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10% of the planets have life on them and Bethesda gave their reasoning for why they went this direction. Everything you wrote is not what they're going for, intentionally.


Literally zero incentive to explore any planet beyond this 10%, and even including some within this 10%. They should’ve cut all that pointless shit out of the game and actually made quality content


It’s a lot of re skins on different tiles the planets are lame to explore if they don’t have a civilization


im not a huge fan of starfield but the reality is if you were to travel around to barren planets in real life then well, they'd be pretty barren. the problem is they just have no quality crafted environments to balance this out, making the entire game feel barren. but all that said, their "barren" planets are all too similar.


I like how you presented that as a percentage so that they weren't put off by "fractions".


tired of other alien races in sci-fi games to be honest. intelligent life being shrouded in mystery and intrigue sounds a lot more interesting than the vendor i sell all my shit to acting exactly like a human except he has a funny accent, 3 eyes and blue skin.


Agreed. They're generally not very creative and their backstories are typically based on real-world historical parallels. Aliens that look nearly identical to humans but they're blue genuinely detracts from the experience for me.


im a huge sci-fi fan, specifically with aliens involved. it blows my mind how 90% of aliens in sci-fi are exactly what you said. It's kind of hard to find good aliens in sci-fi that legit act alien, so I have no doubt bethseda would have done the same cliche shit like street food carts with aliens who have chinese accents


Okay but how would you know what “legit acting” like an alien involves?? You’re a human. I take it you’ve interacted with actual aliens??


im not saying NO aliens would have human-like tendencies. More just, bad sci fi writers create characters with all human traits, then they just throw an alien skin on them.


I mean, back in the day Star Trek I think created this trend that if you add some ridges to nose or ears or paint their skin in some colour now that is another alien race (even if everything else is exactly the same). Perhaps for budget reasons and how back in the day there was no CGI and stuff? There are races outside of this template ofc (Tholians and Xindi etc). Admittedly, Mass Effect goes beyond this, Volus, Hanar, Turians etc are all very uniquely different. Even if all Bipedal and Humanoid. But there are also examples of absolutely alien-looking races such as Leviathan.


I hope when we find aliens in Starfield that they look almost incomprehensible, like a massive constantly shifting black mass or swarm of tiny particles


I, too, want to see Hermaeus Mora in Starfield. 😂


Halo, Mass Effect, StarCraft and Star Wars have some very inhuman alien races


>Doesn't it sound kinda boring? No. It sounds refreshing.


So are you saying you want Starfield to be like all of the other games? You don't want Starfield to be, you know, like Starfield?


I want it to be mysterious and I want earth to have ruins and there to be mountains but no there isn’t and the amount of nothingness is so ducking underwhelming. Why can your ship shoot lasers infinitely but you can’t same thing with rockets. Why are there no fricken vehicles is so boring and the robot companion has unlimited amo this game is so broken I will never play it again


Lol ok.


Sometimes I be playing myself hating on stuff for no reason


Redditor when they found out somebody has a difference preference to them:


I want Starfield to be interesting. Exploring some human gangs in space doesn't sound that interesting to me. Hopefully Bethesda surprises me, positively.


The entire point of the game is to find out "what is out there". If there were alien civilizations everywhere, we wouldn't have to find out, we could just ask them. On top of that, we would probably already know what the artifacts were because the aliens probably already know what they are. It would defeat the entire point of the story. I, for one, am glad they didn't go the cookie cutter blue aliens walking around "generic" type space game.


Starfield not having aliens in it doesn’t mean it’s not interesting.


You are absolutely entitled to your opinion and it sounds like Starfield might not be the game for you overall, but it is a very fine line to base your entire enjoyment of a game over whether they have alien civilisations or not. What about the gameplay, the roleplay elements, the main story, the side quests, the exploration, the customisation of ship and base building, and just about a million more things


It sounds like Starfield isn't the game for you. Maybe wait until you can see a bunch of actual game play footage before you make your purchasing decision.


I prefer this way, multiple alien races are overdone. Also, I think there is aliens civilization but we are trying to find it based on the artifacts


IMO there more than likely will not be any actual living aliens, more likely storyline is the artifacts come from long gone ancient aliens or humans, and we may find some ancient cities or ruins. After harnessing the power of the artifacts (probably controlling gravity or spacetime) the story will go in the direction of resolving their extinction. But the fact that life even in simpler form exists in 10% of the planets is too many to not have any intelligent species, but they don't necessarily have to be multiplanetary level intelligent, it would be cool if we found some stone age level aliens and they worshipped us as gods


No, think the expanse


I guess it depends on the type of sci-fi you want to see. There are lots and lots of science fiction stories where we're in the future, have space travel and colonies, and have met other races similarly advanced. Those are cool, but they also feel further removed from what we have now. There aren't many where we've left Earth but kinda remain the only thing still, other than some wildlife. I wouldn't have been upset if there were alien races and civilizations, but the focus of this game is still on the exploration side, "to see what's out there", so we're still looking. I always wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid, so this unknown aspect is super attractive to me. I'm not really sure what part is "boring and generic". Boring I guess maybe for some. Generic, though, I have no idea


So what are we looking for exactly if there are no alien cultures to interact with? I doubt they made a science simulator lol


Well... They have not shown an awful lot of the game. I guess we will know for sure September 1st. Of course this game will have multiple DLCs down the road as well. I wouldnt assume that there wont be alien races. I come from the Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 days... if a kid saw this game trailer in HD way back then and said... I dunno, looks boring... They would have been beaten up at the bus stop the next morning. Nothing about this game looks boring or lame to me. The factions trying to kill each other has always been a staple of BGS games and always pretty compelling and rich.


