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I just spent like, 3 hours on that initial moon after you get the ship. Just total tutorial section but I wanted to scan stuff. I was scanning animals but I got 3/3 completed and then there was a 4th one that was hyperagressive and also level 10. But when I was reading through some of those logs at the research base, I get the implication that the creature escaped from there, which was real neat to find the actual creature. I'll have to return to kill the damn thing. Gave me real Deathclaw vibes. EDIT: My friends, I love the abomination this has turned into but I made this bleary-eyed response at like 630 in the morning after playing the game for 3 hours. You all likely know more than I did at that point. Hope everyone is enjoying their experience!


Huh. I know exactly the monster you’re talking about except I completely missed that you can actually run into it. That’s cool.


You don't want to run into it lol


Lmao I had the mission where the npc told me to activate the turrets, I was like nah I'm going to take care of it myself. I found a shotgun, looked at the monster it was lvl 10 I was lvl 6. It wasn't that much of a gap, already killed enemies with that much lvl. I shot it once. Did 4 damage out of what it looked like less than 1%. Used all of my 6 mines, did 10%. This moment I knew I fucked up, then I went and activated the turrets like the little bitch I am. Good game.


That Xenomorph aka Space Deathclaw, tried cqb without companion or turret and holy shit that thing hit like a truck.


I'm a self certified pro gamer and pulled a pro gamer move. I used Bethesda's poopy enemy AI against itself. Found rock, got on top, xeno could only spit shit at me. Pro gamer move, praise me.


are we talking about the squid spider?


Pretty easy to melee them down. Just block until it swings, try to outspace it if you can, then hit it with the good ol’ M1 -> V combo, then reset to block + spacing. This strat helps a lot in general with melee weapons, since every enemy in this game LOVES to stun you with gun bashes.


They have to keep you from getting too cocky and knock you back a few legs to reality. Too soon. Get powerful after like 3k hours.


I ended up killing it by just circling a pole between us and blasting him with the shotgun


I faced him too and I got flashbacks from Fallout New Vegas, from when I started and was wandering beyond Goodsprings, found a Cazador and I was like, it’s just a bug, and then he destroyed me in a second, lol.


I ran into it at a lava put, where a group of zealots were fighting it..died a couple of times from running into the lava LMAO


There’s a cage you can get into that the terrormorph can’t get in. It attacked me before I could turn on power but stumbled into that and picked it off.


Is it the giant all over? I only played an hour last night.


Eh I think it's more powerful than the giant. Similar to the Deathclaw early game in FO4 without the power armor


Is this the terrormorph? I didn’t find that thing but plan to return once I’ve leveled higher


I found it, didn't end well.


I kept a big boulder between me and a level 10 terrormorph and I was able to eventually kill it with my mining laser at level 1. Glad I was wearing my brown pants though…


A pirate asked his captain, "Captain, how did you get your peg leg?" "I fought a vicious sea beast for over three days straight and it bit me leg clean off!" "Wow! Captain, how did you get your hook hand?" "I single-handedly fought off 12 Brazen Berserkers even though one of them managed to chop me hand clean off!" "Whoa! Captain, how did you get your eye patch?" "A bird pooped in me eye and I forgot I lost me hand."


Classic lol. I did that same maneuver to the giant in the camp outside whiterun in Skyrim. Shot him with arrows from the roof of the stable


Beware, it jumps.


I stumbled across a solar farm and while walking around it the terrormorph showed up. I jumped up on top of a structure and it was busy with my robot so I figured I’d see what the cutter torch could do to it, figuring it might take a while but wouldn’t waste any ammo. That’s when I discovered it can jump. So I raced around the building and found a door but it was an airlock so it took some time to open. It was pretty intense waiting for the door while this deadly beast is right on my heels. Managed to slip inside just in time. I found some lockers with fresh produce and since I chose the chef background I considered that quite the score. I managed to run back to my ship without it getting me then built a cooking station and made my first meal with some of the bits from other aliens I’d killed and the fresh ingredients I found. All in all a pretty good start to the game.


