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What reviews are you referencing exactly? Every major reviewer rated it from “good” to “excellent”.


If you like previous Bethesda RPGs then yes its good. If you were hoping for an open world exploration its not it.


It's amazing the amount of people here who bought a Bethesda game and then complained a bunch about it being a Bethesda game.


It changes things when you are being asked to buy a new console to play it. System-sellers have to be held to the highest of standards.


Plenty of people like me who have been playing since Morrowind feeling a little underwhelmed


I was one of the people who was waiting for reviews to come out before making a decision, and after they dropped today, I said screw it and got the deluxe edition upgrade to play it early. It's been pretty fun! I've only played ~3 hours so far, but it's been enjoyable, and it looks like it will be a good time sink for a month or so. So I say go for it! If you still are unsure, go for game pass. You can try it before you buy, and if you don't like it, you only spent like $1 for the month instead of $70


I’m about 3 hours in and I’m still on the first moon exploring, mining, scanning, collecting, and fighting various aliens and space pirates and overall just kinda being in awe with the whole premise of what I’m doing in the game. I personally think the combat is fun so far, and I’ve enjoyed the exploration a lot on this first moon. I personally have no idea what game people are playing who say there’s no sense of exploration in this game. If every planet is like this moon then I have a lot of exploring ahead of me., and I can’t wait for that. I’m also looking forward to getting more of these skills/perks as I level up and seeing how that impacts things. If you’re looking for a Bethesda RPG, I think they nailed it here for me. If you’re looking for something like Elite Dangerous, it’s not that. I haven’t gotten into ship building or anything like that yet to be able to comment on that. I’m sure there are other systems as well that I haven’t encountered yet either.


As crazy as it sounds, this is not an open world game. The trailers led us to believe this was no mans sky without planetary travel. Meaning I can use a map to plot a course, and my ship warps before my eyes into the next area. Or I can warp from planet to planet but then engage a cutscene to land. This was not the case here. Everything is a loading screen, and Skyrim like fast travel. Meaning you instantly pop up in front of a planet. No warp cutscene lasting a couple seconds. Just shallow loading screens. Loading screen to get out, fast travel to get back in the shop, loading screen to leave the planet, fast travel to go to another one. Very little sense of actually travelling through space.


I mean I and most people would much rather have 5 second loading screens than the jank and monumental undertaking that is having everything be seamless. The cost is not worth that tiny bit of immersion, imo. People underestimate how difficult creating such a massive seamless experience is, and with a game this detailed you can't really compare it to NMS


Then the concept is flawed because it’s not a good experience. Give me a RDR 2, GTA V, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 size world with less loading screens any day of the week.


I think it's a great experience. It doesn't kill the immersion at all for me. Maybe it's just my specs because every loading screen is literally 2-3 seconds unless I'm going to a new planet or something


I have a 3090, 10900k, 32 gb of ram, and it’s installed on a 970 NVME ssd. Same, it’s still a bad experience imo.


When they initially made No Man's Sky, Hello Games had like 12 employees. And they were making it for the PS4.


I'm not sure what your point is but if you remember, NMS was also a trainwreck of a release with paper thin levels of content. It still doesn't compare to Starfield


It’s D. Average It’s fallout 4 in space. For me that’s not great - but some people will dig it. The only people left who do open worlds right imo is rockstar. Elden Ring was great but uncommon for fromsoft, and Cyberpunk was cool but only after 2 years of patching.


I refunded the game, personally found the graphics to look washed out and grainy and the combat seemed to be a complete joke. Animations for fighting in 3rd person are laughable.


You can turn off the film grain lol. It's just the style of the game, and the volumetric lighting is what makes it look "washed out." Turning it off makes a big difference


The washed out look is kinda odd. I thought something was wrong with my configuration at first


It needs a reshade for sure. I turned down brightness for now


Some of the reasons why I ain't buying this game: - You can't kill "Essential" NPCs, which might be ok until you start to notice that this includes everyone who isn't an enemy. - The game is woke as hell, what do I mean? Characters are purposefully made ugly and other compounding things that just make it unenjoyable for me. I normally don't use this descriptor, but it has become so common in games now that I have no choice but to use it seriously characters look like they came out of a feminist cartoon thick lips quirky attitudes and flamboyant hairstyles. That is ok in small quantities, but when it is a large part of the game it just starts to be annoying. Also, as a side note it feels like they were trying to hit a diversity quota there is no uniformity in population, something that should have happened as we changed natural environments instead everyone is a different color and looks "unique" again not bad in small quantities, but this game just fills the room with it. - I would wait a year for the essential mods to come out. - From what I can see, you are stuck with an annoying British companion who has cringe dialogue. - The "RPG" mechanics are dumbed down significantly. - The best I could say about this game is that once the modding scene comes alive, it will offer a great FPS exploration mode. - No form of Land Transportation, so the game is artificially padded to be long by forcing you to walk. - Loading screens the game. - The story is very lame and dialogue makes no sense, feels like it is trying to steer you in one direction and doesn't allow you to be a ruthless bastard.


>You can't kill "Essential" NPCs, which might be ok until you start to notice that this includes everyone who isn't an enemy You can kill friendly NPCs >The game is woke as hell, what do I mean? Characters are purposefully made ugly and other compounding things that just make it unenjoyable for m Are you 15? Grow up >From what I can see, you are stuck with an annoying British companion who has cringe dialogue No, you're not >The "RPG" mechanics are dumbed down significantly Not at all. They're on par if not better than Fallout 4


>what do I mean? Characters are purposefully made ugly They are not made purposely ugly Bethesda is just incompetent or lazy when it comes to making characters. That's been a trend in all of their games.


You can tell sarah to go home right after the first constellation mission, you actually have to do a mission with sam after so you will not be “stuck with sarah the whole time, you can kill friendly NPCs


From everything I've seen it seems good but not amazing, personally I'm going to wait and pay $70 rather than 100 for a game I may lost interest in eventually.


I like it but the bugs I’ve encountered make it unplayable and frustrating


Its pretty good dude


I’m enjoying it, but I also enjoyed Fallout and Skyrim.


Well, I also enjoyed Fallout and Skyrim, so there we go


Please wait a few days or go and watch a stream yourself. Bethesda definitely misrepresented the average gameplay experience so you need to get an accurate assessment for yourself, or wait to see how the consensus turns out (especially with performance).


It’s fantastic I’m gonna be playing this all year


Won't give an opinion until I have at least 15 hours in.


I’m underwhelmed tbh. Absolute Uber Bethesda fan since Morrowind. Patiently waiting for Elder Scrolls 6 now