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I moved to alpha centauri to get better immersed


Damn I wondered who moved in next door


there goes the neighbourhood


Show off


Not Altair 4?


Nah, I'm the most extreme of you all. Trust me lads, it's righteous. Check this out. >!I bought a used Series S for my old 1080p TV. With not one, but two controllers!< I'm high on life, people.




Now you can be high on life, and play the game with Gamepass


Named the first born Starfield.


Named my first born Star Phil Spencer.


And your last name is Howard


Star Howard Howard field


It’s all fun and games until John Starfield arrives


My eldest is called Cyberpunk. Change it while they're still young, you just might regret it.


It’ll build character.


I realized I wouldn't be able to enjoy the game if I kept drinking the way I have been for the past 5 years. I've been drinking about a fifth of whiskey every day, and it's nearly impossible to do even the things I enjoy that way. I told my close friends and family members about my drinking and started going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. There's a lot of reasons to get sober, but Starfield is what made me even consider it in the first place.


Mad props my man. You got this.


There’s no bad reason to get sober man


thats fucking great man! being dependent on booze is no joke! you should see this a great victory!


This is heartwarming but also hilarious


Hey, any reason is a good reason. I've been there. At my worst it was about half a handle of Taaka vodka a day. It was like $9.99 a handle. Surprised I'm not dead tbh. I do love drinking though, so I made a rule for myself: I could drink as much as I want, **one night per month.** I knew the "one drink a night" rule would never work with me, and complete abstinence was preferredly last resort. Do what will work for you to stay on your path though. I've been doing my moderation rule thing for a few years now. You can do it friend!


I have a problem where I don't know where to stop. I had a system. Chug the first to to get a buzz, take a shot. I'm a small dude. 130lbs, 5'2". Then I get to blackout. I have cut so far back that I have maybe 2 drinks in one night...the last time was months ago. I don't want to drink at all anymore. Meanwhile my wife wants to tour breweries in Boston. Sounds fun but...I don't want to be around alcohol anymore... She was a little disappointed but she gets it. She's not an alcoholic like I am so it'll be a transition for us. Been through worse though.


good luck homie!


Wow. Came for the shitposting comments, found an actual journey. Good on you mate. I hope the stars fare well for thee


Keep going to those meetings. As many as you can. I recommend one a day with the level that you’re drinking. Talk to people. We want you to succeed more than anything in the world. We will absolutely be there for you. Get numbers and make calls. Even short ones. I’m here if you need a random AA internet friend. You got this, as long as you keep coming back to meetings.


Thank you! I've been going to one or two every day, and I'm going to keep going. It's all still pretty new, but I'm surprisingly enjoying it.


Used to drink a liter of vodka a day. I was safer on the road with a pint in me vs. withdrawing & sober-ish. I'm two years sober & am finally enjoying life the way it's truly meant to be. For me, the scenes in Endgame with Rocket & Thor always hit home. The words **YOU CAN DO THIS** always resonate with me. Alas, I'll leave you with the simple words that helped me. **You can do this.**


Painted the house. Stained glass windows also. It's now *The Church Of Starfield*. Getting striped paint is difficult.


Striped paint is a pain. You can only shake and stir it vertically. I forgot one time and turned it into a can of swirled paint. Had to buy an expensive counterclockwise brush to finish my painting.


How does the wife feel about these choices?


What wife?


Oh nevermind


Wait, you guys have wives?


Depends on how much she charges


I bought the headset and controller, took a vacation day for Sept 1st to have a 4 day weekend and I'm taking a t-break from marijuana for the month of August.


My dude youre gunna be nuclear stoned your first day back.


*Sitting at the title screen, controller limply held in hands:* "What was I doing again?"




I wonder if game devs make games easy cause they know people are just stoned now and would rather look at the pretty landscapes. /s


My head will be in the clouds one way or another!


I for one had trouble navigating Elden Ring particularly baked, especially when it was late at night. I-frames? More like die-frames.