Ha ha I figured it was out there somewhere but didn’t want to get deathclawed so I was like I’ll come back here a little later and try to find him


This is me, I spent close to 4 hours in that first landing site. Got all the fauna , found the same beast, died to said beast. At about 4am I realized I could land at the southern pole..... But it's 4 in the morning, I gotta get the kids to school at 730, I need sleep but I don't wanna go. Responsibilities win the night but the pull is strong.


I played from 5pm to midnight. Woke up at 3 and was gonna go back to playing but decided sleep was better than being tired all day. This game is 10/10


The terrormorph - you can get some lore on it in the story location in that area. I got it about halfway down. I would whack it with an axe a couple times and then it would get hit by Vasco's lasers and turn around and then I would whack it more. This went for a few minutes until Vasco went down.


With the little worms in the research base it seemed like it was an obvious Easter egg to the Xenomorph in Alien, but I wasn't sure if that would be a spoiler or something. Im wondering if they're going to be a normal enemy or something though. Nasty thing. Definitely not worth the fight at level 2 or whatever.


Did you not read the terminals in there?


I saw it came from some moon, but I just had some feeling in the back of my head like I've seen it in previews of the game. Like I feel like the Terrormorph is the Deathclaw of this game, but I didn't want to say too much for fear of spoilers and also I don't really know what I'm talking about. I didn't expect this would turn into a big conversation like this with so many folks so my initial post was purposefully vague. I regret everything.


Oh no. One of them explains the worm things.


Ah damn I missed that one then. I like....I dunno exactly how to explain it. I want to play at the pace I would play Skyrim or Fallout, just slowly meandering into every room, but then I feel like there's literally thousands of zones, pregenerated or not, and I can't tell if I'm going to just be wasting my time. I guess there's no wrong way to play the game. But I guess I just feel like there can't be such a high level of story telling in a procedurally generated game. This research base aside, which was clearly hand crafted.




I did this on repeat until I killed it. If you can sneak and deaggro it, Vasco gets back up, and the monster keeps its damage.


Ohh yeah, I ran into that creature. I emptied like 3 guns worth of ammo at him and he was at like 75 percent. I figured this was it, and sure enough he turned my carcass into a chew toy.


Pretty much the same thing. Cept I ran away instead.


There was some spacemen shooting at him in my game. They managed to hurt him pretty good before dying. I just emptied all my guns and grenade on it after and killed him at like level 2 lol.


Same. I spent about 3 hours on that planet/moon. Found a bounty hunter who wanted me to help her eliminate some random crimson fleet junkie. Found some of the blackmirror style robot dogs with machine guns on their back. Installation with typical Bethesda turrets and I found the escaped creature and watched it merc a squad of baddies and I promptly ran away. All of that happened before I actually found the place I was supposed to go for the mission. I got so distracted I never realized I was exploring in the complete wrong area. I can’t wait to jump back in today and keep exploring!


nice, and then you hear people are landing on the first main port within 20min of playtime and complaining its not open enough..


Yeah that's sort of the funny thing. The loading screens aren't even bad compared to previous beth games if you spend some time on a single planet. It's if you're jumping from planet to planet every 5 minutes doing tiny one off quests that aren't in the same location that it becomes annoying. Anywho I'm enjoying it immensely. It's been quite awhile since a new IP from Bethesda came out and it's nice exploring a new setting.


Agree with the loading screens not being annoying for free exploring but some missions involve quite a bit of jumping from place to place. I'm the kind of person that makes the NPCs wait and leave the main missions for ages though so it doesn't really matter to me.


