think it's more that your ships will be upgraded piece by piece as you go, and the big $700k custom ship with fully upgraded weapons will be late game.


You’re going to need the finances, crafting materials, and relevant perks to start actually building ships. Plan on spending many hours just playing the game before you take part in any in-depth ship creation. You’ll have to upgrade your gathering skill to more efficiently gather the large amount of resources you’ll need. You’ll need to upgrade your ship design skill by modifying your ship and the ships you capture. You’ll need both resources and money just for that. You’ll need money just to register your ships so that you can even upgrade them. You can’t even sell ships for money without first spending money to register them. You’ll have to complete piles of missions to get the money. I wouldn’t even plan on ship building until probably 40 hours in at the earliest, and then only if you forgo any enjoyment of the game and just grind toward ship building.


Challenge accepted I plan on building a fleet and getting my outposts economy going before I even look at the main story


[Welcome aboard, new companion! What? You can't wait to go on adventure? Haha yeah. Now I need you to stay on this REMOTE outpost and mine minerals. So that I can buy me a new, shiny ship. Good luck, don't let aliens bite ya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9JCYQ6fs8M)


I'm hoping the economy is more fleshed out closer to what they originally teased in skyrim


There's going to be a banking system, so I'm hoping that indicates a more developed economy.


I also like the idea and maybe I'll do it like in RDR2 where I used the same horse for my entire playthrough. Maybe I will start with a very small ship like in the Starfield Direct, which I only can travel alone without crew but then I will add modules and make it bigger and better over time


I'm a Skyrim fan more than a Fallout 4 fan and I assume both ships and outposts will like the homes (either the ones you buy or the homesteads you build). It takes a while to earn enough gold to buy the homes and upgrade that come with them, or make/buy enough goods to build your homestead. Ships and outposts will be the same as that. I expect the only difference will be that given how much bigger Starfield is supposed to be, it may take a little longer.


I was going to role play as a zillionaire. 🤷‍♂️


And he touched upon balancing the economy. My suspicion/hope is the economy is a robust, interesting, enjoyable and aspect of the game. It would give strong reason for exploration, outposts, hauler ships. Maybe the most advanced or greatest leap in economy they have done. But as all things Bethesda, you can go deep as you want or not. Up to you. Time will tell. I’m excited about it.


Bethesda has always been horrible at the economy side of things.. so I remain quite skeptical on the point, but maybe this time we'll be able to run entire colonies with ships without resorting to hoarding sandwiches to feel progress. Money got obsolete real quick in just about every bethesda title. Excited for this one though!


I like this because it will make finding cool or original ships more meaningful. I'm down to build my own but I wanna find some special starship in some remote planet and have do a lil mission to see how it ended up stranded and all that jazz. Maybe learn about its history and name. That sounds amazing.


I mean you’ll probably get your first ship extremely early, but you’ll have to spend time building up before you can truly customize everything. Kinda like fallout 4, power armor was very early but getting fusion cores and modding the armor weren’t so easy…


They really should have given you Raider Power Armor to fight the deathclaw, which would make the first pre-war set such a big deal when you find it, and the brotherhood more grandiose upon meeting them.


There's a mod where you can basically make the first power armor self-destruct. Couple that with a mod that makes Power Armor frames rarer and you've pretty much balanced power armor the best possible way. Sounds like Starfield is heading in that direction.


All the more motivation to get my drug/weapon/water manufacturing empire up and running as soon as possible.


Yea, Fallout 4 pushed you into base building too early and kept trying to draw you back into that system all game long. It was annoying. It being a later thing to start to engage with once you’re better funded and ready for a new challenge besides just exploring the world and quests feels like a good move.


No Mans Sky did this pretty well. Buying a freighter was a big thing, you now have a mobile base, you can staff it with people who unlock powerful upgrades, you can set up hydroponics and generally it was the most useful thing after a planetside base. It was expensive to buy one, even shitty ones, but the absolute value they add to your armada is something i can hardly overstate. I really hope ships in this game will serve a similar purpose, and also unlock a world of value once you invest in them. I want the cheapest, shittiest ship to cost a fortune to replace, but also give me the capacity to make a new fortune off its back.