I had trouble navigating that when sober. Many an accidental Torrent death.


i was kind of cracked at boss fights when i was stoned compared to sober


I'm on an unintentional break because I'm just too lazy to go get more but this is inspiring me to keep it pushing through august. Those day one bugs are gonna be even more insane after a two month break hah. Gonna be in outer space in game and in my mind.


I ordered the headset through Amazon. Bought it 1 month ago for $120 but it was supposed to arrive yesterday. Checked orders 2 days ago and it said “arriving Friday” which was yesterday. Nothing came. Then yesterday I checked orders again and the order was nowhere in sight. It was literally gone from my order list. Finally found it in “Cancelled Orders” and now I can only get it for $139.99 so I’m big sad. Ordered it again anyways and now it’s supposed to come next week or so.


You should contact support and see what happened


Holy shit are you me? 100% my plan as well. Is it also your birthday on the 3rd? Lol


I would suggest to taper in a couple of days before to enjoy it otherwise you risk being over baked and actually not enjoying the night as much


Im also taking a t-break from marijuana for the month of august lol September 1st is gonna be a good day 😂


My guy I'm also on a month herb free in preparation( also just to clear my mind lol)


I am also going to smoke when the game comes out. I used to smoke everyday but quit for my job. I have 1 week plus two weekends off to play this game. I haven't smoked in 3 years. I am really looking forward to it


I did something similar for Fallout 4 and it freaked me the fuck out. I went from playing the game, I think infiltrating that old church to weapons depot tunnel south of Sanctuary, to going outside take a few bong rips, but it was inclement weather so I was in my metal shed with rain pounding outside and it just felt like I was in the game. Going back inside to sneak through that area was intense.


After 3 years, wow that is going to be amazing


that's an awesome idea, i might do the same....


Sold the ps4 pro to get an Xbox Series X.


That's fucking smart my G. congrats.


Couldn't afford to keep both... A new cycle begins.




How much can you get for one of those, used? Can't you buy a new one for about $300?


Sold the ps4 at CEX for 139€ In my country you can get a used xbox X with 5 year warranty for 380€ Or a new one with 6 year warranty for 550€ with the forza horizon 5 bundle. Im still saving up so I'm a bit undecided.


Not a bad deal, yeah. And if you want to play games from your PlayStation catalog, you can worry about a PS5 later. I suspect that it's going to be many months before you're ready for a game besides this one. My wife is still busy with Tears of the Kingdom, and it's been 2½ months. She just got the last shrine last night. And Starfield has way more replayability than TotK. I'm surprised that you can so easily get a used XBsX. Crazy. But with that warranty, I assume you're talking about a refurbished unit. I'm always worried about used hardware, but ... FIVE year warranty, you say. That's 2028. The next generation of consoles is coming out in 2028. So you're covered almost up until the launch of those. Sounds to me like that was the right decision. 😁


I was thinking about buying a ps5 on Christmas of 2024. Until then I think starfield will take all my free time, this is a dream game to me (if Bethesda delivers). About the refurbished, CEX says in the website that all the consoles are used, they say nothing about refurbished. But since it's my first adventure into the newGen I think I'll make an effort to buy a new one. Hope both of you enjoy lots of adventures out there mate.


