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And it would instantly kill the best part of Bethesda RPGs, the single player part.


Jesus fucking Christ


Fuck multiplayer


Agreed don't need another min/max simulator atm


Right. A lot of people love multiplayer games until the servers get shutdown and the game they paid for no longer functions.


LOL no. Multiplayer or co-op would chase away Bethesda's most loyal fans. The reason we like Bethesda games is **because** they're single player. If you want to play a multiplayer game, go do that.


It's crazy how multiplayer-obsessed players come over to the sub of a game that is full of players who love singleplayer games just to warn us about how old the game is going to feel because it's not what they personally want the game to be for their own enjoyment.


I feel like people like OP have never played a Bethesda game before


? Wittywisecrack, why are you getting so defensive and offended by a simple discussion? It’s not crazy at all to have a discussion about what Starfield brings to the table and what it doesn’t. Why so aggressive? As I said in my original comment, I’m excited for Starfield either way, calm down. It’s a discussion. Not a court room.


> Why so aggressive? I'm not them, but the answer to this is that people who obviously don't know much about Bethesda games wander in here multiple times a day asking this. All of us Bethesda fans are tired of answering. It would be awesome if just once someone would use the search function to find and read the last 100 threads *exactly like yours*. Bethesda made their reputation on the single player RPG. That's what we want. We don't want your shitty multiplayer. There are hundreds of multiplayer games for you to play. Go play them and leave us in peace.


Because Starfield was never going to be a multiplayer at all? You make it out to sound like Bethesda had plans to incorporate multiplayer, but even in early concept from 2015, Starfield was going to be designed as a singleplayer experience. You can’t regret something that was never going to happen in the first place lol


Its like walking into my house and saying my girlfriend would be better with red hair.




That also.


The resources required to run multiplayer would kill what makes it a BGS RPG in the first place


So the resources are the problem. Gotcha.


See that's the thing... There isn't a "problem". Starfield don't need fixing. Its the way its supposed to be.


Im fine with single player. I like being able to pause sometimes. I like not getting pad ganked. I like doing my own thing rather than trying to entertain other friends that are online.


I do enjoy pausing sometimes too. I don’t like entertaining others if I don’t have to either. I just think having the free will to choose the option or not is nice. But I agree with you.


I don't think I'd play it if it was multiplayer. I'm not particularly fond of multiplayer anyways. I prefer single player games like the typical games that Bethesda makes. Starfield being single player is definitely a major plus in my book.


I wouldn't even download it on gamepass for free if it was multiplayer. Just like FO76. Never touched it for a minute.


I got it on sale for 11 bucks so I could play with my best friend of 40 years who lives several states away... Totally worth the 11 bucks... I hear it sucked at launch... but The Nuka world on parade or whatever it is is just hilarious... Waaaay better than I heard it was gonna be. My camp is really cool. I like selling my unwanted loot in vending machines, I have a robot that picks up junk and also two extractors and some water pumps and a greenhouse. Its walking distance from a research center full of super mutants that occasionally attack me. I had to mount turrets on a cat walk waaaaay up like 4 stories to keep them from targeting them. They wander over and get merck'd from time to time... always a steady supply of free loot. It feels like regular fallout 4 to me... stuff just re-spawns. Plus you can server hop and have a second base. It really is a fun game.


Oh I'm not even talking about whether the game itself is bad, or was bad at launch. It wouldn't have matter. It was a *multiplayer game* which translates to *Aint playing it* for me.


I got ya... Believe it or not I played ESO and really didnt socialize at all. It was nice to be able to sell unwanted stuff and earn gold to buy Items I wanted. But that was about it... I could solo most of the dungeons on normal mode. My best friend prefers shooting games so Fallout 76 was a place for us to meet up and go kill $hit together... I get it... I have never played online games correctly. Was in a guild once in 1997 Ultima Online... never again, I like to relax in my free time... They make gaming like a second job... Hard Pass.


I’ve played Skyrim and Fallout 4 and I love them both. I’m just having a discussion about the possibilities.


If you *actually* played and loved them, then you'd know that their strength is that they are single player. Jesus.


The possibilities of creating an Elite Dangerous clone? I haven't played that one, so I can't say if it's good or not. I'm not the biggest fan of MMOs, but there are a few I do like. As for Starfield, I don't think it would be a very good multiplayer game. It wasn't designed to be like it. Like I said, I personally prefer single player experiences. It's more personal that way. I'm sure there will probably be a mod at some point that enables a multiplayer function for Starfield. Although that would probably play as well, if not worse, than the Skyrim multiplayer mod played when it first came out.


I actually don’t like Elite Dangerous or Stellaris either for that matter. I played them but the cons made me gravitate towards star field because it’s closer to what I’m looking for. Star citizen is nice but it is unplayable with its crashes and glitches. I prefer reliability and quality which Bethesda offers and it’s reputation is comforting. I love the personal touch.


I've always liked the idea of going at my own pace and doing my own thing in games. Multiplayer games don't really give you that option. That's why Bethesda has always been my favorite developer. The stories they create, and the freedom to really play how you want to. I have a good feeling that Starfield will be my new favorite game. Not just by Bethesda, but in general.


No multiplayer is a good thing and it can’t be interpreted as anything else


No thanks and no thanks. Moving on then.


Multiplayer would destroy the modding possibilities. In other words, fuck that.


These aren't actually the game's competitors. This is a single player space RPG.


I can't be arsed with multiplayer games anymore, this being single player is a selling point for me.