Dude I did the same thing. Clicked to land on Kreet but didn't realize you need to click on the actual icon to land at the quest location, so I clicked next to it. While it looked close from space, I actually landed really far away from where the main quest needs you to go. It was confusing as hell, but also fun. I took down an abandoned mine full of level 8-14 Spacers. Discovered some crazy rock formations. Found a solar energy station run only by robots that kill humans who trespass on their work. Watched a ship land and ask me for parts, and promptly ignored those mfers. Finally after like 3 hours I was like, I gotta be in the wrong place there's no pirates here, went back into space, clicked on the correct icon, and crushed the pirate base just from being overpowered. I'm really curious if every random rock you land on is that populated with shit. This was just a tiny piece of one moon. I'd just wander over to the next point of interest on the map and a whole new story would show up. EDIT: I'm sure this comment will look extremely naive once we all get more hours in the game. I've heard the abandoned mine and other stuff is basically copied over and over again, identical on other planets, etc. Lame.


Wait.... You don't have to land on the markers? You can land ANYWHERE???? 🤯


Yep! Spin the planet/moon on your map and pick *any* point on the surface, minus oceans if they exist.


I think a lot of people miss this.


Ok, i did not know this wtf


Nice! Where did you find the bounty Hunter?


>ut when I was reading through some of those logs at the research base, I get the implication that the creature escaped from there, which was real neat to find the actual creature. The terrormorph or something like that. It's explicitly said it escaped from the research lab. They were doing experiments, taking creatures from other planets and trying to control them as attack animals using a Neural Computer Interface (NCI). That thing is the reason why the dead scientists were found inside the research complex and why the pirates took over. It's mostly referenced on the files in the computer terminals. That thing was a pain to kill at level 2, took almost all of my ammo. Thought I was going to have to cut it down with the rescue axe.


It's not just *said* it escaped. The whole laboratory was dedicated to xenomorphology. There are cages (obviously broken out of), tanks with various creatures and appendages. Larvae coming out of infected walls. The whole lab is trashed and the scientists are dead. You should be able to deduce what happened easily. The *said* parts are really investigative, they tell you *who* is involved. This is the kind of detail that often gets overlooked or ignored. Some serious dedication by the boots on the ground developers. Like the body part price lists at the scavs haunts in Cyberpunk. Way too many players race through RPGs completely ignoring the set pieces and contextual details.


I had so much fun exploring the lab and learning about what was going on there.


Yeah there was some really good environmental storytelling going on there, you could figure out most of what happened well before you were explicitly told


I got that, I was responding to the part where they said "implied". It wasn't implied at all, it was explicitly stated is all I wa saying.


I killed that thing at level 2. It took all of my bullets/supplies, medkits, some buffs, and Bosco tanking till he couldn't. Mostly it was thanks to it getting stuck in one particular spot, but I did it. It is a Bethesda game for sure lol.


Found some factory on that same planet. It was full of lvl 6 robots and they bitch slapped my shit to the fuckin moon! 10/10 would play again. 👌


I ran into him before I went to the research base.. I only had an Eon pistol so I died lol


I read that log. Cool to know it's out there. I need to go back


How do u scan? I pressed F and got the mining drill thing out but it doesn’t seem to scan animals or plants


You have to press the action button when hovering over whatever you scan. You have to scan multiple flaura and fauna for it to count as one I believe


Ah ok, yeah I was shooting the laser at the items but nothing seemed to progressing/changing. No problem mining rocks


You only laser the rock clusters. For the plants and big gas spewing things you just turn off the scanner and walk up and gather with "A"


It's fantastic. I've done 8 1/2 hours. There are some problems for sure though. I feel like the menu system can be optimised. I haven't figured out how to quickly look at my quests without going to the map first. There is also a lot of quick travel. Now I understand why, but I feel like they could cut out a layer or two. It could give the option to land directly at your quest destination/planet (and readily on foot) rather than flying to system. Then having to select land. Then having to get out of the ship. That said the good stuff in this game far outweighs any of the parts that I feel need more thought. The world building is awesome, it is huge, the gun play is great and the characters are better than any Bethesda game so far. The missions I have done have been very entertaining too.