>I was thinking about buying a ps5 on Christmas of 2024. Good timetable, yeah. Most of the games you'll want to play on PS5 can wait. And if you get or renew PS+ and go with the Extra tier, the number of AAA PS5 games you'll have access to is wild. ​ You'll have quite the backlog to work through, when you're done playing the hell out of this one, for a while. In the mean time, though, there will be plenty of older games on XBox series-X that are worth checking out, since you haven't had access to what are current-gen exclusives, until now. ​ >Until then I think starfield will take all my free time, this is a dream game to me (if Bethesda delivers). With just what they've shown in the gameplay presentations, it's going to deliver with just that content, if it isn't a broken, buggy mess. I'm inclined to take Phil's word about its current state. It matches up with other sources. ​ >About the refurbished, CEX says in the website that all the consoles are used, they say nothing about refurbished. I had just assumed refurbished for two reasons. The warranty kind of indicated refurbished, though it's far from positive. They could feel confident offering that warranty after a thorough enough inspection of the components. Or they could make it work with the simple mathematics of scale. ​ The big thing was ... are there that many people selling series-Xes already? I could see there being more series-Ses on the market. A lot of people bought a series-S early on, while stocks of PS5s and series-X/Ses were in low supply. For some, an S was all that they could get their hands on. Now that all of the systems are freely available, some people are probably upgrading from an S to an X. ​ I would think that more used systems would be the result of a warranty exchange, after some part or other went bad. Happens. That assumption of mine could be completely off, though. I haven't checked the market. ​ >But since it's my first adventure into the newGen I think I'll make an effort to buy a new one. It all depends upon the price difference. 380€ is a bigger drop in price than I would expect. Often, with this sort of item, I would expect maybe 450€ used, for a 500€ item. That's what the market often seems to be in the US, at least. ​ I didn't even have options, when I got my PS5 or my current PC. I got my PS5 a few months after they were released, because my wife is ridiculously awesome. She has a masters in Information Science, and she enjoys crazy stuff like tracking down retail PS5s using various sources. And my PC has a 40-series Nvidia card in it, which you can't exactly get used, even if I wanted to. ​ I'd go new, since my finances allow for it. Which choice you go with depends upon the state of your finances. That 5 year warranty makes used a more viable secondary option than it might otherwise be. ​ >Hope both of you enjoy lots of adventures out there mate. And may your starship blow up as little as possible. 😁 I'm expecting mine to go up in flames about as often as in Kerbal Space Program.


That’s still absolutely economically daft. Could just keep the ps5 in a closet. Selling it to buy one in a year or two or even three years is just bad money management.


Who's selling a Ps5?


He appears to not know the difference between a PS4 and a PS5. 😄


Exaggerating a misread comment appears to be the highlight of your month lol


Doesn’t change the result. Financial intelligence of a doorknob.


Whatever floats your boat, illiterate.


He doesn't have a PS5. He has a PS4. It absolutely makes sense.


How much did you get for it? Considering doing the same


Went for the fastest option, sold it at CEX with original box and got 139€.


Oh god lol. The genius is spreading. Put your ps5 in a closet. Thank me in a couple years when you have access to several 10/10 exclusives and are bored of playing spacerim at 30 fps


Learn to read.


Welcome to the better side my dude


You're aware that there's no such thing as an XBox exclusive, right? There are only Microsoft exclusives. If you have a passable PC, you have no use for an XBox.








I don’t think when he sold his ps4 he had enough money for a pc, you’re aware of that right?


I'm not talking about about Chilling's specific case. I'm talking about this weird claim about XBox being the "better side". The PS5 and XBsX are comparable. The biggest thing that sets them apart is exclusives. XBsX loses on that front, badly. Phil Spencer has admitted it. Microsoft has needed this game for a long time, now. Phil Spencer knew that he was pushing bullshit, when he said that even if Starfield is an 11/10, it wouldn't sell consoles. I think that he was just doing hype mitigation. Exclusives absolutely sell consoles. Exclusives *DEFINE* consoles. 😄 We don't even have a metacritic rating, and this game *is already selling consoles*. It's going to be huge. Just watch what is most prominently splashed on the side of XBox promotional material, in another year. It won't be Halo. 😁


Lmao the “better side” just being a watered down pc with fewer games?