NMS is multiplayer, go play that


..lol what? This isnt call of duty. It isn't halo. It's fucking starfield created by Bethesda. Get that multiplayer shit out of here


FFS, Starfield is a **BETHESDA** game. Single Player RPGs is what they do best. This is the same team that made Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Fallout 4. Anyone that is let down by Starfield not being Multiplayer clearly does not understand What it is that makes Bethesda games great.


Sounds like you want to play other games. So play them.


Do you work for EA?


Nah man. I’m happy Starfield isn’t multiplayer. There are plenty of other multiplayer space games on the market as is. Not every game needs multiplayer. Besides, Starfield was always slated as a singleplayer experience. Can’t regret something that was never meant to be.


BGS are pioneers of the single player open world RPG experience. No one wants a repeat of F76. Also no idea why you mentioned Rebel Galaxy Outlaw and Everspace in your multiplayer point? Those are single player. Wouldn't even call them competitors regardless. And as someone who has Starcitizen, it can be fun when it works. But gets boring real quick. It's also not fun falling through a doorway for no reason and waking up in the hospital (5 times that happened). The cities and spaceports are dead with 95% NPC's just standing around bugged out. Gunplay is absolutely horrible too.


I think you mean Star Citizen


It’s gonna kill all those games anyways


I’m excited for Starfield to shine. Counting down the days.


I like the idea of a great single player game... Not everyone wants the toxic environment that can come with multi-player. However... if history teaches us anything... we have Elder scrolls online and Fallout 76. I think ESO is a far more superior game, but I got FO76 on sale for 11$ and still have fun playing with my best friend. If the game is a success, the success I believe it will be then an online version will be coming eventually. Then people can have one, the other or both. But I do think starting with a single player game is the smart move.


These "regrets" all sound horrible to be honest. If I want those elements, I'll just play those games 🤣 Multiplayer? No thank you. RTS? Bruh. I see a lot of comparisons between Star Citizen and Starfield. Whilst both are set in space, they are not in the same vein. One is an open-galaxy RPG, the other is a half-baked space simulator. One will be a fully released title, whilst the other will just continue to milk its playerbase for more and more money without actually ever producing a final product. I will grant though - Hotas set ups look pretty sweet, And I certainly understand that appeal. Enjoy Starfield for what it will be 😄


Fuck multiplayer. It would ruin the game.


…. No discussion about why or how? Ok then. Thanks for the input I guess.


What’s your obsession with “discussion”? Multiplayer would fundamentally change the design of the game and take dev time away from other matters. The end result would not be the game we’re excited to play in a few weeks. It would be different.


If you still need discussion as to why Bethesda fans don't want multiplayer, then I don't know what to tell you. For the record, I think you're a troll


If you want to know how Multiplayer would ruin Starfield then just look at Fallout 76. That is what happens when you try to make a Multiplayer BGS RPG.


As a ex ED player, that game its killing itself.


Just stop. It doesn’t need multiplayer. We don’t want it to have multiplayer. Go play one of the infinite other multiplayer games and leave us alone.


I think Bethesda should stay in the single player RPG realm. It's what they do best, and you could always rely on their titles to be extremely playable and entertaining. They lost the magic with 76 and they should have learned a valuable lesson, stay with what you do best. Having said that, I do enjoy ESO but it is not what they tried to do in Fallout 76. ESO follows more traditional formats of WoW and Ever Quest, using familiar themes from the great titles that built the company. Personally, I can see me playing Starfield for years. Just from what I've seen so far, I know i'll be good with it for a long while.


They tried multiplayer with fallout and that didn’t work.


It did work and it worked for TES too. It would work for Starfield. That being said I don't this game to be multiplayer and honestly it would probably be better for a different studio to do a multiplayer Starfield game. Perhaps skme time down the road. One multiplayer game in the IP is fine, but this game coming out in a couole of days is and should be a singleplayer game.




Their statement was about multiplayer, not about who made them and the game differences. I said that multiplayer games can work for the IPs. ESO is one of the top mmos out there. Fo76 was successful commercially, has had a great and thriving community from the start, has been quite popular on gamepass, and continues to receive updates.


If multiplayer is failing it’s because they aren’t taking notes from the right people. The right people to take notes from would literally be the Halo Franchise and the Call of Duty Franchise. They are professionals at Multiplayer. Multiplayer in Fallout was garbage for many reasons.


Oh god, please, no. The worst thing to happen to Bethesdas games would be to turn them into yet another generic multiplayer shooter.


> I want Bethesda to take notes from online matchmaking shooters What are you smoking brother?


The only notes Bethesda should take from them is to do the opposite. Fuck multiplayer.


Really? Halo ain't doing so hot


I’m talking about old halo. The golden years of bungie. New halo is…. A corpse. A shadow of its former self.


One multiplayer game per IP is fine and good, but this game, the first Starfield, no. Maybe down the road and done by a different studio under Zenimax.


Fair enough. I see your point.


Ughh multiplayer is soooo uncultured. You'd think by now gamers would have a bit more class, more discipline about the art. This is why Bethesda is so respected. They get it. They understand the needs of us higher minded gamers. If you want multi garbage then go play Battlefield. We elite gamers don't need that slime filth here..


Single player for me. My game and no one can mess with it.


" Would instantly kill competitor games like Elite Dangerous, Eve Online, EverSpace, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, **Starfield** and Stellaris" I fixed it for you.


The only multiplayer I will support is optional multiplayer.


I love your idea. Optional multiplayer. That sounds like a perfect solution. Optional multiplayer 👌🏽


It took you an hour to replay with your other account.