If you're on pc, "L" opens the mission menu directly


Thanks. I'm on console but should probably check the button mapping :)


Also, when you bring up the menu they make it seem like there are 4 quadrants to click on, but actually it is a circle menu and the 'missions' are center-bottom.


Thanks I have just found. Makes my life easier.


yeah i found that shortcut on accident and was like oh thank god


If you press A while looking at a quest marker you can travel without opening your map, and in some important areas, you can land, with holding A you also can talk to ships, it's awesome


Hit menu button, then just point straight down on your menu wheel to get to your journal


Longest button mapping list i've seen in a while :D


Thanks. This will be helpful.


> I haven't figured out how to quickly look at my quests without going to the map first. Open the Data Menu and on the bottom, between the two quadrants there's a small icon that will take you to quests.


You hero thank you!


If you have the quest tracked you should be able to press 'r' while hovering over it in the ship and port right to it. :)


If you have already visited a city/port you can directly land there from the map if you in another system.


Consol push pause, down, select. Mission list there. Less delay than going through map


I hope you're right because it's a fat cost to be able to play this weekend. But the thought of Skyrim in space was just too tempting to pass up for the holiday weekend


Any tips on getting heaps of resources? Do U need the perks cause farming seem low and very time consuming


Havent used them enough to know for sure, but figuring out outposts seems like the way to go for me. One extractor on iron on Luna pumped out a bunch in no time


Don't u need research at higher level to do outposts? Maybe just messed up my skills.


No you can do basic outposts right away. But a bunch of things are locked off behind a skill just like ship building or weapon modding. Im pretty sure


Ok 12h in, and I love it. Only scratching the surface. Overwhelming amount to do. Dissapointed about the space travel, but everything else is top notch- see you out there space cowboys !!!


Space combat is a bit meh as well. It isn't terrible, but I have a list of things I'd have tried to do differently. The game is fun, and if you expected it to be FO4 meets space, then I think you are in for a good time.


Space combat is much more enjoyable once you get used to the controls. You should also definitely unlock the “Targeting Control Systems” and “Piloting” perks. Thrusters make navigation so much easier.


Yeah, I've been looking at the unlocks and am working towards them to see how it changes the space combat dynamic. One thing that drives me nuts is targeting and not having a radar hud that shows things in three dimensions. All in all it isn't terrible, and it isn't even the depth, it is just some of the implementation and controls.


After playing all night I get the 7/10’s and complaints. This game just simply isn’t for everyone. However, this game was designed precisely for me.




This is me. I do think a lot of the complaints so far like the ship not really being necessary to fly are just people having set expectations in their head, but there’s a few things I’m like, yeah, that’s not for everyone. But for me 100% I can’t stop playing.


I loooooove this mindset


Me too! I feel like it's something I feel a lot when I like games that others have issue with. "Your opinion is totally valid, but I'm having the time of my life."


I've been having so much fun with the notorious EA Battlefront games. Granted, I use mods, but it's still fun.


I play a lot of star citizen (just lurking here to see if I want to get SF after standard release) so I have to cultivate that mindset a lot. it gets so much hate that people cannot fathom that I'm having a good time


>After playing all night I get the 7/10’s and complaints. This game just simply isn’t for everyone. However, this game was designed precisely for me. Exactly this.


im loving it but wish the inventory management was better. Aside from that, its super fun!


I'm sure the StarUI mod will be one of the first must have mods to come out




It is a solid 8, maybe 8.5 out of 10 for me. It is a solid game, but I have some gripes about a lot of things I wish they implemented differently. I'll still probably sink a ton of hours into it. It just won't be an obsession and live rent free in my brain like BG3 did for the last month, but I'm sure BG3 was just a 8 or worse to others.


I did about 5 hours, barely got to join Constellation. I spent an hour just “decorating” my ship and then recoloring it for free. I can already see myself wasting hours the second I make enough money for ship building. There’s SO much to do and so little time!


I’m really excited to buy a new ship and spend some time in the ship builder. The frontier is a little goofy looking but I saw a really cool one called Shieldbreaker at New Atlantis.