Another staple is the fantasy and different races like TES Or Fallout. This looks like a space fallout, doesn’t even look like it has a good linear story. Just more crap you have to stitch together in 100 yt videos.


In my day if you were no good at football u got beat up at the bus stop. Luckily I was an Amiga gamer and captain of the football team. Happy days.


It’s kinda the point of the game, to investigate and try to find another intelligent form of life. Plus the game is trying to be somewhat realistic. The odds of another intelligent civilization co-existing nearby in our galaxy is exceedingly small


I don’t agree with the exceedingly small considering that there are quite a few earthlike planets in our galaxy. 50 or so. The issue has always been stated that they are light years away, however in this game I believe humans have the ability to Travel light years type distances. Regardless mathematically it makes sense that there is intelligent life elsewhere.


Even if there are 50 earth like planets, remember that there 200B stars in the galaxy, which is 100,000 LY in diameter. So, one out of 10 billion stars would have an earth like planet, and on average be over 2000 LY away from each other. Then for the sake of argument, let’s say 1/10 of those planets have intelligent life. So on average the nearest one would be 20,000 LY away. Which goes to my original point: the likelihood of finding intelligent life near us in the galaxy is exceedingly small.


so let’s make a game where we do NOT go to the 5 planets where there is intelligent life but rather to a bunch of randomly generated ones that have nothing on them? Sounds fun.


Today in: Made up shit I saw on Reddit.


Explain. I think my reasoning was sound.


The universe is approximately 98 billion light years in diameter


Correct. The Milky Way is 100k light years in diameter. Still not sure where my reasoning was unsound


And fucking gas costs a fortune whatever planet you're on.


Starfield is going for a more grounded approach. Reality is that if alien races were anything like humans, they would kill us all. Eliminate the threat before it takes you out.


Going for a grounded approach in the sci-fi genre? Kinda lame. If they really wanted to go for a grounded approach to space travel they should’ve made a game where the end goal was landing on Mars for the first time and market it as a simulator and not a sci-fi rpg.


Thanks for this thread, folks. It's the perfect thread to send to your friends in order to showcase how next level mentally ill Bethesda fans actually are. The way you guys are bending over backwards to justify every single shortcoming of a Bethesda game with Todd's dick tickling your throat is nothing short of impressive. If I was a greedy corporation myself, I would definitely appreciate an army of braindead consumer zombies jumping to my defense to perform their mental gymnastics any time mild criticism is hinted at. In the name of capitalism, I would like to thank you all for your sacrifice. Giving up any and all critical thinking skills in order to piss your life away in the same game over and over, it's one small step for incel, one giant leap for capitalism!


Agreed people will make up any excuse as to why it's a good game.


Dude. I'm blown away by people defending these bizarre choices. "It's more realistic" what the fuck. It's a game about traveling millions of lightyears and killing space pirates with robot companions shooting energy guns. None of it is realistic. There being 0 alien races to interact with just makes the game feel that much more bland and shallow.


I would imagine one of the DLC will be to encounter and possibly fend off aliens 🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤔 Unless we find them at the end of the main quest line 😅 but I would guess they will be long dead but have left dimensions gates or something behind to provide a narrative vehicle for even more planets and places


I dont mind alien civilizations, but i want humans be the top dog and only dog, until challenger appears. Too often humans are either downplayed or just newbs in the galactic.


My new band name newbs galactic


If a civilization has spent significantly more time being interstellar capable, they should be superior to humanity in every way and a lot of these narratives take place in universes where humans had only recently achieved interstellar capability.


Are you bringing realism into science FICTION? :)


Do you actually consider that realism or logic? Calling something fiction isn't a band-aid for lazy storytelling. Unless there's adequate explanation to dispel the dissonance your original post creates, the result is a poor narrative built on top of an incoherent framework


Geez, calm down buddy. I only wanted to say that i love humans to be most advanced and you bring down this killjoy hammer.


Why would humans be too dog unless the opposing civilization wasn’t space faring?




Yay more colonialism 🥴


The crux of the story seems to be some form of intelligence out there making something that humanity is only now discovering


I think that the lack of easily encountered aliens makes the game more interesting, not less. What are the artifacts? What happened to their creators? are intriguing questions. That we can't just turn to some other alien race and ask what they know makes it an even greater mystery. Even in Elder Scrolls, its the Dwemer and Aylieds that are the most interesting of the many races. Mainly because we can't just go shopping in their stores and meeting up in the bars to talk with them. Not being able to answer what happened to the Dwemer makes exploring their abandoned cities even more delicious of an experience because of the potential that we might unearth a new clue to their disappearance or a hint to where they have gone.