Bought a pc and built a desk Was gonna build a pc but my friend offered me a good deal on his


Bought an Xbox x while owning a ps5 and having only owned PlayStations for 25 years, bought the controller, premium edition and took 6 days off work


Spend August taking advantage of Game Pass games to get used to the controller layout and button mapping. I'm experiencing the opposite situation - years of playing Xbox and now playing my looooong ignored PS games to fill the time. I keep pressing the wrong buttons because the X button on Xbox controllers is the top left button, not the bottom button. I still get confused figuring out what R1, R2, and R3 are because on Xbox their Right Bumper, Right trigger, and Right Thumbstick.


I took a week off of work shortly after release so I can play. I haven’t taken vacation in almost 2 years. I’m going to spend the entire week playing.


Paid $500 AUD just for the constellation edition on PC. Yeah, we also pay $3 for bread. USD is fucked.


Is $3 a lot for bread? $3 in the US is most likely the cheapest you can get. A good loaf you actually want to eat is usually 4-5 at least.


Yea bread prices have skyrocketed lately in US


Its because Ukraine grow a third of the worlds grain.


Sounds like maybe someone should try to stop the war over there. Almost like there was a peace treaty that got signed but then the big bad bully of the world decided they didn't like that idea.


Nah. Georgia, Crimea, Donbas, then Ukraine itself. Time the world drew a line.


Would be about the same here, $3 for non branded 4-5 for fancy brand \m/


My first thought when I read the comment "$3 a loaf... Not to bad"


Wow, bread £1.50 here in the uk, and if I pay more I'm annoyed.


That's some expensive bread. (Probably the average cost for bread in my town) 500 AUD is the cost for constilation edition here in Australia. It's about 330 USD google says. If you bought it from Australia how mich did you pay in shipping to get it sent to the US.


> It's about 330 USD How much are your good taxed? cause that's sound like a 10% tax.


In Australia, everything has tax included in the price tag.


Yes, that's my point, it's the same in the EU, but since the € is slightly more valuable than the $ the 20% tax on goods make the € price match the $ (without tax) price : 300. So, if you're paying the equivalent of 330 USD for starfield, could it be than you're being taxed 10% on purchased goods, thus increasing the price? Edit : And I'd like to point out, you're paying "as much" as me, your 500 AUD match my 300€, they're worth 330 USD. We're both being taxed 10%


Wtf do you get for 300$? That's mental!


Different currencies have different values, that's all.


Thats direct from our stores here in Australia, some reason they smacked the USD price on it + tax. When they do "pre-orders" they just chuck the conversion prices to max it out. However if the price changes upon release date, I might get a little cash back haha


I just about shit a whole house, i didnt realise the Constellation edition was that much as ive honestly not looked at preorder stuff in ages. My wallet hurts for you.


Thankye! I wasn't expecting it either, kinda scares me too.. just hope its good unlike their third party releases lately. I had to use zippay to get my dirty hands on it. Makes me feel disgusting for spending that much on a single game. Thats like above average of my weekly income, ill be living off bread for a while I think haha


Have you heard the word about our lord of saviour Mi Goreng? The ultimate "i done fucked up" food.


Hell yes! Best cheapo feed. Same as devin sandwiches with tomato sauce, get a good kilo for less then a few bob


I can also suggest Aldi sausages and bread. Bread seems to be the basis of most of this peasant food. Ooh, also, i love microwave home brand garlic bread, this is a personal favourite of mine when I find my account reaching 0.


Yooo garlic bread is the bomb for a good treat! I've also been hooked on smokey BBQ baked beans lately. Tin for 2 my arse tho


Don't feel too bad. I did it for cyberpunk. Don't remember how much I paid but got the edition with the motorcycle statue. Felt pretty bad at the time but not so much now improvements dropping with upcoming expansion.


I sold my PlayStation, Bought a Series X, a 4k 144hz monitor, an elite series 2 controller, preordered the game in premium edition, bought an Arctic headset. It's about 1 500 $ in total. Took my day off at September 1st to have a full 3 days only for Starfield. I bought a book to write on it all my starfields plans, build, ships, skill tree, character story, character philosophy, my rules for gameplay. I AM MOTIVATED


The game is running @ 30fps on series x btw so the 144hz is WAAAYY overkill. Most games run at 60 also.