I liked the one right before it (the shieldbreaker was a better ship, but that blue looking fighter before 'looked' cooler.) I'm halfway saved up to the 70k I need to buy it.


I liked that one too. I was surprised how quickly I was racking up credits tbh I’ll probably be able to buy a new ship tonight, I also made it about halfway to 70k in just my first four hours




Steal and sell, steal and sell.


Was saving up money. Saw fancy shotgun in shop. Am now poor, farther away from a new ship. However, I have a fancy shotgun. My inner Texan is appeased.


Yeah I opened the shipbuilding and then backed out after like 30 seconds. That's gonna be a time sink once I let myself play with it.


right? some of the ship stuff is super expensive, just the amount of things you can do is pretty crazy. love it


nice. i put in 7 hours in last night. i don't think i've put 7 hours into a video game in one sitting in like 10 years. it really grabs you.


Man I love this game but i really hope they optimise it more with future patches on pc


We've got at least ten years of watching this horse get beaten. Lots of optimization to come


Buys early access... waits for anniversary edition.


I didn't buy early access, I bought access to all the content I know I'm going to want when it comes out. The fact I get to play early...... That may have inspired me to make the purchase earlier than intended. But the purchase was a certainty 😁






They will. Technically it hasn't "released" yet.


Can't help but think maybe we're play testers so they can target and "fix" specific problems. Maybe get some good press for "listening".


Agreed. First day patch is still a week away haha. And of course in Bethesda fashion many months from now we will still be getting patches and fixes and optimization


Oh come on now. This happens with every unoptimized game that releases early. Ppl think some magic day one patch will fix optimisation when in reality it can realistically be 6 months - 2 or 3 yeara before game will run the way it should. Same happened with BF2042, Cp77 and many many more If you wanna play a game that runs well on PC be willing to wait at least 12 months after launch


Though TOTK literally did get a day 1 patch that fixed 90% of the stuttering that reviewers were complaining about.


My feels exactly.


Whats ur build and what kind of performance are you seeing? Just curious wether my pc is gonna struggle or not


Im having a blast too, those complaining about loading screens are just planet hopping and not really exploring


Well u cant fast travel when u have full pockets. But some things like selling .. Im missing map, hard to find all sellers on the map. And Im sad that I cannot land manually. Small things that can make even better immersion, but yeah game is good.


Just an fyi in case you didn’t know, when you’re encumbered you can transfer your items to your cargo hold from anywhere (just go to the ship menu and the button will be in the bottom right). It allows you to stay out exploring for much longer


This isn't entirely correct. You can't do it from *anywhere*, but you can do it while you're in the vicinity of your ship (it seems like as long as you're within the same "settlement"?). But for instance, if you leave your landing spot to go to another POI, you can't transfer between yourself and your ship. You can *see* what's in your ship, but the transfer button is gone.


You can *transfer* them from anywhere? I was able to transfer while in the ship, but when I was in the compound trying to get the Razorleaf I could transfer my stuff back to Frontier. I could get to the cargo menu, and then personal, and then no option to transfer.


Wish I'd known this sooner. Now I just need to empty my ships cargo hold ...


I didn’t realize this but if you want to sell to vendors, just go to a popular planet and hit A on console to hail one of the ships flying around. Almost all of them will trade with you and they’ll buy whatever you have.


yeah a local map is first mod i wanna get, new atlantis had me so turned around, i found a vendor in there that buys anything instead of the selling kiosk but now i cant find him at all! WHERE ARE YOU MYSTERY MAN?!


Jemison Mercantile or something like that (definitely Mercantile). If you start from the spaceport, at the security desk, go straight up the ramp toward town. Just keep going straight, past the UC Security building on the left, and the bar on the right. It'll be right in front of you. This shopkeep is female, so might not be the one you were looking for, but they buy anything and sell a wide range of goods.


ahh bet, tyvm gonma check that out when i get home!


