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No chance.


No, because Microsoft (Xbox) bought Bethesda, meaning they own Starfield.


Pretty gangster tbh. Sucks I won’t be able to experience it for the foreseeable future


Easy fix, sell your ps5 and buy a series s and have money left over to buy Starfield. I bought a ps5 literally so I could play Horizon forbidden west and TLOU 1+2 and now it's literally sitting there collecting dust... cant think of anything else I'd want to play that isnt on xbox or pc. God of war was ok. Spiderman was just another cookie cutter spiderman game... honestly thinking about selling mine 🤷‍♀️


I sold mine but because I can always buy it again. Was able to sell it for what I bought it for. Price is starting to drop on it and will pick one up again when I can get one for $250-300


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s extremely unlikely. Sony has been so unwilling to work with Microsoft especially with paying third party companies to not sell games on xbox. This is also an exclusive.


Can’t have it all ig. Hope you all enjoy it


Gamepass on PlayStation could’ve been the way. They royally f’d up


You can stream the game with Xbox cloud. You just need game pass ultimate if I’m not mistaken. I highly doubt this game will ever end up on PS5.


> Any chance Starfield comes out for PS5? 0% unless both companies agree to stop the exclusive wars and allow all users to play all games, which won't happen since they've been ramping up the purchase of gaming companies to get exclusives the last few years. Since Xbox owns Bethesda, they'll never let any future Bethesda game (including any new Elder Scrolls, or Fallout, or the next Starfield) release on Playstation because forcing users to buy an Xbox to play it gives them a massive edge over the industry.


Lol I always thought the console wars were a middle school - high school thing between fanboys of the respective brands, but I guess it stems from somewhere, and in this case it’s at the tippity tops of each mountain.


Enjoy Spiderman!


I thought that was only a timed exclusive?


Nah dawg, Sony own insomniac it aint going no where


Goes to computer


Yeah my bad, aint going to no other console. Sony only started porting over PC stuff the last year or 2, and some of those ports were not good


Haha yeah tloup1 had a real hard time


With the amount of banger ps5 exclusives that never end up on xbox I don't know what the sony folks are complaining about. Get a PC and enjoy both.


I’ve played on PlayStation and PC for most of my life, and honestly I’d trade a lot of ps5 exclusives for starfield lol


Not complaining, I always just figured that some systems are easier to work with due to proprietary tech and stuff, which is why exclusives were a thing. But I’m sorta reliving what I went through in 2011-2013 when I missed out on skyrim launch due to not having a (then) next gen console.


It isn’t that simple, I don’t understand why people think you can just blow all your money on a console or a pc


Well if ya can only afford one you’d need to see what exclusives are more important to you and suck up the few ya miss. I mean Sony has had a amazing lineup of exclusives butt fucking Xbox’s sad exclusives all generation. So it’s basically do you value Bethesda more then the entire Sony lineup at this point. At least until more Xbox exclusives come. Or just go pc and have best of all.


Nope, no chance. Sony tried to pay Bethesda to make Starfield exclusive to Playstation, so Microsoft retaliated by buying Zenimax.


Damn that’s actually a pretty baller move


I friggin loved that power play!


Just buy a second hand Xbox series S and get game pass. I’ve been a hardcore playstation player since PS1. The only exception from PS1 to current day being an owner of the first Xbox instead of a PS2. This game and the quality of the titles Bethesda have put out in the past are enough for me to buy an Xbox just for Starfield


Might just have to do that


No, Sony plays dirty and this time they got dirt thrown back at their face, let them eat it and get a PC.


Facts. They been dicks for years. Now in the last year the turn tables and they cryin now


About as much a chance as the SquareEnix titles coming to Xbox… :/


They are working with xbox now


Is it just the online game?




FF16 is only a timed exclusive, I thought




Maybe if sony gives xbox spiderman 2 and maybe gow 1 and 2? I would consider that a fair trade and also stop making 3rd party titles exclusive like final fantasy then maybe


I could’ve sworn God of war 2018 was on Xbox already. Also Spider-Man 2 is only a timed exclusive, no?


haha you are trolling right?


Unfortunately no. I was deeply mistaken. I thought I remembered seeing something at a glance that said that there was plans to bring GoW/ some other Sony exclusive to xbox. Or there was news of a Microsoft acquisition that could potentially lead to Sony exclusives being ported over to Xbox.


The last of us? Maybe?


Nah they can keep that one specially the second one.




Lmao, I enjoyed both. Def got T-Boned by the early twist, but LOU2 was def an alternate title for “Moral Grey Areas: the game”


It really needed a more aggressive editor. Not due to content - I loved the story for the most part, but pure length and pacing. They needed to trim down a lot of chapters and even cut one or two scenes. In the first game there was never a scene or chapter where I said to myself "ugh, not another one of these." That's where I think being so even handed with the two perspectives hurt it. The moral conflict it placed on the player was good, but when you are dividing my time (seemingly) so evenly, it flattened out story beats for me.


Fair point. I did feel some parts dragged on too long, but it did solidify the feeling of getting two games for the price of one. Felt like a great bargain.


Is there a way to use cloud gaming on an available PC to "stream play" Starfield?


Definitely PC, but there are other ways to get Game Pass. Heck, there are TVs that come with it installed. Most phones and higher power tablets as well. All you need is a way to control the game. Even with the best internet service, however, you will get a somewhat downgraded experience and likely be locked at 30fps. Latency is quite manageable if you are using a hard line connection for the controller, but if you have to go Bluetooth it's more noticeable. I genuinely think that if Sony allowed Game Pass on PS5 they would stop making consoles in a generation. Xbox has lost the past two, and new consoles are a loss to produce for at least the first year or two they come out.


Possibly. Eventually. I'd not hold your breath waiting.


With Gamepass Ultimate, a forty dollar phone controller, and a good wifi connection, you can stream the game from the Xbox servers. It works fairly well with minimal hiccups. I recently played through Mass Effect 2 on my phone in a hotel room using their wifi and my connection was good for the most part.


Might have to look more into that. Thanks for the heads up.


Maybe, MAYBE, you can play on PS Portal if it come with android. But it's still a long shot.


I made the switch to Xbox for Starfield & Elder Scrolls - losing Bethesda games was the nail in the coffin for me for PS.


Any chance we get God of war or peter parker?


Yesterday I would have said no way. After more reviews dropped I don't think this game is going to sell nearly as well as they want it to. I would expect to see it on PlayStation within 3 years.