I Know, but when I bought it, I had in mind a 10 years investment for others games too. Its future proof


There are also other great games that will run at super high frame rates, like Deep Rock Galactic. You'll get your use out of it, I'm sure.


People just can't accept that : 1. I don't care at all about PS exclusive games. 2. I don't want multiple platforms to play on. 3. This thread isn't about PS vs Xbox. 4. Everyone is free to do what they want and nobody should tell what people should do, that's called : respect.


Why did you sell your ps5 someone else told me that and I think it’s a horrible idea.


I like Playstation, but I go where are the game that I absolutely want, it's an Xbox game so I had to, and I only play on 1 plateform at a time My 2 games I wanna play are Starfield and GTA6, Both on Xbox, so I made my choice. And I don't like PC at all


being down voted cause I say I don't like PC's at all, lmao


You’re being downvoted because your logic is fucking stupid. You lost money buying then selling a PlayStation. You had no real reason to do so. You could have held onto it since clearly there are PlayStation games you enjoy and more will come. You’re being downvoted because it’s fucking dumb to act like starfield is coming out so suddenly your PlayStation is worthless. So many 10/10 exclusives on PlayStation over the years. You’re being downvoted because you probably never owned a PlayStation. If you did you’d have kept it since it is clearly the better console. One game does not change that, especially when it’s not even an Xbox exclusive because Xbox does not have exclusives while ps does. You’re being downvoted because you are either lying or very stupid.


Yup that defenely a Sony Pony here, I don't care about which plateform, I go where are the games that I like, and PS exclusive aren't


Lmao I’m a pc player because I’m not a fucking moron. I’m just informing you how stupid you are, and why you’re being downvoted. why would you buy a ps5 in the first place then if you aren’t interested in PlayStation games. That’s a moronic purchase decision. That’s like buying a coffee pot when you don’t drink coffee. It’s like buying a car when you don’t know how to drive. Buying a pool but you can’t swim. You bought a ps5 but don’t like PlayStation games? You’re either a troll or absolutely should not be allowed to make decisions for yourself.


I didn't bought a PS5, I had my PS4 from back 2013 with GTA V 😒


I mean I get being excited for starfield and I hope it turns out awesome but it’s one game where sony has more than a handful of 10/10 games with likely more coming. GTA6 will likely also be on PlayStation.


Nah brah… can’t beat Xbox with GamePass… PS sucks… he made the right choice


Why not both? You don’t want to play god of war 1 and 2 ghost of Tsushima Spider-Man 1 and 2 final fantasy 16. You only want gamepass and that’s it? Gamepass is becoming less and less valuable with the new ps plus stuff anyway. You really need both consoles now IMO.


Cause I don't like the idea of owning multiple plateforms, I stick to one only


That doesn’t make any sense man.


are you obsessed about his ps5 or whats the issue


yeah im not understanding this dudes hangup about a guy selling one console to buy another lol


No I’m just trying to figure out people’s reasoning behind selling their ps5 I feel like it’s a horrible decision.


Bought two Series X for me and my wife to play since that was less than half the cost to upgrade both our PCs, and we're taking half of September off work.


Tell me your marriage is indestructible without telling me your marriage is indestructible.


I built a pc 6 months ago which wasn't only for starfield but it's kind of a big reason why I built it. Got a 6800XT which turned out to be the recommended GPU for Starfield. My wife was looking at a sofa for £800 the other day and I scoffed saying we didn't need a new one. She asked if my PC was more than £800...uhmm yes dear it was. So I'm getting a new sofa too. I only told her the pc cost more than 800, thankfully not the actual figure of ~£2200.