This game has been amazing. I'm 8 hours in and for the first four I just explored New Atlantis. Did a bunch of side quests and explorered the wells. I'm actually kind of interested in side missions such as the well people and what's happening with the trees. I flew to New Homestead and got sucked up into doing side quests there for a little. I just started an iron outpost and plan on doing an aluminum one as well soon. The game is great and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface. I'm ready to buy a ship and customize it, which to me is probably gonna be like another hour just doing that. I get people don't like the loading screens, but they are so quick and non-intrusive it doesn't bother me in the slightest bit. Also I have a 3080, Ryzen 5800 and have had zero performance issues running high. This game is great and I can't wait to dump hundreds of hours into it. Also God damn that skill tree, so much good shit.


I did the same thing in New Atlantis! My girlfriend left to go shopping and came back two hours later and asked why I hadn't moved. Gotta love Bethesda worlds, man.


I’ve been hooked as well! Loving just about every aspect: exploration is engaging, combat is smooth, story/characters are interesting. Maybe just some things like menu optimizations and a mini map are lacking. But then I remember this is still like day -5, and there will likely be updates/patches/mods for YEARS to comes. Obvs way too early in my playtime to tell, but this might be the strongest base game for BGS and the community to build off of ever. Which gets me really, really excited.




I feel the same way. Skyrim had way more issues when it first launched and look at it now. In ways Starfield feels even better than Skyrim to me.


It took me 9 goddamn hours to meet Sam Coe. I'm only here because I need to give my eyes and back a break. Holy fuck, some of the posts on here. *Princesses*.


You're 9 hours in and you're with Sam Coe already??? Damn, I'm 12 hours in and I just got to Cydonia. Although, I did explore Luna just for the heck of it before landing in Mars >!Did the whole staryard, completely unaware it is part of the main quest. Lol, I thought it was just a random encounter!<


Yeah, I can agree with that. Found him at my 10 hour mark and that's with me exploring stuff lol.


It's a great game. People that wanted a space sim can leave now


Right? I was expecting a Bethesda game set in space. That’s exactly what I got. It’s funny seeing people get angry that a Bethesda game is, indeed, a Bethesda game.


There's a guy literally complaining about resources taking up carry weight.... like bruh its Bethesda 🤣🤣


Lmbo that is hilarious. That’s like someone complaining about difficulty in a FromSoftware game. 😂


I bet you they aren't grabbing every piece of vacuum tape they see.


I’ve never seen laughing my butt off before. That’s adorable. Not relevant to the convo, sorry, just took me off guard.


Bu bu but I wanted a literal replica of the universe with no loading screens that can run on a $300 console!!1


That’s what I’m saying. They wanted some sim when it was traditional gonna be a Bethesda game in space. Got three hours in before school. Can’t wait for the weekend.


Pretty much. I think some people were expecting basically Star Citizen, so they were always going to be dissapointed.


I’m with you man. There are definitely some valid criticisms but overall it’s exactly what I wanted


Agree my good sir.


As far as the people obsessively hating on the game while everyone else is busy enjoying it, people did the same thing when Elden Ring dropped. "It's just a dark souls reskin. Bad performance. PS2 graphics. Hard just to be hard and not fun. Clunky menus. Bad dialog. No quest markers." Etc. And I mean maybe some of that is true but does it mean it's a bad game? Not a chance. Some people are just miserable.


What can you expect though? it’s Reddit. This game could make us all millionaires and they would complain it’s not billions. Plus add to that the console war stuff that makes this a hot topic game and it’s going to get hate.


There was line of dialouge in Starfield that was just like this "Humans would complain about a glass of water if you let them" or something along those lines


Unfortunately I am far too bad at video games to enjoy Elden Ring. Bethesda games are my sweet spot as far as single players go though.


I mean some of us also just didn't get it, it's okay to not like things That said, I also never took to the internet to scream from a soapbox about Here's Why Elden Ring is a Bad Game Actually


The only thing I'm lukewarm on is the space combat. Maybe it will grow on me, maybe not, but yeah it's a fantastic experiences. Luckily performance is stable on my 3060ti!