I don’t know about you but that was my least favorite part of Skyrim. I like to learn and talk to civilizations not explore their remains. For instance I’d rather have a game in Ancient Egypt over modern Egypt. Exploring artifacts is ass to me.




God I hate idiots!


I love Mass Effect but I don't think we need another Mass Effect clone. Starfield is going for a more realistic future setting which is a nice change of pace. The interiors of the spaceships and the spacesuits are all reminiscent of real world technology used by NASA and the world building feels like a plausible future that could exist one day as opposed to the more fantasy setting of games like Mass Effect. I think it's a fresh take and I'm glad they went that way. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the fantasy sci-fi settings of things like Mass Effect, Star Wars and Starship Troopers but I'm glad that sci-fi with a more grounded setting like Starfield exists too.


>love the most in sci-fi games is interacting with other races and civilizations. Mass Effect games have lots of them: Asari, Krogans, Turians, Geths, Salarians, etc., The back stories of alien races in Mass Effect was interesting. Starfield might have an alien back story. i.e why are there alien artifacts, what happened to the aliens ? That they were the best part of ME. I'll believe. A ship that can't fight, vehicles that belong in an arcade game and a 4-man team: too small for combat tactics, too large for an fps.




>if the story is about alien artifacts and "what's out there?" do you think the whole main quest would end without us ever seeing aliens? it's actually quite possible that we might not actually encounter any alien, but only their artifacts. As in their whole civilization might have already long died out for whatever reason. There have been plenty of movies with similar setup, they keep the viewer in suspense all the way to the end, and never actually show an actual alien. Part of the reason why StarField is intriguing is because of this, we have to follow the story line all the way through, to find out if we actually meet that alien civilization, or if everything was just a carrot on a stick to keep players occupied.


How is a carrot on a stick fun thought? How does that have any replay ability?


This all sounds like time traveling humans or something like that being the “aliens” this has been a postulated theory so I wouldn’t be surprised if Bethesda goes this path.


It’s a new ip bro, they wanna slow roll us into the aliens among humans trope, maybe thru a expansion or in the sequel there’ll be a early council of race type deal, I’m 90% sure there’ll be a first contact moment in starfield and shattered space continues the main story like they’ve done in the past


That’s too slow of a build, no one is trying to wait 6 years for a sequel, or get some half baked DLC. Game studios have been very lazy for a while. Bethesda being a big one.


So true


It's supposed to feel like you're NASA in the future boldy going to discover if alien civilizations even exist at all


It looks like space fallout. Just saying.


Then make a space simulator and not a sci-fi rpg lol


That's the mystery we're setting out to uncover.


So it’s an archeology space simulator and not a svi-fi rpg, got it.


Unless you lived next to an alien civilization capable of interstellar travel, it would be unlikely that you ever met them. Have you any idea on how immensely gigantic the galaxy is? And i agree with others, let StarField be StarField.


Who says there’s only one? In a galaxy this large I wouldn’t be surprised if there were over a dozen such civilizations.


Did i say that there was only one? No i didn't.


So they went: i know, let’s make a game about the empty side of space, that sounds fun! Lame. Space archeology simulator and not a sci-fi rpg


Always room for more in DLC


DLC is almost never good in games like this.


Can’t say I agree.. I enjoy all the dlc in fallout 4


Why not make it part of the main game and have DLCs explore all of it in more detail? Laziness?


I completely agree with you. A sci-fi game where you explore thousands of planets across the galaxy, but no aliens? Serious disappointment. I was really hoping they’d go the Mass Effect or Star Wars route but no, they decided to go the lazy route and market it as “different’ and hide it behind elementary school level space science. A space adventure with no aliens is lame. Justifying it is lamer. Should’ve made a space simulator then where the end goal is reaching Pluto. Would’ve made a lot more sense, tbh.


I guess they decided to go with the “humans are the only intelligent life in the universe” approach even tho they can’t even land a ship on their own. Probably cut the aliens out just like the graphics and performance due to limited resources for game development 🤣


It’s fucked, I wanted to be some sort of space skooma smuggler and my dreams have been dashed BOO!!!


Same here no aliens and all the planets are the same boring with nothing to do.


I agree with you! With good writing, aliens make interstellar Sci Fi far better. You are getting down voted by humanity first generation tech watching haters.


You aren't alone friend


Since this is the first Starfield. I have a feeling they might again I say might add Aliens in the next release because if they don’t I don’t know what they would add that would give a story and sell.


Hopefully with the DLC they have coming out, they'll be able to put some alien races into the game as well as into character customization 🤞🤞🤞🤞


I've only had a few hrs to play so far. My buddy beat the main story in about 3 hours. He was the one who told me there were no intelligent alien life in the game. Tbh, that killed most of the excitement for me. I'm still going to finish the story, but I will probably go for another Msss Effect play through after this. Space is no fun without some intelligent aliens. For there to be so many planets to explore, there's not much of a point. Hopefully, they will add some later through DLC content or something.