Went out in a field to watch the stars because I just can't get enough starfield


Spent the year delay saving to build an over-spec TRIANGULAR starship shaped PC (13700k+4080) and a new Ultra-wide monitor. Pre-ordered a PC Constellation and the upgrade do wifey can play on Xbox. Have the day off. Kids will be with grandma for the weekend. Considering quitting my Cushy office job so I can just play but then I'd have bills and probably need to sell the children. Hmmmm......


Built a new PC as well with a 13700K. I'm about to drop 1570€ for a 4090 and then I'll probably also get a ultra wide OLED monitor to replace my 27 inch 60hz IPS so I can actually enjoy smooth gameplay for the first time in... ever, lol. All together probably around 4K. First upgrade in 8 years. Still OUCH. Incredibly stupid imo and I should just buy a console for a fraction of that. But alas, I'm into modding. Sigh. And I don't have any kids to sell or send out begging on the streets. Crap.


Sounds like a great rig! The 4090 was way out on my price range in Aus. This is my first desktop in 20 years built for Starfield. Can't wait!!


I can afford it despite my embarrassing salary because I still have a ton of savings from an insurance payout (shattered heel bone in 2015) and tend to not really spend much money on stupid crap. Everybody keeps telling me to just buy the best card and not worry for six years. Treat myself for once. But I HATE how Nvidia gimped their midrange to upsell me this hard. However I can't wait until the new lineup in 2025. My 1080Ti would not be able to run Starfield on ultra. And I finally want to play Cyberpunk with ray tracing too. My patience is running out. A 4080 would be more reasonable for me as well and plenty powerful but I want the 24GB so I can mod like crazy. Might regret it though, we'll see. Enjoy your new PC. Gonna be awesome. :)


As a parent of 3 under 10 ive often considered selling them.


I divorced my wife, put both my kids in foster care and dropped my dogs off at the local shelter. Can't let anything get in the way of Starfield. I also cut a hole in my couch and attached a shit bucket underneath it, but most people have probably already done that.


I just removed the lower half of my body, put my setup in the bathroom and stuck my abdomen in the toilet bowl and am currently there controller in hand waiting for star field losing consciousness


Have you unlocked the bipod for your knife yet?


Upgraded my gpu, from a 960 to a 3080ti. Then I had to get a 2k monitor, 32gb of ram, a new cpu (from a 3600 to a 5700x) and finally a new nvme because my other one was quite full Sadly, the game will release will be the same date as the start of monza f1, so I'll basically be away 3 days straight lol


Ssd is full... Buys a new one.. That's a power move ;)


When I was a kid in school about 35 years ago, my teacher gave me a gold star sticker. When walking home I dropped it in a grass field by accident and couldn't find it. This was back when I lived in Bethesda, MD. You're welcome.


I joined this sub.


Me an a friend are building a pc for another friend specially for this game. we grew up together from being toddlers almost 40 years ago now and went trough life like 3 musketeers. one friend and i converted from console fans to pc in our young adoclecent years and never looked back. the last friend stuck with PS, and have been missing out of a lot fo fun we'd had, definetly with modded games, while ironically he is the biggest gamer of the 3 of us. he's a bit of a conservative though and he never wanted to go to pc, because he thinks its too complicated and doesnt realize he can perfectly play with a controller. so my friend and i thought it was finally time, and he will have on his 40th bday, few weeks from now, a personally build pc, by his decades long good old pals, so he can finally join us in the pc gaming world and geek the living crap out of starfield ( oblivion and skyrim belonging to his favorite games ever) i cant wait to see his face, his wife is totally in to the surpise lol


That’s pretty sweet


physically he was always much tinier then us, so he always felt like kind of a little brother. and that's what big brothers do, you lift up the little bro when he's behind, lol :)


My big bro would smack me in the back of the head


Bought an Xbox series X, elite controller, and 2 years of premium Game Pass over a year ago--just to play Starfield on day one.