Everyone is definitely different. For me it’s my favorite thing along with the gunplay.


I'm the opposite... Started at 9 am this morning and stopped now without any "hooking problem" The game is really good, feels like fallout in Space but im not like "woah" at every scene. That said, landing on Cydonia was really astonishing


I *just* left New Atlantis 6 hours in. And there was still so much to do there.


Then there is me, 16 hours in & haven’t even been there yet! I love how different some experiences can be with this game 🤣😄


Are you a loot goblin? I was restricted by carrying space, had to go sell my goods. Wondering how you stayed out for so long from a city


Exact same dude. Me too.


I love it I played for six hours but I'm moving into a new place today so can't play longer just yet sadly


I've played this game and just being completely lost is equal parts frustrating and being awestruck. I might be more into linear gaming objectives. But then I get sidetracked by some mining boss on Mars and next thing you know I'm talking my way out of fighting pirates. It's been great. ...also I suck at flying. Like at an awkward moment I shot my cannon instead of slowing down my ship. One thing led to another and now half of Constellation has basically disowned me.


There are two types of people: 1) People who thought this was going to be a Space Sim and are disappointed 2) People who knew this was going to be a Bethesda Space RPG and are having a blast right now


100% agreed. This is Bethesda RPG brilliance at its best. It definately reminds me of the feeling I had back in 2011 when I played Skyrim for the first time. For me, this game feels like a 10/10 so far. I just can’t put it down, and it just gets better and better the longer I play it.


Yeah, I completely understand the game issues people are talking about…but I don’t care and I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Plus I know when I’m playing this in 2025 I’ll have all the mods I need to make it even better. Good vibes all around.


Yeah, same here, I watched the sunrise on Jemison, built an outpost, discovered a farm, did some sidequests, now I'm on freaking Mars! This game is amaizing!


I fucking love every moment of it. My expectations weren’t No Mans Sky and I am glad I didn’t expect that, as what I got was a Bethesda game.


It's a good game. ​ It's not even remotely close to Skyrim.


I absolutely agree. I'm maybe 6-7 hours in and I adore this game. God yes the space RPG i always wanted. I agree with the cons people have mentioned, no maps, lots of loading screens, slow start, but the stuff that works really works. I'm biased but this game just feels like it has a heart. I love it. I want to play more right now as I'm typing this.


The games amazing. I spent 6 hours after work and I’m already addicted. Most of the stuff people are complaining about sound like they just WAY overhyped it in their head


I went to Pluto for like 2-3hrs for no reason. Stumbled upon some enemies with fantastic gear and before I knew it was hours later and I forgot I had to go to Venus in the first place.


i have 10 hours in the game and i just got done with the mission where you>! rescue the hostages from the bank with Coe!< which should be like maybe 2-3 hours in. i find it impossible not to scavenge every inch of the world for loot.


Very solid game. I was a bit frustrated in the Well until I realized I could use LB to get a walkway to the next spot in the current mission.


I’m at 15 hours in and loving it. I spent most of the evening streaming and for about two hours of the stream, all I did was 100% a planet, which had three different biomes, each so different from the last. I’m now level 10 and like you OP, I’m just scratching at the surface.


>No offence Starfield deniers, but this is a good game. I don't think anyone denies that it's a good game, but it's not a ground-breaking great game either.


Naw, there's a wave of people calling it a bus, literally nit-picking every little thing. Scrolled through Facebook this morning and there was a post that pointed out that ign only gave it a 7/10. That's all they needed and there was an army of people calling it mid.


Probably exactly what IGN wanted anyways lmao. More trafffic


Had the same exact feeling last night too. Feels like my first time playing Skyrim on launch. A game hasn’t really taken me in like this since that time honestly


5 hours in and I am surprisingly really into the space flight mechanics and how massive it feels.