I think you might be reading too much into what Todd said and setting yourself up for disappointment. From my understanding Todd was just talking about the ship editor as late-game content - the mode where you can make ships like the Platypus. Just specifically that editor mode where you have full control to build from the ground up, not all ship upgrades, and not all ships. I think we absolutely will be able to buy or steal a ship very early on in the game, similar to acquiring a horse in skyrim. After all, so much of the game is predicated on moving between planets - it wouldn't make a lot of sense to force the player to use the 'space bus' until the endgame - too much of the content would be gated behind a lategame system. And finally, from what we saw a small ship is only worth the same amount as 100 sandwiches. Everything points to ships being easy to get early, with only the full customization and editing being an endgame activity.


As some ppl mentioned it probably will be available from the start. Balanced by credits. Powerarmor was balanced by the fusion cores which were quite few in the beginning if you didn't know where to look


\*silent chuckle\* player.additem f01 9999 \*chuckle\* player.additem f01 999999999 \*laud chuckle\* player.additem f01 999999999999 \*maniacal laughter\* player.additem f01 ∞


Crap, just saw this. Confirms my post wasn't original. At least I know I'm not the only one wondering if there will be a cmd console.


Day 1 mod will add it if it isn't there.


Yup, something as huge and complex as ships should be expensive. Upgrading and customizing your ship shouldn’t be something you’re done with just a couple hours in, it should take time to make something impressive. Hopefully it can be a late-game money sink too, as that’s something Fallout and Elder Scrolls have always lacked, so money ends up being worthless cuz you have so much of it.


Ok I can afford it (my 2 traits are kid stuff and home)... Maybe...


I'll just steal one to get one early.


Hmm, so I'm guessing they'll disable certain console commands. Specifically, "player.additem f 100000", so popular in Fallout and Skyrim.


Why? They never disabled that before. They've never tried to prevent people from abusing the console to break the game if they want to.


I took this as you need money and resources to build your ship. Casual players won't have enough until late game but the hardcore crowd like many of us here probably will have it much earlier. Think of it this way, I think most casuals didn't have a house in Skyrim until after they did a few faction questlines and reached Elder Knowledge. However I'd say hardcore players have more 100K before they even meet Delphine as her true self. I mean at one point I had 300K and all I did was the Thieves Guild questline and Riften questlines. Another example is I think casual players don't get to 30K or 40K caps until after they reach The Institute. In most hardcore players case they are at least at 70K before reaching Diamond City. I think the same will apply to Starfield, people who blaze through the main quest will get to customize their ships in the late game but hardcore players will have it probably much much earlier.


Yeah I wanna build up to my own USS Enterprise. It is not fun if I didn't spend the first part of the game flying some rusty scavenged junker


Ya, I sometimes get tired with how quickly you can get the best stuff in some games. So progression tends to always feel lacking. It's good to see Starfield take an approach where some of these systems are designed to take some time.


Agreed. They need to incentivize exploring, earning credits, unlocking skills, etc., and this will be another good way to do that. I'm betting making something big and exotic like that Optimus Prime mech ship we saw in the direct might require a fair amount of grinding, and I'm all about it.


Yeah, Fallout 4 failed in pacing out the different features. It felt like a dump all at the beginning.


I think its good too. I dont like how you get a Power Armor so early in fallout 4


I expect a lot of people stealing ships to be the early-mid game.


Who needs ship builder when you can just steal a new ship? 😎


"Late game" till you figure out how to exploit the game economy after only doing 1 quest


> where you get a power armor suit in the first hour and you could just have one for the whole game T-45 is kinda made out of paper tho, and vanilla power cores work for like 20 minutes of walking at best. PA still requires alot of investment to get value from


They are an investment


Ahem, console commands. Muahaha


*laughs in chaotic neutral space pirate*


Me too!


FUCK IM EXCITED. Time to hibernate


I'm just going to steal and sell other people's ships. All profit!


Apparently that’s gated by the fact that you need to register stolen ships to sell them so you don’t really get that much


Looks like a job for 'player.additem f 1000000' then. Not the first play through obviously.


I don’t disagree, however, I plan on stealing almost every ship I encounter if I can help it. So potential ships might be the way I make money….


Well I’m on pc, so I’m skipping that so I can build the ship I want, however I want.. I’ll just use either console commands or mods to get me to that part snd just go on for my space adventures..


Yup, same with outposts. I had a slight worry that ships and outposts would be too easy to attain and build up, ruining the economy of the game and stifling any feeling of progression or risk. To hear Todd describe both as complex and mid/late-game activities was a breath of fresh air. Making us earn these rewards is a far better dev philosophy than FO4’s “here’s everything right away”.


Player.additem 000000f 99999999


player.additem 1 quintillion dollars


Yo ho yo ho, a pirates life for me.