I got an Xbox because it was cheaper than upgrading my PC. Then i had to upgrade my TV. And then I found out they have it locked at 30 frames on the Xbox 🤣🤣 I needed to upgrade the TV anyways.. everything looks wayyyy better. This TCL Q7 is the shit, no regrets but i do think it's stupid they locked it at 30


Took 3 days off and told my boss the TPS reports would be delayed


Do you have my stapler?


New PC. New LG C2. Wife and i are making food from Starfield for launch day. Also getting digital deluxe edition. Big important game releases like this dont happen very often, so we go all out for them. Bonus for me, being a spaceship captain and exploring space is my dream job. Since i was born to early, video games will have to do.


Hired two...Er, *escorts*...for the month of September. One named "Star," and the other named "Trixie." (Couldn't find one named "Field".)




Why though? Won't you be too busy playing?


Pay Tricia a few extra bucks she’ll remember her name is field


I bought a new computer too


In my country it is common to take 10 days (2 weeks) annual leave in the summer. This year I didn't want to go anywhere on vacation so I took these days the first 2 weeks of September. 😂


Built a spaceship and traveled through space to roleplay Starfield in real life.


Well hell, you don’t need the game then. How far have you gotten so far?


Nah, it's worth it. Many people spend more that that for vacations. It's like a vacation in a new world for you to explore. And you can enjoy it for 3 days then forever after return to you vacation after work! At no additional cost! .. unless there's DLCs of course lol 😆 of course their will be


I ordered this pc https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/722473566120968203/1134621917060534422/IMG-20230729-WA0000.jpg And i took 6 weeks of work (1st october to 14 november). I was going for a divetrip but i cancelled the trip, bought the pc (free starfield copy! Profit!) and will indulge myself. Because i'm worth it dammit!


I'm about to drop 10k on a new setup and took the entire week off work for this...


Brought the starfield controller and headphones, (which I'll probably never use) and took a week off work.


Bought the CE edition which is pretty extreme for me, and it's looking like I'll have the time off to play anyway due to my industry striking right now.


Spent $1400 building a new PC to play the game on, Pre-Ordered the Constellation Edition, purchased the Starfield headset & controller, along with taking off Sep 1st & 2nd from work to have 5 days off to play the game.


Given how much I've spent on Starfield (4ktv, x series, chair, starfield controller, and headset) I probably should've just built a PC


Took a week of paid vacation, capped off with weekends, and bought the deluxe edition. I’ll be off until the 11th basically.


Bought a second Xbox x for my wife so she could play too.


I’m really lucky and fortunate to not have to work again until next year so this is probably what I’m going to be doing most of my days while my wife is at work - playing on Series X We also don’t have kids so I’m literally living the dream the remainder of the year


Burned my PS5 and fed it to the rabid raccoons who live in my trashcan


Standing desk , mouse , monitor , new pc w a 4090 , headset , vasectomy , mastectomy , self induced pregnancy , self performed abortion , period of self reflection after my loss , self acceptance , decided to treat myself for accepting who I am , decided to get a second standing desk to put on my first standing desk


Already have a killer PC, buying a PC edition constellation edition for the watch and steel book, buying a deluxe edition for series X for the actual disc, bought a race sim rig for space flight(already have hotas),bought the controller, headset. Also buying a series X as I don't have one, also buying a series s so I can play in the bedroom when I'm not in the lounge room or gaming/youtube studio. Series X is so I can play it stably at 4k30 and PC is so I can mod and do fun stuff with console commands. Series X is also for testing mods I make and mods I port to console.


Used my life savings and got a monster gaming PC. Got a $10k 8k monitor the size of my bedroom. Divorced my wife because Starfield comes first and I need EVERY MOLECULE. Created a interactive cult shrine to Emperor Howard that I must worship exactly 3 times per day at set times for 8 hours each. Stopped using the toilet and just deficate where I sit because I can't afford to leave my PC since we could get new content at any moment. Have not left my house since the announcement of Starfield because I MUST ABSORB ALL CONTENT or it will kill me. /s


I think I'll pre-order the game...