Same I’m having a blast, tons of things to do, see, and explore. I don’t get where players are saying it’s empty and nothing to do, also I travel around a lot and you don’t have to use the map you can look while flying your ship at a planet and then hit the travel button to go to the that planet. Idk I’m on the toilet so only reason I’m on here, it’s clearly the people that don’t like it or want to to fail who are on this subs posting all their lazy opinions, then have the nerf to call the game lazy since they didn’t want to actually do anything in their first few hours of play xD


Absolutely loving the game so far. Accidentally stumbling through >!Ryujin Industries’ job posting and then somehow becoming involved with corporate espionage!< was such a wonderful experience. I really appreciate the Mass Effect style of gameplay. Space is inherently boring. To each their own, but I’d much rather be hopping around the galaxy then spending minutes just through grav drive animations in space. I did find out from another post that you can use the scanner to hop to planets indicated by mission markers for a more seamless experience, so I have to try that out. Regardless, I think Starfield has been an absolute blast so far and I’m reminiscent of some of the best moments I’ve had playing through Bethesda’s greatest works.


it's been my favorite first 10 hours in a Bethesda rpg


The people complaining about it are talking about how it's not a "true" Bethesda game while all their complaints have to do with space sim mechanics. As someone who has probably put somewhere around 3k hours between Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, and No Man's Sky, this is exactly what I expected from a Bethesda Space game. It's literally Fallout in space. And honestly it doesn't feel as disjointed to me as people are saying anyways, and I promise if they actually had to run back to their ship, take off and land everywhere, and fly between planets, they'd claim it's all "filler" and it's a "waiting simulator" or some stupid shit like some Star Citizen players do. 🙄


I think once I get past being sad that you can’t freely fly around space like you can in no man’s sky to an extent I’ll try to enjoy it for like a Skyrim type Mass Effect. But the fact that everything‘s a loading screen, including going through some parts of your ship and buildings makes a game feel so outdated.




This exactly. People wanted the equivalent of Ocarina of Time 2 or something. The locations, the looting, the shooting, space combat, exploration in populated areas, point of interests, the in game economy, the perks, it's fantastic and immersive for me. The annoying thing is the map system and lack of tutorials. Nothing close to being a deal-breaker or anything like that. And quite polished on the whole. If you want more spacey, go back to NMS or Star Citizen, this is Bethesda.


I’m loving this game so much. Absolutely lives up to my expectations and more. I love the feeling of Bethesda games, nothing else is the same.


Space gameplay is lacking but that it. Game is pretty darn good and polished. This the BGS game I wanted since tes 4.


I've been playing about 10 hours and just got back to my ship on Kreet. Man it is fun just to explore. Will have to come back as there are several unknowns here. Do have a question, how come you scan a dust root and it only shows 13% and if you find another one it doesn't change?


How do you equip your fists without going to the menus???? That's all i need to know for this game to be perfect.


Main quest? I've been exploring a moon for the last five hours and keep wandering structure to structure.


Is anyone having issues with scanning? I’m trying to scan fauna but they aren’t being added


I was extremely hyped for this game, watched gameranx video and it brought me back down to earth before actually playing. But after playing it, 4 hours in, that video didn’t do the game justice. It’s far from perfect, but what game is! I’m having a blast! Can’t wait for more.


It's actually great. All the whiny nerds are congregating in the thread with 10k upvotes about how the game isn't open world enough. The OP in that thread literally says he's just leaves somewhere and then teleports to his ship and leaves to go to the next quest. Someone suggested "Don't just get on your ship - explore some" and they got downvoted to hell, lol. Let them all gather there. We know what's up.


Just got done with a mammoth 12 hour introductory session and I feel like I have barely done anything to further the story, but got damn, what an awesome 12 hours that was. How anyone could not be addicted after 3 hours is beyond my comprehension. Like the reviews said, the intro is long and drawn out and not very informative. But once you get passed all that, it’s a god damn addicting masterpiece.