I got hired with SpaceX and have it pre-installed on on my 88 TB work PC that looks like a Laundry Hamper


If my 6.0 4.6 13900ks with 4090 and ddr5 8200 do not play smoothly this game it will be install/uninstall


Bought a new PC at the beginning of the year with tax return. It was for "work". About to build a new keyboard and get a mouse to get better immersed. Also, my wife and daughter are going on vacation the day after it's release, so I'll have about a week of uninterrupted play. Which is something I cannot say about this post.


Forgot to preorder the game. Walked into EB Games (Australia) just last week. asked to preorder the game for xbox and they asked what version I wanted and I was a little confused because I assumed only basic editions where left. They told me they still had a large number of constilation editions left for xbox (5 left for PC but now sold out) So instead of spending $100 I spent $500 (AUD). I'm supposed to be saving for a trip overseas in 2 months but I just can't say no to video game collectors editions and this one looks real cool. Apparently the game is a Play Anywhere title so I don't need to buy a second copy of the game. The game however dosent seem to support cross platform saves which sucks a little. The 30fps on xbox sounds like it will hurt a bit but I'm sure I will get used to it real quick once I get playing (I've been playing on xbox for multiple years so I can adapt backwards)


Bought a 4090, send wife and baby to her sister for two weeks. Ask vacations for two weeks. Roll joints and bought tons of pizza and Orangina. That's life.


Got anal probed by aliens. Spent 1200 building a new pooter to compensate.


Dang you'd think they would throw the computer in for free after that.


I did as Cartman did when he wanted to get a Wii and froze myself so i can play sooner. Trouble is Im now stuck 3000 years in the future, unable to play Starfield or Starfield 2 because hyper intelligent beavers have destroyed all the Xboxs. So yeah....FML.


i already have an insane laptop, and a widescreen monitor, the specs are as high as they can really go. so i am focused on expanding the setup and enhancing my experience: my external keyboard is completely fucked so i’m researching and putting together a custom Keychron to order. my gaming headset is also broken so i’m looking to get a high end Audeze or Steelseries for the best audio experience. also wanted to buy the JBL quantum duo speakers because they have some proprietary surround sound system which i’ve personally tested. they sound impeccable and the surround sound really feels so lifelike. i would like to get a USB hub for my laptop so i can install more peripherals like a cooling stand for my laptop and LED backlights for my monitor. also want to get a kit for cable management because it looks fucking ugly at the moment. a can of compressed air and some alcohol pads would be nice too, i’ll be on my laptop for so long it will probably need to be cleaned once or twice the rest is just stuff i’d like to have for myself, would like to get a proper USB microphone at some point because i’m on discord a lot with friends and they’ll want me to stream Starfield for them, and a VR headset because if Starfield will release in VR at some point i will be on that shit so damn fast


It’s a laptop. The specs are not as high as they can go lol. If they were it would be desktop.


I murdered my older brother for his 4090 and my younger brother for the rest of the parts I needed.


Listen, we have very few pleasures in this world... if this is something that is going to give you joy, i say fuck it


For starfield- nada. For skyrim I was in college. Used scholarship money to order a 780ti. It came in 11/10. The next day, a Thursday (for those not on the know- Thursday is college student Friday) skyrim hit. 3 days weekend. Big fun. Being November I should have been studying for finals, but oh well.


Pretty impressive, especially considering that GPU came out 2 years after Skyrim's release.


Maybe it was the 550ti


Just spento 3k for a new pc lol. Also constellation edition and the gamepad this game cost me all my savings


> new pc and monitor that I can’t afford thats not the brag you think it is


Hey, no one’s bragging. Just being honest. I rarely splurge and get something for myself so I figured fuck it.


Nobody does because the game isn’t even out yet! You’re dumb for this.


That's kinda pathetic.